Opening credits scenes, PRZ Opening Credits V1.
Opening is about 1:00;00 by itself.
Source | Description | Caption | Edit Note |
OH Opening Credits. |
The five Zeo Rangers stand in silhouette against a smokey backdrop, where soon a pink glowing tetrahedron appears, prompting the Rangers to start glowing their respective colors. |
Fades in from black; Fades out. |
Original footage. |
The full long golden block of energy pulls away from us, then the carved symbols discharge the rest of the block, the symbols shimmering together. Above them, a dark blue warping shape begins to form. |
Fades in. |
OH #07. |
Zeo Megazord stands with its sword held up in its right hand. |
PRZ 345. |
Close on Alpha 5, as he writhes, smoking and electricity crackling across his visor. |
OH #05. |
Pink, Green, Red, & Yellow Zeo Rangers hold their Zeo Swords nearly together and begin pushing forth into the screen. |
OH #08. |
Prince Sprocket stands there, facing our left, on the Machine Skybase. |
OH #03. |
King Mondo steps forth to our slight right, talking in front of Earth cut-out. |
Original footage. |
Above the five golden symbols, lightning strikes the blue warping shape, turning it into the "POWER RANGERS ZEO" logo with backing. |
Fades to white. |
Original footage. |
Beam makes contact with golden block of energy, then carves an oval symbol into it. |
Fades in from white, transitions out. |
Original footage. |
As Katherine turns around and smiles at us, the screen shrinks into a square. |
Transitions in. |
As camera pulls away, Pink Zeo Ranger motions arms about and raises one to the sky, posing. |
"" ends. |
Pink flare transition between shots. |
Original footage. |
Beam fires across against block of energy, carving, to the right of the oval symbol, a pair of parallel bars. |
Fades in from white, transitions out. |
Original footage. |
As Tanya turns around and smiles at us, the screen shrinks into a square. |
"NAKIA BURRISE as TANYA" fades in. |
Transitions in. |
As camera pulls away, Yellow Zeo Ranger raises one arm to the sky, posing. |
"" ends. |
Yellow flare transition between shots. |
Original footage. |
Beam fires across against block of energy, carving an upside down triangle symbol. |
Fades in from white, transitions out. |
Original footage. |
As Rocky turns around and smiles at us, the screen shrinks into a square. |
"STEVE CARDENAS as ROCKY" fades in. |
Transitions in. |
As camera pulls away, Blue Zeo Ranger raises one arm to the sky, posing. |
"" ends. |
Blue flare transition between shots. |
Original footage. |
Beam fires across against block of energy, carving a rectangle symbol. |
Fades in from white, transitions out. |
Original footage. |
As Adam turns around and smiles at us, the screen shrinks into a square. |
"JOHNNY YONG BOSCH as ADAM" fades in. |
Transitions in. |
As camera pulls away, Green Zeo Ranger raises one arm to the sky, posing. |
"" ends. |
Green flare transition between shots. |
Original footage. |
Beam fires across against block of energy, carving a star symbol. |
Fades in from white, transitions out. |
Original footage. |
As Tommy turns around and smiles at us, the screen shrinks into a square. |
"JASON DAVID FRANK as TOMMY" fades in. |
Transitions in. |
As camera pulls away, Red Zeo Ranger raises one arm to the sky, posing. |
"" ends. |
Red flare transition between shots; fades to white. |
Original footage. |
As Billy turns his head and smiles at us, the screen shrinks into a square. |
"DAVID YOST as BILLY" fades in. |
Fades in from white, fades out to white. |
Original footage. |
Bulk & Skull park on their Patrol Bike, take off their helmets, and grin at each other, then at us. |
"PAUL SCHRIER as BULK" and "JASON NARVY as SKULL" fades in. |
Fades in from white, fades out to white. |
PRZ 344. |
Tommy reaches forth as the five teens watch from the background. |
Fades in from white. Notice this is the pre-goo effect version. |
OH #11. |
Zoom out from the five Zeo Rangers as they motion arms about and reach for the sky with one arm each, the dark backdrop flashing into their colored Zord symbols. |
Fades out to white. |
PRZ 360/ 349. |
Split screen: on left, is Ernie smiling to our slight right behind crate of fruit on Juice Bar. On right, is Lt. Stone saluting to our slight left in front of amusement center. |
"RICHARD GENELLE as Ernie" and "GREGG BULLOCK as Lt. Stone". |
Fades in from white. |
OH #07. |
Downward close shot on Zeozord Five, flying to our left as it shifts wings in its sides. |
OH #23. |
In front of a yellow glowing dogu statue, Yellow Zeo Ranger spins around while hovering, whipping her Zeo Power Weapons about, the nunchucks glowing with yellow energy as she does. |
OH #07. |
While driving to our slight left, Zeozord Five passes over Zeozords One & Two, causing their Battle Helmets to slide forth off of them. |
"Supervising Producers DOUGLAS SLOAN SCOTT PAGE-PAGTER" fades in. |
OH #11. |
Holding his Zeo Power Weapons outward at each side, the axe blades glowing with green energy, the backdrop behind Green Zeo Ranger flashes to a green outline of his Zord, the bull's horns glowing. |
"". |
OH #07. |
As Zeozord Five soars above, Zeozord Four has already locked its legs into its Megazord hips and thighs formation. |
"" fades out. |
OH #15. |
Blue Zeo Ranger holds his arms up, with Zeo Power Weapons crackling with blue electricity, while the backdrop behind him shows the blue image of the Sphinx. |
OH #07. |
Zeozord Five hovers above, while Zeozord Three shifts into Megazord torso mode, dropping its arms down. |
"". |
OH #08. |
The full fleet of five Zeozords charge along the desolate terrain together,when five streaks of Ranger-colored energy beam in, one onto each Zord. |
"" fades out. |
OH #07. |
The combined Zeozords Three & Four connect to Zeozords One & Two, forming the Megazord's body while Zeozord Five approaches. |
"Producer JONATHAN TZACHOR" fades in. |
OH #07. |
Close-up on Zeo Megazord's head as the Zeozord Five Battle Helmet slides down over it, flashing happening just off-frame. |
"" |
OH #07. |
Zeo Megazord raises its golden-glowing Saber up, green lightning crackling about, the backdrop turning to a flashing golden tetrahedron, then slashing the Saber down at the screen. |
"" fades out. |
Original footage. |
The full long golden block of energy pulls away from us, then the carved symbols discharge the rest of the block, the symbols shimmering together. Above them, a dark blue warping shape begins to form, the words "POWER RANGERS" beginning to appear. |
Fades in from white. |
OH Opening Credits. |
Red Zeo Ranger, on his Zeo Jet Cycle, jumps at us as a massive fireball explosion erupts right behind him. |
Cuts before Japanese text appears. |
OH Opening Credits. |
The five Zeo Rangers stand in front of the Earth cut-out, their visor symbols gleaming their colored power. |
Cuts before Japanese text appears. |
OH #06. |
Zeozord Three pulls One to our slight left, as both fire energy blasts ahead of them. |
OH #06's Preview of #07. |
Brief zoom in, close on Zeo Megazord as it lowers its Saber. |
Plays in reverse. This footage was an alternate shot exclusive to the "next time" teaser. |
OH #13. |
Zoom in on Red as he, Yellow & Pink do a group jump kick into the screen. |
OH #11. |
Red Zeo Ranger holds his fist up, as gold lightning crashes behind him and his visor gleams red. |
Original footage. |
Above the five golden symbols, lightning strikes the blue warping shape, turning it into the "POWER RANGERS ZEO" logo with backing. |
Fades to black. |