
Power Rangers Operation Overdrive

#611: PROO 1707 "At All Cost".

Features Footage from (bold = new):
Boukenger, episode 7.

The complete program, from opening to end of end credits, lasts roughly 22:39;10.

Opening is about 1:00; by itself.

Ending is about 0:30; by itself.

Opening Credits

Source Description Edit Note

Close on a Lava Lizard spark bursting, then shedding his skin and becoming the monster Vulcon.

Cropped; US/NZ replaces surrounding footage, much of which was usable (just not Moltor stabbing the Lava Lizard to charge him up).


A small cargo truck starts up and rolls off alongside the docks, Moltor rushes in and stops in front of it, causing it to halt. He talks, then Vulcon comes walking along.



Vulcon roars, then punches an energized fist into the back of the truck, and once the smoke clears, faces the cargo box within, fires a fireball at it, decimating it and revealing Fireheart's scale within.



Vulcon hands Moltor Fireheart's scale, who then talks about it. Sparks burst behind the pair, they turn their attention to the five Rangers flipping over the camera, landing to face the two with each one armed with their Drive Defender. Pink and Blue talk forth. Moltor talks to Vulcon, who responds then rears back, leaps up, and punches forth.

Cropped; US/NZ replaces follow-up of Vulcon sparkily striking each Ranger for no reason I can ascertain.


Blue kicks at Vulcon, who blocks, then sparkily strikes him twice, sending him rolling back to his teammates. Black stands ready, his helmet headlights flash, he now has his Drive Slammer in hand, sparkily striking Vulcon several times without bothering the monster, who soon grabs the Drive Slammer, flips it upward and sparkily bops Black into flying back.

Cropped; US/NZ replaces follow-up of Black staggering back with a shot of him hitting a crate for no reason.


Yellow leaps up with her Drive Claws in hands, sparkily striking Vulcon repeatedly, but not bothering the monster whatsoever, which visibly frustrates her.

Cropped; cuts before Vulcon grips her by the helmet, US/NZ replaces it with a big ol' hug, fireball spew, and Kalishplosion.


Yellow rolls to her teammates, Red standing up to see Moltor has Fireheart's scale in hand. He talks, then readies his Drive Defender saber and rushes at Vulcon slashing it.

Cropped; US/NZ replaces follow-up of Red fighting Vulcon just to make it much longer.


Red keeps a grip on Vulcon as the Rangers respond to him.

Cropped; cuts follow-up close-up reactions by the four.


The four Rangers unholster their Drive Defenders and aim forth, firing upon Vulcon's back, spark bursting him, as he reacts to that bombardment of blasts.

Cropped; US/NZ adds a follow-up shot of Red rolling out of the way.


Moltor reacts. The four Rangers lower their Drive Defenders, Yellow looking at her's puzzled.

Cropped; US/NZ replaces follow-ups of Red rushing back in and engaging Vulcon in combat with just a shot of him readying his saber.


Moltor leaps in, and begins to spar with Red, saber to saber, before the former sparkily slashes the latter, Red then rolling over to his teammates. Moltor fires a bolt of electricity from his sword at the Rangers, dirt bursting before them. Vulcon, smoking, staggers over to Moltor, they talk for a second, then depart together. The smoke clears, the Rangers realize the villains have left, finding no sign of them nor their artifact target. The Rangers talk amonst themselves.

Cropped; trims shot 2 to remove Vulcon's visibility; shots 10 & 11 are split from each other to remove a pan over and reduce dialogue; US/NZ replaces follow-up close-up of Red for whatever reason.


In a red room, Moltor talks to Vulcon, who is hooked up to some devices and what looks like a bomb with a slowly rising temperature gauge. Vulcon rears back and roars.

Cropped; transitions in; transitions out; cuts follow-up additional wide shot of the pair.


In the red room, Vulcon is standing amid the steam, as the four Rangers enter the area, reacting to the heat as the temp gauge continues to rise, and Fireheart's scale remains on the device. Outside, Red engages with Moltor, Drive Lance to sword, soon locking weapons so they can have a quick talk, before breaking off. Moltor leaps up onto the edge of a building and continues talking from up there, before leaving the scene. Red pulls his Overdrive Tracker out of his holster, opens it up, speaks, then presses a button, then the 1 button.

Cropped; US/NZ replaces prior Moltor/Rangers fight for whatever reason, I dunno.


Dump Driver in the hangar's lights come on.

Cropped; recycled, per source.


Red presses 2.



Speed Driver in the hangar's lights come on.

Cropped; recycled, per source.


Red presses 3.



Gyro Driver in the hangar's lights come on.

Cropped; recycled, per source.


Red presses 4.



Dozer Driver in the hangar's lights come on.

Cropped; recycled, per source.


Red presses 5.



Sub Driver in the hangar's lights come on.

Cropped; recycled, per source.


Red flips his Overdrive Tracker in the air, then crouches down, runs the turbo wheel against the ground.

Cropped; .


Each of the five DriveMax Zords exit the hangar in various directions.

Cropped; recycled, per source.


DriveMax Megazord's helmet locks into place.

Cropped; recycled, per source.


DriveMax Megazord approaches the factory. Inside the cockpit, the Rangers discuss amongst themselves.

Cropped; shortened shot 3 to reduce dialogue; cuts follow-up of Pink & Blue speaking quickly.


Red nod-talks, then looks down, presses a button on his Overdrive Tracker, before pressing 8.



Red spins the Overdrive Tracker turbo wheel as we zoom in on it.

Cropped; recycled, per source.


Cement Driver's lights come on in the hangar and its mixer starts mixing, before rolling out, exiting underneath a waterfall. DriveMax Megazord stands behind the now-parked Cement Driver, and begins to dig into the ground with its giant shovel. Red works the wheel, as the Megazord dumps some dirt into the mixer of Cement Driver.

Cropped; cuts follow-up pan across the Megazord cockpit.


Red presses the Megazord-shaped button, Sub Driver arm pops off DriveMax Megazord. Red hits another button then spins the accelerator. Cement Driver transforms into an arm, which attaches to the Megazord, quick zoom out from the cockpit as DriveMax Megazord in Cement Formation stands completed. In the red room, the gauge passes 2000 centigrade, the whole place explodes around Vulcon, the factory going up in flames as the Megazord watches, the Rangers within reacting during a pan right across the cockpit. Red speaks, then works controls, aiming the Cement Driver arm at the fire, spewing cement onto the fire, quickly covering it entirely.

Cropped, though shot 6 is squeezed; cuts shot 11 before flames linger.


The big ball of hardened cement lies before Moltor, who reacts as it cracks and soon explodes apart, leaving only the fiery ruins of the factory.

Cropped; Moltor added over erased man.


Vulcon staggers away from the smoking ruins as Moltor reacts atop the roof.

Cropped; cuts follow-up close-up of Moltor talking.


Red leaps down and joins the Rangers in facing the flaming ruins, Blue talking up at Moltor and telling him how in a flashback, the team covered for Pink as she used the Zip thingy to snag the Fireheart scale. Pink talks, then hands over the scale to Red, Moltor reacts, then each of the Rangers start doing their rollcall poses.

Cropped; flashback transition between shots 4 & 5 and 8 & 9 are changed from black to white; US/NZ replaces follow-up Yellow's rollcall poses due to an "up yours" gesture and to reduce the character's personality.


Pink does her rollcall poses, the Rangers cease posing individually and Red speaks during zoom in, then they work on their group posings.

Cropped, but shots 5 & 6 are squeezed; US/NZ replaces follow-up team pose, but if you watch the opening credits, what was replaced is still there.


Vulcon reacts, Moltor does as well. Red talks, then rushes forth, Vulcon firing a fireball toward him.

Cropped; US/NZ replaces follow-ups of Red vs Vulcon just so Koichi can justify his paycheck.


Red leaps up and does a jumpkick.

Cropped; US/NZ replaces follow-up kick approach.


Red's kick lands into Vulcon.

Cropped; US/NZ replaces follow-up fight I guess cause there's a guy visible in a shot or two.


Vulcon flies through the air and falls harshly to the concrete, pan up to Moltor on the roof, Red then dropping his guard to talk.

Cropped; cuts follow-up headlights flashing, then Red materalizing breastplate in hand (US/NZ replaces the latter as part of the plot).


Red inserts Fireheart's scale into the breastplate, causing it to glow, before putting it on, and causing the Defender Vest to form around his body. He then materializes the Drill Blaster in his left hand, aiming its Trilaser forth and firing a golden beam and ball that turns Vulcon to a petrified state. Red changes Drill Blaster into its second form, and is joined by his teammates, who brace around him as he fires the Spiral Shot at the stone Vulcon, exploding him massively.

Cropped; splits final shot to cut out the spiral shot drilling into Vulcon's gut; US/NZ replaces follow-up of Rangers behind the monster explosion with them in front of it.


Moltor sees his monster's defeat, and quickly departs.


Ending Credits