
Mighty Morphin Power Rangers

#87: MMPR 231: "The Power Transfer, Part I".

Features Footage from (bold = new footage):
Dairanger, episodes 37, 38, 40, 48, & 50.

The complete program, from "Today on" to end of Saban logo, lasts roughly 20:16;08.

"Today on" segment is about :30; by itself.

Opening is about 1:00;00 by itself.

Ending is about 0:30; by itself.

Opening Credits

Source Description Edit Note

Zordon Face 1.

Medium shot.

Number of uses this episode: 4.

Zordon Face 2.

Close shot.

Number of uses this episode: 10.

Source Description Edit Note
MMPR 202.

Straight upward angle on Lunar Palace, beneath Zedd's balcony, as dark storm clouds roll across the skies above.

Recycled. Transitions in via star effect.

MMPR 204.

As Squatt & Baboo cowering to our left, Goldar to the right , Zedd switches staff to left hand and slowly walks up the balcony steps.

Recycled, but runs longer at start.

MMPR 205.

Close on Goldar, facing our slight right, talking while motioning sword and arm off-frame, giving head some good, excited shaking.


MMPR 204.

Continued nonconsecutively from two shots ago, close on Zedd, turning head from our left to our slight right, waggling fingers near mouth as he gets close-up to us, his visor covered with condensation.

Recycled; fades to black.

MMPR 213.

Command Center exterior, ground level angle, farther with more ground.

Recycled, but first time unaltered; Fades in from black, and fades out.

MMPR 213.

Downward angle on six Ranger teens in console area, with Alpha, all soon looking upward toward Zordon.

Recycled, but runs longer at end; fades in.

MMPR 213.

All three smiling, Jason stands arms crossed, Trini clasps hands, and Zack slap off-frame Tommy's arm, saying "Thanks."

Recycled, but runs a few frames longer.

MMPR 213.

Jason, Trini & Zack look upward at Zordon, as Trini glances to our right, smirking.

Previously deleted footage from "Green No More, Part II".

MMPR 102.

Command Center's alarm light spins.


MMPR 213.

Downward angle on six Ranger teens in console area, with Alpha, all soon looking upward toward Zordon.


MMPR 213.

Jason, Trini & Zack look to our right, with Zack folding his arms.


DAI #48.

A small, common turtle wanders next to a large crystal rock, which gleams with green energy that engulfs the creature, turning them both into Tor, expanding before our eyes.

Altered to fit in Viewing Globe.

DAI #40.

Tor the Shuttlezord glides along rock terrain to our left, dust spraying up in its wake.

Altered to fit in Viewing Globe.

DAI #38.

Zoom in on Tor in the city, jerking head about and snapping mouth.

Altered to fit in Viewing Globe.

DAI #38.

Close downward angle on Tor's neck pulling into shell, a new face folding out from the top of its head upon fulled retraction.

Recycled; Altered to fit in Viewing Globe.

MMPR 212.

Jason & Zack look upward our right at Zordon, then turn and look concernedly to our left.

Previously deleted footage from "Green No More, Part I."

MMPR 212.

Jason & Zack look upward our right at Zordon, Jason folding his arms.

Previously deleted footage from "Green No More, Part I."

MMPR 212.

Far downward angle on console section as the six Ranger teens and Alpha look upward our right at Zordon.

Recycled, but runs a little longer at start.

MMPR 101, 218 & ZYU #02.

Standard morphing sequence, all six.

Recycled. White flash before & after Tommy; Fades to white.

MMPR 208.

With his throne in front of the deactivated Z-Putties, Zedd quickly gets up, and as camera pushes in, he points arm forth for a moment, talking.

Recycled; mirror-flipped.

MMPR 209.

Close on Baboo & Squatt, cowering together, with Squatt jerking arms up and down quickly, implying speech, while the other nods.

Recycled; mirror-flipped.

MMPR 209.

Zedd comes up to both Squatt & Baboo, shaking his head and yelling at them, before turning away.

Recycled; mirror-flipped.

DAI #37.

Serpentera flies to our left, silhouetted against the full moon.

DAI #37.

With its mighty shadow cast over the lunar surface, Serpentera soars to our left along the bottom of the screen.

DAI #37.

Close-up on Serpentera's face, panning down its left-passing neck, as lightning flashes off-frame.

Fades in, fades out.

DAI #37.

Slightly upward angle on the underside of Serpentera, flying straight ahead, through outer space.

Fades in, transitions out. Cuts before we see Earth below.

DAI #37.

Pan up and along surface of the moon (err, "Deserted Planet"?), with what looks like a spotlight on a cut-out of it.

Transitions in.

DAI #38.

Zoom in on rotating floating upsidedown pyramid amid red-atmosphered, alien landscape.

Plays in reverse.

DAI #37.

Serpentera swoops down low just above the city skyline, quaking the place.

Mirror-flipped & red-tinted.

MMPR 139.

Downward angle on Alpha pressing buttons on console and talking, as alarm light spins, camera lowering to ground level slowly, as he ceases pressing, looks up, talks, and holds arms bent at elbows.


MMPR 140.

close on Alpha as he holds up printout, talking, raising arm and touching dome.


DAI #37.

Red Dragon Thunderzord flies through the sky, crackling with bluish electricity, and transforms into Warrior Mode, soaring to our left.

Recycled & red-tinted.

DAI #37.

Unicorn, Lion, Griffin and Firebird Thunderzords, flying in tight formation in the sky, crackle with electricity, and form into the floating Assault Team sled.

Recycled & red-tinted.

DAI #37.

RDTZWM looks upward, then leaps up.


DAI #37.

RDTZWM flies through the sky, heading to the Assault Team sled.

Recycled & red-tinted.

DAI #37.

RDTZWM lands in the Assault Team sled, as it flies to our left, zooming ahead alongside the several times as gigantic Serpentera, flying through the clouds.


DAI #37.

Track alongside Serpentera's left side, moving quickly up, as the Thunderzord Assault Team comes up, keeping pace with us, soon reaching the head.


DAI #37.

Downward angle on Serpentera, curling through the clouds, as the small Thunderzord Assault Team sled passes it on the left.


DAI #37.

Close on RDTZWM, as it turns its head and looks to our left, clouds passing through.


DAI #37.

Thunderzord Assault Team strafes past Serpentera's gaping maw, RDTZWM whipping up its staff defensively as they pass safely.


DAI #37.

Thunderzord Assault Team swoops past the camera, doing a barrel roll to its right.


DAI #37.

Pan left along Serpentera, as its scaly metal hull crackles with electricity, right up to and including its face.


DAI #38.

Straight-on shot of Serpentera curling neck toward our slight right.

Cuts before Japanese writing appears; Red-tinted.

DAI #38.

Close on Serpentera's left foot landing in city, kicking up a lot of dust.


DAI #38.

Close on Serpentera's right foot landing in city, kicking up even more dust & debris.


DAI #38.

Close on Serpentera's knees as it stands straight and upright.


DAI #38.

Serpentera begins to lean back as it stretches up into an erect position, roaring.

Red-tinted; Cuts follow-up of left arm and shoulder.

DAI #38.

Upward angle, push out, as Serpentera roars and towers above the numerous buildings.


DAI #38.

Awkward close-up of Seprentera's roaring face, barely keeping in the frame.

Red-tinted. Cuts prior shot of it facing Eiffel Tower looking building.

DAI #38.

Close on one of Seprentera's feet being lifted up off the ground.


DAI #38.

Close-up of Seprentera's foot, having already slammed back onto the ground, a massively explosion erupting up between its toes.

Red-tinted. Cuts start to remove Pachinko Head being crushed.

DAI #38.

Quick pan up to Serpentera's head, kinda wobbling there.


DAI #38.

Close on Serpentera's head as it turns from our left to our right, roaring.


DAI #38.

Serpentera opens mouth and unleashes a massive bolt of energy from it to our right.

Mirror-flipped, per source; Red-tinted.

DAI #38.

Thunder Megazord (shh!) spark bursts brightly in the city.

Recycled, trimmed to attempt to mask it; Red-tinted.

DAI #38.

Closer on Thunder Megazord (shh!) spark bursting brightly in the city.

Recycled, trimmed to attempt to mask it; Red-tinted.

DAI #37.

Series of windows on the top floor of a building flash brightly.


DAI #37.

New angle on that series of windows on the top floor of a building, flashing brightly before all of the glass shatters outward.


DAI #37.

Close on mirrored-windowed-wall of building, as it explodes outward with dust.


DAI #37.

Mirrored-windowed building erupts explosively from within, all sides at once spewing forth dust and debris.


DAI #38.

Side angle on RDTZWM swooping down from the sky, twirling staff held forth.

Recycled; red-tinted.

DAI #38.

Close, pan up, as RDTZWM's feet land on the ground, to it looking directly upward, readying staff.


DAI #38.

Slow zoom out as Serpentera looms massively over the small RDTZWM.


DAI #38.

Serpentera leans long neck to our slight right, then back to our left, roaring the whole time.


DAI #37.

Close on RDTZWM, looking directly upward, shifting back nervously.


DAI #38.

Close on Serpentera's lower area, as its left foot rises and steps forth, dusting up the place.


DAI #38.

Close on Serpentera's head as it turns from our left to our right, roaring.

Recycled; Eyes glowing; Red-tinted.

DAI #38.

Serpentera opens mouth and unleashes a massive bolt of energy from it to our right.

Recycled; mirror-flipped; red-tinted.

DAI #38.

Thunder Megazord (shh!) spark bursts brightly in the city.

Recycled, trimmed to attempt to mask it; Red-tinted.

DAI #38.

Closer on Thunder Megazord (shh!) spark bursting brightly in the city.

Recycled, trimmed to attempt to mask it; Red-tinted.

DAI #38.

RDTZWM falls and rolls on the ground onto its right side, looking up amid the smoke.

Recycled, but first in context. Red-tinted.

DAI #38.

Serpentera slowly tromps forth toward the helplessly lying RDTZWM, quaking the ground and up-dusting with each step.


DAI #38.

RDTZWM leans back, still on the ground, zoom in as it reacts to what's above.

Recycled, but first in context. Red-tinted.

DAI #38.

Glowing, expanding blob turns into Tor the Shuttlezord, jerking neck, snapping mouth, and stomping feet as shot zooms in.

Recycled, but first in context. Red-tinted.

DAI #38.

Close downward angle on Tor's neck pulling into shell, above a bunch of Matchbox cars, a new face folding out from the top of its head upon fulled retraction.

Recycled. Red-tinted.

DAI #38.

Close-up on side cannon-back rounded areas of Tor suddenly spinning its internal gyro until a set of five jet fingers pop out.

Recycled. Red-tinted.

DAI #38.

Zoom out as Tor in Warrior Mode stands upright in the smoking, damaged city.


DAI #38.

Close on Serpentera lifting up its left foot.


DAI #38.

Zoom out from Tor in Warrior Mode's chest as its sides open and fold out, revealing large empty cavity inside.

Recycled. Red-tinted.

DAI #38.

Close on Serpentera, stomping left foot into the camera.


DAI #38.

Serpentera steps down, causing RDTZWM to leap out of the way to our right, narrowly avoiding being crushed as shot pans up.


DAI #38.

RDTZWM drops down into Tor in Warrior Mode's opened chest cavity.

Recycled. Red-tinted.

DAI #38.

Zoom out as Tor in Warrior Mode's shell chest closes around RDTZWM.

Recycled. Red-tinted.

DAI #38.

Serpentera roars, then lowers head somewhat to look at our slight right.


DAI #38.

Zoom in across the ruined city to Tor in Warrior Mode, turning to face us.


DAI #38.

Serpentera's giant foot stomps down upon Tor in Warrior Mode, knocking it onto its back.


DAI #38.

Tor's turtle feet hit the ground, dust knocked up.


DAI #38.

Tor's turtle head, having reverted back into control, activates as it hits the ground, dust knocked up.


DAI #38.

Tor is pinned down by Serpentera's giant foot, grinding hard against it, pan up as the dust flies about.


DAI #38.

Zoom in on Tor's head, mouth snapping and jerking head about, while suffering shell shock.


DAI #38.

Close on Tor's front feet as the pressure of the shell causes it to slowly lower down to the ground.


DAI #38.

Close on Tor's face, mouth still snapping, but chin resting forcibly against the ground, still fighting, futilely.


DAI #38.

Serpentera suddenly raises head up, lowers arms, and ceasing motion while facing our right.


DAI #38.

Close-up of Serpentera's face, smoke rising while its red eyes slowly fade to powerless black.


DAI #38.

Serpentera's foot slowly lifts up and pulls away from Tor's shell.


DAI #38.

Close on Tor's face as it lifts up off the ground and looks upward our left, mouth snapping.


DAI #38.

Tor turns to our right and scoots off into the ruined city, away from the battle, as quickly as its little feet can muster.

Red-tinted. Transitions out via warping effect.

DAI #38.

Yellow electricity surges up Serpentera's neck, finally reaching open mouth, flashing with power before unleashing a massive bolt of energy from it to our left.

Recycled, but runs fully for first time; red-tinted.

DAI #38.

Close on floating upsidedown pyramid thing with the eye, as it crackles with yellow electricity and dust bursts.


DAI #38.

Track left behind upsidedown pyramid thing as Serpentera spews yellow electricity into it.


DAI #38.

Far, side angle, on Serpentera spewing yellow electricity into not only the floating pyramid, but into all its surrounding smaller satellites.


DAI #38.

Close shot of floating satellite orb, which looks suspiciously like one of Zedd's growth grenades, as it shimmers and multiple small explosions erupt on its surface, until it begins to disintegrate off to our left.

Red-tinted. Split from source.

DAI #38.

Numerous small chunks of rocky debris spray sideways against the floating pyramid thing from our right.


DAI #38.

The floating satellite orb continues to disintegrate, sending bits of itself directly off to our left.

Red-tinted. Split from source.

DAI #38.

Close on floating upsidedown pyramid thing with the eye, as it crackles with yellow electricity and dust bursts.

Recycled, trimmed to end; Red-tinted.

DAI #38.

The floating satellite orb continues to disintegrate, sending bits of itself directly off to our left.

Recycled; Red-tinted.

DAI #38.

Numerous small chunks of rocky debris spray sideways against the floating pyramid thing from our right, as it sways from side to side.


DAI #38.

Far, side angle, on Serpentera spewing yellow electricity into not only the floating pyramid, but into all its surrounding smaller satellites.

Recycled; Red-tinted.

DAI #38.

Numerous small chunks of rocky debris spray sideways against the floating pyramid thing from our right.

Recycled; Red-tinted.

DAI #38.

The floating satellite orb finishes disintegrate into nothingness, sending bits of itself directly off to our left.

Red-tinted. Split from source.

DAI #38.

Close on floating upsidedown pyramid thing with the eye, as it crackles with yellow electricity and dust bursts.

Recycled, trimmed to end; Red-tinted.

DAI #50.

Bright flashes of spark bursts and smoke erupt within a room of some kind.

Red-tinted. Cuts before explosion fades. You can still vaguely see Dai Blue on the upper right!

DAI #38.

Yellow electricity surges up Serpentera's neck, finally reaching open mouth, flashing with power before unleashing a massive bolt of energy from it to our left.

Recycled; red-tinted.

DAI #38.

Serpentera stands in the distance, facing the crowded city, firing yellow electricity into the ground, then stopping. A rapid flash of light heralds an expanding ring of destruction, spreading out across the city, spewing red death skyward amid debris, as it ripples out from the spot Serpentera struck.


DAI #38.

Serpentera stands in the distance, as expanding ring of destruction, spreads out across the city, spewing red death skyward amid debris.

Recycled, but runs slightly longer, yet trims off most of the start; Red-tinted; Fades to black.

Original stock.

Command Center exterior, ground level, close, slightly focused on its front right side.

Fades in from black, fades out.

MMPR 15.

Downward-ish angle on Alpha at main console, typing on keypad for a moment, before raising hands, elbows bent, tapping sides of head briefly as he talks with a glance upward, before leaning back down and dropping arms. Only to raise hands to head again and resume talking and fretting up to Zordon.

Recycled; Fades in.

MMPR 15.

Alpha types on console for a bit, then looks up at Zordon's tube, fretting hands, arms raised and bent at elbows.


DAI #38.

Yellow electricity surges up Serpentera's neck, finally reaching open mouth, flashing with power before unleashing a massive bolt of energy from it to our left.

Recycled; red-tinted.

Ending Credits