
Mighty Morphin Power Rangers

#25: MMPR 123: "Life's a Masquerade".

Features Footage from:
Zyuranger Episodes 2, 3, 5, 6, 8, 9, 10, 12, 20, 28, 29;
and up to 5 segments of Original Zyu footage (Zyu½).

The ep, with opening, lasts roughly 20:46;24 from opening's start to end of the end credits and past the Saban logo (also includes a bit of black slug for opening commercials and quickly post Saban logo).

"Today on" segment is about :30; by itself.

Opening is about 1:00;00 by itself.

Ending is about 0:30; by itself.

Opening Credits

Source Description Edit Note
ZYU #02.

Far shot exterior of Rita's Lunar Palace.


ZYU #02.

Close, slow pan up the main tower on Rita's Lunar Palace, stopping at the spinning globe.


ZYU #03.

Slight zoom out, as Rita looks to Baboo & Squatt, then to Goldar, talking behind her Repulsascope, looking in it with a smile as Goldar nods.

Trims zoom out to lessen Rita's dialogue.

ZYU #05.

Close up of Squatt in workshop, pointing up with his right index finger, then up higher, before doing the same with his left hand, then back to the right.


ZYU #12.

Finster puts down book and stands from desk as Rita approaches, he talks a lot and they face our left.


ZYU #08.

As conveyer tray slides, Finster pulls down, then pushes back up, handle beside Monstermatic.

Recycled, trimmed to just handle cranking.

ZYU #08.

Monstermatic's exhaust pipe steams out. a few times.


ZYU #08.

As Monstermatic's pipe steams more and whole thing shakes, the camera follows the actively shakin' output tube.


ZYU #08.

Rita stands there watching, Finster ignoring, as Monstermatic's output tube expels smoke and sparks.


ZYU #08.

Output port spews smoke into workshop.


ZYU #08.

On balcony side edge, Squatt gets pushed aside by Baboo.



Close up of Rita as she looks at us, scowling "Get him!" as she holds her right hand like a claw and pokes it at us three times.


ZYU #02 & ZYU #30.

Static shot of the Earth from the Lunar surface as red ball of energy shoots toward the planet.

Recycled from MMPR 108. Fades in from white.

MMPR 107 & ZYU #30.

Aerial circling view of Angel Grove Park as red ball of energy shoots down at it.

Recycled from MMPR 108.

ZYU #10.

Slow pan from flaring sun down to cave with angel statue near it.


ZYU #10.

Interior tunnel of dark cave, lit only by a pair of torches.


ZYU #28.

Four Putties dig into dark cave with shovels, dumping what they dig up over to our left.

ZYU #28.

Downward shot of several Putties dumping dark clay into clear-topped device with pinkish smoke pouring from it.

ZYU #28.

Finster walks to our left, away from pink smoke machine, talking and spreading arms as he passes by Baboo & Squatt.

Trimmed, more later.

ZYU #28.

Pan left along rockin' output tube, where a Putty holds the end as reddish clay poops out into bowl, then a pair of Putties pick up a few chunks and take them off.

ZYU #28.

Close up of red Super Putty bowl, a few chunks plopping in, then a Putty reaching in and picking up two clumps.

ZYU #28.

Putty then slaps pair of wads onto big boulder of red Super Putty, really squeezing it on there like Pee-Wee and his Tin Foil Ball.

ZYU #28.

Close up of red Super Putty bowl, a few more chunks plopping into it.

Recycled, cuts before Putty hand can appear.

ZYU #28.

Four Putties dig into dark cave with shovels, dumping what they dig up over to our left.


ZYU #28.

Downward shot of several Putties dumping dark clay into clear-topped device with pinkish smoke pouring from it.


ZYU #28.

Cave wall rolls back, revealing Rita standing in misty shadow.

Trimmed to remove zoom in and her dialogue.

ZYU #10.

Close up of Baboo turning to our right, slapping at unseen Squatt, then facing front, gesturing hand in a swat, ears flapping.


ZYU #28.

Close of Frankenstein's face as he opens mouth and jerks head around in cave.

ZYU #28.

Rita turns from our left to our slight right, talking, glowering, and gesturing arms.

Trimmed from end of later scene.

ZYU #28.

Continued from earlier, Finster finishes walking past Baboo, making fists as he approaches boulder of Super Putty.

Cuts before unmorphed ZyuBlue in cage is visible.

ZYU #28.

Close up of red Super Putty bowl, a few chunks plopping in, then a Putty reaching in and picking up two clumps.


ZYU #28.

Rita faces pink smoke machine, gestures at it, then turns to face our left, talking all the while, groping hand gesture, Squatt & Finster also in the scene.

Cuts start to remove unmorphed ZyuBlue in cage.

ZYU #28.

Facing our left, in front of Baboo & Squatt, Rita steps forth, shouting excitedly with some arm motioning.

Trimmed, some of which was used earlier.

ZYU #28.

Close on Frankenstein, mouth agape, turning to our right and holding arms up and out while he walks.

MMPR 101.

Billy's morphing sequence.

Recycled. White flash after bolt, white flash at end.

ZYU #28.

Zoom out as Blue Ranger does his mighty pose in cave.

Fades in from white.

ZYU #28.

Frankenstein growls while slowly reaching to each side of his neck with each hand.

ZYU #28.

Close on Frankenstein's right bolt, getting yanked out of his neck by his right hand.

ZYU #28.

Close on Frankenstein's left bolt, getting yanked out of his neck by his left hand.

ZYU #28.

Zoom out as Frankenstein holds big neck bolts crossed against one another, then outward, connected by a chain.

ZYU #28.

Blue Ranger gets Blade Blaster slash blocked by Frankenstein's chains, tangling it, allowing the monster to flip him over. When Blue gets back up, Frankie bolt-smashes him back, sparkily.

ZYU #28.

Blue Ranger falls and rolls on misty cave floor, getting back up all dirty.

ZYU #28.

Frankenstein flings right bolt to our left.

ZYU #28.

Blue gets sparkily struck in chest by bolt.

ZYU #28.

Frankenstein flings left bolt to our left.

ZYU #28.

Blue gets sparkily struck in chest by another bolt, causing him to fall back onto the ground.

ZYU #28.

Zoom in on Rita, as she talks to our left, Baboo, Squatt, and Finster behind her, listening. Eventually pan over to Putties pushing red clay boulder forth.

ZYU #28.

Close shot of big crack in the ground as fault separates with smoke coming up.

ZYU #28.

Downward angle of model city getting split in half by fault line spreading, a box and other junk falling to its death.

ZYU #28.

A close section of housing begin to sink into the ground.

MMPR 101.

Citizens of Angel Grove run for their lives in downward shot.

Partially recycled, but starts and goes on longer than prior use.

ZYU #28.

Action figure of Rita rides atop one spicy meata'ball!

Trims start to cut Japanese writing on signs.

ZYU #28.

Tiny motionless Rita on top of huge ball of Super Putty as it finishes rising above city skyscrapers, hovering in place.

ZYU #28.

As camera shakes, Rita talks with a left hand gesture, atop her giant clump of Super Putty.

ZYU #28.

Slow zoom in on Rita talking whole holding her left hand outward, still standing on hovering Super Putty boulder.

Trims a little to cut down on her dialogue.

ZYU #28.

Continued nonconsecutively from prior shot, zoom in finishes as Rita talks with a wicked grin.

Like I said, cutting this up makes dubbing easier.


Rita stands in front of blue sky-wall, happily gesturing right arm to chest and proclaiming, "I love to get nasty, it's so NICE! Ahahaha!".

Fades to black.

MMPR Pilot.

Command Center exterior shot with teleportation streaks approaching and entering.

Recycled. Transitions in from prior shot via diagonal wipe.

ZYU #20.

Three Putties flip onto the scene.


MMPR 101 & ZYU #02.

The full standard original morphing sequence for the main five.

Recycled. White flash after bolt, fades to white at end.

ZYU #28.

Zoom out as five Rangers pose with Power Weapons.

Fades in from white.

ZYU #28.

Frankenstein leaps up and at camera with bolts in hand.

ZYU #28.

Zoom out to downward angle as Frankenstein lands in front of Rangers, bolt-smacks Red & Blue's weapon strikes then heads for Black.

ZYU #28.

Blue & Yellow Rangers flip across the scene as Pink leaps up and fires arrow from Power Bow.

ZYU #28.

Frankenstein bolt-smacks arrow aside angrily.

ZYU #28.

Zoom up as Pink lands, Frankenstein bolt-blocks Blue's Lances and shoves him aside, then bolt-blocks Yellow's Daggers before sparkily slashing her over, then bolt-blocks Pink's Bow before sparkily kicking her in the chest. He turns and ducks under Blue's Lances, bolt-locking with them, pushing him backwards, breaking free then bolt-smacking him back.

ZYU #28.

Blue falls and rolls on the ground, as Black & Red step in to guard him before leaping up.

ZYU #28.

Black & Red Rangers leap up and at the camera together, weapons poised.

ZYU #28.

Frankie leaps up and at camera, legs bent, bolts forth.

ZYU #28.

Side shot of Frankie leaping at Black & Red leaping at him.

ZYU #28.

Upward shot of Frankie bolt-blocking Black & Red's weapons, then sparkily smashing both in chest.

ZYU #28.

Side shot again, Frankie passing through flipped over Black & Red, all in midair.

ZYU #28.

Zoom out as Frankie's turning feet loom in foreground, Black & Red fall in back, but get back up as Blue, Yellow, and Pink regroup around them.

ZYU #28.

Frankenstein begins to swing right bolt around on chain, slowly walking forth, growling.

ZYU #28.

Rita stands atop big Super Putty ball, beginning her magic chant while turning wand horizontally.

Trims zoom out to cut down on her dialogue.

ZYU #28.

Close on Rita as she finishes the chant and pulls wand back over right shoulder then flings it off.

ZYU #28.

Rita's Wand passes through the atmosphere.


ZYU #28.

Rita's Wand stakes into dirt.


ZYU #28.

Rita's Wand unleashes energy from its center orb.


ZYU #28.

Rita's Wand's energy ripples into the ground beneath causing a quake.


ZYU #28.

Smoke bellows from big fault in ground.


ZYU #28.

Frankenstein grows giant amid increasing smoke.

ZYU #28.

Over giant Frankie's shoulder, the tiny five Rangers reach to the sky to our right, summoning together.

ZYU #06.

Tyrannosaurus Dinozord rises up above flames and smoke, facing us.


ZYU #06.

Mastodon stomps along the snowy surface.


ZYU #03.

Triceratops raises head while driving at us in desert.


ZYU #03.

Sabertooth Tiger runs through the air, hits the ground and keeps races along the horizon.


ZYU #03.

Sabertooth Tiger Dinozord dashes amid mist.


ZYU #03.

Pterodactyl raises and lowers head while continuing to fly amid molten lava lights.


ZYU #03.

Pterodactyl Dinozord flies out of the smoking volcano and disturbs trees as it reaches them.


ZYU #28.

Five Dinozords race along towards us on moving horizon.


ZYU #28.

Zoom in on Red as all five Rangers leap upward together.

ZYU #28.

Red Ranger leaps up through the blue sky.


ZYU #28.

Yellow and Pink Rangers leaps up through the blue sky, Pink way ahead of Yellow.


ZYU #28.

Blue and Black Rangers leaps up through the blue sky.


ZYU #06.

Red Ranger drops into his cockpit seat, gestures arm.

Recycled. Trims glance down.

ZYU #06.

Black Ranger drops into cockpit, gestures arm.


ZYU #06.

Blue Ranger drops into cockpit, gestures arms.


ZYU #06.

Yellow Ranger drops into cockpit, gestures arms.


ZYU #06.

Pink Ranger drops into cockpit, gestures arm.


ZYU #06.

Red Ranger raises left fist in cockpit for a moment.

Recycled, trims all crystal stuff.

ZYU #06.

Fists fold out from Mastodon part of Tank.


ZYU #06.

Bottom back of Tank raises up.


ZYU #06.

Back of Rangers' helmets as they watch through cockpit window while Tank folds upward.


ZYU #28.

Tanks folds up into body of the standing Megazord.


ZYU #06.

Pterodactyl soars downward.


ZYU #06.

Pterodactyl folds into component as it heads to Megazord body below.


ZYU #28.

TRex head folds down, revealing Megazord head as Pterodactyl connects as chest plate.


ZYU #28.

Horns fold out, eyes glow, bright flash occurs, then sharp zoom to Megazord posing fully formed amid lightning.


ZYU #28.

Frankenstein holds up his new weapon, no longer a chained pair of bolts, it's a mace ball! He steps forth with it.

ZYU #28.

Megazord gets in a battle stance, then begins to walk forth.

ZYU #28.

Frankie & Megazord pass by one another, mace swinging misses, then they face again. Megazord blocks Frankie's kick, but he then spins around and mace smashes it in the chest, causing a bright spark and smoke burst.

Split for pacing.


Close on Rita in front of blue sky-wall, happily saying to us, "...My monster!"

ZYU #28.

Continued from two shots ago, smoking Megazord begins to raise fist, Frankie mace smacks it away while passing by, then when they face again, he mace-smacks Megazord in the crotch, causing a bright spark burst.

ZYU #28.

Pan up from Megazord's staggering feet, body smoking but it poses battle ready while steadying.

ZYU #28.

Red Ranger looks to the heavens.


ZYU #28.

Power Sword plummets from the dark and stormy skies.


ZYU #28.

Zoom out as Megazord catches Power Sword, then marches forth, Frankie passes and swinging mace, sparking against sword. They turn and face again, Megazord slashing sword into Frankenstein, it merely bounces off his chest! It strikes again, Frankie blocks blade with mace chain, they switch positions, break out of lock, then Megazord slashes, chain blocks it with a spark, followed by Frankie smashing mace against it, causing a smokey spark burst.

ZYU #28.

Zoom in smokey Megazord cockpit, as Rangers flail about, Red Ranger nodding and grabbing control, looking forth.

Recycled, but first in original context.

ZYU #28.

Close on Frankie as he holds up mace, then begins swinging it on the chain before releasing.

ZYU #28.

Close on Megazord as mace loops around head, wrapping chain around its neck.

ZYU #28.

Zoom out as Frankie tugs on chain, Megazord struggles, shifting from one side to another and back again.

ZYU #28.

Close on Frankie as he yanks on chain.

ZYU #28.

Mace-chained Megazord lifts straight up in the air, then plummets back down.

ZYU #28.

Megazord falls onto its stomach, quaking the city.

ZYU #28.

Close on Frankenstein as he holds onto chain, widening mouth as he growls or yelps or whatever.

MMPR 118.

Tommy's morphing sequence.

Recycled. No flashes or fades.

ZYU #28.

Continued from two shots ago, Frankenstein ceases yeowling and yanks chain upward.

Split for pacing.

ZYU #28.

Frankie yanks up chain in foreground, as Megazord is lifted up into the air again, before slamming back down.

ZYU #28.

Megazord slams against the ground, quaking the screen, kicking up dust, mace releasing.

ZYU #28.

Megazord cockpit tilted to the right, all five Rangers jolted as it shakes, zoom in on Black who talks to left. Pan over to Red, who stands up a little, talking to the right, then left, calling for help.

Recycled partially, but goes on longer and first in context.

ZYU #28.

Close on Frankie, holding mace up over right shoulder, then stepping forth.

ZYU #28.

Close on Frankenstein's feet as he kicks left boot into camera.

ZYU #28.

Megazord's on its left side, when Frankie kicks it in the chest, sparking and smoking as it rolls back.

ZYU #28.

Crooked cockpit with dazed Rangers, zoom in on Red Ranger standing up slightly and looking downward around, talking.

Recycled, but first in original context.

ZYU #28.

Static shot of toy Rita atop toy Super Putty Fun Ball hovering over toy city.


Rita, against blue sky-wall, emotes like mad, as she gestures arms and says, "Bad! Is SO... beautiful."

Recycled, but a few frames at start are new.

ZYU #28.

Close on Frankie, again swinging mace ball over right shoulder then flinging it forth.

ZYU #28.

Megazord gets sparkily struck in already-charred chest by mace ball.

ZYU #28.

Frankie flings mace from left side this time.

ZYU #28.

Megazord gets sparkily struck in chest again, falling to our right after it.

ZYU #28.

Megazord falls against brown cardboard apartment building, crushing it sparkily beneath its heavy body.

ZYU #28.

Megazord crushing the cheaply constructed building, replayed via a second, closer camera.

ZYU #28.

Zoom in on Frankie, raising arms and chain between, roaring victoriously.

ZYU #28.

Megazord lies on its left side, smoking, when sparks begin to pour out of its chest, and forehead, profusely.

ZYU #28.

Repeat of the Megazord spark-hemorrhaging via closer angle.

ZYU #28.

Megazord cockpit is tilted to our right, as Rangers express distress, a flood of sparks pouring down on Pink and Black.

Recycled, but closer to original context here. Freeze frame cut.

ZYU #28.

Static shot of toy Rita atop toy Super Putty Fun Ball hovering over toy city.


ZYU #28.

Zoom in on Rita atop Super Putty boulder, she talks happily to our left, clutching left fist to chest, as shot pans downward.

ZYU #28.

Tiny Rita atop big ball of Super Putty flies away from the model city.

This whole Rita sequence moved up from original context to bridge two eps better.

ZYU #29.

Zoom out as Frankenstein raises smoking Megazord up over his head then begins to spin.

ZYU #29.

Frankenstein stands in place, spinning Megazord around over his head, as the edge of the set stares painfully at us.

ZYU #29.

Close as Frankenstein finishes spinning and finally releases Megazord in a free throw.

ZYU #29.

Megazord falls against gray cardboard apartment building, crushing it sparkily beneath its heavy body.

ZYU #29.

Megazord crushing the cheaply constructed gray building, impact onward replayed via a second, closer camera.

ZYU #29.

Megazord cockpit, titled to our left, shakes and sparks, as the Rangers flail about considerably.

Footage following this, of Frankie talking, Megazord breaking up via animation effect before mace hits it, Tyrannosaurus running off, all cut for pacing.

ZYU #29.

Zoom in on Green Ranger, atop orange machine tower, raising Dragon Dagger to faceplate and playing flute.

ZYU #29.

Closer on the bubbling waters, as the head of the Dragonzord rises from beneath the waves.


ZYU #29.

Close up of Dragonzord's upper body, as he reaches up while leaning back, spraying water everywhere.


ZYU #29.

Zoom out as Frankenstein approaches Megazord, when Dragonzord appears behind him, prompting him to look back briefly.

ZYU #29.

Megazord poses battle ready, zoom out as it marches over to face Frankie, before getting smack away. Dragonzord grabs his shoulders, before getting forcibly released. It slaps at him, but Frankie blocks hand. Megazord kicks Frankie, but it's blocked, prompting him to sparkily punch it in the chest, before turning and kicking Dragonzord. That's blocked, so Frankie tries a punch, it's blocked, but finally a second punch strikes its chest sparkily.

ZYU #29.

Zoom in on upward shot of Green playing Dragon Flute atop orange machine tower.

ZYU #29.

Close on Dragonzord throwing arms up then turning around to its right.

ZYU #29.

Close on Dragonzord swinging tail at camera.

ZYU #29.

Frankenstein grabs Dragonzord's tail, and grips it tightly as Megazord walks by in background.

ZYU #29.

Dragonzord is lifted up in the air by its tail via Frankenstein.

ZYU #29.

Close on Megazord holding right arm up as it looks upward, stunned by the sight of its partner in the air, and prepares to attack.

ZYU #29.

Megazord approaches Frankie, prompting him to swing Dragonzord into it.

ZYU #29.

Megazord falls onto its right side, quaking the city.

ZYU #29.

Frankenstein swings Dragonzord around by its tail one rotation then releases.

ZYU #29.

Dragonzord falls right up next to Megazord, landing on its right side, quaking the city.

ZYU #29.

Frankie spews reddish mist breath.

ZYU #29.

Megazord & Dragonzord get flooded with crimson smoke, causing them to stagger about.

ZYU #29.

Megazord cockpit gets filled with scarlet spray, Rangers gripping throats and waving it away.

ZYU #29.

Frankie reaches for neck bolts with both hands.

ZYU #29.

Close on Frankie pulling right neck bolt out.

ZYU #29.

Close on Frankie pulling left neck bolt out.

ZYU #29.

Zoom out as Frankie holds up chain-bolts then swings them around and tosses one.

ZYU #29.

Megazord gets sparkily struck in chest by bolt.

ZYU #29.

Frankie flings bolt on chain again.

ZYU #29.

Dragonzord gets sparkily struck in chest by bolt.

ZYU #29.

Pan up as Dragonzord & Megazord stagger back, zoom in on the latter as it continues wobbling.

ZYU #29.

Zoom in on Megazord cockpit, Rangers falling down in chairs, Red talks right first then raises right fist, before crossing arms at wrist before flipping them around to hold forearms then stretching out arms.

Partially recycled, but start is longer and first in context.

ZYU #29.

Megazord poses amid lightning, zoom out as bright flash fades on close up of face, eyes glow then horns fold in.

Recycled, plays in reverse per source.

ZYU #29.

Pterodactyl disconnects from chest plate, Megazord head gets covered by Tyrannosaurus head which folds back up.

Recycled, plays in reverse per source.

ZYU #29.

Push in as Dragonzord's whole chest plate comes off with a blue flash of light, the hollow in chest filled with blue electricity as arms retract into shoulders.


ZYU #29.

Push in as Dragonzord's shoulders connect together as a new chest plate region.


ZYU #29.

Mastodon floats through the air in component form.


ZYU #29.

Push in as Mastodon component connects electrically with Dragonzord's back as new arms, faceplate dropping down from teeth.


ZYU #29.

Sabertooth Tiger and Triceratops fold up into legs as Dragonzord & Mastodon parts lower, connecting into body as tail staff drops, blue lightning flashing behind.


ZYU #29.

Frankenstein leaps up and at camera with bolts held out.

ZYU #29.

Frankie sparkily smashes Dragonzord in Battle Mode, then kicks it, but is blocked, then tries another bolt strike, it dodges. Frankie tries to punch with both hands, but Draggie shoves him back, tries to punch him back, he blocks then sparkily bolt-smashes it in the chest. It staggers back, Frankie raises bolts, Draggie charges at him but he dodges.

ZYU #29.

Dragonzord in Battle Mode, or MegaDragonzord as he's called here, poses poised, resteadying.

ZYU #29.

Dragonzord in Battle Mode charges up its head fin with energy, then shoots it at Frankie, who catches it in chain-bolts and flings it back, explosively.

Energy isn't as lime green in US due to conversion issues.

ZYU #29.

Dragonzord in Battle Mode cockpit shakes and smokes, Rangers flail, zoom in on Red as he makes a fist and kinda stands up and presses at window.

Big sequence of Rangers leaping out of cockpit, using Thunder Slingers, following this in source, is cut.

ZYU #29.

Dragonzord in Battle Mode raises and holds Tail Staff pointed forth.

ZYU #29.

Frankie, jacket smoking, swipes arms at the air, chain-bolts missing, he charges ahead, growling all the while.

ZYU #29.

DiBM charges up Tail Staff with bluish electricity, background flashing green before an explosion appears, raising staff up and grabbing it with both hands as the tip glows golden.


ZYU #29.

DiBM stabs golden-swirling drill tip into Frankenstein's chest, with energy-rays coming out of his back.

ZYU #29.

Close on an angry Frankie as Megazord arm passes in foreground.

Recycled, trimmed to before zoom in.

ZYU #29.

Continued from two shots ago, DiBM pulls Tail Staff drill tip out of Frankenstein's chest, leaving a smoking, bluish crackling energy hole.

Still a little bit of lingering stabbing is trimmed between shots.

ZYU #29.

Green turns sharply and grabs railing as he looks upward our left.

Cuts zoom in and his talking to Rangers on ground from source.

ZYU #29.

Red energy pours out the sides of Frankie's head, as gaping hole in chest sends out large yellow cracks into his body and a purple flame engulfs his form.

Rare bit of glue transitions damage to frame is visible at start of this (PR's editors usually do a damn good job cutting those out).

ZYU #29.

Close up of Frankenstein's face as large yellow cracks continue forming, his eyes cease glowing pinkish, his body flashes gold a few times.

Shot fades into next one. Cuts before he turns into Mutitus.

ZYU #09.

Bright explosion bursts, leaving sparks raining and a huge updraft of smoke behind from continuously raging fire by warehouse.

Shot fades in from prior one. Trimmed from source to remove any sign of Chunky Chicken.

ZYU #29.

Dragonzord in Battle Mode stands frozen beside orange machine tower, as Green motions about on it.

Used later than original context (which was before the Thunder Slingers scene).


Zoom out from Rita as she leans away from Repulsascope, alone on balcony, clutching forehead and groaning, "Oh, I have such a headache, I can't stand it! Ooh.".

Recycled, goes on a second or so longer. Fades to black.

MMPR 101.

Still image of Angel Grove Youth Center, Gym and Juice Bar exterior sign up close.

Recycled. Fades in from black.

Ending Credits