#571: PRSPD 1537 "Endings, Part 1".
Features Footage from (bold = new):
Abaranger, episode 49; and Dekaranger, episodes 5, 11, 34, 40, 44, 48, 49, & 50.
The complete program, from opening to end of end credits, lasts roughly 22:36;25.
Opening is about 1:00; by itself.
Previously On is about 0:36;13 by itself.
Ending is about 0:30; by itself.
Source | Description | Edit Note |
DEKA #48. |
Close on Broodwing in his cockpit, talking, before his window shows he emerges in front of the Delta Command Base. Broodwing speaks again, then works the controls. Broodwing's Ship, a drilltank, rolls at the Base and begins to shake the place up. |
Shot 1 is shortened, shot 3 is shortened and split from shot 4. |
DEKA #48. |
Zoom out from Broodwing's Ship, impaled at the base of the Delta Command Base. |
Altered to fit SPD display. |
DEKA #48. |
Close on Broodwing talking and gesturing in his cockpit. |
DEKA #48. |
A bunch of Blueheads lead an army of Krybots up the stairs at the Delta Command Base, pan left across the approaching swarm of robots. |
Splits shot 2. |
DEKA #48. |
Krybots step on an SPD badge symbol on the floor. |
DEKA #48. |
Pan right across the approaching swarm of robots. |
Split from two shots ago; cuts follow-up side angle on Krybots. |
DEKA #48. |
Krybots march over an SPD logo on the floor, the group of Krybots, Blueheads, and even Broodwing, walking at a leisurely pace through the Base. |
Fades to black. |
DEKA #44. |
Red SPD transforms into SWAT Mode, soon joined by his teammates. |
Recycled; cuts two shots between shots 2 & 3; comic panel border lines added between each shot again in final two shots. |
DEKA #49. |
Broodwing's Ship transforms into the A-Squad Megazord. |
All Angler monster cockpit shots are either cut or US replaced with A-Squad cockpit shots. |
DEKA #49. |
A-Squad Megazord poses completed, under the night sky. |
Trimmed; textless, unlike source. |
DEKA #11. |
The Delta Runners race away from the Delta Command Base at night. |
Recycled; Altered to fit SPD mini-display. |
DEKA #49. |
Delta Squad Megazord & Omegamax Megazord face the A-Squad Megazord. Blue points and speaks, then Delta Squad Megazord begins to fire, spark bursting the approaching A-Squad Megazord. |
Cuts follow-up close-up on Delta Squad firing at us. |
DEKA #49. |
A-Squad Megazord keeps sparking but keeps walking, soon reaching Delta Squad Megazord, who holds up its saber, only to get it sparkily struck. |
Cuts final shot before A-Squad Megazord strikes Delta Squad again; then cuts follow-ups of A-Squad fighting the two Megazords, sparkily striking each one until it hits Delta Squad's saber explosively. |
DEKA #49. |
Delta Squad Megazord's broken saber tip flies into the air. |
Cuts follow-up of Megazord reacting at its smoking, broken saber. |
DEKA #49. |
A-Squad Megazord fires yellow electricity from its forehead forth, spark bursting Omegamax & Delta Squad Megazords. |
DEKA #49. |
Red is shaken up in his cockpit. |
Cuts before it calms down and he talks; cuts follow-ups of A-Squad Megazord sparkily bashing both Megazords in the chest at the same time. |
DEKA #49. |
As the other two Megazords stagger away from A-Squad smoking, steam begins to rise over by the Delta Command Base, as it begins to transform. Delta Squad Megazord notices, Yellow speaking. |
Trims start to remove Megazords sparking; cuts follow-up of Pink speaking. |
DEKA #49. |
Delta Command Base transforms into Crawler Mode. |
Cuts follow-up of its base touching down. |
DEKA #49. |
Delta Command Crawler's back cannons fire, bursting both Delta Squad & Omegamax Megazords explosively, agonizing the six Rangers within. |
Cuts final shot before they begin to look forth and zoom in begins; splits the rest of it; comic panel lines added to final shot. |
DEKA #49. |
Sharp zoom in, extremely close on the six Rangers in their cockpits. |
Split from before; comic panel lines added. |
DEKA #49. |
Delta Command's head splits in half, and the corridors inside close and shift about. |
Cuts follow-ups of more transforming. |
DEKA #49. |
Delta Command Megazord finishes standing up, and stands completed. Broodwing is inside the cockpit, along with Crabhead, the ingeniously named Monster #1, and the bravely named Monster #2. |
Shot 2 is trimmed; cuts final shot before Broodwing gestures and talks. |
DEKA #49. |
Each Ranger quickly reacts in their cockpit, as the two Megazords look up at the massive Delta Command Megazord towering over them. |
Cuts final shot before it lingers; cuts follow-ups of more looking up at the Megazord, and a zoom in on Broodwing gesturing. |
DEKA #49. |
Close on Broodwing speaking, then a quick look at Omega before zooming out to show Delta Squad & Omegamax Megazords facing the A-Squad Megazord, which fires another forehead zap of electricity, bursting the two Megazords, and shaking up the cockpits of all six Rangers. Broodwing talks and points. |
Trims shot 2; cuts follow-ups of Broodwing flipping switches on console and getting numbers and sitting back. |
DEKA #49. |
As A-Squad Megazord grabs both Delta Squad & Omegamax Megazords, Delta Command Megazord turns and walks to our left. Red reacts to this. |
Cuts follow-up of Yellow talking to Morpher for a bit until crackling starts. |
DEKA #49. |
A-Squad Megazord fires another forehead zap of electricity. |
Recycled. |
DEKA #49. |
A-Squad Megazord zaps both Delta Squad & Omegamax Megazords at the same time, spark bursting them until Omega flails about, then his Megazord collapses on the ground, crackling and sparking. Delta Squad Megazord remains upright at it paces back. |
Cuts final shot before Megazord points its Blaster forth; cuts follow-up of it firing Blaster at A-Squad. |
DEKA #49. |
A-Squad Megazord spreads arms and releases a golden wave of energy from its chest at Delta Squad Megazord, crackling and bursting not only it, but each of its five cockpits. Delta Squad Megazord crackles, bursts, and slowly collapses forth. |
Trims start to remove A-Squad blocking blast; cuts final shot before Megazord explodes massively. |
DEKA #49. |
Omega looks up in his tilted cockpit, and reaches out in protest. |
Cuts follow-up of flames where Delta Squad once stood. |
DEKA #49. |
As the sun rises in the city, Delta Command Megazord stomps its giant foot down in the street. Inside the cockpit, Broodwing, Crabhead, and the other two work the controls. |
Cuts prior shot of its legs walking; fades in from black; cuts final shot before they talk more; cuts follow-ups of Megazord readying arms and getting into stance. |
DEKA #49. |
Delta Command Megazord charges up its chest plates during zoom in, and soon releases a beam of energy to our left. |
Cuts final shot before beams spreads across the city, vaporizing all of the buildings, leaving the Megazord standing amid fiery chaos. |
ABA #49. |
A beam of energy strikes a mountain, blowing it up. |
Recycled; beam color changed; mirror-flipped. |
DEKA #49. |
Zoom in slowly on Broodwing in the Command cockpit, talking and gesturing. |
Shortened. |
DEKA #49. |
An exterior look at the SPD logoed parking spot for the Delta Command Base. |
Transitions in; cuts before zoom in. |
DEKA #49. |
Hangar doors open, to reveal SWAT Flyers parked within. |
Counterparts US replaced. |
DEKA #49. |
Delta Command Megazord charges up its chest plates. Broodwing raises a finger and talks, then turns to look. |
Cuts follow-up of Omegamax rolling in semi-cycle mode. |
DEKA #49. |
SWAT Megazord soars in, all Superman-esque. Delta Command Megazord looking upward. |
Trims start. |
DEKA #49. |
Broodwing talks up close. SWAT Megazord hovers into position, as Red talks in his cockpit. Broodwing replies, then talks to A-Squad Megazord, which replies with a raise of its arm, before marching forth. |
Trims start to remove pan down from Monster #1. |
DEKA #49. |
Slight zoom out as A-Squad Megazord fires another jolt of electricity from its forehead. |
Trims start to remove zoom out from Angler Monster; cuts follow-ups of Omegamax Megazord leaping forth and doing spinning attack. |
DEKA #34. |
SWAT Megazord roundhouse kicks the electricity blasts out of the air. |
Recycled; electricity added and missiles covered with laserbolts. |
DEKA #40. |
Zoom in on Red nod-talking, as his teammates' cockpits cut in and they all salute. |
DEKA #49. |
SWAT Megazord kicks sharply into the camera, landing its foot horizontally into A-Squad Megazord's chest sparkily. |
Cuts prior additional kicking shot, then cuts follow-ups of SWAT Megazord kicking A-Squad Megazord back repeatedly. |
DEKA #49. |
SWAT Megazord does an approximation of a bicycle kick into A-Squad Megazord, sparkily knocking it back. |
DEKA #49. |
The five SWAT Mode Rangers give a salute. |
Comic panel lines added between each cockpit; cuts follow-ups of SWAT Megazord turning into Cannon Mode, Omegamax Megazord firing it into A-Squad Megazord point blank, taking it out and a building behind it. |
DEKA #34. |
SWAT Megazord turns around and fires both Blasters forth. |
Recycled. |
DEKA #34. |
SWAT Megazord fires its right Blaster to our slight left. |
Recycled. |
DEKA #34. |
SWAT Megazord fires both Blasters together. |
Recycled. |
DEKA #49. |
Energy slashed, a superimposed explosion erupts over A-Squad Megazord. |
Trimmed; pushed back from source position. |
DEKA #49. |
SWAT Megazord takes flight. |
Recycled, per source; Transitions in; cuts follow-ups of Delta Command firing laser knees up at it as it flies around. |
DEKA #49. |
Zoom in on Broodwing in the Command cockpit. |
Shortened. |
DEKA #49. |
Delta Command Megazord charges up its chest plates. |
Recycled, per source. |
DEKA #49. |
As SWAT Megazord stands there, zoom in on Omega talking in the cockpit. Broodwing reacts. |
Cuts follow-up tire liftoff. |
DEKA #49. |
Omegamax Cycle races up Delta Command Megazord's back and into the sunny sky, with the five SWAT Mode Rangers diving down from within it in midair, landing upon the Delta Command Megazord's shoulder, as it turns to look at them. Red speaks quickly, before they race off, Broodwing talking during zoom in. The five Rangers race forth over us on the catwalk. |
Cuts follow-ups of Krybots scrambling, and Broodwing talking. |
DEKA #49. |
Delta Command Megazord spark bursts. |
Cuts additional close-up bursting. |
DEKA #49. |
Broodwing jerks about in the cockpit. |
Pushed back from source position and trimmed to end. |
DEKA #49. |
SWAT Megazord fires both Blasters forth, zoom in as we see Omega in the cockpit. |
DEKA #05. |
RIC's ears perk up and his eyes light up. |
Recycled. |
DEKA #49. |
Delta Command Megazord is plodding along when its kneecaps fire laser blasts forth. |
Recycled, per source; used out of position. |
DEKA #50. |
SWAT Megazord gets blasted by a continuous blue beam of energy, sending it sliding back through the city, smashing through buildings all the while until it falls over. |
Cuts follow-ups of Broodwing talking and SWAT Megazord lying amid debris; also cuts a sequence later of Omegamax Megazord crashing into Delta Command, then SWAT firing one Blaster upward. |
DEKA #50. |
In the Command cockpit, Broodwing talks and gestures, when suddenly the lights in the place go out. Delta Command Megazord's chest plates cease charging. |
Cuts follow-up zoom in on downed SWAT. |
DEKA #50. |
Broodwing panics, reacting in the darkened cockpit. |
DEKA #50. |
Delta Command Megazord folds up its top, and lays back down into Base mode. |
Cuts follow-up of head unsplitting. |
DEKA #50. |
Broodwing falls to the ground, as Red flips in and lands across from him as he recovers. |
Cuts follow-up of Broodwing talking. |
DEKA #50. |
Monster #2, Crabhead, and Monster #1 all fall down beside Broodwing. The other Rangers leap in and regroup with Red, facing the four alien criminals. Pan left and zoom in on Red as he talks. |
Cuts before he points. |
DEKA #50. |
Broodwing reacts. |
Cuts follow-ups of each Ranger doing their roll call, then posing a bunch. |
DEKA #50. |
Red pumps his fists, his teammates salute, and all six race forth together. |
Cuts follow-ups close-ups of each Ranger and each alien reacting. |
DEKA #50. |
Broodwing motions forth, causing his monsters to rush forth. |
Cuts follow-ups of Pink & Yellow fighting Monster #2 (cutting off her antennea). |
DEKA #50. |
Pink & Yellow roll in and fire upon Lavender Lass, err, Monster #2, spark bursting her. |
Pushed up from source position. |
DEKA #50. |
Green & Blue take turns sparkily slashing and attacking Crabhead. |
Cuts follow-ups of pair attacking him some more. |
DEKA #50. |
Omega blocks Maced Spindu... err, Monster #1's weapon, then sparkily chest bashes him twice. |
Cuts follow-ups of Omega punching him directly. |
DEKA #50. |
Broodwing fires a blast at Red, who dives off the side of a wall and fires back upon him sparkily. |
Laser effects added to shots 3 & 4; cuts follow-ups of Red firing some more once landing. |
DEKA #50. |
Pink & Yellow fire upon Monster #2 again, bursting her. Blue & Green sparkily slash past Crabhead at the same time. |
Cuts follow-ups of Rangers energy slashing Crabhead, then Omega races at Monster #1. |
DEKA #50. |
Monster #1 looks up suddenly. |
DEKA #50. |
Omega drops down from above, punching his charged up fist. |
Recycled, per source. |
DEKA #50. |
Monster #1 gets punched so hard his face warps. |
Cuts before he staggers back and crackles, then cuts follow-up of Omega posing. |
DEKA #50. |
The five Rangers turn and pose with their weapons as the three aliens explode massively behind them. |
Cuts follow-up of team giving a thumbs down, then Red beating on Broodwing; US replaces him initially aiming Blaster combo forth. |
DEKA #50. |
Broodwing charges forth, so Red fires his Combo Blaster at him, bursting and crackling him until he collapses to a crouch. Red reholsters his Blasters as his teammates regroup around him, Red then talking, Broodwing recovering and speaking, so Red steps forth and talks, whipping out his Delta Morpher, holding it forth, and opening it up with a flash. |
Trims shot 9. |
DEKA #50. |
Zoom in through the energy matrix dimensional thingy inside the Delta Morpher. |
Recycled, per source. |
DEKA #50. |
Broodwing finds himself behind a clockface with an alternating X and O. |
Cuts follow-ups of push in on Red and Broodwing talking. |
DEKA #50. |
Red's Morpher glows with a red X, which appears stamped over Broodwing's reacting face. Red lowers his Morpher, his teammates salute. |
Cuts follow-ups of Broodwing talking a lot, and the Rangers also talking. |
DEKA #50. |
Sharp zoom on Broodwing, who turns to our left. RIC races away from Delta Command Base, Pink tosses his metal bone bite thing in the air. |
Trims final shot. |
DEKA #50. |
RIC leaps in and chomps on the bite bone thing, and transforms into the Canine Cannon. |
Recycled, per source. |
DEKA #50. |
The Canine Cannon lands in the clutches of all six Rangers, Broodwing reacts, each Ranger gets a quick shot, before the trigger is pulled, and they gesture as a pair of energy bolts fly forth, hitting Broodwing, causing him to spark bursts and crackle. |
Cuts follow-ups of each Ranger reacting, as Broodwing crackles and has the last word. |
DEKA #50. |
Broodwing crackles, bursts, and explodes. Close-up on Red reacting. |
Cuts shot 1 before flames clear; cuts follow-ups of team celebrating. |