
Power Rangers Mystic Force

#579: PRMF 1607 "Fire Heart".

Features Footage from (bold = new):
Magiranger, episodes 3 & 5.

The complete program, from opening to end of end credits, lasts roughly 22:36;00.

Opening is about 1:00; by itself.

Ending is about 0:30; by itself.

Opening Credits

Source Description Edit Note
MAGI #05.

Close on the green and white taxi as it spins around to face us.

MAGI #05.

The taxi's hood opens and its monsterous true identity is made visible within.

MAGI #05.

The taxi transforms into the Taxi Cab Monster (wait, they're really going with that? Not the "Hack from Heck" or something even remotely punny? C'mon now).

MAGI #05.

As the Taxi Cab Monster unveils himself, Nick & Vida react.

Nick & Vida superimposed into scene (they leave the bag of groceries dropping on the left, but do erase the ones on the right).

MAGI #05.

Taxi Cab Monster raises his head, as Pink leaps in and kicks forth.

US replaces follow-up headblow with chest strike.

MAGI #05.

Taxi Cab Monster punches into Pink sparkily, she falls down, Red rushes in, checks on her quickly, then turns and rushes at the monster, ducking under his punch, but grabbing his arm.

US replaces follow-up repeatedly elbow to monster's head with a shot of Necrolai.

MAGI #05.

Red sparkily kicks Taxi Cab Monster in the gut, knocking him on his back. Red poses, is joined by the recovered Pink in doing so, then both rush forth, only for both to spark burst and fall down, as Necrolai leaps onto the scene. The pair, on the ground, see their enemy, with Necrolai then laughing, before turning her head slightly.

Cuts before she raises a finger and whistles, then cuts follow-ups of her petting monster as others arrive.

MAGI #05.

Yellow, Blue, and Green make the scene, posing, as Necrolai and Taxi Cab Monster turn around to face them.

MAGI #05.

Close on Necrolai laughing, as she turns her head slightly, raises a finger, and whistles.

Recycled, but runs fully; mirror-flipped.

MAGI #05.

Taxi Cab Monster turns around, then morphs back into taxi form, Red & Pink react, as do the other three, when the taxi takes off, all five Rangers rushing after it, only to get blasted in the back by Necrolai. They fall into a writhing heap on the ground.

Trims start to remove pan over from Necrolai; shot 4 is trimmed to reduce dialogue of the three Rangers; cuts follow-up Necrolai shot due to boobage issues.

MAGI #05.

Close on Necrolai talking and brushing aside one of her flowy ear fabric wings, before turning around, leaping up, and flying off.

Cuts before pan down (splits the shot, in fact).

MAGI #05.

Sharp zoom in on Pink lying on the ground and talking quick.

Pushed back from source position.

MAGI #05.

The five Rangers begin to recover, when Red dashes forth, only to be stopped by Green, who pulls him back and talks to his teammates.

Shot 1 is split from two shots ago.

MAGI #05.

Necrolai dives down through the air.

MAGI #05.

The taxi drives around a bend on a quarry road.

Cuts follow-up close-up of Necrolai.

MAGI #05.

The taxi drives right up to Necrolai and spins to the side to stop in front of her.

MAGI #05.

The taxi flashes its lights while bobbing up and down.

MAGI #05.

The taxi, under a gust of wind, transforms back into Taxi Cab Monster, lying on the ground, but sitting up suddenly.

MAGI #05.

Sudden push in on Taxi Cab Monster, as he reacts angrily.

MAGI #05.

All five Mystic Rangers leap up.

MAGI #05.

All five Mystic Rangers flip over their whole bodies a few times.

Recycled, per source.

MAGI #05.

All five Mystic Rangers land atop a cliff in the near distance, posing at the Taxi Cab Monster, as Ranger colored smoke bursts, followed by explosions, erupt behind them. Taxi Cab Monster's eyes flash, Red speaks, then dives off the side of the cliff as his teammates scramble off, the cliff bursting behind him. Red lands in the quarry, runs right at Taxi Cab Monster, whips out his Magi Staff into Saber Mode, and sparkily slashes the monster.

Cuts follow-ups of more fighting between Red & Monster, US replacing it with the others fighting Necrolai.

MAGI #05.

Red raises his saber and slashes into Taxi Cab Monster, only for him to block the blow, and return the gesture with a sparkily chest blow, then prepares to kick him.

US replaces follow-up gut kick with an energy-effect far wider version.

MAGI #05.

Pink leaps in and defends the downed Red by posing, then whips out her Magi Staff, motions it up, charges it, and suddenly spins around into the air in a whirlwind, spinning right into Taxi Cab Monster, sparkily kicking him.

Cuts follow-ups of monster falling down, Red and Pink hugging, Pink transforming into a cannon, and firing Red forth.

MAGI #05.

Red leaps up, charges his saber with a seal representing all five Rangers, and flamey-energy-slashes into Taxi Cab Monster, bursting him.

Sparkles added to flames in all three shots, with the final shot given added effects to hide headblow.

MAGI #05.

Taxi Cab Monster is flung back.

Pushed back from source position.

MAGI #05.

As Taxi Cab Monster falls on his back, Red lands, Pink grabbing his shoulder.

Cuts before she shakes him, also cuts follow-up of her talking to him more.

MAGI #05.

Taxi Cab Monster crackles, then explodes massively before Pink & Red.

Trims start to remove monster bursting and collapsing; cuts follow-up of Rangers regrouping in front of flames.

MAGI #05.

In the Underworld, Koragg steps forth in a hallway, talking, before his shield opens up and the gem gleams with power. In the quarry, a purple seal appears, it explodes, then Taxi Cab Monster is suddenly restored.

Cuts follow-up of Rangers reacting (US replaces it with team regrouping).

MAGI #05.

Push in on the black-crackling Taxi Cab Monster, who suddenly grows gigantically, towering above the Rangers, who react. Green raises his Mystic Morpher and speaks, then opens it and dials, all five Rangers twirling capes, before finally gesturing their Morphers skyward, and Red presses his glowing button.

Trims start to remove much of push in.

MAGI #05.

A five-screen shot of each Ranger turning into their Mystic Titan form.

Recycled, per source; cuts follow-up of monster facing Mystic Phoenix.

MAGI #05.

Taxi Cab Monster crouches down, and morphs into his taxi form, driving forth.

Trims start; cuts follow-ups of Phoenix running at approaching car.

MAGI #05.

Mystic Phoenix, sword in hand, rushes forth.

Pushed back from source position.

MAGI #05.

Mystic Phoenix flips over sideways, flopping onto the taxi's roof, keeping a tight hold on the sides, kicking his legs as the cab swerves from side to side like a drunk Ben Bailey.

Cuts follow-ups of more driving around with Phoenix atop the taxi.

MAGI #05.

Mystic Sprite clutches hands, then spins around and morphs into a giant soccer ball.

Recycled, per source.

MAGI #05.

The taxi comes to a sudden stop, sending Mystic Phoenix flying off.

Pushed back from source position.

MAGI #05.

Mystic Phoenix drops down from above.

Plays in reverse.

MAGI #05.

Mystic Phoenix kicks off from a mountainside.

MAGI #05.

Mystic Phoenix flips over, and kicks the giant Spite soccer ball upside down, setting it ablaze.

Recycled, per source; cuts prior shots of Phoenix bouncing ball on his head.

MAGI #05.

Energized with flaming power, the Mystic Sprite soccer ball slams into the parked taxi, exploding it into reverting to Taxi Cab Monster, who falls on his back as Mystic Phoenix lands facing him.

MAGI #05.

The soccer ball morphs back into Mystic Sprite.

Recycled, per source.

MAGI #05.

Mystic Sprite floats in and slaps Mystic Phoenix five.

Cuts follow-up of monster recovering.

MAGI #05.

Mystic Sprite leads the other four Mystic Titans in coming together.

Trims start to remove pan over from Phoenix and some talking.

MAGI #05.

Below a yellow energy seal, the five Mystic Titans come together to form Titan Megazord.

Recycled, per source; sped-up.

MAGI #05.

Titan Megazord tips its wizard cap, as it stands ready on a colorful seal.

Recycled, per source (shot 1 is given glowing green eyes this time, though, per source); shot 1 is trimmed; cuts follow-ups of monster blasting at Megazord with eyeflashes, which it blocks with wing shielding.

MAGI #05.

Taxi Cab Monster charges forth.

MAGI #05.

With cockpit seats lined up, the Rangers ready their Magi Staffs and summon. The Titan Saber materializes on Titan Megazord's waist, so it grips it.

Recycled, per source.

MAGI #05.

Titan Megazord upward diagonally slashes its Saber, causing the forest below to shatter to debris the sprays into Taxi Cab Monster's face, sending him flying back and falling over.

MAGI #05.

Zoom out from Red in the cockpit as he leads the team in gesturing in unison, then touching the chesspiece seat's control rim, causing it to glow yellow. Titan Megazord creates a colorful energy seal with its Titan Saber, then unfurls its wings, and poses.

Recycled, per source.

MAGI #05.

Taxi Cab Monster recovers, a sharp zoom in highlighting his reaction.

MAGI #05.

Titan Megazord slashes through the yellow energy seal.

Recycled, per source.

MAGI #05.

Taxi Cab Monster is energy slashed, crackling. Titan Megazord adjusts the brim of its hat, before beginning to turn around. Taxi Cab Monster crackles some more, before a superimposed explosion erupts over him.

MAGI #05.

Titan Megazord stands and poses with its Saber as the monster finishes exploding massively behind it.

Recycled, per source; cuts follow-ups of explosion close-up, and Megazord posing triumphantly.

MAGI #03.

The camera flies down the tunnel into the Underworld lair below.

Recycled; trimmed.

MAGI #03.

Pan across the Morlock lair, filled with dozens of Hidiacs and Styxoids.


Ending Credits