
Power Rangers Time Force

#396: PRTF 1118: "Trust and Triumph".

Features Footage from (bold = new footage):
Timeranger, episodes 1, 3, 25, & 26.

The complete program, from opening to end of Saban logo, lasts roughly 21:18;18.

Opening is about 1:00; by itself.

Next Time On is about 0:30; by itself.

Ending is about 0:30; by itself.

Opening Credits

Source Description Edit Note
TIME #03.

Exterior of the Prison Ship in the forest.


TIME #25.

Japanese civilians flee as Cyclobots storm the lobby.

Trims start.

TIME #25.

Cyclobots enter a room, the Japanese civilians flee, before they are sparkily fired upon, the Cyclos then trashing the room.

Additional civilian shots cut between final two shots.

TIME #25.

Turtlecon raises his right hand and touches his teleporter device.

Split; pushed back to replace a similar shot for no reason.

TIME #25.

The Rangers arrive on the scene of the Cyclobot hostage standoff.

Cuts before Red loads a tube into V1.

TIME #25.

The Rangers all rush in at once.

TIME #25.

Turtlecon raises his hand again and presses a button on his teleporter, causing the pinkish lights to shimmer and the orbs to rise about.

Split; pushed back to replace a similar shot for no reason.

TIME #25.

Red, Blue & Pink are teleported away by the pink orbs.

TIME #25.

The teleporter is pressed as it shimmers and releases more orbs.

Pushed back from source position.

TIME #25.

Yellow & Green are teleported away by pink orbs.

Fades to black.

TIME #25.

The Rangers are teleported into the yellow beach dimension, Yellow nod-talking, as all get up and look around, before lightning crackles down and explodes around them, knocking them down.

Fades in from black.

TIME #25.

Red notices five familiar figures approaching on the horizon, he and his teammates getting up and gawking.

TIME #25.

Each Ranger reacts to their Evil Double.

TIME #25.

The Evil Rangers cease walking, facing the Rangers, who continue to react, Red talking to his teammates.

TIME #25.

The Evil Rangers whip their Chrono-Sabers forth, sending energy bolts explosively at the Rangers.

TIME #25.

The Evil Rangers charge forth with their Chrono-Sabers, the Rangers ready their own, Pink nod-talks, then they rush forth and begin to battle their doubles.

TIME #25.

Evil Pink sparkily slashes Pink a bunch.

TIME #25.

Blue leaps over Evil Blue, up onto a cliff, where the Evil Blue Saber whips a bolt at him, knocking him back down.

TIME #25.

The two Reds take to the water, fighting atop the waves, Sabers to Sabers, until Evil Red pushes Red down under the sea.

TIME #25.

The two Yellows fight physically, until Evil Yellow tosses Yellow into a nearby hillside.

Cuts shot 1 before EY kicks Y down and strangles her; trims shot 2 to cover the gap.

TIME #25.

Evil Green does the spinning attack, sparkily slashing Green repeatedly.

TIME #25.

The Rangers regroup, as do the Evil Rangers, Red nod-talking to his teammates again, as Evil Red points his Saber forth.

TIME #25.

Zoom in slowly on Turtlecon as he raises his right hand and clenches it into a fist.

TIME #25.

The Evil Rangers sparkily slash their counterparts down.

TIME #25.

Turtlecon talks while motioning both arms.

TIME #25.

Evil Red charges up his blade, then does a Time Strike on Red.

Time Strike stuff recycled and yellowized, per source.

TIME #25.

Evil Yellow does a glowing double-Saber slash into Yellow & Blue.

First shot is recycled, trimmed, per source.

TIME #25.

Evil Pink does a Time Strike on Pink & Green.

Time Strike stuff recycled and yellowized, per source.

TIME #25.

As the Evil Rangers pose with their backs to them, the Rangers crackle and explode massively.

Cuts before text appears.

TIME #26.

The Rangers fall down, the Evil Rangers turn around, Pink nod-talks, then they get up and pull out their V-Weapons, only to have their Evil doubles do the same.

TIME #26.

All ten Rangers fire their V-Weapons on each other at once, causing a massive explosion, which knocks both teams down.

TIME #26.

Blue notices a crack in the dimension, and points it out, Pink nod-talks, then Red, as all five Rangers race for it, the Evil Rangers following behind.

TIME #26.

Turtlecon lowers his fist, then reaches back onto his shell.

TIME #26.

The teleporter is pressed as it shimmers and releases more orbs.

Recycled, per source.

TIME #26.

Red & Pink leap up and make it through the crack, but Green, Yellow & Blue aren't so lucky, getting sucked into another dimension.

TIME #26.

Turtlecon teleports into the yellow dimension and walks in front of the Evil Rangers.

TIME #26.

Circuit watches a computer simulation of the Electro Booster firing upon and destroying the dimension, Ranger colored balls included.

Altered to fit Holoscreen.

TIME #26.

Circuit watches a computer simulation of the Electro Booster firing upon the dimension while a beam fires from within, successfully freeing the Ranger colored balls.

Altered to fit Holoscreen.

TIME #25.

Turtlecon touches his teleporter device with his right hand briefly.

Recycled, trimmed.

TIME #26.

The teleporter is pressed as it shimmers and releases more orbs.

Recycled, per source.

TIME #26.

Cyclobots stand around the lobby.

TIME #26.

V5 appears in a setup on the laptop.

Altered to fit laptop.

TIME #01.

Establishing shot of the Time Force Headquarters.


TIME #26.

Simulation appears of the dimension with the three Ranger colored balls within.

Recycled; Altered to fit laptop; cuts rest of simulation.

TIME #26.

Pink & Red rush over and hide behind a corner, then nod-talk to each other, before splitting up.

TIME #25.

Turtlecon gestures both hands forth.

TIME #26.

The teleporter is pressed as it shimmers and releases more orbs.

Recycled, per source.

PRTF 1102.

Katie, Trip, and Lucas' morphing sequences.

Recycled, but first time montage.

TIME #26.

Pink enters the hallway, nod-talks, then Turtlecon gestures his left hand, and she's orbed back to the beach dimension, no longer yellow. There, she looks around, pinpoints where she has to go through her visor, and heads that way.

TIME #26.

Red pinpoints the spot he needs to aim for on our side of the dimensional barrier, briefly glancing at his Morpher, and waits patiently with his Electro Booster.

TIME #26.

In a warehouse dimension, the Evil Rangers fight the three Rangers, Evil Red & Yellow slash Yellow sparkily until she falls, Evil Pink & Green slash Green sparkily until he falls.

TIME #26.

The two Blues kick at each other at the same time, though Evil Blue, of course, wins out.

TIME #26.

The three Rangers regroup, the Evil Rangers approach with their V-Weapons, Evil Pink suddenly leaves, Yellow and Blue reacting, before they get fired on explosively by the remaining four Evils.

TIME #26.

Pink arrives at the riverbank location where she needs to fire, with 2 minutes to spare, when Evil Pink appears and blasts her V5 out of her hands.

TIME #26.

Red aims Electro Booster at the spot on this side, with a minute to go.

TIME #26.

Blue, followed by Yellow and Green, slowly recover to their feet.

US replaces follow-up of Circuit.

TIME #26.

Evil Pink does the spinning Saber strike against Pink sparkily, then sparkily strikes her a few more times until she falls into the river.

TIME #26.

Red continues to aim his Electro Booster.

TIME #26.

Pink gets up, the final 10 seconds begin to count down, and she blocks Evil Pink's Sabers sparkily, before punching her back, then taking off, only to be followed.

US replaces follow-up of Circuit.

TIME #26.

Final 4 seconds tick down, as Pink races for her weapon, being followed by Evil Pink, Red prepares to pull the trigger, and Evil Pink tackles Pink down, but she grabs V5 just as the clock reaches zero.

TIME #26.

Red fires the Electro Booster, just as Pink fires V5, the simulation showing the act, as the spot above Pink explodes, and the other three Rangers are teleported out just as they're beating the other Evils.

TIME #26.

Turtlecon's dimension shatters below him, he falls through and teleports onto the ground, clutching his dome in dismay.

TIME #26.

The Rangers regroup before Turtlecon, Red nod-talking and pointing, then Pink holds her gleaming TF Badge forth, he reacts, then she steps forth, talking to him.

TIME #26.

Turtlecon talks and gestures, then rips off his DNA Patch.


TIME #26.

Mutant DNA is exposed to the air, expanding rapidly.

Recycled, dissolves, per source.

TIME #26.

Turtlecon grows gigantic.

US replaces follow-up of Circuit.

TIME #26.

Time Flyer 1 rotates on the central platform to face the Time Gate.

Recycled, per source.

TIME #26.

Trans-Warp Megazord swings its fist at us.

Recycled, per source.

TIME #26.

Time Flyer 1 is bopped on the thruster by Trans-Warp Megazord.

Recycled, per source.

TIME #26.

Time Flyer 2 & 3 fly forth, then all four enter the Time Gate in an orderly fashion.

Recycled, per source.

TIME #26.

All five Time Flyers reunite in the time vortex.

Recycled, per source.

TIME #26.

The portal opening on top of a stadium dome, the five Time Flyers shoot out of the vortex and into the present.

Recycled, per source.

TIME #26.

Red lands in his cockpit solidly.

Recycled, per source.

TIME #26.

Along a mountainous terrain, the five Time Flyers shift around and transform into the Time Force Megazord Mode Red.

Recycled, trimmed, per source.

TIME #26.

The Saber exits the portal in Mode Red's chest gem, which it then grasps.

Recycled, per source.

TIME #26.

Mode Red lands before Turtlecon, posing, so he leans down and activates his duplicator, forming an Evil Mode Red, Mode Red reacting, Red pointing in disbelief, and Green nod-talking.

TIME #26.

Turtlecon talks, before Evil Mode Red readies its Saber and marches forth, sparkily slashing Mode Red several times.

TIME #26.

(Evil) Mode Red's eyes glow, as it slashes its glowing Saber forth.

Recycled, per source.

TIME #26.

Mode Red is sparkily slashed, shaking up its cockpit, Pink nod-talks to Red, who responds, then raises a fist.

TIME #26.

Time Force Megazord Mode Red reverts to the five Time Flyers in a flash of light.

Recycled, per source.

TIME #26.

The five Time Flyers shift about in midair, forming the Time Force Megazord in Mode Blue.

Recycled, per source.

TIME #26.

Red quickly raises a fist.

TIME #26.

Mode Blue flies forth, twice.

Recycled, per source.

TIME #26.

Evil Mode Red's shield is sparkily double punched.

TIME #26.

Mode Blue corkscrew kicks.

Recycled, per source.

TIME #26.

Evil Mode Red's shield is sparkily kicked, causing it to fall down, shaking up the cockpit.

TIME #26.

Evil Mode Red goes over and sparkily slashes at the downed Mode Blue, which grabs its blade, while Turtlecon talks and gestures, before suddenly spark bursting.

TIME #26.

Time Shadow glides forth, slashing with energy trails twice.

Recycled, per source.

TIME #26.

Turtlecon gets sparkily slashed, Yellow nod-talks, Blue responds to her, then Red switches hands on his control stick.

TIME #26.

Mode Blue jerks the Saber aside, then kicks Evil Mode Red away sparkily, before getting up with its Blaster in hand.

TIME #26.

Red raises another fist in the cockpit.

TIME #26.

Mode Blue charges up its Blaster, aimed at Evil Mode Red, then Red jerks his fist, causing it to fire explosively upon Evil Mode Red, destroying it.

Shot 2 is recycled, but first in context.

TIME #26.

Red points forth while nod-talking in the cockpit, then grips control and raises a fist.

Cuts follow-up of TS reverting to SW.

TIME #26.

Shadow Winger transforms into a new formation, Mode Blue spins into it, parts lock on, and the finished Shadow Force Megazord in Mode Blue poses before a gleaming TF Badge.

Recycled, per source.

TIME #26.

Turtlecon reacts to Shadow Force Mode Blue.

TIME #26.

Red pulls out his control saber, flips it around as it transforms into a double for the Saber blaster thingy.

Recycled, per source.

TIME #26.

Shadow Force Mode Blue lifts off.

TIME #26.

Shadow Force Mode Blue forms a green clockface Time Target before it, which it fires at, shooting forth each of the 12 digits.

Recycled, per source.

TIME #26.

The 12 Time Target digits land around Turtlecon in a circle, then freeze him in place.

TIME #26.

Red aims at his own Time Target clockface, as Shadow Force Mode Blue fires its Saber blaster forth.

Recycled, per source.

TIME #26.

Turtlecon is struck by the blast, and becomes caught in a series of explosions, before suddenly freezing in a flash.

TIME #26.

Red lifts his left arm, spreads open his hand, while nod-talking.

TIME #26.

Unfreezing, the explosions around Turtlecon turn to green energy, which implodes into him, causing him to become Chrono-Frozen as he shrinks and falls to the ground.

Fades to black.

Ending Credits