#392: PRTF 1114: "The Quantum Quest".
Features Footage from (bold = new footage):
Timeranger, episode 29.
The complete program, from opening to end of Saban logo, lasts roughly 21:19;10.
Opening is about 1:00; by itself.
Next Time On is about 0:30; by itself.
Ending is about 0:30; by itself.
Opening Credits (version 1.1 debuts)
Source | Description | Edit Note |
MR 102. |
Nadira watches part of the end of Masked Rider, episode 2. |
Altered to fit TV. |
TIME #29. |
The Time Gate is activated. |
Recycled, per source. |
TIME #29. |
Quantasaurus Rex races down the runway, crackling, flaring, and shimmering, until he reaches the end and seemingly explodes. |
TIME #29. |
Quantasaurus Rex passes through the time vortex, losing his Quantum Controller. |
TIME #29. |
Brickneck, with Cyclobots, searches the city with his tracking device. |
Shot 2 is cropped to avoid Japanese text. |
TIME #29. |
The Quantum Controller lies gleaming on an upper floor of a structure. |
TIME #29. |
Brickneck walks along with Cyclobots, looking to his tracking device. |
TIME #29. |
The four Rangers land in front of a car in the shipping yard before Brickneck. |
TIME #29. |
Brickneck takes off his tracker, hands it to a Cyclobot, then whips out his saber, and rushes forth, the Rangers doing the same. |
TIME #29. |
Brickneck duels with the Rangers, Saber to Chrono-Saber, and sparkily slashes through each one, some multiple times, before leaping up off Blue's shoulder, and landing atop a crate, where he whips out his blaster and fires on them, smoke-bursting the four. |
TIME #29. |
The Cyclobots approach the location of the glowing Quantum Controller. |
Shot 3 is recycled, per source. |
TIME #29. |
Blue rolls then whips a blue bolt from his Saber, which sparks around Brickneck, before he returns fire, blasting each Ranger in the chest smokily until they fall. |
TIME #29. |
Red falls off the building's side with Eric and the Quantum Controller, both then smashing through a door. |
TIME #29. |
Cyclobots enter the building through the damaged doors, and approach the downed Eric and Red. |
TIME #29. |
Cyclobot fires sparkily upon Eric, but the blast hits the Quantum Controller, which then glows in his hands, and sends a pulse of golden energy forth, knocking the Cyclobots over. |
Shot 2 is trimmed on both ends, to remove his decidedly non-Eric face. |
TIME #29. |
Red recovers and looks forth. |
TIME #29. |
Zoom in on the smoking Quantum Controller in Eric's hands. |
Trims start to remove visibility of his non-Eric face. |
TIME #29. |
Zoom in on Red reacting. |
TIME #29. |
Circuit lands, talks and flaps, then Red responds. |
Cuts some of his dialogue in shot 2. |
TIME #29. |
Red tries to get up, but doubles over again. |
TIME #29. |
Eric sticks his left hand in the Quantum Control Box, which gleams yellow, and turns into the Quantum Morpher on his wrist. |
TIME #29. |
Zoom in past Eric onto Red, reacting. |
TIME #29. |
Quantum Morpher lights up and gleams golden, a light it shimmers with, causing a massive explosion around Eric. |
TIME #29. |
Building interior collapses as it explodes. |
Recycled, per source. |
TIME #29. |
Debris falls down around Circuit. |
TIME #29. |
Interior of a structure exploding, support beams coming down amid sparks. |
Recycled, per source. |
TIME #29. |
Debris falls down around Red. |
TIME #29. |
An explosion erupts near the collapsing roof. |
TIME #29. |
More debris comes down over Red, but soon it stops, so he uncovers his head and looks forth. |
TIME #29. |
Quantum Ranger slowly stands up, crackling with electricity, Red sits up and watches, as the crackling subsides, Circuit then talking. |
TIME #29. |
Close-ups on the details of the Quantum Ranger and his suit. |
TIME #29. |
Push in on the Quantum Ranger, standing still in the flashing lights. |
Cropped to avoid Japanese text. |
TIME #29. |
Red watches in disbelief, and Circuit talks. |
TIME #29. |
Brickneck fires sparkily on the four Rangers, then Pink pulls out V5 and fires back, but he dodges and returns fire, blasting her down, where the Rangers regroup defensively around her. Yellow nod-talks, then so does Blue. |
TIME #29. |
Brickneck rises up, gestures forth, and aims at the Rangers, who react, as he talks and is about to fire, only to get his gun spark bursted out of his hand, before fire bursts erupt all around him and the Rangers, knocking them all down. |
TIME #29. |
Quantum Ranger taps his Quantum Defender against the back of his hand repeatedly, while Brickneck and the Rangers look around for him, all finally spotting him in the distance atop a structure's outdoor stairway, where he finally ceases tapping and slowly lowers his arm. |
TIME #29. |
Yellow pats Blue on the arm, and steps forth, talking, before Green also talks, shaking his head. |
TIME #29. |
Quantum comes down to a lower level on the stairway, as Brickneck faces him, so the Ranger nod-talks, walks down some more steps, and nod-talks some more. |
TIME #29. |
Brickneck raises a fist while talking, then gestures his arm, summoning Cyclobots to the structure. Quantum turns to see them, nod-talks, then fires sparkily upon them. |
TIME #29. |
The four Rangers react, then Red rushes in and joins them, nod-talking to them about Quantum. |
Fades to black. |
TIME #29. |
Quantum leaps off the structure, lands before the Cyclobots, and poses with his Quantum Defender. |
Fades in from black. |
TIME #29. |
POV of Quantum, showing schematics of his Quantum Defender's ability to turn to Blade Mode. |
Japanese name for weapon matted out. |
TIME #29. |
Quantum nod-talks, presses a button on his Quantum Defender, then spins around blasting Cyclobots in a circle, bursting them with reddish smoke, then blasting some more, then blasting yet some more. |
TIME #29. |
Quantum sees yet more Cyclobots, so he changes Quantum Defender to Blade Mode. |
TIME #29. |
Quantum leaps up and everything goes super fast and blurry, as he rushes around slashing Cyclobots with his blade. |
TIME #29. |
Quantum flips over, bounds off a wall, and leaps at the leaping Brickneck, clashing blades, then flipping away from each other, and facing one another, pacing to the side before the Mutant fires his blaster, prompting Quantum to drop down and fire back, striking him sparkily down. |
TIME #29. |
Quantum gets up and talks to his Morpher, before pressing a button on his Quantum Defender, whipping it out into a glowing blade, before rushing forth at Brickneck, blocking his saber and sparkily slashing him with the charged up blade. |
TIME #29. |
Quantum turns around and as a red blaze ignites behind him, he slashes the Quantum Defender Blade twice with energy trails, cutting into Brickneck, causing him to crackle. Quantum turns his back to the Mutant, reholsters his Defender, and remains still while Brickneck bursts, then collapses and explodes massively, the explosion then imploding. |
TIME #29. |
The Mutant DNA retracts. |
Recycled, per source. |
TIME #29. |
Little Chrono-Frozen Brickneck falls to the ground. |
TIME #29. |
Quantum listens to his Quantum Morpher, then walks off, while the Rangers look on, Yellow nod-talking. |
TIME #29. |
Quantum slowly walks forth. |
TIME #29. |
Zoom in on Circuit talking. |
TIME #29. |
Quantum stops a yard or two away from the Rangers, Red steps forth, and each says something briefly. |
TIME #29. |
Red and Quantum face each other, Wes & Eric's heads suddenly appearing above them. |
Wes & Eric superimposed; cuts before we see their Japanese counterpart's heads; freeze-frames and EP credits fade in, before fade to black. |