#31: MMPR 132: "A Star is Born".
Features Footage from:
Zyuranger Episodes 2, 6, 7, 8, 12, 14, 19, 21, 22, 23, 24, 28, 29, 31, 32, 34, 36, 38, 43, 47, 48;
and up to 5 segments of Original Zyu footage (Zyu½).
The ep, with opening, lasts roughly 19:29;00 from opening's start to end of the end credits and past the Saban logo (also includes a bit of black slug for opening commercials and quickly post Saban logo).
"Today on" segment is about :30; by itself.
Opening is about 1:00;00 by itself.
Ending is about 0:30; by itself.
Source | Description | Edit Note |
ZYU #02. |
Lunar Palace exterior, zoom onto the upper tower. |
Recycled. |
ZYU #08. |
Rita, eyes closed, slowly slides down against column until she sits on the stairs. |
Recycled. |
Original stock. |
Close on US Goldar's face as he talks to us, then stops. |
Likely from similar segments in MMPR 119 & 130. |
ZYU #08. |
Close on Rita, eyes closed, frowning as she lies sitting up behind the posts of the balcony railing. |
Trimmed from source to cut down her dialogue. |
Original stock. |
Camera tracks left from side to front around US Goldar as he talks, raising sword in left hand, gesturing it twice, motioning pointing finger on right hand twice, then sword motioning twice before pointing with hand while sword motioning some more and there's a lot more as it fades. |
Mirror-flipped. Fades to black. |
ZYU #24. |
Close on Rita, eyes closed, sleeping and slowly rocking in chair, zoom out just begins toward end. |
Recycled, trimmed down to before zoom out. |
Goldar, standing at balcony alone, facing our slight right, holds sword downward in left hand, visibly laughs, briefly lifts up left hand. |
MMPR 130 & 119. |
Close up of US Goldar's head as he talks, left hand briefly waving up into frame twice. |
Recycled, combination of two previously separate shots. |
ZYU #19. |
Close on Scorpina's head, looking to our right. |
Recycled. |
ZYU #19. |
Close on Scorpina's left hand, unclenching it and showing off neat claw-like glove. |
Recycled. |
ZYU #19. |
Scorpina holds up boomerang, says something, then leaps. |
Recycled, but first non-altered use. |
ZYU #38. |
Scorpina flips through the air over the camera. |
ZYU #14. |
Four Putties flip over camera. |
Recycled. |
MMPR 101 & ZYU #02. |
The full standard original morphing sequence, main five. |
Recycled. No flashes. Fades to white at end. |
ZYU #32. |
Red Ranger flips over the camera with Power Sword in hand. |
ZYU #32. |
Black, Blue, Yellow, and Pink Rangers flips over the camera at alternating angles with Blade Blasters in sword mode, in hand. |
ZYU #38. |
By the water, Red punches over Putty, knocking him aside. He grabs the next one's arm and punches it away, then turns and roundhouses a third. |
There was a bit more useable Rangers vs Scorpina stuff prior in source, but it was cut due to lack of Pink. |
ZYU #38. |
Near the crashing waves, Yellow kicks a Putty back, then punches a second in the neck area. |
Cuts before Yellow knee-hits then pimp-slaps Putty. |
ZYU #38. |
Quick pan right to Blue by railing, ducking under Putty's kick, chops into Ballhand then elbows it, while a third looms behind him. |
Trimmed off from prior shot, removing start of pan over. Cuts his roundhouse to third. |
ZYU #36. |
Close on Putty as it punches into camera with right fist. |
Recycled. |
ZYU #36. |
Red roundhouses over Putty, knocking it off as two more crowd on him, one of which he smacks aside. |
Recycled, but includes previously unseen footage. |
ZYU #38. |
Pair of Putties hop over railing and fall at camera. |
ZYU #38. |
Zoom out as Black grips horizontal pole, using it to kick both Putties with each foot, then letting go and turning to duck under a third Putty's kick, before blocking a fourth's before roundhousing it over. |
ZYU #38. |
At the water's edge, Scorpina's boomerang blade is kicked by Red, he then kicks at her, she blocks it, before sparkily slashing him down. |
ZYU #38. |
Red falls and rolls on beach, as three teammates regroup around him defensively, Pink off chasing a bargain at the mall. |
ZYU #38. |
Zoom in past the four Rangers, as Scorpina as she talks with a wicked grin, and holds out left hand, palm up, exposing her worm. |
ZYU #38. |
Extreme close up side angle on Weaveworm, as it sprays red threads from its mouth thing. |
Follow-up shot of Rangers just starting to be threaded is cut. |
ZYU #38. |
Close side angle on Scorpina as she smiles and nods slightly. |
ZYU #38. |
Again an extreme close up side angle on Weaveworm, as it continues to spray red threads from its mouth thing. |
ZYU #38. |
The four Rangers are lumped together under a growing mass of red silly string. |
ZYU #38. |
Scorpina fires purple beam from her left hand held worm, forming in swirling energy a tall red cocoon around the Rangers. |
All interior cocoon shots re-filmed due to lack of Pink. Additional Scorpina kissing pet worm shot also cut. |
ZYU #02. |
Far shot exterior of Rita's Lunar Palace. |
Recycled. |
MMPR 108. |
Facing our right, US Goldar talks, gesturing left fist up about three times at varying degrees of passion. |
Recycled, trims track around. |
ZYU #38. |
Zoom out as Putties push red cocoon over edge of forest, into the raging waters below. |
ZYU #38. |
Angle from under a cove as cocoon crashes into the water, floating on its side. |
ZYU #38. |
Zoom down as cocoon floats on the tide, a wave turning it from floating side first, to bottom first. |
MMPR Pilot. |
Standard Command Center exterior. |
Recycled. |
MMPR 126. |
Close side angle on Alpha, part of red alarm light in frame, as he talks, throwing both arms up briefly and shrugging shoulders a bit. |
Recycled. |
ZYU #38. |
Zoom down as cocoon floats on the tide, a wave turning it from floating side first, to bottom first. |
Recycled. |
Goldar, standing at balcony alone, facing our slight right, slaps railing with left hand twice, huffs and remains there with hand on railing. |
Recycled, trims sword bit. |
ZYU #31. |
Red wall of some kind gets a bright white explosion upon it. |
Comes from the first destruction of Lokar, stripped of color and superimposed. |
ZYU #38. |
The cocoon is against a cove again, as four Ranger colored energy spots form over it, beam shooting out toward the end. |
Slowed. |
ZYU #23. |
Red Ranger leaps up through the blue sky. |
Recycled. |
ZYU #06. |
Black & Blue Rangers soar skyward together. |
Recycled. |
ZYU #06. |
Yellow & Pink Rangers soar skyward together. |
Recycled. |
ZYU #23. |
Red Ranger drops into dark Tyrannosaurus cockpit, very quickly raising fist to chest then back to controls. |
Recycled. |
ZYU #23. |
Tyrannosaurus Dinozord rises up above flames and smoke, facing us. |
Recycled. |
ZYU #06. |
Black Ranger drops into cockpit, gestures arm. |
Recycled. |
ZYU #22. |
Mastodon Dinozord curls up snout in foggy shot. |
Recycled. |
ZYU #06. |
Blue Ranger drops into cockpit, gestures arms. |
Recycled. |
ZYU #22. |
Triceratops Dinozord lifts up head and opens mouth briefly in foggy shot. |
Recycled. |
ZYU #06. |
Pink Ranger drops into cockpit, gestures arm. |
Recycled. |
ZYU #22. |
Pterodactyl Dinozord raises and lowers head in foggy shot. |
Recycled. |
ZYU #06. |
Yellow Ranger drops into cockpit, gestures arms. |
Recycled. |
ZYU #22. |
Sabertooth Tiger Dinozord roars in foggy shot. |
Recycled. |
ZYU #38. |
Five Dinozords race along the horizon together. |
Recycled. |
ZYU #23. |
Babe Ruthless grows gigantic amid fading smoke. |
Nothing prior could be used since his small form was of a Japanese boy. |
ZYU #34. |
Goldar rises up while growing amid fading smoke. |
Recycled. |
ZYU #34. |
Scorpina in monster form rises up while growing amid fading smoke. |
Recycled. |
ZYU #23. |
Close on Babe Ruthless as he gestures hand downward and seems to talk. |
Cuts before we can see Japanese writing on signs on buildings. |
ZYU #23. |
Red Ranger, in dark Tyrannosaurus cockpit, very quickly raises fist to chest then back to controls. |
Recycled, trims drop in. |
ZYU #23. |
Tyrannosaurus, in mid city, is smoking, Scorpina barely visible on left, when Goldar sparkily slashes on the way by. |
ZYU #23. |
Close on Tyrannosaurus, staggering back amid smoke, throwing arms up and roaring, before turning to its right. |
ZYU #23. |
Close on Tyrannosaurus' tail whipping up into the camera. |
ZYU #23. |
Scorpina hops and rolls over Tyrannosaurus' tail, so the Dinozord turns and punch-blocks Goldar's sword. |
ZYU #23. |
Close on Scorpina as she holds up boomerang blade and slashes at camera. |
ZYU #23. |
Tyrannosaurus gets sparkily slashed by Scorpina, then the same by Goldar. |
ZYU #23. |
Sharp zoom in on Babe Ruthless, posing with clawed baseball glove hands. |
ZYU #23. |
Sabertooth Tiger fires yellow beam from folded up tail. |
Recycled. |
ZYU #23. |
A bright blast of sparks and smoke bursts in front of Babe Ruthless, but he's unharmed, stepping forth and firing some energy balls from his right glove. |
ZYU #23. |
Mastodon, Triceratops, and Sabertooth Tiger Dinozords are running along the horizon together, each getting struck by a blue-electricity bolt, before they all explode. |
Recycled. |
ZYU #23. |
Yellow Ranger in the Sabertooth Tiger cockpit gets a bright spark blast. |
Prior shot of Mastodon's cockpit bursting is cut. |
ZYU #23. |
Blue Ranger in the Triceratops cockpit gets a bright spark blast. |
ZYU #23. |
Black Ranger in the Mastodon cockpit motions right hand, looks up and around the room, then make a fist to his left. |
ZYU #23. |
Slow zoom in on Blue Ranger in the Triceratops cockpit, he nod-talks to our left, then faces front and gestures fist. |
ZYU #23. |
Upward shot of Babe Ruthless, leaning to our right, motions to chest with left hand, then turns to our left, motions to chest with both hands, then faces front with hands up. |
ZYU #23. |
In Tyrannosaurus cockpit, slow zoom on Red as he leans over console, bobbing up and down, then looking to our right, then our left, desperately. |
Prior shots of Scorpina wrapping tail around Tyrannosaurus' neck are cut. |
ZYU #23. |
Sabertooth Tiger fires yellow beam from folded up tail. |
Recycled. |
ZYU #23. |
A big burst of sparks and smoke explodes in front of Tyrannosaurus, which appears to have Scorpina's tail around its neck. |
Trimmed for source for later use. |
ZYU #23. |
Goldar & Scorpina are standing by one another when a burst of sparks knocks them back. |
ZYU #23. |
Goldar & Scorpina roll, quaking the city, Babe Ruthless steps in and guards them. |
ZYU #23. |
In his cockpit,. Blue sits up and makes a triumphant fist. |
ZYU #23. |
In his cockpit,. Black slaps hands then makes a fist while looking upward. |
ZYU #23. |
In Dragonzord Battle Mode cockpit (shh), Red raises a right fist beside his helmeted face. |
Trimmed to just start of longer group sequence. |
MMPR 118. |
Tommy's morphing sequence. |
Recycled. No flashes or fades. |
ZYU #21. |
Quick zoom out as Green Ranger hops up on window cleaner roof thing, facing our right, lifting left fist, holding out right arm, then playing Dragon Dagger. |
Recycled. |
ZYU #23. |
In his cockpit, Red turns to our right, sitting up a little, and nod-talks. |
Prior shots of Goldar slashing tail-choked Tyrannosaurus are cut. |
ZYU #23. |
Closer on the bubbling waters, as the head of the Dragonzord rises from beneath the waves. |
Recycled. |
ZYU #23. |
Close up of Dragonzord's upper body, as he reaches up while leaning back, spraying water everywhere. |
Recycled, though this was technically the first use in source. |
ZYU #23. |
Far shot of Dragonzord standing in the unsettled waters behind the seaport, leaning back and reaching out. |
Recycled. |
ZYU #23. |
Sharp zoom onto Dragonzord's hand as missiles pop out of fingertips. |
Recycled. |
ZYU #23. |
Close up of Dragonzord's left hand firing missiles from fingertips. |
Recycled, though this was technically the first use in source. |
ZYU #23. |
Goldar stands as Scorpina has tail around Tyrannosaurus' neck, until a big burst of sparks and smoke explodes in front of it. |
Explosion part is recycled only, now in original context. |
ZYU #23. |
Goldar & Scorpina are standing by one another when a burst of sparks knocks them back. |
Recycled, but now in original context. |
ZYU #23. |
Goldar & Scorpina roll, quaking the city. |
Recycled in original context, but trims Babe's appearance. |
ZYU #23. |
In her cockpit, Yellow Ranger rubs under helmet's nose region with right index finger, then raises fist, then a thumbs up on other hand. |
ZYU #23. |
In his cockpit,. Black slaps hands then makes a fist while looking upward. |
Recycled, but in original context. |
ZYU #23. |
Zoom out as Dragonzord walks up to Tyrannosaurus, they greet each other with an arm raise and roar, before facing front together. |
ZYU #23. |
Push in as Dragonzord's whole chest plate comes off with a blue flash of light, the hollow in chest filled with blue electricity as arms retract into shoulders. |
Recycled. |
ZYU #23. |
Push in as Dragonzord's shoulders connect together as a new chest plate region. |
Recycled. |
ZYU #23. |
Mastodon floats through the air in component form. |
Recycled. |
ZYU #23. |
Push in as Mastodon component connects electrically with Dragonzord's back as new arms, faceplate dropping down from teeth. |
Recycled. |
ZYU #23. |
Sabertooth Tiger and Triceratops fold up into legs as Dragonzord & Mastodon parts lower, connecting into body as tail staff drops, blue lightning flashing behind. |
Recycled. |
ZYU #23. |
Quick zoom in on Red in cockpit, turned to our right before leaping up. |
ZYU #23. |
Red climbs out on top of Tyrannosaurus' head, then spreads arms over head and dives flat off the side. |
ZYU #23. |
Red free falls kinda diagonally through the air. |
Follow-up shots of Red on ground then gesturing for formation are cut. |
ZYU #43. |
Red lands in Megazord cockpit, makes a fist then unclenches it. |
Replaces Pink-less DBM cockpit shot. Plays in reverse of source. |
ZYU #43. |
With all five Rangers in the Megazord cockpit, Red grabs controls with both hands, slow zoom on him as he nod-talks to our slight right. |
Replaces Pink-less DBM cockpit shot. |
ZYU #23. |
Tyrannosaurus stands fidgety beside Dragonzord Battle Mode. |
ZYU #23. |
Babe Ruthless spreads arms out then leads Goldar & Scorpina in a charge on our heroes. |
ZYU #23. |
Tyrannosaurus takes on Babe Ruthless in the background, while Dragonzord Battle Mode faces Goldar & Scorpina in foreground. |
ZYU #23. |
Close on Dragonzord Battle Mode as it raises its right fist and punches into camera. |
ZYU #23. |
Dragonzord Battle Mode sparkily punches Scorpina, ducks under Goldar's blade but gets sparkily slashed by him anyway, dodges Scorpina's boomerang blade as she rushes by, then blocks Goldar's kick and sparkily punches him back, and finally knocks Scorpina into a roll away. |
ZYU #23. |
Close on Babe Ruthless as he claps gloves together, spreads arms then leaps up. |
ZYU #23. |
Babe Ruthless sparkily slashes through Tyrannosaurus as he dives past. |
Follow-up of him diving the other way is cut. |
ZYU #23. |
Zoom out as Babe Ruthless lands and spreads arms, before Scorpina & Goldar step in, cross sword to boomerang, and fire a combined beam of red and blue energies to our right. |
ZYU #23. |
Tyrannosaurus & Dragonzord Battle Mode spark burst brightly, side by side. |
Follow-up closer repeat is cut. |
ZYU #28. |
The Megazord cockpit gets a quick shaking, the Rangers briefly throw up their arms and remain kinda pinned down by gravity. |
Recycled, trimmed to before zoom in. Replaces Pink-less DBM cockpit shot. |
ZYU #23. |
Scorpina & Goldar break to the sides, letting Babe Ruthless step up, zoom in as he holds hands to his forehead. |
ZYU #23. |
Close side angle on Babe Ruthless, spewing a pinkish purple spray from his helmet horn. |
ZYU #23. |
Quick zoom on Blue in Dragonzord Battle Mode cockpit (Pink stepped out to use the bathroom?), as he makes a fist and nod-talks, pan over to Red as he makes a fist then grips the controls. |
ZYU #23. |
Zoom out from Dragonzord Battle Mode, motioning out arms then making Tail Staff appear in right hand, then places it vertically in front of it, as Tyrannosaurus stands to the side. |
ZYU #23. |
Close on Tail Staff's drill tip as it spins to life. |
ZYU #23. |
Dragonzord Battle Mode holds Tail Staff, with tip spinning, in front of it, causing the pinkish mist to halt against it like a wall, flowing back the way it came as a result. |
ZYU #23. |
Zoom out from Babe Ruthless as he makes a big red ball appear in his hands, then pitches it to our right as Scorpina & Goldar watch. |
ZYU #23. |
Tyrannosaurus bends down and whips up tail. |
ZYU #23. |
Giant Happy Fun Ball flies into Tyrannosaurus' tail, getting smacked back. |
ZYU #23. |
Giant Happy Fun Ball slams into Babe Ruthless, causing him to spark burst. |
ZYU #48. |
Zoom out from Red in Megazord cockpit, as he turns to our right, then our left, nod-talking, his teammates nod in reply, then all bend arms to the side, then Nazi salute. |
Replaces Pink-less DBM cockpit shot. |
ZYU #23. |
Dragonzord in Battle Mode raises and holds Tail Staff pointed forth. |
Recycled, but first use in source. |
ZYU #23. |
Zoom in on Babe Ruthless, as he gestures hands while in front of Scorpina & Goldar. |
ZYU #23. |
DiBM charges up Tail Staff with bluish electricity, background flashing green before an explosion appears, raising staff up and grabbing it with both hands as the tip glows golden. |
Recycled. |
ZYU #23. |
Babe Ruthless spreads arms then rushes forth, leaving Scorpina & Goldar behind. |
Goldar & Scorpina vanish between scenes unexplained in both versions. |
ZYU #23. |
Dragonzord Battle Mode stabs golden-swirling Tail Staff into Babe Ruthless' chest, first shooting energy into it to soften it up, then once impaled in him, causing him to surge with bluish electricity, before sparks burst out his back. |
ZYU #23. |
Close on Dragonzord Battle Mode as it pulls the Tail Staff out of Babe Ruthless. |
Prior shot of Babe writhing in pain is cut. |
ZYU #23. |
Babe Ruthless stands in shock as his gaping chest hole bleeds smoke. |
ZYU #23. |
POV shot of Dragonzord Battle Mode posing from inside Babe Ruthless' freshly dug chest cavity. |
ZYU #23. |
Babe Ruthless falls onto his back, as his gut wound spews a golden-swirling energy and blue electricity, turning him into a ball of gold light before bursting into a fireball, that explodes out to sparks and smoke, leaving just a small fire in the ghetto with some linger electricity. |
ZYU #12. |
Lunar Palace exterior, quick zoom onto tower area. |
Recycled. |
MMPR 104. |
US Goldar talks to the camera, sword in right hand, talking while pointing sword at us, punching hilt at us, then slashing at us. Then pointing. |
Recycled, trimmed a little. |
ZYU #32. |
Red, looking to the left at first, sits up, and talks alertly. |
Recycled. |
ZYU #47. |
Pan across from Blue concernedly talking to Red, who gestures fingers into fist then grips control dramatically. |
Recycled. |
ZYU #29. |
Red Ranger flips through the air over camera with Thunder Slinger in hand. |
Recycled. |
ZYU #29. |
Pink & Blue Rangers drop down through the air over camera with Thunder Slingers in hand. |
Recycled. |
ZYU #29. |
Black & Yellow Rangers flip through the air over camera with Thunder Slingers in hand. |
Recycled. |
ZYU #38. |
Zoom out from Pink as the five Rangers pose together. |
ZYU #38. |
Slow zoom in on Scorpina as she holds boomerang and talks briefly. |
Cuts start of zoom in due to unmorphed ZyuPink. |
ZYU #38. |
Close on holster as Red unsheathes Blade Blaster. |
ZYU #38. |
Close on Blade Blaster in sword mode, held high. |
ZYU #38. |
Pinkish violet swirl of energy forms into a mass roughly the shape of Weaveworm on the ground at human size. |
Cuts start due to unmorphed ZyuPink in wedding dress. Trims off end due to lack of human-sized Weaveworm action. |
ZYU #38. |
Weaveworm grows gigantic amid fading growth smoke. |
Rita making him grow cut. |
ZYU #38. |
As Weaveworm barely looms over parking lot, Scorpina steps in and points at him. |
ZYU #38. |
Scorpina lowers raised arm, as she talks upward to her monster. |
Trimmed to reduce her dialogue. |
ZYU #38. |
Weaveworm turns to his left to face us in an upward shot, waving arms out and clapping them together. |
ZYU #38. |
Extreme close up of Weaveworm's side-opening mouth clamp things chomping in anticipation. |
ZYU #38. |
The five Rangers all look upward and step back in surprise, before Pink starts turning and talking to them all. |
ZYU #38. |
Close on Red as he turns, looks up to our left, then raises arm to our right and summons. |
ZYU #22. |
Dragonzord Battle Mode disconnects, Dragonzord & Mastodon parts rising off of Sabertooth Tiger & Triceratops legs, which fold back down amid lightning and mist. |
Plays in reverse of source and cuts off end.. err, start. Recycled. |
ZYU #22. |
Pull out as faceplate rises back up from Dragonzord's teeth, and Mastodon component disconnect electrically from its back. |
Plays in reverse of source. Recycled. |
ZYU #38. |
Zoom in on Red as all five Rangers lower arms and leap up. |
ZYU #38. |
Red Ranger leaps up through the blue sky. |
Recycled. |
ZYU #38. |
Yellow and Pink Rangers leaps up through the blue sky, Pink way ahead of Yellow. |
Recycled. |
ZYU #38. |
Blue and Black Rangers leaps up through the blue sky. |
Recycled. |
ZYU #06. |
Red Ranger drops into his cockpit seat, then gestures arm. |
Recycled, trims look down. |
ZYU #06. |
Black Ranger drops into cockpit, gestures arm. |
Recycled. |
ZYU #06. |
Blue Ranger drops into cockpit, gestures arms. |
Recycled. |
ZYU #06. |
Yellow Ranger drops into cockpit, gestures arms. |
Recycled. |
ZYU #06. |
Pink Ranger drops into cockpit, gestures arm. |
Recycled. |
ZYU #07. |
Red holds up Coin, which glows, forming his gleaming Power Crystal as he wipes hand across from Coin-holding hand. |
Recycled. |
ZYU #06. |
Close up of Red Ranger inserting Power Crystal into control slot with red energy results. |
Recycled. |
ZYU #06. |
Four square shots of each Ranger in their cockpits, raising crystals then preparing to insert. |
Recycled. |
ZYU #06. |
Four square shots of close ups of each Ranger inserting Power Crystal into control slot with colored energy results. |
Recycled. |
ZYU #06. |
Red Ranger in cockpit, zoom in as he presses controls forth. |
Recycled, shortened. |
ZYU #06. |
Zoom out from TRex as he and his fellow Dinozords race along the horizon. |
Recycled. |
ZYU #12. |
Four square shot of (clockwise from top left) TRex connecting with Tricera & Sabertooth legs electrically, Mastodon component floating, Mastodon connecting with TRex with energy release, Sabertooth folding down into leg form. |
Recycled. |
ZYU #06. |
Zoom in on cockpit as Red Ranger raises fist up, then forth, then grips control . |
Recycled. |
ZYU #38. |
Circle symbol of all five dinosaurs together glows brightly with Ranger colors. |
Recycled. |
ZYU #06. |
Tanks folds up into body of the standing Megazord. |
Recycled. |
ZYU #06. |
Pterodactyl folds into component as it heads to Megazord body below. |
Recycled. |
ZYU #06. |
TRex head folds down, revealing Megazord head as Pterodactyl connects as chest plate. |
Recycled. |
ZYU #38. |
Horns fold out, eyes glow, bright flash occurs, then sharp zoom to Megazord posing fully formed amid lightning. |
Recycled. |
ZYU #38. |
Weaveworm rushes to our right, waving arms like a hyperactive child. |
Slowed. Best I can figure, this was all slowed down to stretch it out for time. |
ZYU #38. |
Megazord punches right fist into the screen. |
Slowed. Follow-up of Worm getting sparkily punched is cut. |
ZYU #38. |
Megazord's punch misses the dodging target, so it turns and blocks Weaveworm's kick, then punches the monster in the big noggin, before he returns the favor with sparkily results. Weavy tries to attack in a run, Megazord dodges then sparkily bops him back. |
Slowed. |
ZYU #38. |
Weaveworm falls, rolls, gets up in a crouch and gestures arms to face and forth. |
Slowed. |
ZYU #38. |
Close on Weaveworm as he fires several red threads from his wormhole. |
Slowed. |
ZYU #38. |
Close on Megazord as it struggles to hold arms up, trying in vain to stop the pinkish silly silk getting spooged all over it. |
ZYU #38. |
As the window over the Megazord cockpit gets covered with unusually small strands of the string, Red stands up and talks desperately from side to side. |
ZYU #38. |
Weaveworm's strings turn to bright pink energy, wrapping around Megazord and quickly weaving into another tall red cocoon. |
ZYU #38. |
Weaveworm approaches the cocoon, jerking arms in and out, and looking from side to side proudly. |
Goldar, standing at balcony alone, facing our slight right, holds sword downward in left hand, raises arms in glee, then claps hands twice, visibly laughs, briefly lifts up left hand. |
Recycled, but has new footage at start. |
ZYU #21. |
Quick zoom out as Green Ranger hops up on window cleaner roof thing, facing our right, lifting left fist, holding out right arm, then playing Dragon Dagger. |
Recycled. Yes, again, already! |
ZYU #21. |
Camera tracks from side to front of Green Ranger playing Dragon Dagger on roof. |
Recycled. |
ZYU #21. |
Side angle of Dragonzord slowly lumbering to our left in the ankle-deep ocean. |
Recycled. |
ZYU #38. |
Sharp zoom onto Dragonzord's hand as missiles pop out of fingertips. |
Recycled. |
ZYU #38. |
Close up of Dragonzord's left hand firing missiles from fingertips. |
Recycled. |
ZYU #38. |
Weaveworm gets sparkily blasted back while beside cocoon. |
ZYU #38. |
Weaveworm falls and rolls again. |
ZYU #38. |
Dragonzord slowly walks over to the cocoon and looks at it. |
ZYU #38. |
Close on Dragonzord's chest plate as all six red lights rapidly blink. |
ZYU #38. |
Close on Dragonzord's tail as the drill tip spins to life. |
ZYU #38. |
Dragonzord throws arms up, roars, then turns and whips up tail. |
ZYU #38. |
Dragonzord drills sparkily down the side of the cocoon, seemingly enjoying the sensation. |
ZYU #38. |
Close up on cocoon as it splits open and the Megazord helps the sides fall. |
Slowed. |
ZYU #38. |
Megazord is freed as the cocoon falls apart, leaving cotton candy for everyone in the city for life, or Dragonzord for five minutes. |
ZYU #38. |
In Megazord cockpit, the five Rangers mostly stand up from their chairs, look to our slight right, and give quick gestures of thanks. |
ZYU #38. |
Dragonzord nods whole upper body in response. |
ZYU #38. |
Weaveworm gets back up. |
ZYU #38. |
In Megazord cockpit, zoom in on Red as he makes a fist, then crosses forearm in front of chest. |
ZYU #31. |
Megazord holds out arms, bends down, then leaps up. |
Recycled. |
ZYU #38. |
Zoom out as Dragonzord's chest plate shoots forth, while sides contract upward, creating a platform for the rising Megazord to lock into. |
Recycled. |
ZYU #38. |
Weaveworm rushes to our slightly right, flapping arms in and out. |
ZYU #38. |
In the cockpit, zoom out as the Rangers do a wrist-crossed arm gesture, then reach out with left hands open, before grabbing and shifting controls. |
ZYU #38. |
MegaDragonzord spreads arms, the side danglers send glowing Z's to the chest, forming a big green energy circle with Z on it. Zoom out as lights flash out, glowing occurs, and finally bluish-white power erupts around Z-ball as it's launched forth into the screen. |
Recycled. |
ZYU #38. |
The glowing Z ball smashes into Weaveworm, filling the area around him with a white light that disintegrates his silhouetted body, which fades and leaves an explosion behind. |
ZYU #02. |
Far shot exterior of Rita's Lunar Palace. |
Recycled. |
ZYU #02. |
Close, slow pan up the main tower on Rita's Lunar Palace, stopping at the spinning globe. |
Recycled. |
At edge of balcony, Rita paces to our left, then turns and paces to our right, walking over to Finster & Goldar, yelling at the latter. |
Recycled. |
Original stock. |
Chest-up shot of US Goldar talking to our left, motioning unclenched left hand up as he does, almost twice. |
Similar to shots in MMPR 110 & 116. |
Rita leaves Finster cowering, as she heads to left side of balcony and begins to yell at embracing Baboo & Squatt. |
Recycled. |
Close up of Squatt, gesturing arms, talking, nodding, then jolting back in fear. |
Recycled. |
Close up of Baboo, shaking head profusely holding hands in front of face, turning palms out in protest, then holding them palms up at sides. |
Recycled. |
MMPR 130. |
Close up of US Goldar's face as he talks right at us, hand barely coming up into frame once. |
Recycled. |
Rita cease facing the cowering Baboo & Squatt, and turns to us, touching balcony and talking unpleasantly as camera zooms in barely. |
Recycled, but a few new frames at start. Fades to black. |