
Mighty Morphin Power Rangers

#140: MMPR 328: "A Chimp in Charge".

Features Footage from:
Zyuranger, episode 7;
and Kakuranger, episodes 5, 8, 9, & 11.

The complete program, from "Today On" to end of Saban logo, lasts roughly 20:36;25.

"Today On" segment is about :30; by itself.

Opening is about 1:00;00 by itself.

Ending is about 0:30; by itself.

Opening Credits

Source Description Edit Note

Zordon Face 1.

Medium shot.

Number of uses this episode: 6.

Source Description Edit Note
Original stock.

Angel Grove High School walkway, skateboarder is in the distance, as are the basketballer and others, all nearly in the school.

Fades in from black; follows up to sequences in 112-158.

MMPR 156.

Side angle, camera pans left as blonde walks into Youth Center, just as a pair of teens exits.

Recycled; fades in from black.

MMPR 305.

Behind her Repulsascope, Rita is leaning out and back, talking to our far left, she then turns back to the scope, smiling as she looks in it.


MMPR 201.

Lord Zedd stands at throne, facing our right, begins emitting his red ray vision.


MMPR 322.

Sitting on his throne, Zedd soon ceases his vision beam to our slight right, slow zoom in on him as he picks up staff from across arm rests, stands it up, and talks the whole while.

Recycled, but runs longer at start.

MMPR 301.

Close on Finster, facing our left, swings left fist around affirmatively, then turns around and leaves.

Recycled; transitions out.

MMPR 308.

A shower of black feathers rains down upon blackish-purple blobs, as a murder of Tengas teleports into the park.


MMPR 326 & 308.

The heads of Kat, Aisha, Billy, then Tommy, each within a yellow circle, transform into Ninjetti, then to Ninja Ranger modes.


MMPR 326.

Close on four Tengas, flapping about and looking at one another, then teleporting away.

Recycled, but runs longer.

MMPR 307 & 326.

Season 3 Morphing Sequence, all six.


MMPR 312.

Zedd & Rita cease glowering at each other, pick up their staves, then connect them together, firing off combined lightning to our lower right.

Recycled. useable growth shot replaced, maybe for background differences.

ZYU #07.

Red Ranger leaps up through the blue sky.


MMPR 314.

Zoom out from Ape Coin symbol on back wall, as Red Ranger appears in his Zord's cockpit, crossing arms, then holding out right arm, nod-talking as he does.


KAKU #08.

After its golden chest symbol flashes with power, zoom out from the Red Shogunzord, as it does its apeish poses.


MMPR 314.

Zoom out from Wolf Coin symbol on back wall, as Blue Ranger appears in his Zord's cockpit, crossing arms, then holding out right arm, nod-talking as he does.


KAKU #05.

After its golden chest symbol flashes with power, zoom out from the Blue Shogunzord, as it does its wolfish poses.


MMPR 314.

Zoom out from Frog Coin symbol on back wall, as Black Ranger appears in his Zord's cockpit, crossing arms, then holding out right arm, nod-talking as he does.


KAKU #09.

After its golden chest symbol flashes with power, zoom out from the Black Shogunzord, as it does its froggish poses.


MMPR 314.

Zoom out from Bear Coin symbol on back wall, as Yellow Ranger appears in her Zord's cockpit, crossing arms, then holding out right arm, nod-talking as she does.


KAKU #11.

After its golden chest symbol flashes with power, zoom out from the Yellow Shogunzord, as it does its bearish poses.


MMPR 326.

Zoom out from Falcon Coin symbol on back wall, as White & Pink Rangers appear in their Zord's cockpit, crossing arms, then holding out right arm, nod-talking.


KAKU #08.

After its golden chest symbol flashes with power, zoom out from the White Shogunzord, as it does its cranish... err, falconish poses.


KAKU #21.

Entire fight against Sinister Simian was replaced with a completely different US battle.

One big reason? Kaku used the Battle Borgs instead of the Shogunzords!

MMPR 328.

Zoom in on cockpit to Pink Ranger, turning around from her work pressing buttons on wall, holding up fist concernedly nodding. She touches White Ranger's shoulder, he looks at her, nods, then continues to work the controls.

Instantly recycled and trimmed.

MMPR 202.

Straight upward angle on Lunar Palace, beneath Zedd's balcony, as dark storm clouds roll across the skies above.


MMPR 312.

Zedd turns from balcony, bickering at Rita, who gives it back, then heads down the steps with an attitude, leaving Zedd enraged, until he storms off to our left.

Recycled, but without Zedd glowing; fades to black.

MMPR 328.

30 second montage of outtakes involving the chimpanzee playing Kelly.

Altered to fit in end credits.