
Power Rangers Lost Galaxy

PRLG Ending Credits.

Ending is about 30 seconds by itself.

Source Description Edit Note
GINGA #07.

The Galactazords are racing to our left, zoom in sharply on Lion.

GINGA #07.

Lion Galactazord transforms into the upper torso.

Fades into next shot.

GINGA #07.

Gorilla Galactazord transforms into the legs.

Fades into next shot.

GINGA #07.

Condor Galactazord transforms into the back wings.

Fades into next shot.

GINGA #07.

As the Lion torso pops up the head and horns, Lion & Wild Cat Galactazord form the arms.

Fades into next shot.

GINGA #07.

All five Zords come together to form the Galaxy Megazord, with its saber forming in a crackle of electricity.