
Power Rangers Time Force

#394: PRTF 1116: "Clash for Control, Part 2".

Features Footage from (bold = new footage):
Timeranger, episodes 13, 20, 26, 28, 29, 30, & 37.

The complete program, from opening to end of Saban logo, lasts roughly 21:19;08.

Previously On is about 0:30; by itself.

Opening is about 1:00; by itself.

Next Time On is about 0:30; by itself.

Ending is about 0:30; by itself.

Opening Credits

Source Description Edit Note
TIME #29.

Quantasaurus Rex rubs his foot against the ground, before jerking his body about.

Split; Fades in from black.

TIME #29.

Continued, Q-Rex begins to rush forth.


TIME #29.

Q-Rex begins to charge through the city.

Recycled, per source.

TIME #28.

The portal opening on top of a stadium dome, the five Time Flyers shoot out of the vortex and into the present.

Recycled, per source. Cuts prior sequence.

TIME #13.

Red in his cockpit, gives a quick thumbs-up.

Cuts before zoom in; Replaces TIME #28's shot due to lack of visor.

TIME #28.

Along a mountainous terrain, the five Time Flyers shift around and transform into the Time Force Megazord Mode Red.

Recycled, per source. Cuts prior sequence.

TIME #29.

Q-Rex lumbers forth, and is about to crush that overpass.

Recycled, trimmed, per source.

TIME #26.

Zoom in on Mode Red.

Trims start; Replaces TIME #29's shot of Mode Red & Time Shadow.

TIME #29.

Q-Rex turns and whips his tail sparkily into Mode Red, shaking up the cockpit.

Cuts shot of Time Shadow spark bursting between shots 1 & 2. Note Red's visor is damaged.

TIME #29.

Q-Rex bites down on Mode Red's right arm sparkily, until it drops its Saber, then he jerks and releases the Megazord, sending it flying and falling down, jolting the cockpit.

Red's visor still damaged.

TIME #30.

Quantum nod-talks and touches his hand to his chest.

Fades to black.

TIME #30.

Q-Rex gnaws on Shadow Force Mode Red's Saber sparkily.

Is Mystery Man looking at the future?; Altered to fit Holoscreen.

TIME #20 & 30.

Q-Rex continues to bite SFMR's Saber on one screen, while Shadow Winger rotates on the platform in the other.

Both altered to fit screens; Shadow Winger stuff is recycled.

TIME #28.

Trans-Warp Megazord launches Shadow Winger into the Time Gate, where it passes down its very own time vortex.

Recycled, per source; first two shots altered to fit screen.

TIME #28.

The sun becomes eclipsed, which turns into a time portal, Shadow Winger passing through it.

Recycled, per source.

TIME #28.

Shadow Winger transforms into the Time Shadow Megazord, swooping in.

Recycled, per source.

TIME #29.

Q-Rex turns around and looks upwardish.

TIME #29.

Zoom in on Green, reacting in the cockpit.

Red still has visor damage.

TIME #13.

Zoom in on Pink, nod-talking in the cockpit, briefly glancing to our left.

Recycled, trimmed.

TIME #28.

Time Shadow Megazord continues swooping in.

Recycled, per source.

TIME #28.

Q-Rex roars while Mode Red & Time Shadow face him.

TIME #28.

Zoom out to show the whole city around Q-Rex vs Mode Red & Time Shadow.

Pushed up from source position; Cuts before text appears onscreen.

TIME #28.

Mode Red & Time Shadow pose battle ready.

TIME #28.

Q-Rex writhes and roars as the camera rises and pushes in on his fit.

Recycled, but first in context.

TIME #28.

Zoom in between the Megazords' legs onto the growling Q-Rex.

TIME #28.

Zoom in past Q-Rex onto Mode Red.

TIME #28.

The Rangers stand around in the standing cockpit.

Red's visor is still broken.

TIME #29.

Time Shadow fires missiles from its shoulder wings.

Recycled, per source.

TIME #29.

Explosions erupt in the city around Q-Rex, spark bursting him as he's surrounded by smoke and dust.

TIME #29.

Time Shadow fires missiles from its shoulder wings.

Recycled, mirror-flipped, per source.

TIME #29.

More explosions erupt against, on, and around Q-Rex, who writhes in agony from them.

TIME #29.

Time Shadow leaps in and sparkily slashes his armblade into Q-Rex.

TIME #29.

Q-Rex staggers back, his right shoulder damaged, burning and sparking, as he swats his right claw forth.

Cuts follow-ups of Q-Rex firing lasers sparkily on TS.

TIME #30.

Zoom in on Red in the Shadow Force cockpit (shh!) raising a fist.

TIME #29.

Q-Rex turns around to face Mode Red.

TIME #29.

Q-Rex leans down and fires his back shoulder cannons.

TIME #29.

Mode Red gets struck by lasers and spark bursts, the cockpit also sparking.

Trims each cockpit shot to reduce visibility of visor-damaged Red. Cuts follow-up Q-Rex tail attack on Mode Red.

TIME #29.

Time Shadow rejoins Mode Red defensively, then both get electricity-breath blasted by Q-Rex, exploding them both.

TIME #37.

Q-Rex turns around and heads off to our right, his shoulder damaged.

Trimmed; shoulder damage added.

TIME #29.

Pan across the plaza, no sign of Q-Rex.

TIME #30.

The camera passes over a forested area.

Dissolves out.

TIME #29.

Q-Rex wanders into a cave, his shoulder wound still smoking, then collapses, and falls into a fit-full slumber.

Dissolves in; Shot of his tail is recycled, per source.

TIME #29.

Q-Rex wakes up in the cave, roaring, slaps his tail down, then rises up, and begins to glow and shimmer.

Fades to black; Shot of his tail is recycled, per source; cuts shot of his paws between shot 1 & 2.

TIME #30.

Imaginary shot of Quantum leading the four Rangers and Silver Guardians.

TIME #30.

Eric running morphs into Quantum Ranger.

Trims start to remove non-Eric's visibility.

TIME #30.

Wes running morphs into Red Ranger.

Trims start to remove non-Wes' visibility.

TIME #30.

Quantum & Red begin to fight.

TIME #30.

Pan down to Commandocon in the forest, raising his spear and working the control stick on it.


TIME #30.

Q-Rex whips his tail up into the trees, as his head, control device glowing, surfaces from underground, shaking off the dust and dirt, before stepping down.


TIME #30.

Quantasaurus Rex continues to roars and jerk his body about, amid dust & debris in the forest.

Recycled, but runs uncut for first time.

TIME #30.

As the dust blows about, Commandocon motions his hand and steps back.


TIME #30.

Quantasaurus Rex steps.


TIME #30.

Q-Rex turns and heads over to our right.


TIME #30.

Commandocon waves, then resumes jerking the control stick.

Recycled, but runs fully for first time.

TIME #30.

Q-Rex races through the forest.


TIME #30.

Commandocon looks at his control stick, then talks forth, before rushing ahead.

Recycled, but unaltered.

TIME #30.

Q-Rex charges through the forest.

Recycled, but unaltered.

TIME #30.

Quantum rolls back up, then leaps up, and chops at Red, who then grabs his arm before he can be hit.

Cuts follow-up of Red gripping Quantum's throat.

TIME #30.

Red flips Quantum over, Quantum kicks back, then gets up and begins to kick at Red.

Cuts before the headblows start; US replaces follow-ups due to headblows.

TIME #30.

Red and Quantum punch each other sparkily at the same time, causing both to fall down.

TIME #30.

Red and Quantum nod-talk to each other while recovering and facing off once more.

TIME #30.

Quantum & Red continue to face one another, fists raised, until Red turns his head.

TIME #30.

Q-Rex races through the city, not harming any buildings, no sir.

TIME #30.

Red's attention is turned away long enough for Quantum to pull out his Quantum Defender and sparkily fire on him, knocking him down.

TIME #30.

Quantum aims his Defender at Red and slowly approaches him, nod-talking, until he raises his Defender and runs off, Red getting up and following.

TIME #30.

Q-Rex begins to charge through the city.

Recycled, per source.

TIME #30.

Q-Rex lumbers forth, his feet explosively destroying an overpass.

Recycled, mirror-flipped, per source.

TIME #30.

Q-Rex races through the city, sparkily striking buildings on his way by.

Recycled, per source.

TIME #30.

Two Silver Guardian SUVs pull up and park.

TIME #30.

Japanese citizens flee across the screen as Q-Rex smashes buildings to explosive bits.

TIME #30.

Q-Rex smashes some more buildings to explosive bits.

TIME #30.

Japanese civilians flee while debris falls around them.

TIME #30.

Q-Rex turns and whips his tail.

Recycled, per source.

TIME #30.

Q-Rex's tail destroys a building.

TIME #30.

Zoom in on Commandocon, motioning hand, then working control spear.

TIME #30.

The control device atop Q-Rex glows and crackles, causing him to writhe in pain.

Fades to black.

TIME #30.

Red follows behind Quantum as they race down some outdoor steps.

TIME #30.

Quantum talks at those approaching him.

TIME #30.

Time Flyer 1 rotates on the central platform to face the Time Gate.

Recycled, per source.

TIME #30.

Trans-Warp Megazord lowers its visor.

Recycled, per source.

TIME #30.

The Time Gate is activated.

Recycled, per source.

TIME #30.

Trans-Warp Megazord swings its fist around.

Recycled, per source.

TIME #30.

Time Flyer 1 is bopped on the thruster by Trans-Warp Megazord, sending it flying forth, right at the Time Gate, entering with a flash of energy.

Recycled, per source.

TIME #30.

Red rushes through the city.

TIME #30.

TWM booty-bops both Time Flyers 2 & 3, then 4 & 5.

Recycled, per source.

TIME #30.

All five Time Flyers reunite in the time vortex.

Recycled, per source.

TIME #30.

The portal opening on top of a stadium dome, the five Time Flyers shoot out of the vortex and into the present.

Recycled, per source.

TIME #30.

All five Rangers race forth.

Trims start to remove running morphs.

TIME #30.

Red's boots leap up.

Recycled, per source.

TIME #30.

Red lands in his cockpit solidly.

Recycled, per source.

TIME #30.

Downward angle on three of the Time Flyers, Rangers in the cockpits visible, before they all zoom off.

Recycled, trimmed, per source.

TIME #30.

Trans-Warp Megazord launches Shadow Winger into the Time Gate, where it passes down its very own time vortex.

Recycled, per source; Cuts follow-ups of it passing through time periods.

TIME #30.

The sun becomes eclipsed, which turns into a time portal, Shadow Winger passing through it.

Recycled, per source.

TIME #30.

Time Force Megazord Mode Red finishes transforming.

Recycled, per source.

TIME #30.

Shadow Winger transforms into component mode, as Mode Red lands within it, the parts lock on, and Shadow Force Megazord Mode Red stands completed in front of a gleaming TF Badge.

TIME #30.

Q-Rex roars as Shadow Force Mode Red poses with its Saber held forth.

TIME #30.

Commandocon gestures, then rips off his DNA Patch.


TIME #30.

Mutant DNA is exposed to the air, expanding rapidly.

Recycled, dissolves, per source.

TIME #30.

Commandocon grows gigantic.

TIME #30.

Shadow Force Mode Red reacts to Commandocon joining the battlefield, zoom in on Blue in the cockpit.

US replaces follow-up of Circuit.

TIME #30.

Commandocon talks, then raises his spear and works the controls, causing Q-Rex to begin charging forth.

TIME #30.

Q-Rex charges through the city.

TIME #30.

Zoom in on Red in the Shadow Force cockpit raising a fist.

Recycled, but first in context.

TIME #30.

Shadow Force Mode Red fires a pair of green energy nets, which ensnare around Q-Rex, holding him in place, until Commandocon gestures forth, causing the nets to break, Red reacting.

TIME #30.

Q-Rex approaches the Megazord mouth-first, Red reacts, and Shadow Force Mode Red gets its Saber chomped upon by Q-Rex.

TIME #30.

Q-Rex gnaws on Shadow Force Mode Red's Saber sparkily.

Recycled, but unaltered and in context.

TIME #30.

Commandocon continues working the controls on his spear.

TIME #30.

Quantum reaches the rooftop, and watches Shadow Force Mode Red struggling with Q-Rex sparkily, the Megazord notices him, Red nod-talking as he keeps hold of his control stick.

TIME #30.

Quantum nod-talks and touches his hand to his chest.

Recycled, but first in context.

TIME #30.

Quantum Morpher talks to Quantum, so he raises his wrist and listens, then talks into it, but Q-Rex ignores him, continuing to sparkily bite down on the Saber.

TIME #30.

Quantum continues trying to reach Q-Rex through the Morpher, until the Morpher talks back, so he pulls out his Quantum Defender, talks some more into the Morpher, then fires the Defender, sparkily striking Q-Rex, who releases the Saber then knocks Shadow Force Mode Red over.

TIME #30.

Q-Rex turns his attention to Quantum, heading toward him, Red reacting, motioning his arm for him to get out of there.

TIME #30.

Q-Rex approaches Quantum, who does a POV visor scan, pinpointing the control device, which he then fires upon, destroying it sparkily.

TIME #30.

Quantum quickly begins to talk into his Morpher, as Q-Rex leans in, and appears to be about to chomp down upon the Ranger, only to stop suddenly as the voice print control kicks in. Quantum talks again, Commandocon reacts, and Q-Rex closes his jaws and pulls away, before Quantum listens to his Morpher, then nod-talks into it.

TIME #30.

As lightning ignites a blaze behind him, Q-Rex roars and his eyes glow.

TIME #30.

Shadow Force Mode Red gets up.

TIME #30.

Green nod-talks, then pan over to Red, who responds.

Partially recycled, but first uncut and in context.

TIME #30.

Quantum nod-talks into his Morpher, then presses a button, prompting Q-Rex to turn to our left and head that way.

TIME #30.

Q-Rex races through the city, not harming any buildings, no sir.

Recycled, per source.

TIME #30.

Q-Rex heads left, passing through the city.

TIME #30.

Q-Rex steps in front of the sun, writhes and roars.

TIME #30.

Commandocon reacts as Q-Rex faces him, Quantum then nod-talks into his Morpher again.

TIME #30.

Q-Rex leans down and fires his back shoulder cannons.

Recycled, per source.

TIME #30.

Commandocon spark bursts.

TIME #30.

Quantum listens to his Morpher, then nod-talks into it.

TIME #30.

As lightning ignites a blaze behind him, Q-Rex roars and his eyes glow.

Recycled already, per source.

TIME #30.

Quantum talks into his Morpher, then presses another button.

TIME #30.

Q-Rex transforms into the Quantasaurus Megazord.

TIME #30.

Quantum lowers his arm and steps forth, looking on and nod-talking in awe.

TIME #30.

Quantasaurus Megazord poses.

Japanese text is digitally erased, smoke added to cover help cover up the seams.

TIME #30.

Zoom in on Red reacting.

TIME #30.

Commandocon also reacts, while Quantasaurus Megazord poses battle ready.

TIME #30.

Quantum presses a button on his Morpher, then talks into it.

TIME #30.

Quantasaurus Megazord fires missiles from his right hand.

TIME #30.

Commandocon spark bursts.

TIME #30.

Quantum presses another Morpher button, then nod-talks into it.

TIME #30.

Quantasaurus Megazord punches off his glowing left fist.

TIME #30.

Hit by the glowing fist, Commandocon spark bursts, and is thrown across the city.

TIME #30.

Quantum listens to his Morpher, then presses a button and talks into it again.

TIME #30.

Quantasaurus Megazord stands ready, Commandocon gets up and reacts wearily.

TIME #30.

Quantasaurus Megazord charges up his shoulder cannons, then fires green beams from them.

TIME #30.

Commandocon is struck by the green beams, spark bursting and exploding him, until he freezes suddenly.

TIME #30.

Quantum lowers his wrist, then rubs his visor and releases while nod-talking.

TIME #30.

The explosion around Commandocon unfreezes, and implodes into energy, causing him to become Chrono-Frozen as he shrinks down and falls to the ground.

TIME #30.

Quantasaurus Megazord reverts to Q-Rex.

Recycled, plays in reverse, dissolves, per source.

TIME #30.

Quantum leaps up atop Q-Rex's head, and stands there proudly in the sunlight.

TIME #30.

The Rangers look on from below, Circuit talking to them quite a bit, then Green talks and folds his arms, then zoom in on Red as he continues to stare upwards.

Fades to black.

Ending Credits