
Mighty Morphin Power Rangers

#69: MMPR 209: "Welcome to Venus Island".

Features Footage from:
Zyuranger, episodes 3, 4, & 24;
and episode 22 of Zyu2.

The complete program, from "Today on" to end of Saban logo, lasts roughly 20:50;20.

"Today on" segment is about :30; by itself.

Opening is about 1:00;00 by itself.

Ending is about 0:30; by itself.

Opening Credits

Source Description Edit Note

Zordon Face 1.

Medium shot.

Number of uses this episode: 4.

Zordon Face 2.

Close shot.

Number of uses this episode: 8. Including a silent shot.

Zordon Face Extra.

Superimposed onto tube above the team, silent, but talking the first time.

Number of uses this episode: 4.

Source Description Edit Note
MMPR 201.

Close, reverse angle, static shot, of Zedd's palace's balcony.

Recycled; Transitions in via prior scene balling up and tosses itself into balcony. Fades out to next shot.

MMPR 201.

Lord Zedd stands in front of his throne, leaning back laughing as he releases his staff to his left hand, standing it up as he points right arm to our slight left, talking as he then gestures his hand over his head towards our right. As he sits down and shot zooms slowly in, a pair of Z-Putties hobble past together.

Recycled, but runs nearly fully. Fades in from prior shot.

MMPR 202.

Straight upward angle on Lunar Palace, beneath Zedd's balcony, as dark storm clouds roll across the skies above.

Recycled; transitions in via jagged teeth wipe; fades to next shot.

MMPR 208.

Close, slow pan up, as throne turns toward us, Lord Zedd sitting on it, raising his right hand, and gesturing his fingers menacingly.

Recycled; Fades in from prior shot.

MMPR 203.

Goldar stands on side of balcony, facing our left, talking as he motions his left arm, then points to our right.

Recycled; Trimmed.

MMPR 206.

Close on Zedd sitting on it, right hand up and gesturing fingers about as he talks.

Recycled; Trimmed from longer source.

MMPR 207.

Close-up on Goldar, standing on side of balcony, facing our left, talking as he motions his left arm, then points to our right.

Recycled; but runs longer than prior use.

MMPR 206.

Close on Baboo & Squatt, standing backs to balcony, looking fearful and apprehensive as they turn from our right to left.


MMPR Pilot.

Standard Command Center exterior.

Recycled; Transitions in via jagged teeth effect; Fades into next.

ZYU #03.

Zoom in on Island of Illusion... err, Venus Island, floating in the void.

Altered to fit in Viewing Globe.

ZYU #24.

Static establishing shot of the Mountain of Hope, mist wafting across the scene towards end.

Recycled; Altered to fit in Viewing Globe.

ZYU #04.

Island spins around in its little dimension.

Recycled; Cuts before explosion; Slowed; Altered to fit in Viewing Globe.

MMPR 131.

Exterior of Billy's house, white truck with covered back passes by completely.

Recycled; Transitions in via venetian wipe; fades out.

MMPR Pilot.

Standard Command Center exterior.

Recycled; Darkened for night; Fades in, fades out.

ZYU #03.

Five little unmorphed Zyuranger action figures fall onto island floating in septic sea of brown.


MMPR 201.

Close, reverse angle, static shot, of Zedd's palace's balcony.

Recycled; Fades out to next shot.

MMPR 201.

Zoom out from lighted fan vent, as, Zedd stands, back to balcony railing, talking to Goldar in the background, before turning around, facing our slight right, his right arm out wide, he talks, then suddenly thrusts his staff forth, as it crackles and flashes with energy.

Recycled; Fades in from prior.

MMPR 101, MMPR 118 & ZYU #02.

Standard morphing sequence, all six.

Recycled. White flash after Tommy; Fades to white.

ZYU2 #22.

Red, Green, Black, Blue, Yellow, and Pink Rangers flip over camera under blue sky at alternating angles.

Fades in from white. Follow-up shot is replaced by US footage of the team landing.

ZYU2 #22.

Close on Invenusable Flytrap, twitching shoulder, causing strange in and out zoom in, motions hands about.

ZYU2 #22.

Close-up of Invenusable Flytrap's left shoulder, quick pan over to his right.

ZYU2 #22.

Extreme close-up of Invenusable Flytrap's mohawk.

ZYU2 #22.

Extreme close-up of Invenusable Flytrap's fang-seamed crotch, zoom out slightly and pan up to show his similar chest.

ZYU2 #22.

Camera tilts from side to side crookedly, as Invenusable Flytrap raises arms and crosses them briefly, nodding.

Follow-up is US replacement footage of the team.

ZYU2 #22.

Invenusable Flytrap rushes forth, avoids Red & Green's passing high kicks, blocks Black's and sparkily strikes back, blocks Blue, kicks Yellow away, sparkily slashes Blue, avoids Pink's kick, blocks Red's, sparkily slashes Pink, blocks another Red kick.

Follow-up shot are US replacement of Yellow & Green readying weapons.

ZYU2 #22.

Yellow & Green leap up and slash their daggers forth during zoom in.

ZYU2 #22.

Invenusable Flytrap smacks Yellow & Green's dagger slashing arms away, then sparkily punches both in the chest.

ZYU2 #22.

Yellow & Green are thrown through the air away from Invenusable Flytrap.

ZYU2 #22.

Zoom out as Yellow & Green crash to the ground, their teammates regrouping defensively in front of them.

ZYU2 #22.

Invenusable Flytrap, arms crossed, suddenly pulls them back, and with them, cracks open his chest plate, revealing the delicious pink meat within.

ZYU2 #22.

Facing our right, Invenusable Flytrap steps forth, causing his exposed chest to glow and release a yellow wave of energy, pan right to show the wave creating a cage of green electricity that captures Red, Pink, Blue and Black Rangers, converting them to energy as Yellow & Green watch helplessly, before panning left back to the monster, retracting the wave and closing chest.

ZYU2 #22.

Close on Invenusable Flytrap crossing arms over chest, finishing the sealing up of his two plates.

ZYU2 #22.

Yellow & Green step forth and reach out to our left in protest, but remaining in defensive posing.

ZYU2 #22.

Zoom out from Invenusable Flytrap, as he raises his arms, laughing in triumph. He then motions right hand tauntingly, before slowly backing away.

ZYU2 #22.

Yellow & Green react to the monster's departure by throwing their fists and arms down at their sides.

Follow-ups are US replacements.

MMPR Pilot.

Standard Command Center exterior.

Recycled; Fades in from black, fades out to next.

MMPR 101.

Close-up of Command Center console of buttons, lights and switches.

Technically original stock from previously seen segments, but no Alpha hand ever appearing for the first time.

ZYU2 #22.

Yellow & Green leap up and kick right legs into the camera.

Fades in from white.

ZYU2 #22.

Invenusable Flytrap gets kicked by both Green & Yellow's feet, knocking him back.

ZYU2 #22.

Invenusable Flytrap flies through the air, flipping over.

ZYU2 #22.

Sharp zoom out as Invenusable Flytrap falls, getting up to a crouch to face the posed pair of Rangers.

ZYU2 #22.

Green lowers posed arms, nod-talks to our left and points briefly. Yellow follows by nod-talking that way, and raising forearm fiercely.

Recycled, but first in original context.

ZYU2 #22.

Invenusable Flytrap raises arms, then pats gut with hand, points forth, then nods and crosses arm down.

ZYU2 #22.

Within Invenusable Flytrap's stomach dimension, the four captured Rangers sit, meditating, holding hands forth in triangle formation. Zoom in on Red as he talks.

ZYU2 #22.

Pan across and down the ventricle and tissue walls of the stomach dimension, as Red finally drops his hand gesture and glances back to team, prompting all of them to do the same and all four stand up.

ZYU2 #22.

The four Rangers face each other in a circle, holding out their right fists to a center point, causing multicolored energies to swirl about. After a few moments, they release, their fists glowing with charged power, as each faces a wall, Red facing the camera, and all begin to beat charged fists into the tissues of the stomach dimension.

ZYU2 #22.

Invenusable Flytrap is rushing forth, when he suddenly grasps his gut, causing him to stop and agonize over his Ranger-induced irritable bowel syndrome.

ZYU2 #22.

Zoom out from Yellow & Green, as they quickly cease concentrating and holding fists to palms, Green nod-talking to Yellow, who gives a thumbs up, then both jump up.

ZYU2 #22.

Yellow & Green leap up and punch right fists forth as shot zooms in.

ZYU2 #22.

See? Their fists, in case you don't believe me!

ZYU2 #22.

Invenusable Flytrap is thrown back by the double-punch, spark bursting in the shoulders.

ZYU2 #22.

Invenusable Flytrap falls and rolls through the fall leaves, getting up in a crouch, clutching smoking chest.

ZYU2 #22.

Yellow & Green, their fists swirling with multicolored energies, slowly lower their arms, the energy fading.

ZYU2 #22.

Streaks of the multicolored energies shine in through the tissue walls of the stomach dimension, before fading away.

ZYU2 #22.

The four captured Rangers shift about, noticing something that gets their attention within the dimension.

ZYU2 #22.

Invenusable Flytrap pulls himself up, constantly clutching his smoking chest, looking quite pained the whole time.

ZYU2 #22.

Close on Red as he pulls his arm back, and punches right fist into the screen.

ZYU2 #22.

See? His fist, in case you don't believe me!

ZYU2 #22.

Red punching us, repeated in a new take for emphasis.

ZYU2 #22.

Invenusable Flytrap's open chest cavity suddenly explodes with spark bursts, causing four balls of Ranger-colored energy to shoot out, pan right to follow as they transform into the four Rangers, dropping them safely away.

ZYU2 #22.

Yellow & Green reach out as they rush to our left to join their freed teammates, Green giving Pink extra attention, as Black & Red pose forth.

ZYU2 #22.

Zoom in on Invenusable Flytrap, chest flaps remaining open and smoking, reaching out as he rushes forward.

ZYU2 #22.

Zoom out as all six Rangers pull out their Power Weapons.

ZYU2 #22.

Pan up as Invenusable runs at us, throwing his arms up and down wildly.

ZYU2 #22.

Zoom in on the six Rangers' twelve legs as they leap up all at once.

ZYU2 #22.

Pink, Yellow, Blue, Black, Red, and Green flip over the camera with their Power Weapons in hand.

ZYU2 #22.

Zoom in as Pink & Yellow leap up to our slight left and fire Power Bow and toss Power Daggers, respectively.

ZYU2 #22.

Struck by both Daggers and the arrow, Invenusable Flytrap spark bursts and is knocked back.

ZYU2 #22.

Zoom in as Blue & Black leap up to our slight left and slash down their Power Lance & Power Axe, respectively.

ZYU2 #22.

Struck by both Lance & Axe, Invenusable Flytrap spark bursts and is knocked back.

ZYU2 #22.

Zoom in as Green & Red leap up to our slight left and slash down their Dragon Dagger & Power Sword, respectively.

ZYU2 #22.

Struck by both Dagger & Sword, Invenusable Flytrap spark bursts and is knocked back.

ZYU2 #22.

Invenusable Flytrap falls and rolls, getting quickly back up, but collapsing to knees as chest remains open and smoking like a chimney.

ZYU #04.

Upward shot of all five Power Weapons connecting in a circle and surging with electricity.

Electricity added. Recycled.

ZYU #04.

Zoom out from helmet, as Black Ranger shifts Power Axe into blaster mode before throwing it.

Colorful prism-like effects added to Power Axe. Recycled.

ZYU #04.

Power Axe floats up and hovers in the air.

Colorful prism-like effects added to Power Axe and white outline given to it. Recycled.

ZYU #04.

Zoom out from helmet, as Pink Ranger crosses Power Bow to her side then flings it upward.

Colorful prism-like effects added to Power Bow as it's thrown. Recycled.

ZYU #04.

Power Bow materializes in a blue flash of energy, connected across the barrel of the Power Axe blaster.


ZYU #04.

Zoom out from helmet, as Yellow Ranger twirls Power Daggers, crosses arms, then throws them upward.

Yellow energy effects added to Power Daggers as they're crossed. Recycled.

ZYU #04.

Power Daggers materialize in a blue flash of energy, connected to the bottom side of the Power Bow.


ZYU #04.

Zoom out from helmet, as Blue Ranger holds both ends of Power Lance in the air, then throws them upward.

Blue electricity effects added to Power Lance, surging between them when held up. Recycled.

ZYU #04.

Power Lances materialize in a blue flash of energy, connected to the bottom side of the Power Bow next to Daggers.


ZYU #04.

Close up of Red Ranger as he looks up, gestures arms while holding Power Sword, and leaps up.


ZYU #04.

Red Ranger floats up to combined weapons and prepares Sword to add to them.

Lances & Daggers, then Bow & Axe, gleam with power colors briefly. Recycled.

ZYU #04.

Power Sword flashes with red power as it connects with combined weapons, forming the Power Blaster in a flash of blue energy.


ZYU #04.

Red Ranger drops back down from the air with Power Blaster in his hand.

Power Blaster crackles with bluish electricity. Recycled.

ZYU #04.

After Red Ranger lands, the other four Rangers join his side, each grabbing onto the Power Blaster or (in the girls' cases) touching his shoulders.

Power Blaster crackles with bluish electricity at the start. Recycled.

ZYU2 #22.

Close on Invenusable Flytrap staggering, smoking, and ripe for the pruning.

ZYU #04.

Five Rangers remain together as Power Blaster unleashes five beams of power at the screen.


ZYU #04.

Combined beam (purple at the front, red fire at center, blue edges, yellow and pink spiral outside) blasts across the screen.


ZYU2 #22.

Invenusable Flytrap gets struck in the open chest by the combined energy bolt, causing a superimposed explosion to erupt massively, zoom out as all that remains is lingering smoke and sparks.

ZYU2 #22.

Zoom out as Red leads the team in a defiant pose with their Power Weapons.

MMPR 203.

With a hand on the railing, pan up, close on Zedd, as he leans forth and nod-talks a little.


MMPR 203.

As shot zooms out, Zedd turns away from Earth, and steps down from balcony, walking to Goldar, who nods.

Recycled; trims before bowing; red glowing added.

MMPR 202.

Close-up on Lord Zedd on balcony, reaching right hand up in front of mouth region and snapping it into a fist, as Goldar lurks in background.


MMPR 201.

Lord Zedd's Z-shaped staff tip comes into frame, and fires white electricity from its shimmering red surface, lightning flashing about.


MMPR 202.

Straight upward angle on Lunar Palace, beneath Zedd's balcony, as dark storm clouds roll across the skies above.

Recycled; fades to next shot.

MMPR 204.

Slowly zoom in, Squatt & Baboo cowering to our left, Goldar to the right , Zedd walks up the balcony steps, turning head from our left to our slight right, waggling fingers near mouth as he gets close-up to us, his visor covered with condensation.

Recycled; longest use yet; not to be confused with alternate take in 203; fades to black.

Original stock.

Youth Center exterior, static shot, of guy and girl walking along sidewalk under trees together toward entrance, while girl with large blue bag walks across the parking lot.

Same trio as seen in the earliest YC shots from 101 (he's the door holder); Fades in from black; out to next shot.

Ending Credits