
Mighty Morphin Power Rangers

#64: MMPR 204: "The Wanna-Be Ranger".

Features Footage from:
Zyuranger Episodes 21 & 22;
Dairanger Episodes 1, 9, 10, 11, 20;
and episode 17 of Zyu2.

The complete program, from "Today on" to end of Saban logo, lasts roughly 20:46;24.

"Today on" segment is about :30; by itself.

Opening is about 1:00;00 by itself.

Ending is about 0:30; by itself.

Opening Credits

Source Description Edit Note

Zordon Face 1.

Medium shot.

Number of uses this episode: 4. Including a head-lowering de-powering variant end.

Zordon Face 2.

Close shot.

Number of uses this episode: 5.

Source Description Edit Note
MMPR 201.

Lord Zedd slumps on throne, drumming fingers then suddenly turns to our right, raising staff as shot zooms in on the Z tip which fires electricity.

Recycled, runs a few frames longer at start.

MMPR Pilot.

Standard Command Center exterior.

Recycled. Fades out.

MMPR 154.

Moving, aerial view of Angel Grove Park, specifically the playground area.

Recycled, but runs longer at end; altered to fit in the Viewing Globe.

MMPR 202.

Close-up on Lord Zedd on balcony, reaching right hand up in front of mouth region and snapping it into a fist, as Goldar lurks in background

Recycled, runs longer at end; transitions in via green warp effect, visor flashes red.

MMPR Pilot.

Standard Command Center exterior.

Recycled. Fades in from black.

ZYU2 #17.

Close on Primator as he pitches a fit, jerking his arms about and jumping up and down.

Altered to fit in Viewing Globe.

MMPR 102.

Command Center's alarm light spins.


MMPR 101, MMPR 118 & ZYU #02.

Standard morphing sequence, all six.

Recycled. Flash after Tommy; fades to white.

ZYU2 #17.

Red, Green, Black, Blue, Yellow, and Pink Rangers flip over camera under a blue sky.

ZYU2 #17.

Zoom out as six Rangers land and pose in near distance, as Primator faces them.

ZYU2 #17.

Close on Primator, as he spreads arms, backs up a step and raises hand slightly.

ZYU2 #17.

Close pan to our left as Red, Green, Black, Blue, Pink, Yellow, and Yellow (!) Rangers pose!

ZYU2 #17.

Yellow Ranger looks at her double, cease posing and gestures to her chest, making a fist at her twin.

ZYU2 #17.

Reverse angle as the false Yellow Ranger waves arm in front of original's helmet, then nod talks to our slight right, causing the real Yellow to turn around to face them.

ZYU2 #17.

The team falls out of formation as the Fake Yellow rushes over and pleads her case to the confused team.

ZYU2 #17.

Zoom out from the real Yellow, as she looks to her teammates, and makes gestures denying the evil twin's claims.

ZYU2 #17.

Close on a visibly puzzled Green, as he walks to our left, exchanging a shoulder shrugging with Black, before both cross arms and look toward us.

ZYU2 #17.

Pink shakes finger, then briefly motions hands to temples, while Blue contemplates for a moment.

ZYU2 #17.

Over Red's shoulder, the pair of Yellows make identical movements as they attempt to convince the leader of their authenticity.

ZYU2 #17.

Reverse angle, Red glances to each of the Yellows, slow zoom in as he appears conflicted.

ZYU2 #17.

Red slowly backs away from the team, and makes a battle ready pose at the pair of Yellows.

ZYU2 #17.

Green nods and keeps arms crossed as Black gives a thumbs up. Quick pan left as Pink makes an "okay" gesture, while Blue raises a thumb.

ZYU2 #17.

Close on Red as he remains posed and poised, switching arms to make his left go forth more.

ZYU2 #17.

Zoom in past Red as the pair of Yellows react to his motions.

ZYU2 #17.

Side angle on the Yellows, the real one lowering head in dismay, while the fake one steps forth, ready to fight.

ZYU2 #17.

Close on fake Yellow's feet as they come together and jump.

ZYU2 #17.

Upward shot of Power Blaster in Saber Mode being readied in front of sky.

ZYU2 #17.

False Yellow leaps at the camera with Power Blaster Saber prepared to strike.

ZYU2 #17.

Close-up of Black holding outward his Power Blaster then raising it.

ZYU2 #17.

Pink, Blue, and Black Rangers aim their Power Blasters skyward and fire several energy beams.

ZYU2 #17.

Fake Yellow erupts with a superimposed explosion in midair.

ZYU2 #17.

The false Yellow Ranger rolls along the pavement, quick cutting back into Primator, who seizures when he ceases.

ZYU2 #17.

Zoom out as the team rallies around the true Yellow, Pink patting her shoulder, before all turn to face our slight right.

ZYU2 #17.

Zoom out as Primator twirls around double-bladed lance, then holds it outward while rushing forth.

ZYU2 #17.

Primator jabs at Yellow, who cartwheels away, Blue jump kicks, its blocked and he gets sparkily slashed. Primator ducks under Red's kick, then maneuvers both Black & Green into flipping over his lance before blocking Pink's kick.

ZYU2 #17.

Zoom out as Red unsheathes his Power Sword from his holster, facing our left, then rushing forward.

ZYU2 #17.

Zoom out as lance and sword clash twice, before Red throws a kick over Primator, who ducks under, then raises weapon.

ZYU2 #17.

Upward shot of sword clashing against lance, before Red slashes up against it, releasing sparks.

ZYU2 #17.

The smoking, broken lance falls to the ground, pan up to Primator staggering back then pitching a fit, jerking his arms about and jumping up and down.

Partially recycled, but first time unaltered.

ZYU2 #17.

Zoom out from Red as he poses with Power Sword, while his teammates regroup around him.

ZYU2 #17.

Primator spreads arms out, beats chest, and zoom out as he hobbles quickly forth in a rage.

ZYU2 #17.

POV of Primator charging through the six Rangers, knocking them aside as he goes.

ZYU2 #17.

Yellow, Blue, Green, and Red fall and roll to our left, recovering.

ZYU2 #17.

Pink & Black fall and roll to our right, right into crouched poses.

ZYU2 #17.

Primator hops up in triumph, then turns to the side, slaps his buttcheek, before dashing off down the walkway.

ZYU2 #17.

Black ceases posing, reaches out in protest, then leaps up.

ZYU2 #17.

Black flips over camera under a blue sky.

ZYU2 #17.

Black leaps up, bends leg, and reaches right arm out as shot zooms in.

ZYU2 #17.

Close on Black flying into Primator, taking him out of frame.

ZYU2 #17.

Crooked upward angle of Black & Primator falling off the side of the tall outdoor wall.

ZYU2 #17.

Sharp zoom out as Primator & Black land, the monster breaking from the Ranger's arm hold, then kicking him in the chest, before both grab hold of each other in a lock and dive together off the side of the wall they're on.

ZYU2 #17.

Zoom out as the other five Rangers stand atop the wall, reaching out and reacting to their teammates' plight, before racing off to our right.

ZYU2 #17.

Faux Black Ranger staggers out from the bushes, weary, as the five Rangers regroup around him, Red touching his shoulder.

ZYU2 #17.

Close on the fake Black nod-talking to Red for a moment, before suddenly punching him in the head.

ZYU2 #17.

Red is flung aside from the sucker punch, zoom in sharply as the four Rangers pile on Black, zoom out as he jumps up, breaking free.

ZYU2 #17.

Fake Black falls and rolls back up, as the real Black staggers from the bushes and points out the crouched imposter.

ZYU2 #17.

The other five Rangers step forth in reaction, then pose.

ZYU2 #17.

False Black stands up, looks back at the real deal, then rushes to our left, prompting the true Black to reach out.

ZYU2 #17.

Phony Black rolls over from our right, poses, then backflips, transforming into Blue, poses, backflips into Pink, poses, handsprings forth into Red, finally posing with monkeyesque gestures.

ZYU2 #17.

Black ceases reaching out, turns to our right, races over and regroups with his teammates, only to have Red spread his arms to halt their progression.

ZYU2 #17.

Close side angle on Red blocking Black & Green, nod-talking, then raising a fist and charging to our left solo.

ZYU2 #17.

As the sunlight reflects off the bay, the real Red throws a passing kick over Fake Red, who ducks under with a failed footsweep. Real Red blocks Fake's kick, Fake then blocks Real's.

ZYU2 #17.

Closer angle as the real Red blocks Fake's punch, then Fake blocks Real's, Real Red then deflects Fake's knee, before Real Red throws a punch at Fake, who ducks under, the change of position allowing the fraud to knee the real one in the gut before punching him away.

ZYU2 #17.

Red falls and rolls as his teammates regroup defensively around him, posing at the monster.

ZYU2 #17.

Fake Red poses, then reaches out, warning "his" teammates with a nod-talking.

ZYU2 #17.

The Rangers, regrouped around a downed Pink (what'd we miss?!), pose defensively at the monster.

ZYU2 #17.

Faux Red does his monkey motions, then gestures to his helmet, zoom in as he fires energy beams from the Tyrannosaurus eyes.

ZYU2 #17.

All six Rangers are flung into the air by the superimposed explosion.

ZYU2 #17.

Fake Red does some more happy monkey motions, then beats chest, transforming back into Primator, and stepping forth.

Transformation effect added.

ZYU2 #17.

The Rangers slowly rise back up, when Red suddenly starts talking into his left wrist, the team reacting. Red looks to monster, gestures other fist, then the whole team stands tall and crosses their arms, teleporting away.

Teleportation effect added.

ZYU2 #17.

Primator raises arms in triumph, then beating his chest, and finally flexing his arms in a show of strength.

Downward wipe to next shot.

ZYU2 #17.

Shot of the bayfront slowly pans left across the harbor, stopping as Blue, Red, and Yellow approach the top of the bridgeway, all glancing about in search of their teammates.

ZYU2 #17.

Close on Red, as he looks about to our left, before suddenly turning sharply to our slight right.

ZYU2 #17.

Sharp zoom in on Fake Green Ranger, staggering about in the distance, clutching chest and playing up his weariness.

ZYU2 #17.

The three Rangers approach the agonized False Green, who staggers and clutches chest.

ZYU2 #17.

Close-up of Red raising right leg and kicking at the camera.

ZYU2 #17.

Red kicks Faux Green into a fall and roll away.

ZYU2 #17.

Zoom in past the rolling Green fraud, as the three Rangers make defiant gestures.

ZYU2 #17.

Phony Green recovers from his rolling, turns and faces the trio with a nod.

ZYU2 #17.

Blue pulls out a Triceratop-symboled personal mirror, walks past his teammates, tapping mirror to his palm, and hands it to the Fake Green.

ZYU2 #17.

False Green takes the mirror from Blue, and looks directly into it.

ZYU2 #17.

Counterfeit Green's reflection in the mirror changes so that his helmet gains red coloring additions.

ZYU2 #17.

The festive fraud slams the mirror into the ground.

ZYU2 #17.

Seven years bad bananas as the mirror shatters.

ZYU2 #17.

The red/green deficient Ranger begins beating his chest, transforming back to Primator.

Transformation effect added.

ZYU2 #17.

Zoom out as the three Rangers step forth, Red motioning arm, causing Primator to turn around and hobble off.

ZYU2 #17.

Primator's hobbling away is cut short when Pink, Green & Black Rangers block his path.

ZYU2 #17.

Noticing he's surrounded on both sides, Primator pounds at his chest in frustration.

ZYU2 #17.

Zoom out as Primator curls up then spreads arms outward, releasing bolts of electricity from his hands, the flashing power striking at all six Rangers to his sides.

ZYU2 #17.

Blue, Red, and Yellow fall and roll to our left, swiftly getting up and posing unharmed.

ZYU2 #17.

Pink, Green, and Black fall and roll to our right, swiftly getting up and posing unharmed, before leaping up.

ZYU2 #17.

Blue & Black leap up and with left legs bent, kick right legs forward.

ZYU2 #17.

Primator gets double kicked in the chest and eyes by Black & Blue.

ZYU2 #17.

Yellow & Pink leap up and punch right fists forth.

ZYU2 #17.

Primator gets punched in the forehead and schnozzola by Yellow & Pink.

ZYU2 #17.

Zoom out as Red & Green land, with Power Sword and Dragon Dagger in hands, respectively. Green shuffles to the background as the other Rangers regroup around Red, each with their Power Weapons, all posing, ready to bring them together.

Original stock & ZYU2 #17.

Shot of the bayfront slowly pans left across the harbor, as Zedd's growth grenade floats through the air.

Recycled background, trimmed before we see walkway or Rangers.

DAI #09.

Explosion erupts into a massive fireball engulfing the screen.

Recycled, fades into next shot.

ZYU2 #17.

Primator rises gigantically amid fading smoke, holding repaired lance and beating chest with other hand.

ZYU2 #17.

The six Rangers jump back a step at the sight of the giant monster, then all but Green turn to our right and make summoning motions.

DAI #01.

Bluish-white lightning strikes down diagonally, repeatedly, against dangerously dark and storm skies.

Recycled; Fades in from white.

ZYU #22.

Close on Black Ranger, as he goes from posing to our left, to posing to our right, all three motions.

Recycled; darkening and flashing effect added to start.

MMPR 203.

Mastodon Dinozord charges to our left along mountainous terrain, suddenly gets struck by lightning, and morphs into Lion Thunderzord.


ZYU #22.

Close on Pink Ranger, raising both arms at sides then crossing at the wrist in front of chest, bending down and throwing arms back like wings before standing back up and crossing arms as she holds right arm up and back while left hand is held poised near waist.


MMPR 203.

Pterodactyl Dinozord flies to our left along mountainous terrain, suddenly gets struck by lightning, and morphs into Firebird Thunderzord.


ZYU #22.

Close on Blue Ranger, crossing arms in front of face before posing down in a crouch, then another to our left.


MMPR 203.

Triceratops Dinozord glides to our left along mountainous terrain, suddenly gets struck by lightning, and morphs into Unicorn Thunderzord.


ZYU #22.

Close on Yellow Ranger, punches left hand forth, right hand down, left hand down with right arm up behind her in a pose. Then quickly punches with right hand downward, before thrusting left hand outward, right arm curled behind.


MMPR 203.

Sabertooth Tiger Dinozord races to our left along mountainous terrain, suddenly gets struck by lightning, and morphs into Griffin Thunderzord.


ZYU #22.

Close on Red Ranger, posing with arms up, crossing to a pose to our left, then a final one to our right.


MMPR 203.

Tyrannosaurus Dinozord marches to our left along mountainous terrain, suddenly gets struck by lightning, and morphs into Red Dragon Thunderzord.


DAI #20.

The five Thunderzords race along the mountainous terrain together, slightly wider shot.


DAI #09.

Red Dragon Thunderzord flies through the sky, crackling with bluish electricity, and transforms into Warrior Mode, soaring to our left.

DAI #09.

Track right, as Unicorn folds up into leg, Lion folds up into chest-plate & helmet, Griffin folds up into leg, and Firebird curls around into a... uhh, skirt. Each gets struck by their respective colored lightning, green for Black, natch.


DAI #09.

Zoom in as RDTZWM leaps down from the sky, legs poised outward.


DAI #09.

Circle around Unicorn & Griffin legs as Red Dragon's legs land inside them, while Firebird waist slips around its hips.


DAI #09.

Lion's chestplate connects to Red Dragon's body, as its feet slide over its arms to form armored arms.


DAI #09.

Close on Red Dragon's head as the helmet locks down over it. Pan down to green gem on chest plate.


DAI #09 & MMPR 203.

Freeze frame on green chest gem, as the five Power Rangers in the Megazord cockpit superimposes within, as they reach out and up with their right hands, then gesture them around into fists, before grabbing controls. A bright flash erupts to conclude it, engulfing the screen.


DAI #09.

Zoom out as lightning crackles about, as the Thunder Megazord stands, fully formed.


ZYU2 #17.

Slow zoom in as Green Ranger plays Dragon Dagger's flute while looking to our upper slight right.

ZYU #21.

Closer on the bubbling waters, as the head of the Dragonzord rises from beneath the waves.


ZYU #22.

Close up of Dragonzord's golden chest plate, the five red lights blinking repeatedly together.


ZYU #21.

Far shot of Dragonzord standing in the unsettled waters behind the seaport, leaning back and reaching out.


DAI #09.

In the city, the Thunder Megazord makes a battle ready pose, then marches forth to our slight right.

ZYU2 #17.

Amid smoke, zoom in sharply on Primator as he whips around lance then pounds chest and hops in place.

ZYU #22.

Close up of Dragonzord as it looks from our lower left to our upper right, then throws arms up happily.


ZYU2 #17.

Continued from two shots ago, Primator hobbles ahead into action.

ZYU2 #17.

Dragonzord whips tail over Primator, who ducks under and sparkily stabs it with his lance.

Arm of Original Megazord appears for a few frames at start.

ZYU2 #17.

Close on Dragonzord, chest smoking, as it steadies, then zoom out as it turns left and whips tail around.

ZYU2 #17.

Dragonzord's tail sparkily swipes into Primator's lance.

ZYU2 #17.

Once again broken in half, the lance falls to the ground, pan up to Primator, beating his chest in anger.

DAI #10.

Upward-facing camera tracks in a semi-circle so it's directly under Thunder Megazord, as it steps forth and poses battle ready.


ZYU2 #17.

Continued from two shots ago, Primator ceases beating, and raises hands to head while leaning forth.

ZYU2 #17.

As Primator faces them, Dragonzord and (original, shh!) Megazord are already engulfed in sparks and smoke.

ZYU2 #17.

Bright flash of sparks erupt over Dragonzord and (original, shh!) Megazord.

ZYU2 #17.

Continued nonconsecutively from last shot, Dragonzord and (original, shh!) Megazord remain amid lingering smoke and sparks.

This and the last shot were trimmed from a longer shot, likely to cut down on Megazord's visibility.

ZYU2 #17.

Quick zoom out as Primator beats chest, then does a happy jig to his right, then to his left.

DAI #09.

As explosive spark and smoke bursts erupt around it, the Thunder Megazord marches through the city, undeterred.

ZYU2 #17.

Zoom in on Primator, who tilts to his right in puzzlement.

Footage is slowed down.

DAI #09.

Marching to our slight right, Thunder Megazord passes through large cloud of smoke, as a bright flash of sparks erupts to its left, undeterring its course.


DAI #09.

Extreme close-up of Thunder Megazord's face as its eyes glow yellow, while lightning flashes off-frame.


DAI #09.

Close on Thunder Megazord gripping sheath with left arm and pulling Saber out with right.


DAI #09.

Side angle on Thunder Megazord as it whips out Saber, holding it outward, but turns the blade vertically, causing it to surge with yellow electricity.

Recycled, but new stuff at start.

DAI #09.

As Saber surges with yellow electricity, blue lightning crackling about the background, Thunder Megazord pulls it back from its right, and holds it up against left shoulder. This causes the blue lightning to fade into a drawn backdrop of waterfalls, eyes flashing, as Thunder Megazord steps forth and slashes Saber diagonally downward.


DAI #09.

Close-up side angle of Saber slashing, leaving yellow-shaped energy trails behind.

Recycled, repeats once per source.

ZYU2 #17.

After Thunder Saber energy trails flick against him, Primator gets a fireball burst superimposed over him, which flares out, leaving him toppling forth amid sparks during zoom out. Upon falling on the ground, he then erupts into a fireball explosion.

Saber-shaped energy trails superimposed.

DAI #09.

Thunder Megazord jerks right arm with Thunder Saber twice, before stepping back a little and preparing it for the sheath.

DAI #09.

Close-up of Thunder Saber being sheathed by the Megazord.


DAI #11.

Track forth toward Thunder Megazord in upward shot, as it finishes sheathing Saber, then lowers arms and steps ahead victoriously.


MMPR Pilot.

Standard Command Center exterior.

Recycled. Fades in from black, fades out to next shot.

Ending Credits