#33: MMPR 134: "The Green Candle, Part I".
Features Footage from:
Zyuranger Episodes 2, 3, 6, 8, 12, 14, 17, 21, 28, 40, 41;
and up to 1 segment of Original Zyu footage (Zyu½).
The ep, with opening, lasts roughly 19:48;26 from opening's start to end of the end credits and past the Saban logo (also includes a bit of black slug for opening commercials and quickly post Saban logo).
"Today on" segment is about :30; by itself.
Opening is about 1:00;00 by itself.
Ending is about 0:30; by itself.
Source | Description | Edit Note |
ZYU #02. |
Far shot exterior of Rita's Lunar Palace. |
Recycled. |
ZYU #02. |
Close, slow pan up the main tower on Rita's Lunar Palace, stopping at the spinning globe. |
Recycled. |
ZYU #41. |
Downward angle, above chandelier in space near workshop, as Baboo & Squatt await by a small table and chair. Rita approaches, Baboo pulls out chair, Squatt takes her wand, and they gather around as she sits while readying map for the table. |
ZYU #41. |
Rita spreads map in front of her, smiling and talking, as Baboo & Squatt watch closely as map is shown to them. |
ZYU #41. |
Static shot of the map. Is that an interstellar Rand McNally? |
ZYU #41. |
Close upward on Rita, as she chants while holding up a small, action figure-sized version of her wand. |
ZYU #41. |
Continued, close upward on Rita, she chants and circles tiny wand around over map, before finally jabbing it downward onto the paper. |
Split from prior shot to make dubbing easier. |
ZYU #41. |
Close on the toy wand, as Rita releases it from her right hand, and it remains standing atop the map. |
ZYU #41. |
The toy wand drives across the map on its own, as if moved by the force of magic, or by a stagehand under the table with a magnet. |
ZYU #41. |
Rita watches closely as the toy wand continues moving on its own. |
ZYU #41. |
Baboo & Squatt look on together, both getting antsy at the prospect of whatever is going on. |
ZYU #41. |
The tiny wand crosses over the "Nomad Lands", then turns and stops, the tiny red orb glowing and a circle of gold spreading out from rim. |
ZYU #41. |
Close upward on Rita, as a smile grows on her face, then with a wide grind, she says something happily. |
Fades to black. |
ZYU #17. |
Zoom in on altar's main attraction, its skullhead, with twice flashing red eyes. |
Recycled. |
ZYU #17. |
Pan up from Rita caressing crystal ball, to her chanting. |
Recycled. |
ZYU #17. |
Medium shot of altar with skullhead, as its eyes flash thrice. |
Recycled. |
ZYU #14. |
Four Putties flip over camera. |
Recycled. |
ZYU #12. |
Lunar Palace exterior, quick zoom onto tower area. |
Recycled. |
ZYU #40. |
Standing against edge of side balcony looking in on workshop between Baboo & Squatt, Rita talks with a smile and a hand gesturing to her mouth. |
Trimmed to reduce dialogue. Prior shot of Finster behind workspace is cut. |
ZYU #40. |
Finster digs through garbage can full of various shapes and colors of clay, until he finds the red Cyclops mold. |
ZYU #40. |
Finster holds up Cyclops mold, talks, talks over to Monstermatic, turns wheel, talks some more, then places mold onto belt in front of opened doors. |
ZYU #40. |
Close side view on Cyclops mold as it slides into Monstermatic, Rita, Baboo, Squatt, and Goldar walking into workshop in defocused background. |
ZYU #40. |
Close on Finster's hand as he slams up handle. |
ZYU #40. |
Monstermatic exhaust port spews smoke. |
ZYU #08. |
Rita stands there watching, Finster ignoring, as Monstermatic's output tube expels smoke and sparks. |
Recycled. ZYU #40's useable version was cut due to Goldar being present, I guess. |
ZYU #08. |
Output port spews smoke into workshop. |
Recycled. |
ZYU #40. |
Smoke beneath output port wafts heavily together. |
Zoomed way in and stretched. That's Cyclops' legs visible behind the smoke, meaning this is some weird cross-mix. What it's meant to cover up, I have no idea. Fades out. |
ZYU #40. |
Pan up as Cyclops drops onto the scene. |
Fades in from prior shot which was actually mixed with earlier part of this shot. Follow-up of Cyclops posing is cut due to Japanese writing. |
ZYU #40. |
Rita smiles proudly, Baboo is amazed, but Squatt steps up, yakking, turning head to side and wiping eyes with both hands, prompting Rita to gently dismiss him. |
Trims heavily the ending due to Rita's yakkity dialogue. |
ZYU #40. |
Finster walks over, talking as he puts his hand on Cyclops' shoulder, as the monster crosses his arms. |
ZYU #40. |
Close zoom in on Rita's face, as she talks happily, crinkles nose and laughs widely, throwing head back briefly. |
Recycled, still trimmed to reduce dialogue but runs longer and first in original context. Transitions out to next shot via pixelization effect. |
MMPR 102. |
Command Center's alarm light spins. |
Recycled. |
ZYU #40. |
Dragonzord stands between two buildings, leans back and roars. |
Altered to fit in Viewing Globe. |
ZYU #40. |
Dragonzord smashes brown building into a burst of sparks and debris with his right hand. |
Altered to fit in Viewing Globe. |
ZYU #40. |
Dragonzord turns to his left as he whips tail up. |
Fades in from black. |
ZYU #40. |
Close on Dragonzord's tail being smacked into the camera. |
ZYU #40. |
Close up of Dragonzord tail tip drill ripping into side of warehouse. |
Recycled. |
ZYU #40. |
Close on Dragonzord at chest level, throwing up hands, five red lights on chest plate lighting up, then holding hands forth. |
Recycled. |
ZYU #40. |
Sharp zoom onto Dragonzord's hand as missiles pop out of fingertips. |
Recycled. |
ZYU #40. |
Far side angle of Dragonzord shooting missiles from fingertips over rooftops at seaport, causing an explosion behind one warehouse, explosions increase frequency, until one burst just decimates the area from our left outward. |
Recycled, longest uncut use. |
ZYU #40. |
Sparks burst on skyscrapers in model city, leading to a bright explosion above the smokestacks. |
There's a few extra building explosions in source we didn't use. Plus a bunch of Rita Penny Farthing ridings. |
ZYU #40. |
Downward angle of model city getting split in half by smoking fault line spreading, a box and other junk falling to its death. |
Altered to fit in Viewing Globe. |
ZYU #40. |
Big, bright explosion rips apart skyscraper, leaving surrounding buildings relatively untouched but by the flames. |
Altered to fit in Viewing Globe. |
MMPR 101 & ZYU #02. |
The full standard original morphing sequence, main five. |
Recycled. No flashes. Fades to white at end. |
Camera zooms out from Rita's angry, screaming face on balcony as her henchmonsters appear upset by it. |
Recycled, cuts before we can see Goldar too well. Fades in from white. |
ZYU #40. |
Zoom out from Red as he and his teammates pose in debris-strewn alleyway. |
ZYU #40. |
Goldar stands amid a large group of Putties, motioning his left arm out, sending them scrambling forth. |
ZYU #40. |
Red smacks aside passing Putty, then does the same to Goldar, before roundhousing at an offscreen Putty. |
Trims heavily, cuts pan across as Yellow, Pink, Blue, and Black fight Putties. |
ZYU #40. |
Pink blocks Putty's hand, punches it in the chest, then chops it in the head into a flip over. |
Trims start, with Pink handspringing into a Putty. |
ZYU #40. |
Blue ducks under Putty's roundhouse kick, blocks another's punch, then elbows it over, before footsweeping down the first one. |
ZYU #40. |
Yellow flips over backwards, snags Putty between her legs and yanks it over by rolling forth. She barely gets up before a Ballhand rushes at her, she grabs and flips him over while dropping down. Yellow gets back up, kicks into another Putty, it grabs and holds her leg, so she flips over, knocking it over. |
ZYU #40. |
Black leaps off of some debris with both feet kicking into a Putty, dodges a Ballhand, backwards roundhouses a Putty, then dodges another's punch, before kicking it and punching it down. |
Follow-up of Red using Power Sword on Putties is cut. |
ZYU #40. |
Goldar leaps up and at the camera with arms spread. |
ZYU #40. |
Goldar clashes sword with Red Ranger's Power Sword, twice, before Red shifts positions, tries a high kick that doesn't do much, before locking swords and changing positions, until Goldar breaks off and sparkily slashes Red down. |
Start, with Goldar readying sword, is cut. |
ZYU #40. |
Red hits the wall with his back, knocking over a tall piece of styrofoam, nod-talks, then raises sword, blocking Goldar's, but leaving him open to get kicked back. Red nod-talks desperately, goes sword to sword in a lock with Goldar, switches positions, then gets sparkily slashed away again. |
ZYU #40. |
Upward angle of Dragonzord walking along, a fireball bursting up to our left, then another to our right. |
Recycled. |
ZYU #40. |
Side upward tracking shot of Dragonzord walking along, explosion bursting from warehouse it passes, smoke covering it. |
Recycled, trims second explosion. |
ZYU #40. |
Spark bursts and debris crashes in alley, as the Rangers continue contending with Putties, zoom in on Red, as he reaches up and out amid the smoke, he smacks then kicks a Putty, then nod-talks to each side desperately. |
ZYU #41. |
Upward angle of Dragonzord walking along, a fireball bursting up to our left, then another to our right, then black smoke burst to left, another fireball to the right. |
Recycled, but longest use. |
ZYU #41. |
Sparks burst in the alley, more debris falls, the Rangers keep fighting Putties, Red clashes sword to Bladehand, then kicks him over, zoom in as Red steps forth and reaches upward. |
ZYU #41. |
Side upward tracking shot of Dragonzord walking along, an explosion ripping through red scaffolding, then approaching a raging fire already atop warehouse it hasn't even reached yet. |
Recycled, runs longer than prior use. |
ZYU #41. |
Pink chops over ducking Putty, blocks its kick, then kicks over it, while Yellow dances with her own Putty behind. Pan left to Blue kicking Putty then grabbing its arm and holding it as debris crashes on top of the grunt, while Black takes on two behind. |
End trims Blue punching Putty in face then looking upward. |
ZYU #41. |
Dragonzord smashes brown building into a burst of sparks and debris with his right hand. |
Recycled, but first unaltered, and shortened. |
ZYU #41. |
Zoom in on Red, looking to our upper left and dodging falling debris, as he lowers sword, turns to our upper right, raises arm and summons. |
Trims his fighting various Putties at start. |
ZYU #02. |
Crack in the ground spreads open, releasing a fireball, shown from within the crack. |
Recycled. |
ZYU #02. |
Tyrannosaurus Dinozord's head slowly rises from the molten red ground.. |
Recycled. |
ZYU #02. |
Close up of Tyrannosaurus Dinozord's hands as it rises up. |
Recycled. |
ZYU #02. |
Close up of Tyrannosaurus Dinozord's knees as it rises up. |
Recycled. |
ZYU #41. |
Tyrannosaurus Dinozord rises up above flames and smoke, facing us. |
Recycled. |
ZYU #03. |
Mastodon Dinozord surfaces from its icy domain. |
Recycled. |
ZYU #41. |
Mastodon exhales its icy breath. |
Recycled. |
ZYU #41. |
Mastodon has got Happy Feet. |
Recycled. |
ZYU #41. |
Mastodon stomps along the snowy surface. |
Recycled. |
ZYU #03. |
Triceratops Dinozord appears within the sands of the desert. |
Recycled. |
ZYU #41. |
Triceratops wheels pass through the desert sands. |
Recycled. |
ZYU #41. |
Triceratops raises its head and opens mouth while driving through the dusty desert. |
Recycled. |
ZYU #41. |
Sabertooth Tiger Dinozord sprints through the jungle. |
Recycled. |
ZYU #41. |
Sabertooth Tiger opens its mouth in a close up. |
Recycled. |
ZYU #41. |
Sabertooth Tiger leaps out of the greenery. |
Recycled. |
ZYU #41. |
Volcano erupts! |
Recycled. |
ZYU #41. |
Pterodactyl Dinozord soars upwards amid lava lights. |
Recycled. |
ZYU #41. |
Pterodactyl Dinozord flies out of the smoking volcano and disturbs trees as it reaches them. |
Recycled. |
ZYU #06. |
Red Ranger leaps up through the sky. |
Recycled. Team leaping together shot is cut for no reason. |
ZYU #06. |
Black & Blue Rangers soar skyward together. |
Recycled. These shots substitute source reused versions. |
ZYU #06. |
Yellow & Pink Rangers soar skyward together. |
Recycled. |
ZYU #06. |
Red Ranger drops into his cockpit seat, gestures arm. |
Recycled, cuts before arm lowering. |
ZYU #06. |
Black Ranger drops into cockpit, gestures arm. |
Recycled. |
ZYU #06. |
Blue Ranger drops into cockpit, gestures arms. |
Recycled. |
ZYU #06. |
Yellow Ranger drops into cockpit, gestures arms. |
Recycled. |
ZYU #06. |
Pink Ranger drops into cockpit, gestures arm. |
Recycled. |
ZYU #06. |
Red Ranger in cockpit gestures arm, pulls out crystal, and flips it around to insert it. |
Recycled. |
ZYU #06. |
Close up of Red Ranger inserting Power Crystal into control slot with red energy results. |
Recycled. |
ZYU #06. |
Four square shots of each Ranger in their cockpits, raising crystals then preparing to insert. |
Recycled. |
ZYU #06. |
Four square shots of close ups of each Ranger inserting Power Crystal into control slot with colored energy results. |
Recycled. |
ZYU #06. |
Red Ranger in cockpit, zoom in as he presses controls forth. |
Recycled. |
ZYU #06. |
Zoom out from TRex as he and his fellow Dinozords race along the horizon. |
Recycled. |
ZYU #06. |
Sabertooth Tiger roars. |
Recycled. |
ZYU #06. |
Sabertooth Tiger locks into Leg Mode. |
Recycled. |
ZYU #06. |
Triceratops opens mouth in desert breeze. |
Recycled. |
ZYU #06. |
Triceratops folds up tail. |
Recycled. |
ZYU #06. |
TRex connects with Triceratops and Sabertooth legs electrically. |
Recycled. |
ZYU #06. |
Mastodon exhales its icy breath. |
Recycled. |
ZYU #06. |
Mastodon floats through the air in component form. |
Recycled. |
ZYU #06. |
Mastodon connects with TRex, causing a pulse of energy throughout. |
Recycled. |
ZYU #41. |
Zoom in on cockpit as Red Ranger raises fist up, then forth, then grips control. |
Recycled. |
ZYU #41. |
Circle symbol of all five dinosaurs together glows brightly with Ranger colors. |
Recycled, darkened. |
ZYU #41. |
Fists fold out from Mastodon part of Tank. |
Recycled. |
ZYU #41. |
Bottom back of Tank raises up. |
Recycled. |
ZYU #41. |
Back of Rangers' helmets as they watch through cockpit window while Tank folds upward. |
Recycled. |
ZYU #41. |
Tanks folds up into body of the standing Megazord. |
Recycled. |
ZYU #41. |
Pterodactyl soars downward. |
Recycled. |
ZYU #41. |
Pterodactyl folds into component as it heads to Megazord body below. |
Recycled. |
ZYU #41. |
TRex head folds down, revealing Megazord head as Pterodactyl connects as chest plate. |
Recycled. |
ZYU #41. |
Horns fold out, eyes glow, bright flash occurs, then sharp zoom to Megazord posing fully formed amid lightning. |
Recycled. |
ZYU #41. |
Dragonzord clapping hands, roaring, then walking forth as camera pans down to its feet. |
ZYU #41. |
Megazord poses battle ready, then marches ahead. |
ZYU #41. |
Dragonzord & Megazord collide, chest to chest, Dragon's arms grabbing Mega's shoulders, under Mega breaks off. |
ZYU #41. |
Closer angle, Megazord makes its way around Dragonzord, dodging his hand strikes several times, until finally Dragonzord makes sparkily contact with its chest. |
ZYU #41. |
Back to distant shot, Megazord finishes sparking, when Dragonzord whips tail around and sparks it up again. |
ZYU #41. |
Megazord cockpit shakes rapidly, causing the Rangers to flail about widely. |
ZYU #41. |
Megazord staggers back, smoking. It steadies, readies right fist, and punches into the camera. |
ZYU #41. |
Megazord sparkily punches Dragonzord, then steps back, switches positions with Dragonzord when he rushes past. Megazord kicks at Dragonzord, it's blocked, they switch positions again, then Mega lunges at Dragon with arms out, allowing Dragon to slam his left shoulder into its chest. |
ZYU #41. |
Dragonzord, chest smoking, spreads out arms and roars, then his left and whips up tail. |
ZYU #41. |
Megazord get sparkily slapped by Dragonzord's tail, causing it to stagger back. |
ZYU #28. |
Crooked cockpit with dazed Rangers shakes, zoom in on Red Ranger standing up slightly and looking downward around, talking. |
Recycled. Replaces ZYU #41 shot which zoomed in on Black then panned to Red. |
ZYU #41. |
In cockpit, Black turns around and watches Pink as she stands, grasps chest, nod-talks, touches his shoulder and nods. |
ZYU #41. |
Close on Red in cockpit, slow zoom in as he nod-talks, looks to our right, then our left, then back again, desperately. |
MMPR 118. |
Tommy's morphing sequence. |
Recycled. White flash after Tommy's shot. |
ZYU #41. |
Green Ranger teleports onto building rooftop, holding Dragon Dagger vertically against chest. |
Green teleportation effect added. Prior shots of Megazord posing with sword, then attacking Dragonzord with it, are cut. |
ZYU #41. |
Close on Green Ranger, as he sharply looks upward our left, turns body straight, nods and rushes off. |
ZYU #41. |
Green rushes onto the scene on the lower rooftop, watching as Megazord slashes its sword at Dragonzord, which blocks then sparkily smacks it back. Megazord tries to slash the sword again, but Dragonzord sparkily smacks it in the chest before it can do much. |
ZYU #41. |
In Megazord cockpit, the five Rangers kinda stand up and look downward our right quickly, Red nod-talking. |
ZYU #41. |
Quick zoom in on Green on the roof, looking up at us, nodding then readying Dragon Dagger. |
ZYU #41. |
Side profile shot of Green Ranger playing the Dragon Dagger on the rooftop. |
ZYU #41. |
Dragonzord dodges past Megazord, turns to face it, then smacks aside sword. |
ZYU #41. |
Camera tracks right, around Green continuing to play the Dragon Dagger's flute. |
ZYU #41. |
While some trashed buildings smoke in the foreground, Megazord gets grabbed from behind by Dragonzord, until it breaks off and turns to face its enemy. |
Trims start, where Dragon tail smashes Mega. |
ZYU #41. |
Close on the ground as Dragonzord kicks Megazord's feet out from under it. |
ZYU #41. |
Megazord falls flat on its chest, shaking the city, as Dragonzord poses happily in the back. |
ZYU #41. |
Green looks up, stops playing flute, looks at Dragon Dagger, nods, then plays it again. |
ZYU #21. |
In Angel Grove Bay, water starts to churn to life, bubbling up furiously |
Recycled. |
ZYU #41. |
Closer on the bubbling waters, as the head of the Dragonzord rises from beneath the waves. |
Recycled. |
ZYU #21. |
Water sprays through the air as Dragonzord's tail tip lifts up out of the sea and is flung at camera. |
Recycled. |
ZYU #21. |
Far shot of Dragonzord standing in the unsettled waters behind the seaport, leaning back and reaching out. |
Recycled. |
ZYU #21. |
Side angle of Dragonzord slowly lumbering to our left in the ankle-deep ocean. |
Recycled. |
ZYU #41. |
Megazord sword slashes Dragonzord, but the blade is caught against its chest. Suddenly, the real Dragonzord walks into the city, spreads arms and roars. |
Trims start a little to cut down on wait time. |
ZYU #41. |
In Megazord cockpit, the Rangers notice the double Dragonzords, standing up a bit, Black nod-talking and pointing them out. |
ZYU #41. |
Zoom in on the real Dragonzord, which is off spreading arms and roaring some more, demanding attention paid. |
ZYU #41. |
Green stops playing flute, looks to our left, nods, then plays Dragon Dagger that way. |
ZYU #41. |
Close on Dragonzord's chest plate, as five of the red lights blink. |
ZYU #41. |
Dragonzord throws up its arms, roars, then turns right and whips up tail. |
ZYU #41. |
Megazord's sword remains in fake Dragonzord's grasp, until real Dragonzord's tail swings in and sparkily strikes the phony. |
ZYU #41. |
Fake Dragonzord staggers back, smoking, until it suddenly gains an energy outline of a full spectrum of colors, as it transforms back into Cyclops, who gestures his arms. |
Multicolored outline & explosion effect added. |
ZYU #41. |
In Megazord cockpit, the Rangers get up a little and look to our right, Red pointing, nod-talking, and making a fist. |
Cuts before they turn forward. Also cuts all follow-up Rita Penny Farthing shots and associated Green rooftop shots. |
ZYU #41. |
Cyclops spreads arms, a multi-colored energy outline and chest explosion leads to him turning into a battle-ready posing Megazord. He then changes back the same way, before spreading arms and changing again into Dragonzord in Battle Mode, before changing back again. |
Multicolored outline & explosion effect added. |
ZYU #41. |
Cyclops stands behind the two Zords, spreading arms. Megazord turns and tries to sword slash him, but he vanishes, zoom in on the befuddled Mega as it and Dragon glance around. |
ZYU #41. |
In Megazord cockpit, the Rangers stand up a little, looking to our lower right, then zoom in on Red as he turns and looks straight on down, nod-talking. |
ZYU #41. |
On the rooftop, Green Ranger stands facing our right, raises his left fist, then holds up Dragon Dagger vertically against his chest. |
Cuts before he fades away. |