
Power Rangers in Space

#271: PRiS 705: "Red with Envy".

Features Footage from (bold = new footage):
Zyuranger, episode 18;
and Megaranger, episodes 2, 20, 21, 24, 25, 27, & 30.

The complete program, from opening to end of Saban logo, lasts roughly 21:27;19.

Previously On is about 0:30; by itself.

Opening is about 0:45; by itself.

Next Time On is about 0:30; by itself.

Ending is about 0:30; by itself.

Opening Credits (version 2.2 debuts)

Source Description Edit Note
MEGA #30.

Darkonda walks along in a field, stopping and talking to himself.

Fades in from black; cuts follow-up shot.

MEGA #30.

Darkonda switches his sword to his right hand, then turns as he sees Ecliptor materializing.

Cuts follow-up close-ups and Darkonda extending his sword.

MEGA #30.

Darkonda switches his sword to his left hand, lowering it and bowing, Ecliptor approaches and points his sword at him, until he locks blades with him and pushes his sword to the side for a moment, before Ecliptor snaps his blade away.

Final shot is split for later use. This sequence pushed up from source.

MEGA #30.

Darkonda whips out sword and slashes at Ecliptor, missing him, striking again as they both lock blades, before breaking off.

MEGA #30.

Ecliptor talks at Darkonda, who turns and walks away.

Split from earlier. Cuts follow-up stuff already used in 615.

MEGA #25.

In his lab, Darkonda walks forth, his red Crocotox standing nearby.

Cuts additional walking forth. Cuts follow-up shot of blue Crocotox joining them

MEGA #25.

Darkonda steps in beside the Crocotoxes, talking, then leaves.

MEGA #25.

Darkonda approaches his petri dish egg things, as we get a closer look at his lab machinery. He then turns around from it, talking forth between his two monsters.

MEGA #25.

Zoom out as Darkonda bows.

Start is trimmed a little; Transitions out.

MEGA #25.

Zoom in on the ocean, as beneath the waves, red Crocotox unleashes his toxins in the water.

Transitions in; trims start to remove pan over from ambulance. Cuts follow-up of Crocotox jumping out of water and returning to lab.

ZYU #18.

Waves crash against rocks of the shoreline.

Recycled; fades to black.

MEGA #20.

Slight push in on the Astro & Delta Megaships in their docking bay.

Recycled; fades in from black.

MEGA #02.

Six Ranger-colored energy streaks shoot out of the Astro Megaship.

Recycled; silver streak added.

MEGA #02.

Astro Megaship floats away from planet, close to camera, semi-side angle.

Recycled; fades in from black.

MEGA #02.

Five Ranger-colored energy streaks shoot out of the Astro Megaship.


MEGA #25.

The five Rangers ride their Galaxy Gliders through the Cyber Tunnel.

Recycled, per source. Cuts prior encounter with red Crocotox due to Craterite involvement.

MEGA #25.

The five Galaxy Gliding Rangers pass into the warehouse, over red Crocotox's head. Blue Crocotox sees the approaching team, fires a green beam down, ensnaring them off of their Gliders, as the beam turns into a net, hoisting them upward.

PRiS 704.

Flashback to Silver Ranger saving Red Ranger and getting blown up.

Recycled; flashback smudged edges.

MEGA #25.

The netted Rangers are hoisted high up in the air, red Crocotox watching from below, Black nod-talking, Blue watching from above.

MEGA #25.

The netted Rangers struggle, dangling above Darkonda, who walks over to red Crocotox, then looking up and talking at the Rangers, blue Crocotox responding.

MEGA #25.

Blue nod-talks, slow zoom in on Darkonda talking.

Cuts follow-up petri egg shot.

MEGA #25.

Darkonda talks to his captives some more.

MEGA #25.

Darkonda approaches his petri dish egg things, as we get a closer look at his lab machinery.


MEGA #25.

Darkonda talks at the Rangers yet again, then leaves, prompting blue Crocotox to fire a mouth beam at our heroes, spark bursting them.

MEGA #25.

Blue Crocotox fires a mouth beam at our heroes, spark bursting them some more.

First shot is recycled, per source.

MEGA #25.

Black nod-talks, his fellow Rangers smoking and writhing in their net.

Cuts follow-up close-ups of Red then Black.

MEGA #25.

In the net, Red nod-talks as the Rangers look to our slight right.

Trimmed. Cuts a few more close-ups on Rangers talking.

MEGA #24.

Close-up of hand pressing 2-5-8-0-enter on Digimorpher keypad, making the word "MEGA" appear in the display, causing golden flashes of energy.

MEGA #24.

Silver Ranger spins around, text & displays appear, including "MORPHING COMPLETE".

Trims start to remove unmorphed Silver; "Morphing Complete" superimposed over "MegaSilver Ready"; "OK" transition between shots is erased.

MEGA #27.

Ecliptor runs forth then stops when Silver Ranger steps into view, the pair exchanging dialogue, then posing at each other, then pacing around in a half circle.

Cuts prior shot of Ecliptor talking.

MEGA #27.

Ecliptor and Silver charge at one another, each blocking each other's hit and grabbing each other's arms, which Ecliptor uses to pin down Silver's right arm roughly, then headbutt him away.

MEGA #27.

Silver falls, rolls, gets up and fires his Super Silverizer at Ecliptor, who blocks the lasers, then fires eyebeams back, spark bursting Silver down.

MEGA #27.

Ecliptor comes over and steps on Silver's chest, grabbing his Silverizer's saber blade in his hand, the two talking to one another, until the Silver Glider swoops in and knocks the general sparkily off of him, Ecliptor falling into the ocean.

MEGA #27.

Pan up from the rocky shore.

Cuts before we see Silver standing there, demorphing.

MEGA #25.

Silver lands on his Silver Glider in the cybertunnel, riding it down the endless corridor.

MEGA #25.

Black nod-talks and looks up at blue Crocotox, who growls in return.

MEGA #25.

Silver glides into the warehouse, just as blue Crocotox fires the green net beam forth.

Second shot recycled per source.

MEGA #25.

Silver Ranger on his Silver Cycle exits the cybertunnel.

Trimmed down heavily, cutting almost all of the sequence.

MEGA #25.

Silver rides his Cycle swiftly under the net beam, avoiding getting caught, blue Crocotox and the Rangers reacting.

MEGA #25.

Silver drives his Cycle further into the warehouse, turning left, as the Rangers continue to talk amongst themselves in their tight confines.

MEGA #25.

Red Crocotox stands in Silver's way, but that doesn't stop him from plowing his Cycle through him.

MEGA #25.

Silver leans down, then fires lasers at the oncoming wall, cutting an outline before smashing through it.

Laser effect added.

MEGA #25.

Darkonda turns and reacts to the lab invader, Silver parking, nod-talking, then firing Cycle's lasers forth, causing the lab to spark burst and begin to collapse, Darkonda rushing out of the way and reaching out in protest as his petri eggs spark burst.

Cuts follow-ups of Darkonda siccing red Crocotox on Silver then teleporting away.

MEGA #25.

In the net, Red readies his Battlizer, pressing 02 and unleashing red beams that crackle and spark burst the net, freeing the Rangers, to which blue Crocotox reacts.

MEGA #25.

Red rushes forth and knocks blue Crocotox into the air as he passes, sending him flying out of the warehouse, the Rangers following and facing him as he recovers.

MEGA #25.

Black & Blue hold their hands like so, Yellow & Pink interlocking their hands, Red gestures, then leaps up, bounces off the girls' hands, flips over, and launches off of the guys' hands, flinging forth with added momentum at the monster.

MEGA #25.

Pressing 01 on his Battlizer, Red leaps forth, punching his glowing right fist at us.

Cuts follow-up head punch.

MEGA #25.

Blue Crocotox is flung away from Red, falling and spark bursting.

Cuts follow-up Bibidebi shots.

MEGA #25.

Blue Crocotox grows gigantically above us.

MEGA #25.

Silver rolls red Crocotox out of the warehouse, the pair then facing off.

Cuts before Bibidebi drops in & follow-up shot.

MEGA #25.

Silver pulls out his Super Silverizer and fires it forth, spark bursting red Crocotox.

Cuts follow-up of Bibidebi getting shot & falling.

MEGA #25.

Side angle on Silver holding his Super Silverizer up, nod-talking and raising a fist.

Cuts follow-up Lightstar helmet & POV clock shots.

MEGA #25.

Silver charges into battle.

MEGA #25.

Giant blue Crocotox stomps down, the Rangers roll out of the way, then Black summoning, and Red Battlizer summoning.

MEGA #25.

Both Megaships transform into their component parts.

Recycled, per source.

MEGA #25.

Both Megaships transform into their component parts.

Recycled, per source.

MEGA #25.

The Shuttle does one final loop before approaching the Megaship, which is in the process of transforming, followed by the Shuttle transforming into the head.

Recycled, per source.

MEGA #25.

The Shuttle head docks atop the Astro Megaship as it finishes transforming into the body of the Astro Megazord.

Recycled, per source.

MEGA #25.

The Delta Megazord boots attach to the Astro Megazord.

Recycled, per source.

MEGA #25.

The Delta Megazord helmet attaches to Astro Megazord's head.

Recycled, per source.

MEGA #25.

The Delta Megazord chest piece finishes locking onto Astro Megazord's body.

Recycled, per source.

MEGA #25.

After a couple of close-ups, the Astro Delta Megazord stands completed in orbit of a planet.

Recycled, per source.

MEGA #25.

Astro Delta Megazord lands before blue Crocotox, poses, then both march into battle, grabbing each other for a moment, releasing, and the Megazord sparkily punches it, while we see Silver fighting red Crocotox in the foreground, sparkily slashing him repeatedly with his Super Silverizer.

MEGA #25.

Blue Crocotox falls and rolls, gets up, fires his mouth blast at the approaching Astro Delta Megazord, bursting around it, but never stopping its progression.

MEGA #25.

In the cockpit, Red nod-talks, raising fists briefly, then grabbing controls.

MEGA #25.

Astro Delta Megazord fires its shoulder-based Gyro Blasters.

Recycled, per source.

MEGA #25.

Blue Crocotox spark bursts brightly.

MEGA #25.

Now in a green-grid dimension, Astro Delta Megazord releases its fists from its body, they fly forth and across the dimension.

Recycled, per source. Cuts giant numbers between shots.

MEGA #25.

The flying fists rip through blue Crocotox explosively. He then falls and explodes massively behind the Astro Delta Megazord.

Cuts numbers between shots. Also, this whole bit has been pushed up in sequence.

MEGA #21.

Zoom in on Red in the cockpit, nod-talking.


MEGA #25.

Red Crocotox falls and rolls, as Silver talks, then raises his Super Silverizer, charging it up before rushing forth and firing golden beams from it, spark bursting the monster with each shot.

Cuts numbers between shots.

MEGA #25.

Super Silverizer switches to saber mode, which Silver uses it sparkily slice into red Crocotox with an energy slash.

Cuts numbers between shots.

MEGA #02.

Dark Fortress distorts into place in its warp dimension.

Recycled; fades in from black.

PRiS 705.

30 second montage of bloopers from the episode.

Altered to fit in end credits.