#567: PRSPD 1534 "Badge".
Features Footage from (bold = new):
Dekaranger, episodes 19, 23, & 44.
The complete program, from opening to end of end credits, lasts roughly 22:36;25.
Opening is about 1:00; by itself.
Ending is about 0:30; by itself.
Source | Description | Edit Note |
DEKA #44. |
Icthior charges up his Ocean Saber so its blade regains its shiny complexion. |
Surrounding Blue vs Icthior fight US replaced due to snowfall. |
DEKA #19. |
Blue leaps up. |
Recycled. |
DEKA #44. |
Icthior slashes close to the screen. |
DEKA #44. |
Icthior slashes at the screen. |
DEKA #19. |
Blue falls from a building. |
Recycled; demorphing effect added. |
DEKA #44. |
Zoom in on Icthior. |
DEKA #44. |
Green & Pink transform to SWAT Mode. |
Recycled sequences but new montage, per source; comic panel border added between. |
DEKA #44. |
Holding up his Ocean Saber, Icthior dashes forth. |
Trimmed to remove him raising it; US replaces surrounding Green & Pink vs Icthior sequence due to different SPD vehicle behind them. |
DEKA #44. |
As lasers fly at him, Icthior deflects them with his Saber, then leaps up and slashes forth. |
DEKA #44. |
Icthior gives us a kick. |
DEKA #44. |
Icthior sparkily slashes Green, then does the same to Pink. |
Trims start to remove him roundhouse kicking Green in the head; shot 3 is recycled but first time in context. |
DEKA #44. |
Icthior readies his Ocean Saber. |
DEKA #44. |
Broodwing approaches Icthior in a warehouse, the two having a conversation. |
US replaces surrounding shots to change out the style of badges stolen. |
DEKA #44. |
Icthior's feet leap up. |
Trims pan down; cuts follow-up Omega vs Icthior sequence to help pad Koichi's pockets. |
DEKA #23. |
Omega grips the Morpher's handlebar, charging it up. |
Recycled. |
DEKA #44. |
Icthior spark bursts while being thrown back. |
DEKA #44. |
Icthior raises his Ocean Saber into the air, a crackling of red crashing around him as he poses with it, then water flows in front of him, and he races forth. |
DEKA #44. |
The seas part, as Icthior slides forth then energy slashes his Ocean Saber downward. |
DEKA #44. |
Shadow charges up his Shadow Saber. |
Recycled, cuts short, per source; US replaces surrounding Shadow vs Icthior sequence so Makoto doesn't feel left out. |
DEKA #44. |
Icthior raises his Ocean Saber into the air, a crackling of red crashing around him as he poses with it, then water flows in front of him, and he races forth. |
Recycled, per source; cuts additional shot between last two shots. |
DEKA #44. |
Shadow finishes motioning and poses with saber as flames ignite around him, then moves forward. |
Recycled, per source; shot 1's flames are recolored less blue than usual, but shot 2 is recolored the same as always. |
DEKA #44. |
Shadow & Icthior slice their Shadow & Ocean Sabers past one another, freeze-framing with their elements visible briefly. |
Shortened to just the freeze-frame aspect stuck in the middle of US footage. |
DEKA #44. |
Shadow & Icthior remain posed motionless, facing away from one another. |
No idea why they decided to use this shot, when the background is wildly different from the surrounding US footage. |
DEKA #44. |
Icthior spark bursts. |
DEKA #44. |
Shadow holds his Patrol Morpher forth, it opens and flashes. |
DEKA #44. |
Zoom in through the energy matrix dimensional thingy inside the Delta Morpher. |
Recycled, per source. |
DEKA #44. |
A clockface appears over Icthior, who remains on the ground, when suddenly Shadow's Morpher flashes with a red X. |
Cuts before Shadow closes his Morpher. |
DEKA #44. |
Icthior reaches out while talking. |
Shortened. |
DEKA #44. |
Icthior spews a fountain of water forth, splashing onto Shadow, causing him to crackle. |
DEKA #44. |
Shadow smoke bursts. |
DEKA #44. |
Broodwing snags Doggie's badge. |
Cuts before slight push in. |
DEKA #44. |
Broodwing switches Doggie's badge over to his left hand, and uses his right to gesture as he talks. |
Split. |
DEKA #44. |
Broodwing motions his right hand into the air. |
Split from before (though loses a little between); cuts before he motions arm about. |
DEKA #44. |
Push in on Broodwing, as he points, then holds the badges up in front of his face, before whipping his cloak about and taking flight. |
Trimmed slightly. |
DEKA #44. |
Icthior steps into a quarry as shot pans up. |
DEKA #44. |
Pan left from Icthior to a cloud of bats approaching. |
DEKA #44. |
The cloud of bats converges beside Icthior, morphing into Broodwing. |
DEKA #44. |
Push in on Broodwing as he stands next to Icthior. |
DEKA #44. |
Track around Broodwing as he talks, then snaps his fingers, causing a group of Orangeheads to flip in, landing in front of him and Icthior, where they then throw a silver sphere and a blue ringed orb forth, which materializes into an army of Krybots and Blueheads. |
DEKA #44. |
Jack & Z face the mass of Krybots, Blueheads, and Orangeheads. |
Counterparts erased and US versions added. |
DEKA #44. |
Jack & Z face the mass of Krybots, Blueheads, and Orangeheads. |
Recycled; fades in from black. |
DEKA #44. |
Broodwing gestures forth, sending his army of robotic footsoldiers forth. |
DEKA #44. |
Orangeheads stand in front of Broodwing and Icthior. |
Recycled; trimmed slightly. |
DEKA #44. |
Icthior laughs. |
Recycled; cuts before pan left. |
DEKA #44. |
Red & Yellow race at the oncoming Krybots, Blueheads, and Orangeheads. Red fires his twin Blasters, bursting many down, while Yellow slashes her way through some, as well. An Orangehead leaps in and slashes at Red sparkily, but then he begins to dodge and block, and once unblocked, Orangehead slashes forth. |
Laser effects added to shots 2-5. |
DEKA #44. |
Red opens fire. |
Trims start to remove Orangehead accidentally slashing a Bluehead; cuts follow-up side angle shot that shows the damaged Bluehead on the ground; laser effects added. |
DEKA #44. |
Orangehead bursts down. Yellow slashes her way over to Red, getting back to back with him and the pair have a brief conversation. More Krybots charge forth, when Pink, Blue, and Green leap in and fire upon them, bursting the footsoldiers. The Rangers regroup, Red talking to Blue, then Yellow talking to Pink, who speaks, before Blue also replies. Blueheads burst into the air, a Krybot dirt bursted into flying forth, as Omega flips in and lands next to Red, talking to him. Green speaks. |
Laser effects added to shot 1. |
DEKA #44. |
Yellow speaks. |
DEKA #44. |
Zoom in over his army onto Broodwing talking. |
DEKA #44. |
Shadow stands there, zoom in sharply on Icthior reacting. Red readies his Delta Morpher, and raises it in the air. |
DEKA #44. |
Red SPD transforms into SWAT Mode, soon joined by his teammates. |
Recycled, per source; comic panel border lines added between each shot again in final three shots; cuts follow-ups of each Ranger posing in their SWAT gear. |
DEKA #44. |
All five SWAT Moded Rangers pose in front of the SWAT symbol. |
Recycled, per source; cuts follow-up pose shot of Omega. |
DEKA #44. |
Omega poses and gestures. |
DEKA #44. |
Omega's helmet flashes. |
Recycled, per source; cuts follow-up additional pose, then shot of Shadow's chest symbol and a posing shot of him. |
DEKA #44. |
Shadow poses in a quarry, then his helmet flashes. |
Recycled, per source; cuts follow-up side angle shot of all seven Rangers. |
DEKA #44. |
Shadow steps in front of the other Rangers and nod-talks as shot pushes in on him, then quick shots of each Ranger's helmeted head. Broodwing reaches forth and fires red electricity bolt at the team, brusting in front of them, but they rush through the smoke unscathed. Krybots, Blueheads, and Orangeheads scramble forth. |
Cuts follow-up of Rangers firing at us. |
DEKA #44. |
The SWAT Rangers fire their Delta Enforcers at the footsoldiers while running through them. |
Cuts follow-up explosion sending Krybots flying. |
DEKA #44. |
A Krybot & Bluehead, and a Krybot, go flying as explosions erupt behind them. The five SWAT Rangers pause and pose, as the footsoldiers collapse behind them. |
Crackling and gleaming effects added; cuts before explosion erupts behind Rangers. |
DEKA #44. |
Omega grips his Omega Morpher's throttle while nod-talking in zoom in. |
DEKA #44. |
Omega twists his Morpher's handlebar. |
Recycled, per source. |
DEKA #44. |
Omega slams his left hand down onto the ground, sending a surge of electricity into the Krybots and Blueheads ahead of him, knocking them down. Shadow slashes sparkily through Orangeheads, until they all crackle and collapse. Icthior suddenly leaps in and slashes at Shadow, who dodges and poses defensively, the pair exchanging words while remaining posed with their Sabers forth, until Shadow holds his horizontally. |
DEKA #44. |
Shadow charges up his Shadow Saber so its blade regains its shiny complexion. |
Recycled, per source. |
DEKA #44. |
Zoom in on Icthior holding his blade horizontally. |
DEKA #44. |
Icthior charges up his Ocean Saber so its blade regains its shiny complexion. |
Recycled, per source. |
DEKA #44. |
Shadow speaks, then Icthior rushes forth, so he does as well. Meanwhile, Broodwing catches Omega's left fist in his palm, causing him to react stunned, before Broodwing releases and sparkily strikes him back. Omega rolls on the ground as the Rangers arrive. |
Cuts follow-ups of Rangers firing on Broodwing, exploding him, only to discover he's now behind them. |
DEKA #44. |
Broodwing whips open his cape and fires off a swirling energy from his armpit, bursting the six Rangers down. Elsewhere, Shadow & Icthior clash blades repeatedly, locking them, then breaking off for a moment. Shadow talks while raising his Saber up. |
Cuts follow-ups of pair talking a little. |
DEKA #44. |
Icthior replies, then rushes forth, where they clash blades once again, soon ending up locking Sabers, where Icthior uses his sea-vomit attack, but Shadow is able to dodge it. They clash blades once more, before Shadow upslices, sending the Ocean Saber flying, before sparkily slashing Icthior and sending him flying into some crates explosively. Nearby, the other six Rangers scramble forth, Omega leaping up, only to get zapped down sparkily by Broodwing. Blue & Green, then Yellow & Pink, leap up and fire upon Broodwing, who shields himself from their bolts with his cloak. Broodwing stands there, open for Red to fire his Delta Enforcer at him, bursting him so hard he loses hold of the Rangers' badges. The six Rangers catch the badges, Red looking at Doggie's, then holding it forth. Meanwhile, Shadow poses as Icthior smokes and clutches his gut, pointing and talking. Shadow readies his Saber, then charges it up and slashes the extended energy blade forth at Icthior, slicing through him with an energy impact. |
Shot 9 is trimmed to remove gut punch; shot 26 cuts before energy bolt engulfs the screen; cuts shot 33 before Icthior talks more; cuts final shot before we see Icthior split in half and explode. |
DEKA #44. |
As Shadow watches posed, Icthior crackles, collapses, and explodes massively. |
Cuts before flames clear; cuts follow-ups of resheathing Saber so they can US add in Icthior getting contained. |
DEKA #44. |
Zoom out from Broodwing, facing the Rangers, when Shadow rushes in and joins them, talking to the team briefly, they nod in response, then he speaks forth to Broodwing, who responds, before gesturing and causing his Robot to rise in the nearby mountains. The Rangers react, as Broodwing leaps up and flies up to his Robot and enters the cockpit. The Rangers watch, then touch their earsm with Shadow looking at his Patrol Morpher. |
Shot 10 is textless, unlike source. |
DEKA #44. |
The Delta Command Crawler rolls through the forest, so the seven Rangers leap up and into it. |
Cuts follow-up of Shadow in cockpit. |
DEKA #44. |
The Delta Command Megazord forms. |
Recycled, per source (though the two standing-up shots are new). |
DEKA #44. |
Sharp zoom out from Shadow in the cockpit as all six other Rangers salute. |
DEKA #44. |
Close on Delta Command Megazord's visor gleaming. |
Recycled, per source; trims start; cuts follow-ups of Megazord & Robot posing in forest. |
DEKA #44. |
Zoom in on Broodwing's Robot, as he readies his left hand, then reaches down and grabs the controls, causing his Robot to open its claw hands and fire bolts from within them forth, bursting Delta Command Megazord. |
Cuts final shot before explosion erupts in front of Megazord; cuts follow-ups of Broodwing watching Megazord emerge from smoke on monitor. |
DEKA #44. |
Shadow speaks as Delta Command Megazord fires its knee lasers forth, bursting Broodwing's Robot. Zoom in upward on Red nod-talking. |
Cuts follow-up of fingertip missiles loading. |
DEKA #44. |
Delta Command Megazord fires lasers from its fingertips forth. |
Recycled, per source; still altered to remove missiles. |
DEKA #44. |
Broodwing's Robot spark bursts. Broodwing talks and gestures in his cockpit. |
Cuts follow-ups of Robot marching forth a few steps then stopping. |
DEKA #44. |
Broodwing's Robot's many panels gleam and crackle, as they fire forth golden energy. Shadow gestures forth. |
Cuts follow-up close-up of Megazord. |
DEKA #44. |
Delta Command Megazord fires forth a solid beam of golden energy from its chestplates. |
Recycled, per source; trimmed. |
DEKA #44. |
It's a tug of war struggle between Broodwing's Robot and Delta Command Megazord, blasting their chestbeams forth at one another at the same time. Broodwing strains within his cockpit, as does Shadow. |
DEKA #44. |
The other six Rangers all appear intense and focused amid turmoil. |
Six individual shots in source, made into a comic panel bordered montage here; cuts follow-up zoom out from Shadow talking. |
DEKA #44. |
Broodwing's Robot & Delta Command Megazord continue to pour energy at one another, until finally the Megazord's power overwhelms that of the Robot, bursting Broodwing in his cockpit. The Robot crackles and explodes massively, as Broodwing flies to safety. |
DEKA #44. |
Delta Command Megazord salutes with flames reflected in its visor. |
Recycled, per source. |
DEKA #44. |
The seven SPD Rangers give a unianimous thumbs down in the Command cockpit. As they cease doing so, push in and track around onto Red, talking excitedly. |
Cuts follow-ups of Broodwing landing and talking. |