
Mighty Morphin Power Rangers

#142: MMPR 330: "Master Vile and the Metallic Armor, Part II".

Features Footage from (bold = new footage):
Zyuranger, episode 17;
Dairanger, episode 22;
and Kakuranger, episodes 23, 31, 34, 42, 43, 49, 51, & 52.

The complete program, from "Last Time On" to end of Saban logo, lasts roughly 20:07;13.

"Last Time On" segment is about :30; by itself.

Opening is about 1:00;00 by itself.

Ending is about 0:30; by itself.

Opening Credits

Source Description Edit Note

Zordon Face 1.

Medium shot.

Number of uses this episode: 1.

Source Description Edit Note
KAKU #42.

Blue Globbor slaps through a cheap gray cardboard building, causing it to burst apart completely into a shower of dust and debris.

Fades in from black.

KAKU #42.

Repeat, close on cheap gray cardboard building, as it bursts apart completely into a shower of dust and debris.

KAKU #23.

Downward pull out from Shogun Megazord, towering over us, as the Zord energies crackle into the chest symbol.

Energy effects added; Trims start to remove materialization.

MMPR 202.

Straight upward angle on Lunar Palace, beneath Zedd's balcony, as dark storm clouds roll across the skies above.


MMPR 202.

Straight upward angle on Lunar Palace, beneath Zedd's balcony, as dark storm clouds roll across the skies above.

Recycled; fades in from black.

KAKU #51.

Close on Shogun Megazord, unmoving, as the blue and white energies from its arms swirl into its gleaming chest symbol once more.

Recycled with energy effects; altered to fit in Zedd vision.

KAKU #31.

Close, upward on Ninja MegaFalconzord... uhh, oops?

KAKU #34.

Close on Ninja Megazord, posing battle ready to our slight left.

KAKU #42.

Blue Globbor looks upward, motioning hands, zoom out as Ninja Megazord lands in the foreground.

KAKU #42.

Upward angle on Ninja Megazord, posing battle ready to our slight upper left.

KAKU #52.

The Skull Ship swings around from our left through the clouds, a little Master Vile riding in its mouth.

Recycled, but unaltered.

KAKU #42.

Close on Ninjor, nodding while looking upward our left.

KAKU #42.

Close on Master Vile, raising his staff and talking a little.

Trimmed heavily to remove zoom in past Japanese knight.

KAKU #42.

Side angle on Blue Globbor, holding out arm, then rushing to our right.

KAKU #42.

Side angle on Ninja Megazord, giving a quick pose, then rushing to our left.

KAKU #42.

Pan up Blue Globbor as he rushes at us, motioning arms out.

KAKU #42.

Pan up Ninja Megazord as it rushes at us, with wide arm movements.

KAKU #42.

Upward side angle, as Blue Globbor & Ninja Megazord meet into a quick arm lock, that the Megazord breaks out of.

KAKU #42.

Upward track around, as the pair break off, Ninja Megazord tries to backhand Blue Globbor, but he blocks, and successfully sparkily slashes in return. Globbor then sparkily strikes it once more while passing by, both turning to one another as the monster sparkily slashes again.

KAKU #42.

Close on Master Vile, slapping right hand into the screen.

KAKU #42.

Close on Blue Globbor, slapping right hand into the screen.

KAKU #42.

Blue Globbor sparkily strikes Ninja Megazord, causing it to stagger back.

KAKU #42.

Close on Master Vile, as he raises his left fist, then punches into the screen.

KAKU #42.

Side angle as Blue Globbor punches left fist into Ninja Megazord, with sparkily results.

KAKU #42.

Close on Master Vile, as he raises his right fist, then punches into the screen.

KAKU #42.

Close on Blue Globbor, as he raises his right fist, then punches into the screen.

KAKU #42.

Side angle on Ninja Megazord, as it gets sparkily punched by the monster, knocking it back.

KAKU #42.

Pan up Ninja Megazord as it staggers back, smoking.

MMPR 114 & ZYU #17.

Evil Green Ranger rips out console in Command Center, causing Zordon to get staticky. Evil Green Ranger pops up in Megazord cockpit, sparkily knocks the Rangers around.

Recycled, edges smudged. Start fades in, end fades out.

MMPR 201.

Green & Blue Rangers beat up some Z-Putties.

Fades in, recycled, edges smudged.

MMPR 312.

White & Red jump up and at Face Stealer, he knocks them back in mid-air. They land, get up, then cut to White addressing the monster as the others help Yellow & Black stand.

Recycled, edges smudged; fades out.

KAKU #42.

Zoom out as Blue Globbor's eyes flash, then he begins to hock repeated huge wads of black to our slight left.

KAKU #42.

Close on Ninja Megazord's Bear-head chest as a wad of black goo splashes onto it.

KAKU #42.

Close on Ninja Megazord's Ape fist as someone misses the spittoon and splashes it with some chewing tobacco.

KAKU #42.

Close on Ninja Megazord's head as a glob of inky snot flies onto its face.

KAKU #42.

Ninja Megazord, covered in evil ooze, spark bursts brightly.

KAKU #42.

Repeat, closer, on the oozed Ninja Megazord, spark bursting brightly.

KAKU #42.

Close on Blue Globbor as he motions his hands up and down widely, then turns sharply and looks upward our right.

Recycled, but runs fully & unaltered.

KAKU #42.

Silhouetted against the bright, white light of the sun, zoom out as the White Falcon Ninjazord dives directly downward into the city.


KAKU #42.

Close on White Falcon, continuing to dive, as it shifts its wings to facing straight down.


KAKU #42.

Sharp zoom in on Blue Globbor, looking upward our right.

KAKU #42.

Close side angle on White Falcon's wingtips as they fire rapid, smoky burstings.


KAKU #42.

Looking upward, Blue Globbor brightly spark bursts.

KAKU #42.

Repeat, closer, on Blue Globbor brightly spark bursting.

KAKU #42.

Ninja Megazord flies through the sky slowly. Zoom in on it as the White Falcon soars in and hovers above its back, causing a rapid flashing of light.


KAKU #42.

Ninja MegaFalconzord hovers, posed and completed, as white energy crackles, in front of a dark bluish vortex.


MMPR 309.

Zoom out from Ninja MegaFalconzord cockpit, as White Ranger rises up in upper center, Black, Red, Yellow & Blue turn to him as he crosses arms, glances to them, then raises a fist, Red saluting before turning back around.


KAKU #42.

Sharp zoom in on Blue Globbor, looking upward our right.

Recycled, though original use in source.

KAKU #42.

Diving down through the sky, Ninja MegaFalconzord's wings gleam with power, sending charges of energy surging into its outstretched arms.


KAKU #42.

Against a multicolored backdrop, Ninja Megazord, in slow motion, punches the Blue Wolf fist into the screen, rapidly intercut with an image of the vicious Blue Wolf Ninja Spirit.


KAKU #42.

Against a multicolored backdrop, Ninja Megazord, in slow motion, punches the Red Ape fist into the screen, rapidly intercut with an image of the rabid Red Ape Ninja Spirit.


KAKU #42.

Close, side angle, on Blue Globbor as both of Ninja MegaFalconzord's glowing fists strike at once, causing a flash of energy that knocks him back.

KAKU #42.

Upward angle on Blue Globbor, smoking as he's flung across the sky.

KAKU #42.

Zoom out as Blue Globbor flips over, lands on his back, and explodes massively in the city.

KAKU #52.

The Skull Ship swings around from our left through the clouds, a little Master Vile riding in its mouth.


KAKU #42.

Close on Master Vile as he raises his staff, talking.

Trimmed heavily to remove zoom in past Japanese knight.

KAKU #42.

Facing Vile, Ninjor glances back our way, then alertly turns around to look at our upper left.

KAKU #42.

A fire rages before us, the flames dying down to reveal Blue Globbor, rising up to a standing position, entirely unharmed.

KAKU #42.

Zoom out as Ninja MegaFalconzord faces our left, reacting to this turn of events.

KAKU #42.

Zoom in between Ninja MegaFalconzord's legs, as Blue Globbor faces it from across the city, slowly uncrossing and lowering arms.

Blue energy added to hand at end.

KAKU #42.

Close-up of Blue Globbor's left hand and forearm, as it glows blue, changes to its larger form in an outline of gold, then again changes to that matching the design of Ninjor.

Energy and effects added.

KAKU #42.

Close-up of Blue Globbor's chest, as golden glowing blue goo rolls down, and with it comes a Ninjor styled chest plate.

Energy and effects added.

KAKU #42.

Close-up of Blue Globbor's head, as glows blue and gold, followed by goo pouring down his face, which is then given a Ninjor visor to cover it.

Energy and effects added.

KAKU #42.

Close on Blue Globbor's back, as he glows blue, and gains Ninjor shoulders and an identical sword and sheath.

Energy and effects added.

KAKU #42.

Upward, real close, pan-up against Ninjor-Globbor, as he stands tall in the city, breathing all creepily.

KAKU #42.

Close on Master Vile, talking on his throne, then raising arms up, then jerking them about.

Recycled, but unaltered; fades to black.

KAKU #42.

Upward, real close, pan-up against Ninjor-Globbor, as he stands tall in the city, breathing all creepily.

Instant recycling; fades in from black.

KAKU #42.

Zoom out from Ninjor-Globbor, as he whips out sword and slashes it about.

KAKU #42.

Close on Ninja MegaFalconzord, posing battle ready.

KAKU #42.

Zoom out as Ninjor-Globbor paces to our right, facing Ninja MegaFalconzord, which paces to our left.

KAKU #42.

Close on Ninjor-Globbor as he readies sword, then jumps up.

KAKU #42.

Close on Master Vile, gripping staff with both hands, then slashing it forth like a sword.

KAKU #42.

Ninjor-Globbor leaps up into the air, raises sword over head, and begins slashing it downward.

KAKU #42.

Ninjor-Globbor lands before Ninja MegaFalconzord, sparkily slashes it once, twice, and a third time while passing by, before turning to do so again.

KAKU #42.

Close on Master Vile, slashing staff downward diagonally.

KAKU #42.

Ninjor-Globbor sparkily slashes Ninja MegaFalconzord twice more, causing it to stumble back, smoking.

KAKU #42.

Close on Ninjor, looking upward, reacting.

KAKU #42.

Close on Master Vile, as he lifts his staff up from its slashed-down position, talking.

KAKU #42.

Ninjor-Globbor twists his sword around and down to an inactive state, as he motions arms, then gestures his hands together like holding a ball, causing energy to swirl into an orange ball of power between his hands. He then pushes it forth, zoom out as the ball of orange power flies across the city.

KAKU #42.

Ninja MegaFalconzord erupts with bright burstings of sparks and smoke.

KAKU #42.

Repeat, closer, on Ninja MegaFalconzord erupting with bright burstings of sparks and smoke.

KAKU #42.

Close on Ninjor, looking upward, nod-talking worriedly.

Trimmed heavily to remove zoom in past Japanese knight.

KAKU #42.

Close on Master Vile, talking as he pats the tip of his staff against the palm of his left hand twice.

KAKU #42.

Close on Ninjor, looking upward, moving from side to side anxiously.

KAKU #42.

Zoom out between Ninjor-Globbor's legs as Ninja MegaFalconzord faces him across the city.

KAKU #42.

Close on Ninjor-Globbor's chest as he connects the handle of the sword to its sheath.

KAKU #42.

Zoom out as Ninjor-Globbor begins twirling his extended sword around.

KAKU #42.

Close, side angle, as Ninjor-Globbor ceases the twirling and rushes to our left.

KAKU #42.

POV of Ninjor-Globbor rushing at the defenseless Ninja MegaFalconzord.

KAKU #42.

Ninjor-Globbor rushing in and sparkily slashes Ninja MegaFalconzord three times.

KAKU #42.

Close on Ninjor-Globbor, whipping extended-sword around and raising it to strike.

KAKU #42.

Ninjor-Globbor is just about to slash into Ninja MegaFalconzord, when Shogun Megazord reaches in and grabs the blade.

KAKU #42.

Close on Ninjor-Globbor getting punched away by Shogun Megazord.

KAKU #42.

Ninjor-Globbor falls, rolls, and gets back up, shielding his face.

KAKU #42.

Zoom out as Ninja MegaFalconzord appears relieved to see Shogun Megazord, which moves over to its other side, and both pose battle ready.

KAKU #42.

Ninjor-Globbor twirls extended-sword around, thrusts blade forth, zoom out as he fires off a bolt of crackling blue electricity across the city.

KAKU #42.

A large spark burst erupts before Ninja MegaFalconzord & Shogun Megazord.

KAKU #42.

Close on Ninja MegaFalconzord's feet, through the smoke, coming together and jumping up.

KAKU #42.

Ninja MegaFalconzord, standing in the air on its left leg, spins around, its right leg outward. It spins around twice times, each time the shot zooms in sharply, though the last one is slowed down dramatically.


KAKU #42.

Ninjor-Globbor gets kicked in the head by the Megazord's froggy foot.

KAKU #42.

Close on Shogun Megazord's right shoulder symbol of the golden fish thing, shimmering, zoom out as in a flash of golden light, the hilt of its Saber materializes in its right hand.


KAKU #42.

Close-up on Shogun Megazord's Saber, as a blade of flames spews out from the fish's fanged mouth.


KAKU #42.

As Shogun Megazord motions flaming saber around in a circle, bracing it against side with both hands, before a flaring of power, the backdrop turns into a long POV push in across an old style Japanese village onto a castle that resembles the Shogun Megazord.

Recycled footage, per source, but first time used here with background stuff.

KAKU #42.

A flash, flare and shimmer of energy, as Shogun Megazord, Saber raised high, slowly steps forth and slashes flaming blade diagonally downward.


KAKU #42.

Repeat, closer, on Shogun Megazord slashing flaming blade of its Saber diagonally downward through the screen.


KAKU #42.

Close on Ninjor-Globbor as the flames cut across him, causing him to flare and shimmer.

KAKU #42.

Ninja MegaFalconzord & Shogun Megazord suddenly turn their attention from our right, to our left.

KAKU #42.

Sharp zoom in on Ninjor, chained, spark bursting and falling down, on a rooftop.

KAKU #42.

Close on Ninjor as he collapses, smoking, and writhing.

KAKU #42.

Ninja MegaFalconzord & Shogun Megazord cease looking to our left, as shot zooms out to reveal Ninjor-Globbor is rushing at them.

KAKU #42.

Close on Ninjor-Globbor, raising extended-sword and slashing at us.

KAKU #42.

Shogun Megazord blocks Ninjor-Globbor's extended-sword with its own sword, then slashes back.

KAKU #42.

Close on Ninjor-Globbor getting sparkily slashed by Shogun Megazord's saber.

KAKU #42.

Now standing again on the roof, chained Ninjor spark bursts once more.

KAKU #42.

Close on Ninja MegaFalconzord, punching right fist forth.

KAKU #42.

Close on Ninjor-Globbor getting sparkily punched away by the Ape fist.

KAKU #42.

Ninjor spark bursts again, quick pan up and over across the city to Ninja MegaFalconzord & Shogun Megazord reacting.

KAKU #42.

Upward angle on the edge of a rooftop, as Master Vile teleports in, laughing and pointing staff to our upper right.

Teleport effects added.

KAKU #42.

Ninjor turns around and looks upward our right.

Cuts before Japanese knight teleports in.

KAKU #42.

Sharp zoom in on Ninja MegaFalconzord & Shogun Megazord.

KAKU #42.

Slow zoom in on Master Vile on roof edge, talking as he raises hand, then juts staff forth.

Trimmed heavily to remove zoom in past Japanese knight.

KAKU #42.

Ninjor-Globbor leaps up through the sky.

KAKU #42.

Ninjor-Globbor lands before Shogun Megazord, but his sword slash gets blocked by its saber. He then tries to slash Ninja MegaFalconzord, but Shogun again blocks with its saber.

KAKU #42.

Ninjor-Globbor gets sparkily slashed by Shogun Megazord.

KAKU #42.

Master Vile talks to our upper right, motioning staff about as he does.

KAKU #42.

Close on Ninjor-Globbor slashing extended-sword into the screen.

KAKU #42.

Shogun Megazord locks swords with Ninjor-Globbor, shoving the monster into a fall and roll to our right.

KAKU #42.

Ninja MegaFalconzord & Shogun Megazord turn around from our right, then begin to walk to our left.

Cuts before pan over to Ninjor and Japanese knight.

KAKU #42.

Close on Ninja MegaFalconzord reacting, then pan over to Shogun Megazord doing the same.

KAKU #42.

Close on Master Vile, talking to our upper right, motioning staff about, clenching fist and raising it up.

KAKU #42.

Ninjor-Globbor gets up, whips extended-sword about and rushes forth.

KAKU #42.

Ninja MegaFalconzord turns around and gets ready to scrap (or rather, stand there and get scrapped).

KAKU #42.

Ninjor-Globbor rushes up and sparkily slashes Shogun Megazord twice, then does so once on Ninja MegaFalconzord.

KAKU #42.

Close on Ninjor-Globbor, whipping extended-sword around and then thrusting blade forth.

KAKU #42.

Ninjor-Globbor thrusts blade forth, firing bluish electrical bolts into the two Megazords, causing bright spark explosions.

KAKU #42.

Repeat, closer on Ninja MegaFalconzord, as it brightly spark bursts.

ZYU #17.

Red Ranger falls from the sky, upside down, kicking his feet and grabbing at the air.


ZYU #17.

Pink and Blue Rangers fall from the sky, kicking their feet and grabbing at the air.


ZYU #17.

Yellow and Black Rangers fall from the sky, kicking their feet and grabbing at the air.


DAI #22.

Another shot of White Ranger falling straight down through the sky, with Saba held outward.

Recycled; plays in reverse.

KAKU #42.

White Falconzord falls flat onto the ground, knocking up dust.

KAKU #42.

Ninja Megazord & Shogun Megazord fall onto their chests next to one another, quaking the city.

KAKU #42.

Ninjor-Globbor twirls extended-sword about, then begins to raise it.

KAKU #42.

Ninjor-Globbor raises extended-sword up into the air, then from its glowing blade a shower of blue electricity crashes onto the downed Megazords explosively.

KAKU #42.

Close on the downed, lifeless Falconzord as it spark bursts rapidly.

KAKU #42.

Close-up on Falconzord's head, as it jerks up and down, shrieking.

KAKU #42.

Close on Master Vile, talking as he points staff forth, then spreads arms.

KAKU #42.

Zoom in upward onto Master Vile, facing our right on roof's edge, talking and motioning arms.

KAKU #42.

Zoom in on Master Vile, facing our left on roof's edge, talking and motioning arms.

KAKU #42.

Zoom in upward onto Master Vile, facing us on roof's edge, talking and raising arms.

KAKU #42.

Close on Ninjor-Globbor's left hand, now in oversized, tentacle-fingered, gooey mode.

KAKU #42.

Close on Ninjor-Globbor's right hand, now in oversized, tentacle-fingered, gooey mode.

KAKU #42.

Ninjor-Globbor holds his oversized, tentacle-fingered, gooey hands up, and slowly walks to our left.

KAKU #42.

Zoom in over the smoking, downed bodies of the two Megazords, as Ninjor-Globbor approaches with his blobby hands.

KAKU #42.

Pan up on Ninjor-Globbor as he slowly walks forth with his big ol' hands.

KAKU #42.

Zoom in upward onto Master Vile, talking and placing tip of staff into palm of hand.

KAKU #42.

Shogun Megazord lies on its chest, smoking.

KAKU #42.

Ninja Megazord lies on its chest, smoking.

KAKU #42.

Close-up on Falconzord's head, lifting up and down, shrieking.

Cuts before Japanese text appears on-screen.

KAKU #43.

Slight zoom in upward onto Master Vile, facing our right on roof's edge, talking and raising arms.

Trimmed heavily to avoid Japanese knight.

KAKU #43.

Close on Falconzord from a different angle, lifting head and shrieking.

Cuts follow-ups of Ninjor-Globbor leaping.

KAKU #43.

Falconzord and the Ninja & Shogunzords all flare with a green glow, that fades with them, teleporting the trio away, just before Ninjor-Globbor lands on the spot where they were.

Shot is split in source, joined together here.

KAKU #42.

Zoom in upward onto Master Vile, talking and placing tip of staff into palm of hand.

Recycled already.

KAKU #43.

Pan up on Ninjor-Globbor, as he glows blue and gold, before motioning hands and leaping up.

Energy & effects added.

MMPR 329.

The six Power Rangers stand together in a gold & black rippling circle, spreading arms out, lightning strikes them, and in a flash, their suits turn to the glittery Metallic Armor modes, causing them to cross their arms down.


KAKU #49.

Zoom in on the Skull Ship as it floats by, low over a bunch of small apartment buildings.

MMPR 217.

Darkened Command Center exterior, close, ground level angle.


MMPR 330.

30 second extended scene of Bulk, Skull, Lt. Stone & Ernie being forced to dance the conga by Master Vile and the Evil Space Aliens.

Altered to fit in end credits.