#8: MMPR 108: "Switching Places".
Features Footage from:
Zyuranger Episodes 2, 3, 6, 7, 11, 12, 19, 28, 32, 39, 46;
and up to 3 segments of Original Zyu footage (Zyu½).
The ep, with opening, lasts roughly 20:47;24 from opening's start to end of the end credits and past the Saban logo (also includes a bit of black slug for opening commercials and quickly post Saban logo).
"Today on" segment is about :30; by itself.
Opening is about 1:00;28 by itself.
Ending is about 0:30; by itself.
Source | Description | Edit Note |
ZYU #12. |
Lunar Palace exterior, quick zoom onto tower area. |
Recycled. |
ZYU #19. |
Zoom out from Rita looking out from Repulsascope, smiling and snapping fingers before looking back in it. Squatt & Baboo look at one another, then at Rita, before Baboo steps toward her, talking. |
Recycled. |
ZYU #19. |
Close up of Baboo, standing just ahead of Squatt, who reacts, while the blue monkey talks, glancing to our left briefly. |
Recycled. |
ZYU #19. |
Zoom out from Goldar as he walks up balcony steps and stands as Rita, Squatt & Baboo watch. Rita steps out of way, letting him look in Repulsascope. |
Recycled, but now longer with more footage than prior use. |
ZYU #19. |
Rita smiles wickedly, turns to our right and points with her right hand while shouting. |
Recycled. Fades to black. |
Original stock. |
Exterior shot of Billy's garage. |
Fades in from black. |
ZYU #02. |
Far shot exterior of Rita's Lunar Palace. |
Recycled. |
ZYU #02. |
Close, slow pan up the main tower on Rita's Lunar Palace, stopping at the spinning globe. |
Recycled. |
Original stock. |
US Goldar, standing at balcony railing, talking while gesturing left hand as a fist about two times, finally banging his sword against the floor as he stops. |
ZYU #11. |
Squatt picks up small gold lamp off floor of balcony, nodding, as Baboo approaches, dropping a fishing pole. |
Original stock. |
US Goldar, facing our right, stands still, merely nodding slowly twice, as he clutches downward sword. |
ZYU #11. |
Squatt nods to Baboo, who nods back, then begins to rub the small gold lamp. |
Continued from two shots ago. |
ZYU #11. |
Zoom out from Squatt rubbing lamp, as it gleams twice, shooting from its spout a white blob of energy that forms into the Genie before the stunned pair. |
ZYU #11. |
Close up of lamp-holding Squatt and Baboo, appearing surprised. |
ZYU #11. |
Push in between Baboo & Squatt's shoulders, to Genie turning around and gesturing arms. |
Cuts before Japanese writing appears. |
ZYU #11. |
Close up of lamp-holding Squatt and Baboo, turning to look at one another. |
Original stock. |
Camera tracks around US Goldar from his right to center, as he talks whole pointing and gesturing left hand repeatedly, finally making it into a fist, then ceasing all action. |
ZYU #11. |
Close up of Genie, rising back up from slight bowing. |
Slowed. Cuts before Japanese title appears. |
Original stock. |
Exterior doorway of Angle Grove High School, guy passes by on skateboard as another bounces basketball off wall. |
MMPR 107. |
Exterior of Billy's house, black car passes by completely. |
Recycled, but wipeless and a little longer. |
ZYU #02. |
Rita's Palace exterior long shot. |
Recycled. Slowed. |
ZYU #11. |
Close up of lamp-holding Squatt and Baboo, turning to look at one another, then looking forward again. |
Partially recycled, goes on longer than prior use. |
ZYU #11. |
Push in between Baboo & Squatt's shoulders, to Genie gesturing arms. |
Recycled. Slowed. Genie's turning cut. |
ZYU #07. |
Extreme close up of Squatt's face as he jerks his head (down, up, our left, our left) while talking. |
Recycled. |
MMPR 107. |
Close up of US Goldar talking and gesturing sword forth twice, then thrusting arms with sword up two and half times. |
Recycled, shortened. |
ZYU #11. |
Squatt nods to Baboo, who nods back, then begins to rub the small gold lamp. |
Recycled, trimmed slightly. |
ZYU #11. |
Genie lowers arms and turns as camera zooms out to between Baboo & Squatt's shoulders. |
Recycled. Reversed. |
ZYU #11. |
Close up of lamp-holding Squatt and Baboo, appearing surprised. |
Recycled. Reversed. |
ZYU #11. |
Genie turns into a white blob of energy that shoots back into spout of gleaming lamp Squatt rubs, as camera zooms in. |
Recycled. Reversed. |
MMPR 101. |
Still image of Angel Grove Youth Center, Gym and Juice Bar exterior sign up close. |
Recycled. |
ZYU #02. |
Static shot of Earth from the Lunar surface. |
Recycled. Transitions in from prior scene via raising and lowering bars effect. |
ZYU #39. |
Rita looks out from Repulsascope, as camera zooms out, holding left hand up and out, her expression frozen with intent, talking, as Squatt & Baboo and Goldar look from her to Earth. |
Partially Recycled, but goes on far longer with footage not previously used. |
ZYU #39. |
Goldar beside Repulsascope turns to his right. |
Recycled. |
ZYU #39. |
Squatt & Baboo look on, the former fidgeting. |
Recycled. |
ZYU #39. |
Camera tracks around balcony, ignoring Goldar, as Rita talks to Baboo about what she sees on Earth, Squatt glancing back and forth. Baboo replies at end. |
Partially recycled, but has a far longer beginning with previously unused footage. Trimmed from source. |
ZYU #39. |
Close up of Rita pointing forth, glowering, then turning and thrusting arm to our right with wide expression. |
Trimmed from source, which included some stuff that was used before. |
ZYU #39. |
Close up of Goldar motioning right arm from chest, bowing as he holds up left arm with sword. |
ZYU #39. |
Close up on Squatt & Baboo bowing. |
Recycled. |
ZYU #02. Ball from ZYU #30. |
Static shot of the Earth from the Lunar surface as red ball of energy shoots toward the planet. |
Recycled. Energy ball added from Lokar teleport. |
MMPR 107. Ball from ZYU #30. |
Aerial circling view of Angel Grove Park as red ball of energy shoots down at it. |
Recycled. Energy ball added from Lokar teleport. |
ZYU #11. |
Squatt and Baboo appear in park, the latter talking forth, the former reaching into his sack and pulling out lamp. |
Bright white and blue energy flare at scene start added to imply teleportation. Shortened from source. |
ZYU #11. |
Close up of Squatt stroking his turgid lamp. |
ZYU #11. |
Baboo, looking upward and forward, rushes up to Squatt, smacks him on the head, then slumping, while Squatt reacts. |
MMPR 107. |
Alpha 5 watches Viewing Globe with his back to us, then turns around to look up at Zordon, motioning hands while talking. |
Recycled, but without anything on VG. Fades in from black. |
Original stock. |
Zordon talks, holding his head straight, but his gaze kinda shifts to our left a little for a moment. |
Original stock. |
Alpha, looking upward at Zordon, nods twice then steps forward and raises right hand to press console. |
Continued from two shots ago, meaning it's previously unseen stuff from that stock. |
Original stock. |
Close up of Alpha's hand, pressing, on console, red button, yellow button, green button, amber button, then is about to press blue. |
Original stock. |
Zordon talks, straight on, tilting a little to our right. He actually blinks in the middle! |
MMPR 10. |
Command Center's alarm light spins. |
Recycled. |
MMPR 101 & ZYU #02. |
The full standard original morphing sequence. |
Recycled. Flares out at end. |
ZYU #11. |
Red, Black, Blue, Yellow, and Pink Rangers flip over camera at alternating angles. |
ZYU #19. |
Goldar snarls in close up. |
Recycled. |
ZYU #19. |
Red Ranger leaps up and at camera. |
ZYU #11. |
Sharp zoom out from Red getting his high kick blocked by Goldar, to show the other Rangers battling Putties around him. |
ZYU #11. |
Slow zoom out begins as Squatt and Baboo creep up on someone we don't see. |
Cuts before Japanese kids are shown. |
ZYU #11. |
Sharp zoom out as Red Ranger reaches out, only get to sparkily slashed by Goldar twice, sending him flying. |
ZYU #11. |
Red Ranger rolls onto the ground, body smoking, as teammates rush concernedly to his side. |
Cuts before they look upward. |
MMPR Pilot. |
Command Center standard exterior, more sky. |
Recycled. |
Original stock. |
Zordon talks, turning head from side to side in such a way that his mouth trails badly. |
MMPR 107. |
Downward angle of Alpha, jerking arms up and down, then pressing buttons with right hand while talking. |
Partially recycled, but mostly new. |
MMPR 102. |
Close-up shot of Alpha flicking switch on console, then pressing button. |
Recycled. |
MMPR Pilot. |
Five colored teleportation streaks on racing landscape quickly shoot on ahead. |
Recycled, shortened. |
ZYU #11. |
Sharp zoom out from Red Ranger as he and fellow Rangers pose. |
White flare at start. |
ZYU #11. |
Close up of Genie, thrusting arms forth. |
ZYU #11. |
Upward side angle of Genie, arms out, as spears chuck over him. |
ZYU #11. |
Close up as spear hurl through the air. |
ZYU #11. |
Zoom out as five Rangers find themselves trapped in a circle of spears, which then burst with smoke and sparks. |
ZYU #11. |
Genie leaps up and throws swath of white streaming strings from both his hands. |
ZYU #11. |
All five of the Rangers are caught up in a downpour of sticky white strings. |
ZYU #11. |
Close up pan across the entangled Rangers struggling. |
Original stock. |
Camera slowly lowers to the ground as Alpha looks upward, walking in place with arms held up at elbows, lower hands and raising them while talking briefly. |
Original stock. |
Zordon talks, kinda center our left, then drifts more to the center. |
MMPR 101. |
Alpha throws his arms in what seems to be a tantrum as he begrudgingly walks over to console. |
Recycled, trimmed from source. |
MMPR 101. |
Close up of Alpha's hand flicking switch on console bottom then second button from right on top. |
Recycled. |
Original stock. |
Zordon talks to our left, raising head, giving him two noses briefly, then lowering it. |
Original stock. |
Zordon talks to our left, drifting more to our center right. |
Original stock. |
Zordon talks to our left, nodding up and down. |
ZYU #46. |
Red Ranger poses, Zord-summoning style. |
Recycled, but includes previously unused gesture. |
ZYU #46. |
Black Ranger poses, Zord-summoning style. |
Recycled, but includes previously unused gesture. |
ZYU #46. |
Blue Ranger poses, Zord-summoning style. |
Recycled, but includes previously unused gesture. |
ZYU #46. |
Yellow Ranger poses, Zord-summoning style. |
Recycled, but includes previously unused gesture. |
ZYU #46. |
Pink Ranger poses, Zord-summoning style. |
Recycled, but just a frame or two longer at start. |
ZYU #11. |
Bright flash of light and yellow energy bolts herald the appearance of Rita Repulsa on Earth, atop a hillside. |
Standing atop rocky hill, against blue wall-sky, Rita says, "In your FACE, Power Rangers!" |
Fades in from white. |
Continued from prior shot, atop rocky hill, against blue wall-sky, Rita says, "We're gonna have a LOT of fun!" She then laughs and aims point of Magic Wand forward a bit. |
Pink electricity from wand added. |
Zoom out from Rita on rocky hill against blue sky-wall, saying to us, "Take a good look at what you're facing, NOW!" She laughs as she aims Magic Wand forth. |
Pink energy burst added. |
ZYU #11. |
Genie grows giant amid smoke. |
Fades in from white. |
ZYU #11. |
Continued from prior shot, Genie rises up with his staff weapon, motioning arm to chest. |
Close up of Rita against blue sky-wall, proclaiming with right fist, "Go, monster and destroy!" |
ZYU #11. |
Giant Genie, semi-side upward angle, does the chest arm motion thing again. |
ZYU #11. |
Upward angle of giant Genie raising right foot and slowly pressing it down at camera. |
ZYU #03. |
Red Ranger gestures to the sky with right arm, then lowers it. |
Recycled. |
ZYU #02. |
Crack in the ground spreads open, releasing a fireball, shown from within the crack. |
Recycled. |
ZYU #03. |
Tyrannosaurus Dinozord's head slowly rises from the molten red ground.. |
Recycled. |
ZYU #03. |
Close up of Tyrannosaurus Dinozord's hands as it rises up. |
Recycled. |
ZYU #02. |
Close up of Tyrannosaurus Dinozord's knees as it rises up. |
Recycled. |
ZYU #06. |
Tyrannosaurus Dinozord rises up above flames and smoke, facing us. |
Recycled. |
ZYU #03. |
Mastodon Dinozord surfaces from its icy domain. |
Recycled. |
ZYU #03. |
Mastodon exhales its icy breath. |
Recycled. |
ZYU #03. |
Mastodon has got Happy Feet. |
Recycled. |
ZYU #06. |
Mastodon stomps along the snowy surface. |
Recycled. |
ZYU #03. |
Triceratops Dinozord appears within the sands of the desert. |
Recycled. |
ZYU #03. |
Triceratops wheels pass through the desert sands. |
Recycled. |
ZYU #03. |
Triceratops raises its head and opens mouth while driving through the dusty desert. |
Recycled. |
ZYU #03. |
Sabertooth Tiger Dinozord sprints through the jungle. |
Recycled. |
ZYU #03. |
Sabertooth Tiger opens its mouth in a close up. |
Recycled. |
ZYU #06. |
Sabertooth Tiger leaps out of the greenery. |
Recycled. |
ZYU #03. |
Volcano erupts! |
Recycled. |
ZYU #03. |
Pterodactyl Dinozord soars upwards amid lava lights. |
Recycled. |
ZYU #03. |
Pterodactyl flies straight up out of now-active volcano. |
Recycled. |
ZYU #03. |
Pterodactyl raises and lowers head while continuing to fly amid molten lava lights. |
Recycled. |
ZYU #03. |
Pterodactyl Dinozord flies out of the smoking volcano and disturbs trees as it reaches them. |
Recycled. |
ZYU #03. |
Red Ranger looks to our left while gesturing fist, then leaps up. |
Recycled. |
ZYU #02. |
Red Ranger leaps up through the sky. |
Recycled. |
ZYU #02. |
Red Ranger drops into his cockpit seat, gestures arm. |
Recycled, shortened. |
ZYU #02. |
Red slaps his left hand down on palm activator. |
Recycled. |
ZYU #02. |
Display of Red Ranger's helmet lights up. |
Recycled. |
ZYU #02. |
Red slaps his right hand down on other palm activator. |
Recycled. |
ZYU #02. |
Console display of Red helmet and Red Zord face shoot energy to the TRex symbol at the top which glows brightly. |
Recycled. |
ZYU #02. |
Red sits in cockpit, moving head and operating controls out of frame. |
Recycled. |
ZYU #06. |
Black & Blue Rangers soar skyward together. |
Recycled. |
ZYU #06. |
Yellow & Pink Rangers soar skyward together. |
Recycled. |
ZYU #06. |
Black Ranger drops into cockpit, gestures arm. |
Recycled. |
ZYU #06. |
Blue Ranger drops into cockpit, gestures arms. |
Recycled. |
ZYU #06. |
Yellow Ranger drops into cockpit, gestures arms. |
Recycled. |
ZYU #06. |
Pink Ranger drops into cockpit, gestures arm. |
Recycled. |
ZYU #06. |
Red Ranger in cockpit gestures arm, pulls out crystal, and flips it around to insert it. |
Recycled. |
ZYU #11. |
Close up of Red Ranger inserting Power Crystal into control slot with red energy results. |
Recycled. |
ZYU #11. |
Four square shots of close ups of each Ranger inserting Power Crystal into control slot with colored energy results. |
Recycled. |
ZYU #06. |
Red Ranger in cockpit, zoom in as he presses controls forth. |
Recycled. |
ZYU #11. |
Zoom out from TRex as he and his fellow Dinozords race along the horizon. |
Recycled. |
ZYU #06. |
Sabertooth Tiger roars. |
Recycled. |
ZYU #06. |
Sabertooth Tiger locks into Leg Mode. |
Recycled. |
ZYU #06. |
Triceratops opens mouth in desert breeze. |
Recycled. |
ZYU #06. |
Triceratops folds up tail. |
Recycled. |
ZYU #06. |
TRex connects with Triceratops and Sabertooth legs electrically. |
Recycled. |
ZYU #06. |
Mastodon exhales its icy breath. |
Recycled. |
ZYU #06. |
Mastodon floats through the air in component form. |
Recycled. |
ZYU #06. |
Mastodon connects with TRex, causing a pulse of energy throughout. |
Recycled. |
ZYU #06. |
Lights come on in Megazord cockpit with all five Rangers sitting at their stations. |
Recycled. |
ZYU #06. |
Triceratops wheels pass through the desert sands. |
Recycled. |
ZYU #06. |
Megazord Tank Mode rumbles forth. |
Recycled. |
ZYU #06. |
Zoom in on cockpit as Red Ranger raises fist up, then forth, then grips control. |
Recycled. |
ZYU #11. |
Circle symbol of all five dinosaurs together glows brightly with Ranger colors. |
Recycled. |
ZYU #06. |
Fists fold out from Mastodon part of Tank. |
Recycled. |
ZYU #06. |
Bottom back of Tank raises up. |
Recycled. |
ZYU #06. |
Back of Rangers' helmets as they watch through cockpit window while Tank folds upward. |
Recycled. |
ZYU #06. |
Tanks folds up into body of the standing Megazord. |
Recycled. |
ZYU #06. |
Pterodactyl soars downward. |
Recycled. |
ZYU #06. |
Pterodactyl folds into component as it heads to Megazord body below. |
Recycled. |
ZYU #11. |
TRex head folds down, revealing Megazord head as Pterodactyl connects as chest plate. |
Recycled. |
ZYU #11. |
Horns fold out, eyes glow, bright flash occurs, then sharp zoom to Megazord posing fully formed amid lightning. |
Recycled. |
ZYU #11. |
Genie leaps up in the air, cranking drill on top of staff, aiming it at us as he falls forth. |
Original stock. |
Zordon talks straight ahead, nodding up briefly. |
Original stock. |
Zordon talks to our left, briefly nudging gaze to left-center, then back. |
Original stock. |
Zordon talks to our left, nodding gently. |
ZYU #11. |
Zoom out as Megazord gets sparkily smashed in the chest by Genie's drill staff. |
ZYU #28. |
Zoom in smokey Megazord cockpit, as Rangers flail about, Red Ranger nodding and grabbing control, looking forth. |
ZYU #11. |
Continued from two shots ago, Genie raises drill staff, Megazord dodges and changes positions, only to get sparkily struck again. Megazord finally grabs staff, keeping it at bay, only for Genie to sparkily kick it in the chest. |
ZYU #11. |
Close up of Genie pointing drill staff to our near right, thrusting it in. |
ZYU #11. |
Reverse angle, showing Megazord getting sparkily bursted by poke in the chest from drill staff. |
ZYU #11. |
In briefly shaking and slightly smokey Megazord cockpit, sharp zoom in on Black Ranger, who makes fist then turns to Red, putting hand on his shoulder. Pan over to Red, who looks forward, nod-talks a few times, then as camera zooms out, he turns back to Pink Ranger, then forth, then back to her, making fist. |
ZYU #11. |
Close up of Pink nodding. |
Cuts her leaping out. |
ZYU #11. |
Close up of Red turning to Blue and Yellow, talking to them, they respond with thumbs up. |
Cuts their leaping out. |
ZYU #11. |
Genie tosses another wad of silly string from his right hand. |
ZYU #11. |
Close up of Megazord becoming ensnared in silly streamers. |
ZYU #11. |
As Genie stands there with streamers attached to hand, Megazord sparks up, then bursts brightly. |
ZYU #11. |
Close up on streamer-netted Megazord sparking up, then bursting brightly. |
ZYU #32. |
Shaky cockpit gets blasted with burst of smoke and sparks, Rangers reacting. |
Recycled. |
ZYU #11. |
Continued from two shots ago, more bright flashes of white, on close up on streamer-netted Megazord sparking, smoking, and flailing. |
ZYU #11. |
Megazord collapses onto its right side in front of us, with Genie approaching. |
ZYU #28. |
Megazord cockpit is tilted to our right, as Rangers express distress, a flood of sparks pouring down on Pink and Black. |
Cuts before freeze frame. |
ZYU #11. |
Slow zoom in on Rita, standing atop grassy hill, holding red lamp, laughing then holding right hand out while talking. |
Shortened from source. |
ZYU #11. |
Close up on drill as it begins to spin, camera following as Genie, cranking the handle, raises it up. |
ZYU #11. |
Rita, standing atop grassy hill, holding red lamp, laughing. |
Recycled, trimmed to just start. |
ZYU #11. |
Close upward angle of Genie, cranking drill, holding it up and then jabbing it to our left. |
ZYU #11. |
Close downward side angle of Megazord on its back, Genie drilling staff toward its head, Megazord moving it, and drill bending like rubber on rock as sparks burst. |
Original stock. |
Zordon talks to our left, looking pretty serious mostly. |
ZYU #11. |
Close upward side angle of Megazord on its back, as Genie lowers drilling staff toward its face. |
ZYU #28. |
Megazord cockpit tilted to the right, all five Rangers jolted as it shakes at first, zoom in on Black who talks as they recover a little. |
Trimmed from source. |
ZYU #11. |
POV through Megazord cockpit window of Genie aiming spinning drill staff closer. |
ZYU #11. |
Upward angle of Genie lowering spinning drill below camera. |
ZYU #11. |
Close up of handle wheel on staff that Genie is cranking to turn drill. |
ZYU #11. |
POV through Megazord cockpit window of Genie aiming spinning drill staff closer. |
Recycled. |
ZYU #11. |
Close up of spinning drill tip lowering, whole drill passing down to our left. |
ZYU #39. |
Close up of Rita, grinning wickedly, then laughing widely. |
Trimmed heavily from source. |
Original stock. |
Zordon talks to our far left, turning head to a more center left by end. |
Original stock. |
Zordon talks forward, but his face turns to our right too far and part of his cheek vanishes briefly, his gaze shifts to our left. |
ZYU #39. |
Close up of Red Ranger's helmeted face in Megazord, camera titled to the right. as he moves a little. |
Trimmed heavily from source. |
ZYU #11. |
Genie, standing on Megazord with cranking drill staff, is overcome by a while sparkling light that swoops around him until he glows and turns into a white blob of energy, shooting away. |
Shot reverses when Genie glows, sending sparks going in reverse, then once at start, it begins again fully. Cuts before close up of lamp in kid's hands. |
ZYU #11. |
Rita on top of grassy hill, touches forehead with both hands, speaking in agony. She stops, crosses arms over chest, and fades away. |
Trimmed from source. Fades to black. |