
Power Rangers Mystic Force

#584: PRMF 1612 "The Gatekeeper II".

Features Footage from (bold = new):
Magiranger, episodes 4, 17, & 18.

The complete program, from opening to end of end credits, lasts roughly 22:36;00.

Last Time On is about 0:25; by itself.

Opening is about 1:00; by itself.

Ending is about 0:30; by itself.

Opening Credits

Source Description Edit Note
MAGI #17.

Track around the gates to the Underworld.

Fades in from black; darkened; title is onscreen.

MAGI #17.

Atop the gates to the Underworld, the Gargoyle of the Gates comes to life, then leaps down and poses in the city, then fires eyebeams.

Teleplay & director credits appear onscreen; darkened; final shot is Japanese textless, unlike source.

MAGI #17.

The Gargoyle readies his forked staff and jabs it downward, firing electricity from it.

MAGI #17.

The five Rangers streak out from a fireball in the sky, with Red & Yellow jumpkicking through colored seals that morph them into Mystic Titan modes, both kicking into the Gargoyle, sparkily knocking him back as they land down the street, Mystic Phoenix then speaking.

Trims start to remove visibility of the unmorphed counterparts; cuts final shot before he talks more.

MAGI #18.

Below a yellow energy seal, the five Mystic Titans come together to form Titan Megazord.

Recycled, per source.

MAGI #18.

Titan Megazord tips its wizard cap.

Recycled, per source; cuts follow-ups of Megazord readying Saber.

MAGI #17.

The Gargoyle charges forth.

Cuts follow-ups of Megazord clashing saber with monster's forked staff, getting it caught in until they break free.

MAGI #17.

Close on Red readying his arm.

Trims start to remove pan over from Pink who talks.

MAGI #17.

Red touches the chesspiece seat's control rim, causing it to glow yellow. Titan Megazord creates a colorful energy seal with its Titan Saber. Titan Megazord slashes through the yellow energy seal.

Shots 1 & 3 are recycled per source, shots 2 is the previously unseen complete wingless variant.

MAGI #17.

Titan Megazord energy slashes at Gargoyle, who teleports behind them, then sparkily slashes them, before teleporting away again when they go to slash at him. From this new position, Gargoyle is able to jab his fork forth, sparkily knocking Titan Megazord back.

Cuts follow-up additional shot of Megazord falling back.

MAGI #17.

Titan Megazord is thrown back into the gates to the Underworld, slamming sparkily into the grey stone gates.

Cuts follow-ups of Rangers crackling painfully, then Red rallying them.

MAGI #17.

Titan Megazord suddenly gets sliced on its shoulder from behind sparkily, shaking up the Rangers within, all turning the Megazord around to see Morticon peeking through a crack in the gates, his sword tip barely sticking out. Titan Megazord reacts in a zoom in, Yellow, Red, and Green also reacting quickly.

Trims start to remove Megazord recovering; cuts follow-ups of Blue & Pink reacting.

MAGI #17.

Morticon peeks out some more from the barely pried apart gates, each Ranger gets something quick to say, then the Titan Megazord notices Gargoyle is approaching. Morticon keeps trying to squeeze through the opening in the gates, talking as he does, Gargoyle creeps closer to the Megazord, Morticon talks more.

Trimmed to reduce Morticon's dialogue; cuts follow-ups of other four Rangers talking a little less quickly.

MAGI #17.

Red nod-talks while glancing from side to side in a panic, as the Titan Megazord finds itself between Morticon at the gates and the Gargoyle of the Gates.

Cuts before freeze-frame.

MAGI #18.

Morticon finishes pushing through the gates, Titan Megazord reacts, as he steps out from them just a bit before slashing his sword with purple energy at the Megazord, spark bursting it and shaking up each Ranger within.

MAGI #18.

Morticon stands with one foot out of the gates, talking.

Cuts follow-up close-up of him talking.

MAGI #18.

Sharp zoom in on Titan Megazord, each Ranger getting something to say, before Red gestures, causing Titan Megazord to slash its saber at Morticon, who blocks it with his, then sparkily slashes the Megazord twice in return.

Cuts follow-ups of more sword fighting.

MAGI #16.

Close-up of Koragg's shield as it opens, and its gem gleams.

Recycled, per source.

MAGI #18.

Close-up of Koragg's shield as its gem shimmers with purple energy.

MAGI #18.

Close on the spell wheel, turning away.

MAGI #18.

Extra close on the spell wheel, as he innermost ring connects, symbol to symbol, and gleams with bluish power.

MAGI #18.

Morticon slashes downward, energy slicing burstingly into Titan Megazord, Red holding steady within, then gesturing forth.

MAGI #18.

Titan Megazord unfurls its Garuda wings.

Recycled, per source.

MAGI #18.

Titan Megazord takes off from before Morticon.

MAGI #18.

Titan Megazord takes flight, zips up into the seal it made, where it energizes with the power of all five Mystic Titans' original forms.

Recycled, per source.

MAGI #18.

Zoom out as Morticon holds his sword horizontally across his chest.

MAGI #18.

Titan Megazord dives down from above, the power of each Mystic Titan behind it, as it slashes through a seal.

Recycled, per source.

MAGI #18.

Morticon energy slashes at the exact same time, the two sabers clashing with crackling results.

Cuts close-up follow-up of Megazord reacting.

MAGI #18.

Morticon speaks as he grips his sword with both hands and gets the upperhand by breaking the saber lock by jerking to the side, sending the Titan Megazord collapsing to the ground, crackling the Rangers in the cockpit. Morticon talks.

Cuts final shot to reduce his dialogue; cuts follow-ups of each Ranger tipped over in their cockpit.

MAGI #18.

Red straightens up the cockpit, Titan Megazord standing up again, facing Morticon as he charges up his sword with black flaming energy. Expelling exhaust through his head pipe, Morticon readies his sword, then slashes forth, striking Titan Megazord with a black energy slash that causes it to explode massively.

Cuts final shot before crossfade.

MAGI #18.

The spell wheel turns and the second ring locks into place with a bluish gleam.

MAGI #18.

Smoke pours out of the slightly ajar Underworld gates.

MAGI #18.

Pitch black clouds suddenly fill the sky over Briarwood, blotting out the sunlight.

MAGI #18.

Morticon charges up his sword.

MAGI #18.

Morticon slashes sparkily against the buildings of the city below him that are partially on fire, as Gargoyle also joins in on doing so.

Trims start to remove Morticon flinging an energy beam that ignites the buildings on fire.

MAGI #04.

A hand holds a Mystic Morpher into the air, which creates a seal in the stormy sky above.

Recycled montage from PRMF 1604.

MAGI #18.

Four-screen shot of each Ranger turning into their Mystic Titan form, which then splits into a shot of the Mystic Dragon form.

Recycled, per source; cuts follow-up of Mystic Dragon flying forth.

MAGI #18.

Gargoyle of the Gates fires bolts from his fork, bursting in the air around Mystic Dragon as it dodges them with ease, then swoops down and sparkily strikes Gargoyle before turning around in midair.

MAGI #04.

A hand holds a Mystic Morpher into the air, which creates a seal in the stormy sky above.


MAGI #18.

Mystic Dragon spews three streams of flames down at the Gargoyle of the Gates, wrapping around him, then causing him to explode massively.

Magic sparkles added to shot 2.

MAGI #18.

The third ring of the spell wheel locks into place.

MAGI #18.

Red energy flashes within the gates of the Underworld.

Cuts follow-up close-up of Octomus' eye in the pool, which charges up Morticon's sword.

MAGI #18.

Mystic Dragon spews three streams of flames down at Morticon, who shatters them into nothingness with a few well-placed sword slashes.

Cuts follow-up close-up of Mystic Dragon roaring.

MAGI #18.

Mystic Dragon tries to fly past Morticon, but he grabs it with both arms, speaks, then flips it over, and slashes it, bursting it in midair, causing all four Mystic Titans within to drop to the ground.

Shots 3 & 4 are split from source to reduce dialogue.

MAGI #18.

The final ring of the spell wheel spins slowly.

MAGI #18.

Red summons his Mystic Fighters onto his fists, then faces Koragg, pointing and talking.

MAGI #18.

Push in on Koragg, talking.

Pushed back from source position.

MAGI #18.

Close-up of Koragg's shield as its gem shimmers with purple energy.

Recycled, per source.

MAGI #18.

Purple energy crackles around Red, as the black void of the dimension fades to white.

MAGI #18.

Red suddenly finds himself on the outskirts of town, and spots Clare atop a nearby cliff.

Clare US replaces her crucified counterpart.

MAGI #18.

Red is looking up, then turns and sees Koragg before him.

MAGI #18.

Koragg faces Red across the field as Clare remains on the cliff above them.

Clare US replaces crucified counterpart.

MAGI #18.

Red readies his Mystic Fighters, Koragg unsheaths his sword, both facing one another with their weapons prepared.

MAGI #18.

Red & Koragg suddenly dash forth.

Cuts prior shot of rocks falling over cliff.

MAGI #18.

Koragg & Red dash at one another.

Another Clare replacement insert.

MAGI #18.

Red & Koragg meet in between, Koragg slashing, Red blocking with punches, then shield-punches, causing the Wolf Knight to slide back. He slashes back, Red flips over him, throws a few kicks and punches, before Koragg goes to strike.

US replaces follow-up chest-strike with a similar US version.

MAGI #18.

Red falls and rolls, Koragg approaches with saber raised.

US replaces follow-ups likely due to brief head-grabbing by Koragg.

MAGI #18.

Red holds his Mystic Fighters together to make the M symbol.

Recycled, per source.

MAGI #18.

Red readies fists, then leaps forth, ignited with flames, as he flies at Koragg, who slashes at his approaching gloved fist, causing Red to spin away, spark bursting all the way.

Magic sparkles added to shots 2 & 4.

MAGI #18.

No longer armed with Mystic Fighters, Red falls and rolls, but quickly recovers, pulling out his Magi Staff, and charging at Koragg. He sparkily slashes at him, the Wolf Knight blocks, then strikes back, knocking Red down, before slashing at him downward, but the Ranger blocks, then kicks up at him, dodges out of the way as Koragg slashes some more at him. They lock weapons, then breaks off, with Koragg sparkily slashing Red repeatedly.

Cuts final shot before he sparkily slashes some more, then backhands Red away.

MAGI #18.

Red rolls, gets up, Koragg charges at him, and they resume their battle, on the side of the cliff. Koragg gets plenty of sparkily slashes in, before finally sending Red over the side of the cliff, flipping over as he spark bursts, and lands in the shallow pond below. Red quickly recovers, Koragg races at him. Red stands ready, gestures, then leaps up, ignites into a flaming energy bird, swoops down, and slices past Koragg, blowing him up. Red lands as normal, and watches Koragg spark burst as an explosion erupts around him.

Shots 16 & 18 are given magic sparkles; US replaces follow-up to remove explosion in front of Koragg.

MAGI #18.

Red watches cautiously.

US replaces follow-up of flames receding.

MAGI #18.

Red reacts.

Cuts follow-up push-in on Koragg.

MAGI #18.

Koragg charges up his sword with dark energy, then energy slashes forth twice, slashing into Red, dirt bursting all around him as he spark bursts, his Magi Staff goes flying.

Cuts follow-ups of Red falling down, then getting kicked away by Koragg.

MAGI #18.

Red bodyslams into a rock wall.

US replaces follow-ups of Koragg shield-slamming him into the wall harder as they talk.

MAGI #18.

Morticon sparkily slashes each of the Mystic Titans down. Red clenches his fist, grabs Koragg's sword's blade, holds it up, then releases. Koragg goes to stab him, when Red motions and ignites, his spontaneous combustion freeing him from the Wolf Knight's grasp. Red flies straight up, then back down, flinging forth an energy seal that locks Koragg in place. He struggles, as the fiery Red falls down, throwing a karate chop that Koragg blocks with his sword explosively, Red landing with a shockwave that sends Koragg flying off, and breaks his sword in half. Koragg staggers back, spark bursts. Red snaps his fingers in the air, Koragg collapses, and explodes massively. Red quickly races to our right.

Shot 1 is trimmed, as is shot 3; magic sparkles added to shots 15, 16, 17, 19, 22, 24, and 25.

MAGI #18.

Suddenly, an explosion erupts spontaneously.


MAGI #18.

The spontaneous explosion suddenly glows purple, then reverses, revealing Koragg crouched amid a fading purple seal.

Split from before.

MAGI #18.

Red appears on the distant cliffside.

Pushed up from source position.

MAGI #18.

Koragg raises his head, then slowly stands up. Red reacts, as Koragg turns around and teleports away. Red talks angrily, pointing as he does.

Cuts shot 2 before push in starts.

MAGI #18.

Catastros lands hooves on the ground.

MAGI #18.

Catastros towers over us.

MAGI #18.

Red grows into Mystic Phoenix form. Catastros' hooves press off, as Mystic Phoenix rides him away, through a portal.

Shot 1 is recycled, but first time fullscreen; fades to black; cuts follow-up of pair entering darkened city through portal.

MAGI #18.

Morticon sparkily slashes down Mystic Mermaid & Mystic Garuda, then turns, locks weapons with Mystic Minotaur, before breaking off and sparkily slashing him down.

Fades in from black; cuts follow-ups of Minotaur falling over, being held at sword-point, the other Mystic Titans reacting, as Morticon prepare to downslash.

MAGI #18.

A golden light beams down from the dark sky, Morticon reacting as it streaks down into the lock of the Underworld gates, causing a quaking as the gates slowly begin to lower back into the ground, the downed Mystic Titans reacting.

Cuts follow-up of Mystic Sprite reacting.

MAGI #18.

The gateway sinks into the ground some more, Morticon reacts, and soon the entire gates to the Underworld descends back into the depths below the city of Briarwood. Necrolai looks on in horror, as the darkness in the skies above the city suddenly clears entirely. Morticon talks a bit.

MAGI #18.

Mystic Phoenix rides in on Catastros.

Recycled, per source.

MAGI #18.

The Mystic Titans react.

Cuts follow-ups of Mystic Phoenix sparkily slicing past Morticon on Catastros.

MAGI #18.

Mystic Phoenix, riding Catastros, gestures his sword skyward.

Recycled, per source.

MAGI #18.

Close-up of Mystic Phoenix leaping up.

MAGI #18.

In an energy tunnel full, Mystic Phoenix transforms along with Catastros, creating the Centaurus Phoenix Megazord. Centaurus Phoenix Megazord whips its saber about and poses in the city.

Recycled, per source; cuts shot of Morticon reacing between shots 3 & 4.

MAGI #18.

Morticon readies his sword.

MAGI #18.

Centaurus Phoenix Megazord ignites its helmet-tail with flame-like energy, then whips its flaming helmet-tail around widely.

Recycled, per source; magic sparkles added, but to a far lesser degree than the last time they used this footage; cuts shot of Morticon rushing forth between shots.

MAGI #18.

Centaurus Phoenix Megazord flame-whips at Morticon twice.

Magic sparkles added; cuts third strike, and cuts follow-up of Morticon bursting.

MAGI #18.

Morticon falls over. Centaurus Phoenix Megazord stands there, as their Mystic Titan teammates regroup around them, talking. Morticon recovers, so Centaurus Phoenix Megazord nod-talks, the four Mystic Titans respond affirmatively.

Cuts shot 2 before more dialogue, then all standing ready forth; cuts shot 3 before Morticon talks even more; cuts additional shot of Morticon talking between shots 3 & 4.

MAGI #18.

Titan Megazord tips its wizard cap.

Recycled, per source.

MAGI #18.

Morticon rushes up and slashes.

MAGI #18.

The Titan Megazord grips its Titan Saber.

Recycled, per source.

MAGI #18.

Morticon slashes, Titan Megazord blocks it sparkily with its own saber.

Cuts before Morticon presses in, then cuts follow-up of him talking to Megazord.

MAGI #18.

Titan Megazord kicks Morticon sparkily, knocking him back, before Titan Megazord sparkily slashes him, sending him stumbling some more.

MAGI #18.

In the cockpit, the seal behind the Rangers glows, so they look up and raise their Magi Staffs, charging them up with a golden light. Zoom in on Pink talking to Green, then Blue nod-talking, then Red gestures.

MAGI #18.

Red touches the chesspiece seat's control rim, causing it to glow yellow..

Recycled per source.

MAGI #18.

Titan Megazord's eyes flash, as it readies its saber, while facing Morticon.

MAGI #18.

Morticon talks, as he charges up his sword, then charges up his sword with black flaming energy. Expelling exhaust through his head pipe, Morticon readies his sword, then slashes forth.

Recycled, per source (though shot 1 runs longer than prior use).

MAGI #18.

The Rangers twirl their Magi Staffs about.

Recycled, per source.

MAGI #18.

The Rangers gesture their glowing Magi Staffs forth, Titan Megazord slashes through a colorless seal, clashing saber to sword, the energy impact causing Morticon's black flames to freeze into a solid block of ice, making him stagger back as the Megazord looks stunned. Each Ranger reacts, as the giant energt spirit of the White Mystic Ranger touches the saber-hand of the Titan Megazord, the Rangers reacting again, as they see her standing beside them, turning to them and talking, they respond.

Shot 9 recycled but first time in context.

MAGI #18.

White nods, each Ranger responds in kind, then gesture their glowing Magi Staff forth. Titan Megazord raises its saber high above, as White raises her energy double of the saber similarly. Morticon reacts, as the six Rangers motion their weapons into a slashing, which the Megazord copies, the white snowy energy slash hits Morticon, who spark bursts. The Rangers snap fingers in unison, before Morticon explodes massively.

Zooms out and fades in start to insert US shot in there; shots 7 & 18 are recycled, per source; US replaces follow-up of Necrolai.

MAGI #18.

The Rangers make celebratory gestures in their cockpit, the camera pushing in on Red as he looks back, no longer sees White, and talks to his teammates, each one nodding. Zoom in on Titan Megazord watching through the flames.

Trims final shot to remove visibility of the flames.

MAGI #18.

In a quarry at sunset, Koragg approaches Morticon's sword, sticking in the ground. He grabs it and claims it as his own, as the shot pushes in on his shield, which he uses to charge up the sword.

MAGI #18.

The eye of Octomus opens within the red portal.

Recycled, per source.

MAGI #18.

The camera dives down the hole to the Underworld as red energy pours skyward, sourced from the pool as Octomus' eye has grown considerably within.

Fades to black.

Ending Credits