
Mighty Morphin Power Rangers

#125: MMPR 313: "Stop the Hate Master, Part I".

Features Footage from (bold = new footage):
Zyuranger, episodes 2 & 7;
Dairanger, episode 22;
and Kakuranger, episodes 23, 24, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, & 50.

The complete program, from "Today On" to end of Saban logo, lasts roughly 20:39;06.

"Today on" segment is about :30; by itself.

Opening is about 1:00;00 by itself.

Ending is about 0:30; by itself.

Opening Credits

Source Description Edit Note

Zordon Face 1.

Medium shot.

Number of uses this episode: 5.

Zordon Face 2.

Close shot.

Number of uses this episode: 3.

Source Description Edit Note
MMPR 151.

Static image of Angel Grove High School crest sign, tilted angle, high on building exterior.

Recycled; fades in from black.

MMPR 202.

Straight upward angle on Lunar Palace, beneath Zedd's balcony, as dark storm clouds roll across the skies above.

Recycled; transitions in.

MMPR 301.

Rita finishes saying something in background, as Zedd turns around, heads down the stairs past her.

Recycled, but runs longer and without red beam. A lot of the Rita & Zedd stuff this episode is previously unused footage or new stock.

MMPR 213.

Downward angle on Lunar Palace, Zedd's balcony, with a bit of the red sands of Nemesis.


ZYU #02.

Static shot of Earth from the Lunar surface, as seeds float planetside, streaking into the atmosphere.

Recycled, seeds added.

MMPR 245.

Close on Rita, looking to our slight right, laughing wickedly.


MMPR 234.

Close on Zedd in front of air vent, slightly facing our left, raises hand up in front of mouth grill, making a fist and jerking about wildly.


MMPR 308.

Five yellow circles with each of the Ranger Teens' heads transform into Ninjetti, then to Ninja Ranger modes.

Recycled, but minus Aisha.

MMPR 302.

Pan left, from active alarm light, to Alpha gripping his head and talking with a side to side shake, before turning to side console, zoom in as he types frantically.


MMPR 304.

Facing away from us, Alpha talks upward with arms raised, then turns and walks over to console section off-frame to our right.

Partially recycled at start, but mostly new.

MMPR 302.

Downward close angle on console, as Alpha presses buttons with index finger on each hand at the same time.


MMPR 302.

Close on Alpha, looking downward our right, talking as he types on a side console, stops, looks away from us, upward, then excitedly resumes typing.

Recycled, but runs longer.

KAKU #27.

Thundercloud crackles with bluish electricity, and erupts with a downpour, not of rain, but of multiple bolts of unnatural lightning.

Recycled, per source.

KAKU #27.

Bluish lightning pours down upon Hate Master, causing him to glow and grow gigantically, towering above us.

Cuts follow-up battle with Shogun Megazord.

MMPR 303.

Alpha turns around from far console, looking upward and talking as he makes his way over with arms bent at elbows.


MMPR 302.

Downward far angle as Alpha talks, leaning in and out while standing at lower right of console area.


MMPR 307.

Season 3 Morphing Sequence, all six.


KAKU #31.

Push in on Red Ape Ninjazord, as it jogs through the city at us.


KAKU #27.

Blue Wolf Ninjazord, standing on edge of a tall building's roof, howls. Zoom out sharply, before it hops off, converts to blue energy, bounces between pillars on a bridge, then rematerializes on the bridge, racing to our left along it.


KAKU #28.

Side angle on Blue Wolf Ninjazord, howling as it races along through the city to our left.


KAKU #27.

Close-up, side angle, on Blue Wolf Ninjazord's head, facing our left, howling while continuing to race across the bridge.


KAKU #27.

Extreme close-up of Yellow Bear Ninjazord's head, lifting it up as it roars.


KAKU #27.

Side angle, follow along as Yellow Bear Ninjazord roars while walking through a dusty construction site.


KAKU #29.

Side angle, as Black Frog Ninjazord, leaps onto a parking lot for a moment, quaking it briefly, then leaps to our left again.


KAKU #29.

Black Frog Ninjazord leaps down the middle of an empty street, quaking it briefly, then leaps to our slight left again.


KAKU #29.

Black Frog Ninjazord spreads almost completely out as it leaps to our left across the city.


KAKU #30.

Pink Crane Ninjazord soars through the clouds to our left.


KAKU #26.

Zoom in on Pink Crane Ninjazord as it streaks through the clouds to our left.

Recycled, but first time unaltered.

KAKU #24.

Silhouetted against the bright, white light of the sun, the White Falcon Ninjazord flaps its wings slowly in the air.


KAKU #24.

White Falcon Ninjazord flaps its wings and shrieks while flying to our left.


KAKU #29.

Side angle, on the main five Ninjazords, as they race along to our left.


KAKU #29.

Downward angle, behind the five Ninjazords as they race forth together.


KAKU #29.

The five Ninjazords race along together through the middle of the city.


KAKU #23.

White Falcon Ninjazord dives through the clouds, shrieking.


KAKU #23.

Repeat, close-up on Falconzord's shrieking face, as it dives through the clouds.


MMPR 213.

Downward angle on Lunar Palace, Zedd's balcony, with a bit of the red sands of Nemesis.


MMPR 249.

Close on Zedd's face, as he turns away from us and looks out into space.

Recycled; mirror-flipped.

MMPR 246.

Close on Zedd as he looks to our slight lower right, and Rita, right behind him, motions hand to forehead, rolls eyes and turns around, turning back to say something before heading down the stairs.

Recycled, trimmed.

KAKU #27.

Giant Hate Master steps into frame, pointing sword, then motioning left hand about, soon firing red beam from it.

Beam added.

KAKU #50.

Red Ape Ninjazord spreads out arms, slashes right sword forth, then poses with his pair of swords.

Very partially recycled at start, but mainly new.

KAKU #27.

Extreme close-up of Blue Wolf Ninjazord's face, as it howls.


KAKU #31.

Pink Crane darts above the city to our left, tilting slightly as it passes us.


KAKU #30.

Black Frog Ninjazord slides to a stop just in front of the screen, eyes glowing red.


KAKU #27.

Upward angle on Yellow Bear Ninjazord, roaring as it rears up on its hind legs.

Recycled, trims slam down.

KAKU #23.

White Falcon Ninjazord dives through the clouds, shrieking.

Recycled, trimmed.

KAKU #23.

Repeat, close-up on Falconzord's shrieking face, as it dives through the clouds.


KAKU #27.

Push in, upward angle, as Hate Master points forth, then motions left hand across.

Cuts out entire battle with Bear & Wolf.

ZYU #07.

Blue and Black Rangers leaps down through the blue sky, demorphing.

Recycled; plays in reverse; demorph warping added.

ZYU #07.

Yellow and Pink Rangers leap down through the blue sky, demorphing.

Recycled; plays in reverse; demorph warping added.

ZYU #07.

Red Ranger leaps down through the blue sky, demorphing.

Recycled; plays in reverse; demorph warping added.

DAI #22.

White Ranger leaps straight down through the sky, demorphing, with Saba held outward.

Recycled; plays in reverse; demorph warping added.

MMPR 233.

Slow pan down from the blue sky to the exterior of the Command Center at ground level.

Recycled; fades in from black.

MMPR 315.

30 second deleted scene, from "The Potion Notion", of Rito looking through Repulsascope, then running around in a panic that Zedd will learn about the monster he let loose on Earth.

Altered to fit in end credits.