#364: PRLR 1026: "The Mighty Mega Battles".
Features Footage from (bold = new footage):
GoGoV episodes 1, 12, 30, 31, & 39.
The complete program, from opening to end of Saban logo, lasts roughly 21:20;06.
Previously On is about 0:30; by itself.
Opening is about 1:00; by itself.
Next Time On is about 0:30; by itself.
Ending is about 0:30; by itself.
Source | Description | Edit Note |
GOGOV #39. |
Grey, drab multi-layered building complex explodes. |
Recycled, per source. |
GOGOV #39. |
A ceiling caves in. |
GOGOV #39. |
Building interior collapses as it explodes. |
Recycled, per source. Cuts additional follow-up destruction. |
GOGOV #39. |
Infinitor stands around with some Batlings, until they get spark bursted down around him, the source of which is the five Rangers atop a nearby structure with Rescue Blasters. |
GOGOV #39. |
Infinitor talks at the Rangers, Red responds, they then fire on the Demon, his infinity symbol absorbs the energy and he fires it right back, spark bursting them. |
Cuts follow-up repeat of them bursting. |
GOGOV #39. |
The Rangers fall down to the ground before Infinitor. |
GOGOV #39. |
Pink looks to Yellow, who looks at her Blaster, then zoom in on Infinitor's infinity symbol, Green talks to Blue, who also looks at his Blaster while replying. |
GOGOV #39. |
Red nod-talks, gets up, pulls out his V-Lancer. |
Cuts follow-ups of team using V-Lancers on Infinitor. |
GOGOV #39. |
Red stands up and readies his V-Lancer. |
GOGOV #39. |
All five Rangers raise their V-Lancers in Blaster Mode to the sky and fire energy beams into one concentrated point, a Spectra Blast, which flashes with a V. They then lower the Spectra Blast, which flies away from them, flashing a V. |
Recycled, per source. |
GOGOV #39. |
Infinitor bounces the Spectra Blast off his infinity symbol, sending it explosively back at the Rangers, knocking them down as Olympius watches. |
GOGOV #39. |
Olympius talks and gestures hands, then talks some more. |
Trims zoom-in start. Cuts follow-up of Rangers on the ground. |
GOGOV #39. |
Zoom in sharply on Infinitor. |
US replaces follow-ups to change focus from Red to Green. |
GOGOV #39. |
The Rangers then lower the Spectra Blast, which flies away from them, flashing a V. |
Recycled, again, per source. |
GOGOV #39. |
Infinitor spark bursts and falls down before the Rangers, prompting Olympius to step in, talk, then teleport both away. |
Teleport effect added. US replaces follow-up to give Green focus. |
GOGOV #39. |
The camera races straight on into Skull Cavern. |
GOGOV #39. |
Meaty chunks of debris suddenly morph into vicious bats and flutter about. |
Recycled, per source. Jinxer stuff prior and after US replaced for no reason. |
GOGOV #39. |
The swarm of bats come together and merge into giant Infinitor. |
GOGOV #39. |
Infinitor gestures hands while looking downward. |
Fades in from black; trims pan up from tiny Rangers. |
GOGOV #39. |
Supertrain races past the camera. |
Recycled, per source. |
GOGOV #39. |
Supertrain speeds through the outskirts of the city. |
Recycled, per source. |
GOGOV #39. |
The sixth Train Bay opens up, revealing within it the Max Solarzord. |
Recycled, per source. |
GOGOV #39. |
Max Solarzord begins its progression down the railway. |
Recycled, per source. |
GOGOV #39. |
Max Solarzord rides the rail. |
Recycled, per source. |
GOGOV #39. |
Supertrain brakes in the outskirts. |
Recycled, per source. |
GOGOV #39. |
Zoom out as Red lands in his cockpit. |
Recycled, per source. Cuts follow-ups of others, also cuts follow-up Zords driving off and formation. |
GOGOV #39. |
Aero Rescue shifts around into the head and shoulders, attaching onto the top of the Pyro Rescue torso. |
Recycled, per source. |
GOGOV #39. |
Max Solarzord shifts around, shifting into robotic mode, before curling up and flipping over. |
Recycled, per source; trimmed. |
GOGOV #39. |
Max Solarzord & Lightspeed Megazord face Infinitor, all posing. |
Cuts follow-ups of LM spin-kicking Demon. |
GOGOV #39. |
Lightspeed Megazord lifts its arms forth. |
Recycled, per source. |
GOGOV #39. |
Lightspeed Megazord's Ladder Arms slide forth. |
Recycled, mirror-flipped, per source. |
GOGOV #39. |
Infinitor is sparkily chest punched by the fists. |
GOGOV #39. |
Lightspeed Megazord uses its Ladder Arms to punch forth, alternating between left and right fists. |
Recycled, per source. |
GOGOV #39. |
Infinitor grabs both fists, and sends electricity through the Ladder Arms, spark bursting Lightspeed Megazord until it falls. |
GOGOV #39. |
Max Solarzord does a flying kick through the sky. |
Recycled, per source. |
GOGOV #39. |
Infinitor gets ready, grabs Max Solarzord's leg, and spins it around in the air, before finally releasing, where it falls down. |
Shots of MS smashing through mountain are cut between last two shots. Also cuts follow-ups of MS firing shield on Demon. |
GOGOV #31. |
Blue nod-talks to our slight right as shot slowly zooms in. |
Recycled; replaces visorless shot. |
GOGOV #39. |
Springing out from the insignia on the belt area, the Lightspeed Megazord's Saber forms as lightning crackles about. |
Recycled, per source. |
GOGOV #39. |
Lightspeed Megazord grabs the handle of the Saber. |
Recycled, per source. |
GOGOV #39. |
Olympius turns around, crosses his hands, activates Star Power, and unleashes a storm of purple energy that blots out the sun. |
Recycled, per source. |
GOGOV #39. |
Lightspeed Megazord looks up at the blood-red sky. |
GOGOV #01. |
Red works the Rescue Grip control and sits down. |
Recycled; replaces visorless shots. |
GOGOV #39. |
Infinitor sparkily slashes Lightspeed Megazord twice, knocking it back. |
Cuts follow-ups of LM using finisher on Infinitor, he blocks it, then impales LM on his sword. |
GOGOV #39. |
Zoom in on Infinitor standing awful close to Lightspeed Megazord. |
Cuts follow-ups of him keeping sword stabbed into LM, then releasing. |
GOGOV #39. |
Infinitor kicks Lightspeed Megazord, causing it to stumble back, smoking. |
GOGOV #39. |
Infinitor charges up his sword, his infinity symbol flashing behind him, as he slashes energy flames forth. |
GOGOV #39. |
Lightspeed Megazord spark bursts profusely, the Rangers are all agonized, as LM tosses its Saber skyward, then falls down near where it lands, as Infinitor watches from nearby. |
GOGOV #12. |
Red appears agonized as lights flash in the Supertrain (shh!) cockpit. |
Recycled; replaces visorless shots. |
GOGOV #39. |
A quick look into hyperspace. |
GOGOV #39. |
Red lands in his Omega cockpit, turning Grip control. |
Recycled, trimmed, per source. |
GOGOV #39. |
The Omegazords come together in hyperspace to form the Omega Megazord. |
Recycled, per source; trimmed down to the end. |
GOGOV #39. |
Omega Megazord twirls its Spear overhead, then poses with it while shimmering. |
Recycled, per source. |
GOGOV #39. |
Infinitor turns and faces the Omega Megazord. |
GOGOV #39. |
Track around and push in on Red in the Omega cockpit. |
Visor is mostly blacked out to disguise Japanese actor. |
GOGOV #39. |
Omega Megazord fires its Missile Tip from its Spear down a hyperspace tunnel. |
Recycled, per source. |
GOGOV #39. |
The missile strikes Infinitor's shield and explodes harmlessly, so Omega Megazord aims its Spear forth. |
Cuts follow-up of OM slashing Spear, and Infinitor blocking it. |
GOGOV #39. |
Infinitor charges up his sword, his infinity symbol flashing behind him, as he slashes energy flames forth. |
Recycled, per source. |
GOGOV #39. |
Omega Megazord spark bursts profusely, cockpit tilting, as it collapses on its back. |
GOGOV #39. |
As Omega Megazord lies smoking, Infinitor talks at it. |
Trims start to remove pan up from Jinxer. |
GOGOV #39. |
Zoom in on the Omega cockpit as Red nod-talks, clenching his fist briefly. |
Trimmed. |
GOGOV #39. |
Sharp zoom in on Lightspeed Megazord Saber, sticking in the ground across the way. |
GOGOV #39. |
Infinitor charges up his sword, his infinity symbol flashing behind him, as he slashes energy flames forth. |
Recycled, per source. |
GOGOV #39. |
The Rangers all quickly turn their controls at once, causing Omega Megazord to roll out of the way of the blast, before standing up, then jumping across the battlefield, grabbing the Saber, flipping over, and landing perfectly with it in hand. Infinitor reacts. |
GOGOV #30. |
Slight zoom in as Blue nod-talks then looks down. |
Replaces visorless shots. |
GOGOV #39. |
As the background blazes, Omega Megazord circles the glowing Saber around, then steps forth and slashes it, three times total. |
Trims start to remove zoom out from cockpit. |
GOGOV #39. |
Infinitor is struck by the energy slash, causing him to spark burst repeatedly, until he finally collapses before Omega Megazord. |
Cuts follow-ups of OM taking Infinitor into space, and throwing him into the sun. |
GOGOV #31. |
The red sky turns back to normal, as Omega Megazord lowers its Spear victoriously. |
Recycled; red sky and pan down from clouds is US added; fades to black. |