#538: PRSPD 1504 "Walls".
Features Footage from (bold = new):
Dekaranger, episode 3.
The complete program, from opening to end of end credits, lasts roughly 22:38;10.
Opening is about 1:00; by itself.
Ending is about 0:30; by itself.
Source | Description | Edit Note |
DEKA #03. |
Conenose Robot Mark II fires blue electricity from its left hand at the city around it, firebursting the buildings twice. |
This sequence is used ahead of source, which comes after the Zords roll out. |
DEKA #03. |
Ringbah talks in the Robot's cockpit. |
Mirror-flipped; cuts additional follow-up cockpit shot. |
DEKA #03. |
Emperor Gruumm appears on the Robot's viewscreen and talks. |
US footage altered to fit in Sentai; the backplate is used a bit in this ep for Gruumm and Mora to talk to Ringbah through. |
DEKA #03. |
Ringbah talks to his viewscreen, gesturing his right hand. |
Cuts before he talks more. |
DEKA #03. |
Ringbah talks to his viewscreen, gesturing his right hand a bit. |
Partially recycled, but runs fully. |
DEKA #03. |
Ringbah talks to his viewscreen, gesturing his right hand. |
Recycled, trimmed down again. |
DEKA #03. |
Ringbah turns from his viewscreen to pilot his Robot, Conenose crossing arms then leaning its head down. |
DEKA #03. |
Red slides down the entry tube, as all five extend down into their Delta Runners. Red holds out his Delta Morpher and inserts it on the console. |
Shot 2 is recycled, but unaltered. |
DEKA #03. |
Blue finishes inserting his Delta Morpher into the console and grips control stick with both hands. |
Recycled, but first time in context. |
DEKA #03. |
Green flips a switch on the side of his cockpit. |
DEKA #03. |
Yellow presses a button the side of her cockpit. |
Recycled, but runs fully and in context. |
DEKA #03. |
Finishing touching one side, Pink shifts a gear on the other side of her cockpit. |
Recycled, but runs fully and in context. |
DEKA #03. |
Delta Runner 1 rolls out from the hangar, with the other four following in order. |
DEKA #03. |
The five Delta Runners race along at night, when Pink points in her cockpit. |
DEKA #03. |
Zoom in on Conenose Robot standing there. |
Used ahead of source. |
DEKA #03. |
Red nod-talks in his moving cockpit, before gripping the steering wheel, Delta Runner 1 swerving around the corner. |
Shot 2 is recycled and darkened, per source. |
DEKA #03. |
Zoom in on Blue in his cockpit, then side angle of Red in his responding. Push in side angle on Blue talking and pointing, then Red speaks in a side angle move. Green talks in his cockpit. Red replies straight on in his cockpit. |
Green's shot cuts to reduce dialogue. |
DEKA #03. |
The Delta Runners come together to form the Delta Squad Megazord. |
Shots 1-9 are recycled and darkened, per source, rest are just recycled, per source (shot 3 technically is new, but still darkened); cuts follow-ups of Megazord & Robot rushing in and briefly fighting. |
DEKA #03. |
Blue nod-talks in his cockpit, quick circle around cockpit shots of each other Ranger, before Pink unfolds her Delta Morpher and types on the keypad, causing a hologram of the Conenose Robot to appear before her as the real thing approaches. Pink nod-talks, Conenose Robot approaches, then slashes and misses, Delta Squad Megazord then getting sparkily struck by the Robot, before grabbing its blade arm with both hands. Blue talks in his cockpit, as the Megazord switches positions with the Robot, keeping a grip on its bladearm. Red nod-talks in a side angle, Blue responds then presses a button, and suddenly Delta Squad Megazord has its saber ready, sparkily slashing Conenose's bladearm with it. |
Cuts follow-up close-ups of Megazord slashing Robot's shoulder. |
DEKA #03. |
Conenose Robot staggers back, clutching its right arm. Ringbah talks and gestures his arm in his cockpit, before suddenly looking at his viewscreen. |
DEKA #03. |
Ringbah talks to his viewscreen, gesturing his right hand a bit. |
Recycled; shortened. |
DEKA #03. |
Ringbah talks to his viewscreen, gesturing his right hand. |
Recycled again, cuts before he talks more. |
DEKA #03. |
Ringbah talks to his viewscreen, gesturing his right hand a bit. |
Recycled again; shortened heavily. |
DEKA #03. |
Ringbah responds to his viewscreen with a hand wave. |
Cuts follow-ups of Delta Squad Megazord aiming Blaster forth and another Ringbah cockpit shot. |
DEKA #03. |
Ringbah grips his control stick, causing Conenose Robot to glow brightly, blinding Delta Squad Megazord. |
Cuts follow-up of Red shielding his eyes. |
DEKA #03. |
Conenose Robot glows ever brightly, fading away suddenly as it teleports off, leaving Delta Squad Megazord confused and Red slapping his steering wheel in frustration. |
Transitions out. |
DEKA #03. |
Conenose Robot motions arms in upward angle. |
Shortened and altered to fit viewscreen mini-display. |
DEKA #03. |
Close on Conenose Robot reacting. |
Altered to fit viewscreen mini-display. |
DEKA #03. |
Delta Runner 1 drives down the tunnel, then Delta Runners 3 & 4 exit the Delta Base. |
Cuts surrounding shots of three Rangers summoning and jumping into Zords. |
DEKA #03. |
Conenose Robot motions arms in upward angle then walks forth. |
Partially recycled, but runs fully and in context. |
DEKA #03. |
Red nod-talks in his cockpit as camera pushes in. |
DEKA #03. |
Red presses the "attitude" buttons, causing Delta Runners 1 to extend its side crane arms out. |
Recycled, per source. |
DEKA #03. |
Yellow gestures her finger, then presses a button, causing the back module of Delta Runner 4 to detach, the saber blade comes out of Delta Runner 3, and Delta Runner 1's crane arms connect the two components together into the Delta Squad Megazord's Saber, which is then attached to Delta Runner 1's left side, Red driving it forth. |
DEKA #03. |
Red nod-talks in a side angle. |
Recycled. |
DEKA #03. |
Delta Runner 1 drives the side-Saber forth, Conenose Robot reacting, as it swerves and sparkily slashes its shins, causing it to stagger back. Green nod-talks, Yellow points, Conenose Robot fires its left hand's blasts forth, bursting behind Delta Runner 1. Red struggles to keep a control on his steering wheel, when Delta Runner 1 tilts over on its right side and drives on those two wheels, aiming the Saber-side upward, as Red drives straight at Conenose Robot, sparkily slashing it on the way by, bursting the Robot considerably. |
Shot 2 is recycled, but unaltered and in context; Cuts final shot before Conenose Robot collapses. Rest of shot is then split off for immediate usage. |
DEKA #03. |
An explosion erupts. Delta Runner 1 lowers back onto all four wheels and skids to a stop with its side-Saber still attached. Conenose Robot Mark II explodes massively before Delta Runner 1. Red makes a thumbs-up. |
Shot 1 is split off from before; cuts final shot before Red turns his upped thumb down; final two shots are flipped from source positions. |
DEKA #03. |
Red, Green, and Yellow leap onto the scene, landing as Blue & Yellow regroup with them to face Ringbah. |
DEKA #03. |
Ringbah jerks his body downward and speaks forth. |
Pushed back from source position. |
DEKA #03. |
Ringbah excitedly raises both arms. |
Pushed back from source position (most of this stuff up through the Krybot fight is, in fact). |
DEKA #03. |
A quick shot of each SPD Ranger's number, they raise a finger number, they then motion arms, then gesture a pose. |
Cuts follow-ups of team posing amid bullet holes in screen, then individual roll call poses and another group one. |
DEKA #03. |
The Rangers step forth in unison, and pose with fists raised. |
DEKA #03. |
All five SPD Rangers' helmets flash. |
Recycled, per source. |
DEKA #03. |
The five Rangers pose with their Delta Morphers held out as they stand in front of a giant SPD Badge. |
DEKA #03. |
Ringbah whips out a silver sphere, and tosses it upward. |
DEKA #03. |
A silver sphere flies into the air, suddenly springing out into an army of Krybots. |
Recycled, but first time in context. |
DEKA #03. |
Krybots fill the area around Ringbah, so each Ranger pulls out their weapon and speaks quick, the Krybots charging forth first, so the Rangers follow suit, meeting their footsoldier enemies in the middle to battle. |
Cuts final shot before they fight some more. |
DEKA #03. |
Blue breaks off and suddenly leaps up, diving off the roof of the building, tackling a Krybot down, then sparkily bashing another with his Deltamax Knuckle. |
Cuts before he almost hits another Krybot, then cuts follow-up of him sparkily kicking one. |
DEKA #03. |
Green backflips between Krybots, until finally stopping and footsweeping a Krybot down. |
Cuts before he kicks another one in the head twice. |
DEKA #03. |
Yellow sparkily slashes a pair of Krybots with her Deltamax Striker. Pink does the same with her own weapon. |
Cuts follow-ups of Red firing Blasters at a pair of Krybots. |
DEKA #03. |
Red fires both his Delta Blasters at two Krybots at the same time, then twirls and does it again, then again, and again, bursting them down. |
Laser effects added; cuts follow-ups of Rangers regrouping and Ringbah summoning Robot. |
DEKA #03. |
Ringbah reacts. |
Pushed back from source position. |
DEKA #03. |
Ringbah holds his axe up and talks, before rushing forth. The five weapon-armed Rangers rush forth at him, Red & Green sparkily striking him first. |
US replaces prior shot of team with weapons; cuts follow-up additional shot of Red & Green finishing passing him by. |
DEKA #03. |
Yellow & Pink leap at Ringbah and sparkily strike him with their weapons. Blue flips over and slashes him sparkily. |
Cuts final shot before Blue kicks monster. |
DEKA #03. |
Ringbah falls and rolls, as the Rangers regroup around Blue, who talks and holsters his weapon. Blue pulls out his Delta Morpher and holds it forth, opening it, as it flashes with energy. |
Shot 4 is trimmed heavily to reduce dialogue. |
DEKA #03. |
Zoom in through the energy matrix dimensional thingy inside the Delta Morpher. |
Recycled, per source. |
DEKA #03. |
Now against a black backdrop, Ringbah finds himself standing in front of a clockface and two alternating X or O symbols. Push in on Blue holding his Morpher forth as the symbols blink on it. Ringbah argues as the flashing continues, until he's finally judged guilty with a big red X. The other four motion their arms, as Blue connects his Deltamax Striker together and aims it at Ringbah, and speaks, before charging it up and firing it down an SPD logo corridor, bursting Ringbah. Now back in the real world, Ringbah crackles, collapses, and explodes massively. |
Cuts final shot before flames subside, revealing no sign of the monster. |
DEKA #03. |
Blue ceases posing, disconnecting his Deltamax Striker and reholstering its components. |
DEKA #03. |
Upward angle on Blue, pointing forth, then motioning to his chest with his thumb. |
Trims start to remove his hands on his holsters. |