#565: PRSPD 1531 "History".
Features Footage from (bold = new):
Abaranger, episodes 6 & 7; and Dekaranger, episodes 32 & 42.
The complete program, from opening to end of end credits, lasts roughly 22:36;10.
Opening is about 1:00; by itself.
Ending is about 0:30; by itself.
Source | Description | Edit Note |
DEKA #32. |
Broodwing leaps up and flies off. |
PRDT 1402, 1409, 1410, 1418, 1427. |
Footage of the three DinoThunder teens' greatest hits (left top: Conner uses superspeed on Tyrannodrones; left middle: Kira fights a Tyrannodrone at a dig site; left bottom: Kira uses her sonic scream on Tyrannodrones. Footage then switches to Ethan flipping around at the dig site; middle: Trent, Ethan, Conner, and Kira race away from explosions thrown by Terrorsaurus II; right top: Ethan, then Conner, fights some Tyrannodrones in the city; right bottom: Ethan fights Termiteron. |
All recycled and altered to fit SPD displays. |
PRDT 1405, 1422, 1425, 1428, & 1438. |
Footage of more of the three DinoThunder teens' greatest hits (left top: Blue DT rides his Hovercraft Cycle after Tutenhawken; left middle: Red DT fights Mesomonster; left bottom: Red DT poses in Battlizer Mode; middle: the three DT Rangers leap their Raptor Cycles away from explosions; right top: the three DT Rangers pose then get beat up by Triptoids; right bottom: Blue & Yellow DT power up Red's Shield of Triumph. |
All recycled and altered to fit SPD displays. |
DEKA #42. |
Dragoul roars and whips arms about. |
Textless, unlike source. |
DEKA #42. |
Dragoul jerks about some more. |
Cuts short a little. |
DEKA #42. |
The five Rangers flip over the camera, and land atop a beam-like structure, Red posing with his Delta Morpher and holding it skyward. |
DEKA #42. |
Red transforms into SWAT Mode, joined by his teammates at the end. |
Recycled, per source. |
DEKA #42. |
Red's Delta Enforcer drops down, as he and his four teammates pose with them. |
Cuts follow-ups of each Ranger posing quickly, then as a team, then Dragoul approaching and talking up at them. |
DEKA #42. |
Dragoul spews electricity upward at the Rangers, so they rappel down on ropes from the structure as it dirt bursts behind them. Yellow & Pink swing down and fire their Delta Enforcers at Dragoul, spark bursting him. |
Cuts follow-ups of team landing on the ground, then Blue & Green leaping up. |
DEKA #42. |
Blue & Green leap up and fire their Delta Enforcers at Dragoul, bursting him. Red races across the way, Dragoul spews electricity at him, so he leaps up, flips over the explosions, and fires at him, bursting Dragoul again. Red then engages him in battle, blocking his arm, then ducking under his next blow. Red then gets sparkily jabbed by Dragoul, sending him flying across and landing as his teammates regroup around him. Red recovers and leads the team in aiming at Dragoul and firing, spark bursting him. |
Cuts follow-ups of Dragoul being thrown back into some boxes, then spraying the Rangers with foam that fries their Enforcers, then they summon RIC and fire upon him. |
DEKA #42. |
Dragoul leaps out of the way of an explosion. Red reacts. |
Trims start to remove energy ball flying at him; cuts follow-ups of Rangers reacting then Dragoul firing on them. |
DEKA #42. |
Dragoul digs suddenly into the ground below him, the Rangers rush forth and inspect the hole he leaves behind, looking disappointed. |
Shot 2 is trimmed to remove them running into frame and stopping; Cuts final shot before they hang around more and soon touch their mics. |
DEKA #42. |
Dragoul emerges from underground in the middle of the city. |
Altered to fit SPD display. |
DEKA #42. |
Dragoul jerks arms about while giant in the city. |
Altered to fit SPD display; cuts before he smashes buildings. |
DEKA #42. |
Omega twist the throttle on his cockpit control during zoom in. |
Cuts prior shots of Dragoul getting laserblasted in the back by Omegamax Cycle. |
DEKA #42. |
Omegamax Cycle pops a wheelie. |
Recycled, per source. |
DEKA #42. |
Omegamax Cycles crashes into Dragoul, bursting him into the air and down to the ground. |
Shot 1 is trimmed for some reason to remove Cycle's ride across the screen. |
DEKA #42. |
Omegamax Cycle transforms into the Omegamax Megazord. |
Recycled, per source; cuts two additional shots between shots 4 & 5. |
DEKA #42. |
Dragoul stands up and faces Omegamax Megazord. |
Cuts follow-up of Megazord posing. |
DEKA #42. |
Omegamax Megazord readies its armblades. |
Recycled, per source; cuts prior shots of Dragoul sparkily striking Megazord. |
DEKA #42. |
Omegamax Megazord crosses armblades, Omega talks in his cockpit, the Megazord then rushes forth with arms out to the side. Dragoul and the Megazord sparkily clash arms twice, then Omegamax ducks under his third strike, and prepares to strike back. |
Cuts follow-up Dragoul headblow, which doesn't faze him. |
DEKA #42. |
Dragoul sparkily slashes Omegamax Megazord. |
Trims start to remove Dragoul shrugging off blade on head; cuts final shot before his second blow on Megazord; cuts follow-up of Megazord staggering back. |
DEKA #42. |
Zoom in on Dragoul, as he begins to spew foam forth at the Omegamax Megazord. Once he stops, the Megazord finds its right armblade has broken off, Omega reacting, before Dragoul leaps in and sparkily strikes the Megazord, causing it to topple backwards. |
ABA #07. |
Blue, Red, and Yellow DT morph into Super Dino Mode. |
Recycled; comic panel border lines added between each shot. |
DEKA #42. |
Red SPD transforms into SWAT Mode, soon joined by his teammates. |
Recycled, per source; first three shots come from earlier usage in the ep, second three shots come a later ep use we hadn't used before; comic panel border lines added between each shot. |
DEKA #42. |
Dragoul sparkily slashes down at the downed Omegamax Megazord. |
Shortened, removing approach at start, and stomping at end; cuts follow-up close-up of sparkily stomping. |
DEKA #42. |
Omega barely hangs on in his side-tilted cockpit. |
Cuts before shot lingers. |
DEKA #42. |
Dragoul gets sparkily bursted away from the downed Omegamax Megazord, by Delta Squad Megazord, which steps in aside its downed teammate. Blue speaks in his cockpit, Omega replying in his, followed by Red in his. Omegamax recovers beside Delta Squad, both facing the enraged Dragoul. |
Cuts follow-up of helmet dropping onto Delta Squad Megazord. |
DEKA #42. |
Omegamax Cyce and Delta Squad Megazord come together to form the Deltamax Megazord. |
Recycled, per source; cuts follow-up of Megazord marching forth. |
DEKA #42. |
Dragoul spews electricity forth at Deltamax Megazord, bursting it and around it as it marches forth unwaveringly. |
Cuts follow-ups of Dragoul reacting, then rushing forth and getting sparkily head-punched by Megazord. |
DEKA #42. |
Deltamax Megazord fires its back thrusters, then slides forth with back thrusters burning, an energy ripple beginning to form in front of it. |
Recycled, per source. |
DEKA #42. |
Deltamax Megazord punches its left fist forth three times quickly, rippling upon impact on Dragoul, before punching each fist forth. |
Cuts follow-ups of Dragoul's head bursting, then the three guy Ranger talking, before the Megazord uppercuts Dragoul in the crackling head. |
DEKA #42. |
Deltamax Megazord hits Dragoul so hard he goes flying into the sky in dramatic fashion, the Megazord turning its back to him, as he falls to the street. |
DEKA #42. |
Dragoul explodes massively behind Deltamax Megazord. |
Trims start to remove Dragoul recovering then collapsing; cuts follow-up of Megazord turning around, Rangers giving thumbs down, then talking a bit. |
ABA #06. |
The DT Rangers bring their special weapons together and create the Z-Rex Blaster. |
Recycled (thanks to that final single frame artifact I was able to tell precisely which episode they took this from. Thank you, sloppy editing!) |
ABA #06. |
The DT Rangers fire the Z-Rex Blaster forth. |
Recycled. |
DEKA #42. |
Broodwing gazes out over the city at night, talking to himself on a rooftop. |
Transitions in; trims start to remove zoom out; cuts follow-up close-up of Dragoul exploding. |
DEKA #42. |
Dragoul II gestates underground. |
Pushed up from source position; each shot shortened. |
DEKA #42. |
Broodwing spreads his wings and laughs over the city. |
Trimmed; fades to black. |