#174: PRZ 361: "Inner Spirit".
Features Footage from (bold = new footage):
Ohranger, episodes 1, 6, 8, 12, 13, 15, 19, 20, 21, 23, 27, & the Movie.
The complete program, from opening to end of Saban logo, lasts roughly 20:56;18.
Opening is about 1:00;00 by itself.
Ending is about 0:30; by itself.
Source | Description | Edit Note |
Zordon in his Power Chamber plasma tube. There's a few slight variations of his looking left or right more, but who cares? |
Number of uses: 9. |
Source | Description | Edit Note |
MMAR 341. |
True of Heart gives Young Tommy an arrowhead half. |
Recycled; frosted flashback edges; fades in from black, fades out. |
OH #27. |
Close on Zeo Megazord spark bursting and flailing about. |
Transitions in; flashback frosted; fades in. |
OH #27. |
Smoke rises and spark fly in Megazord cockpit, zoom in as Red shakes off the shaking. |
Flashback frosted. |
OH #27. |
Close on Zeo Megazord, its forehead emblem rapidly flashing with a golden light, before it begins to whip around its Saber, zoom out to reveal it now is armed with said blade. |
Recycled per source; Flashback frosted. Cuts follow-up fight with Wolfbane. |
OH #27. |
An explosion erupts before the saber-wielding Zeo Megazord. |
Flashback frosted. |
OH #27. |
Zoom in Red in cockpit, smoke and sparks again rising, shaking the team, Red nod-talks. |
Flashback frosted. Cuts before he talks into wrist. |
MMPR 234. |
Exterior of Youth Center, red car pulls up and parks behind red truck, as woman in pink exits car on right, and girl in blue approaches. |
Recycled; fades in from black. |
OH #08. |
Two rows of rotating Gearships hover just on the edge of the Earth's atmosphere, the moon in the distant upper left. |
Recycled. |
OH #23. |
Close on Queen Machina, clenching both fists and talking angrily, slow zoom in as she continues yakking. |
Recycled, but runs longer. |
OH #23. |
King Mondo & Queen Machina watch Main Drain running around in park on the viewscreen. |
Recycled with US insert. |
OH #23. |
Queen Machina & King Mondo fidget about, beside each other, the latter talking. |
Recycled, trimmed. |
OH #12. |
Closer on King Mondo talking, very slowly zooming in, as he keeps facing our slight right, moving about in place a lot. |
Recycled, mirror-flipped; split. |
OH #23. |
Slow zoom in on Machina beside King Mondo, as she talks, motions fan about while doing so. |
Recycled. |
OH #12. |
Continued from two shots ago, close on King Mondo talking, very slowly zooming in, as he keeps facing our slight right, moving about in place a lot. |
Recycled, mirror-flipped; split. |
OH #01. |
Close-up on Zeonizer, the golden disc thing already popped up, releasing a shimmering green light. |
Recycled. |
PRZ 345 & OH #01. |
Tommy calls for Zeo Ranger 5, Red, as said color energy flashes about, a green grid overlaying on his body. The rising energy covers him completely, becoming the Red Zeo Ranger, visor and costume circuits shimmering with power. |
Recycled. |
OH #12. |
In a four-square shot, Green & Blue, and Yellow & Pink finish morphing. |
Mirror-flipped; split. |
OH #15. |
Zoom out as all five Rangers land in building's driveway, then rush forth together. |
OH #08. |
Pan right, as Klank walks up to cliff's edge, holding Orbus, talking and taking a bow. |
Recycled, trims off Mondo. |
OH #08. |
Close-up on Orbus' upper half, his head retracting into his body. |
Recycled. |
OH #08. |
Close-up on Orbus' bottom region, his legs (so to speak) retracting into his body. |
Recycled. |
OH #08. |
Close-up on Orbus' left side, his left arm expanding out into a long rope-tube. |
Recycled. |
OH #08. |
Zoom out, as Klank grabs Orbus' extended handle-hand, then begins to swing Orbus around in a wide circle. |
Recycled. |
OH #08. |
Upward shot of Klank swinging Orbus around, and around, and away he goes! |
Recycled. |
OH #08. |
Zoom in as Orbus is flung to our left through the air. Repeats twice for effect. |
Recycled. |
OH #08. |
Close on some part of Silo (shh!), as Orbus attaches himself to him. |
Recycled. |
OH #08. |
Close-up on Orbus, raising his head and extending his neck, zoom in as he opens his mouth and sticks his robo-proboscis out. |
Recycled. |
OH #08. |
Close on Orbus inserting his golden metal mouth tube into Silo's dataport hole. |
Recycled. |
OH #08. |
Close, side shot, as Orbus remains connecting to Silo's hole, greenish energy rising up his extended neck pipe, causing his head to glow and for the mouth tube to inject this power into the monster. |
Recycled. |
OH #19. |
Close, upward angle on Main Drain, towering over us with stomping and arm raising. |
Growth effects added. |
OH #13. |
Red Ranger holds his fist up, as gold lightning crashes behind him and his visor gleams red. Zoom out from the five Rangers as they motion arms about and reach for the sky with one arm each, releasing respective colored energies from their hands, the dark backdrop flashing into their monochrome Zord basis statues. As they fade, the background flashes and turns into a golden rain, the Rangers changing into battle stances. |
Recycled; Energy effects added. |
OH #08. |
Track around to the left, as Zeozord Five passes over Zeozords One & Two, causing their Battle Helmets to slide forth off of their now-stationary forms. |
Recycled. |
OH #08. |
Zeozord Five hovers above, while Zeozord Three shifts into Megazord torso mode, sliding back sides out into shoulders, before dropping its arms down. |
Recycled. |
OH #08. |
Track around left, as Zeozord Four slides its rear end into its front, legs together, forming the Megazord hips and thighs formation,just before Zeozord Five soars past above. |
Recycled. |
OH #08. |
Close on Zeozords Three & Four, finishing their connection in the middle of the sky, releasing steam upon linking up. |
Recycled. |
OH #08. |
Downward close shot on Zeozord Five, flying to our left as it shifts wings in its sides. |
Recycled. |
OH #08. |
The combined Zeozords Three & Four lower down from above onto the Zeozords One & Two legs, reddish electricity connecting them, while Zeozord Five approaches in the sky behind them. |
Recycled. |
OH #08. |
Track left around the front of Zeozord Three, as Zeozord Five shifts around behind it, revealing the Megazord head, connecting with steam releasing. |
Recycled. |
OH #08. |
Close-up on Zeo Megazord's head as the Zeozord Five Battle Helmet slides down over it, flashing happening just off-frame. |
Recycled. |
OH #19. |
Close, upward shot of Zeo Megazord, posing battle ready under the blue sky. |
Cuts surrounding fight involving Main Drain, due to his less spikey form being used. |
OH #19. |
Close-up on Main Drain's right arm as his glove and gauntlet flashes into an armored, spiked form. Pan up as his right shoulder also gains a similar addition. |
OH #19. |
In Megazord cockpit, zoom out as Yellow nod-talks while sitting in the pilot seat, working controls. |
Recycled. |
OH #19. |
Close-up on Zeo Megazord's head as the Zeo Two Battle Helmet slides down over it, flashing happening just off-frame. |
Recycled. |
OH #19. |
Zeo Megazord pumps fists forth while firing rapid bolts of power from Zeo Two helmet's twin cannons. |
Recycled. |
OH #19. |
Main Drain brightly and rapidly spark bursts. |
Trims start to reduce visibility of non-spiked head. |
OH #19. |
Close-up on Main Drain's right knee as it gains armor. |
Cuts follow-up of his head changing. |
OH #19. |
Zoom in on Main Drain, with all of his spikey and armored bits in place, flexing arms. |
OH #19. |
Zoom out from Yellow in Megazord cockpit pilot seat, reacting to what she sees to our slight left. |
Cuts before she looks to our right. Also cuts follow-up of Megazord turning head to look at Mondo. |
OH #19. |
King Mondo, standing atop a nearby building, talks to our slight upper left, pointing and moving wand. |
Trimmed to reduce dialogue. |
OH #19. |
Close-up on Main Drain, gesturing to face, then releasing a barrage of reddish energy orbs. |
OH #19. |
Zeo Megazord with Zeozord Two Helmet spark bursts. |
OH #19. |
Zoom out from Red in Megazord cockpit, nod-talking, as his teammates work their controls. |
Recycled. |
OH #19. |
Close-up on Zeo Megazord's head as the Zeozord Five Battle Helmet slides down over it, flashing happening just off-frame. |
Recycled. |
OH #19. |
In Megazord cockpit, as his teammates work at their stations, slight zoom in on Red Zeo Ranger, raising his right thumb, then reaching down. |
Recycled. |
OH #19. |
Close on Zeo Megazord, its forehead emblem rapidly flashing with a golden light, before it begins to whip around its Saber, zoom out to reveal it now is armed with said blade. |
Recycled. |
OH #19. |
Close-up on Zeo Megazord Saber, the emblem at the bottom gleaming gold, pan up as shimmers of energy race up and down the blade, soon causing the near-tip to sparkle. |
Recycled. |
OH #19. |
Close on Main Drain, leaning forth and firing spiked horns from head to our right. |
OH #19. |
Zeo Megazord sparkily chops down the two horn projectiles. |
OH #19. |
Main Drain charges at Zeo Megazord, but gets sparkily slashed twice by its saber. |
OH #19. |
Repeat, closer, as Main Drain charges at Zeo Megazord, but gets sparkily slashed twice by its saber. |
OH #19. |
Close-up, side angle, on Zeo Megazord's big head, turning to look into the left distance, at King Mondo atop the nearby building. |
OH #19. |
King Mondo waves his wand, with a white flag of truce hanging from it. |
OH #19. |
Zeo Megazord reacts to King Mondo's apparent surrender. |
OH #19. |
Main Drain gets on his knees and pleads for mercy by bowing down before Zeo Megazord. |
Cuts additional Mondo talking shot. |
OH #08. |
In an unusually dark Megazord cockpit, close on Blue Zeo Ranger in the back left corner, nod-talking as he pats wall. |
Recycled, zoom in trimmed. |
OH #08. |
In Megazord cockpit, the Rangers watch to our upper slight left, Pink pointing and nod-talking. |
Cuts before zoom in. |
OH #19. |
As Zeo Megazord watches confused before the bowing Main Drain, behind the monster, its cable tail snakes up and away. |
OH #19. |
Main Drain's tail cable goes underground and stretches out beneath the soil. |
OH #19. |
Close on Zeo Megazord noticing what's going on beneath it, dust spraying into its face. |
OH #19. |
While Zeo Megazord has its back turned, Main Drain unbows, zoom in as its tail tip comes out of the ground. |
OH #19. |
Close on Zeo Megazord getting attacked and attached to by the cable tail tip of Main Drain. |
OH #19. |
As Main Drain gets up, Zeo Megazord, on the other end of its cable, spark bursts repeatedly. |
OH #19. |
As lights flash out of frame of the Megazord cockpit, the Rangers are all busy trying every control they can reach, as Red nod-talks, struggling with controls. |
Recycled, but first in context. |
OH #19. |
While King Mondo watches in foreground, Zeo Megazord continues spark bursting due to its attached cable. |
Cuts follow-up Mondo talking. |
OH #19. |
Close on Main Drain, materializing spiked chest armor, before firing electricity from all spiked points forth. |
OH #19. |
Still cable-linked, Zeo Megazord is struck by electricity, spark bursting brightly. |
Electricity added. |
OH #19. |
Close on Main Drain, firing electricity from all spiked points forth. |
Recycled, trimmed, per source. |
OH #19. |
Repeat, closer, on Zeo Megazord getting struck by electricity, spark bursting brightly. |
Electricity added. |
OH #19. |
As Zeo Megazord's feet stagger back, most of its Saber blade has broken off and falls to the ground, smoking. |
OH #19. |
Zeo Megazord holds its broke saber in hand, and begins to spark burst even more. |
OH #19. |
Zoom in on Megazord cockpit, smoke rising and sparks bursting, the Rangers jolted, Red grasping chest and shaking head before looking forth. |
OH #19. |
Zeo Megazord spark bursts even more while holding its broken saber. |
OH #19. |
King Mondo talks to our upper left, leaning back and pointing. |
OH #19. |
As King Mondo watches in foreground talking, Zeo Megazord keeps on sparking and staggering off. |
OH #19. |
Slow zoom begins as King Mondo continues leaning back and gesturing wand and hand while talking to our upper left. |
Cuts most of his dialogue. |
OH #08. |
In Megazord cockpit, the Rangers sit up and make gesturing fists of victory, before leaping out in unison. |
Recycled, but runs fully for first time. |
Inside the dark void of the Megazord interior, the five Zeo Rangers ride up from a common point on their escalator chairs. |
Recycled, cropped, plays in reverse. |
OH #19. |
Zoom out from Zeo Megazord, heavily damaged, standing in hangar. |
Plays in reverse; Altered to fit in Viewing Screen. |
OH #19. |
Pan up along Zeo Megazord's damaged body in hangar. |
Altered to fit in Viewing Screen. |
OH #19. |
Zeo Megazord stands, unmoving and damaged, in hangar. |
Altered to fit in Viewing Screen. |
OH #19. |
Red Battlezord stands, unmoving, in hangar. |
Altered to fit in Viewing Screen. |
OH #19. |
Close, upward angle on Main Drain, towering over us with stomping and arm raising. |
Recycled; Altered to fit in Viewing Screen. |
OH #19. |
Zoom in on Red Battlezord's face as its star-shaped visor gleams with red energy. |
OH #20. |
Red Ranger materializes into Red Battlezord's cockpit, gripping controls. |
OH #19. |
Close-up on Red Battlezord's right fist, lifting up at side in hangar. |
OH #19. |
Red Battlezord begins marching forth in hangar, sparkily smashing through scaffolding. |
OH #19. |
Zoom in on Red Battlezord cockpit, lights flashing rapidly, Red appearing overwhelmed as he nod-talks and continues working controls. |
OH #19. |
Side angle repeat on Red Battlezord marching forth in hangar, sparkily smashing through scaffolding. |
OH #21. |
In Red Battlezord cockpit, Red gets his whole body moving as he works controls, twisting shoulders repeatedly. |
OH #19. |
Now outside, upward angle on Red Battlezord raising arms up and down, and punching wildly left and right. |
OH #19. |
Close-up ground angle on Red Battlezord's right foot stepping on cracked desert floor, quaking ground ahead of it. |
OH #19. |
Close-up ground angle on Red Battlezord's left foot, stomping down, quaking desert floor. |
OH #19. |
Close on Red Battlezord, lights flashing about as it whips arms about in a manic fit. |
OH #20. |
Zoom in on the shaking, flashing Red Battlezord cockpit, Red holding on just barely to controls. |
OH #19. |
An explosion erupts behind Red Battlezord as it throws its arms up, then punches into nearby mountain peaks. |
OH #19. |
Repeat, side angle, on Red Battlezord punching into nearby mountain peaks. |
OH #19. |
Straight on Red Battlezord continuing to march forth, throwing arms up and punching wildly, bursting behind it. |
OH #19. |
Ground angle on Red Battlezord's right foot as a huge boulder rolls into it, causing it tilt over. |
OH #19. |
Red Battlezord rolls down the side of a mountain during a violent rockslide. |
OH #19. |
Red Battlezord lies lifeless at the bottom of a canyon as rocks rain down, burying it. |
OH #19. |
Close, upward angle on Main Drain, towering over us with stomping and arm raising. |
Recycled, but unaltered. |
OH #19. |
Quick pan up to King Mondo on edge of cliff, talking and slamming down staff base. |
Cuts pan over from unmorphed Oh Red. |
OH #19. |
Upward angle on Main Drain releasing electricity from spiked tips down onto us. |
OH #19. |
Dirt and debris continues raining down, zoom in upon the redness visible of the buried Red Battlezord's face. |
OH #19. |
Close on Main Drain's big spikey head, when the little other four Rangers rush in at near distance, firing upon the monster, causing him to crackle with yellow electricity and turn to them. |
OH #19. |
The four Rangers continue firing their Zeo Laser Pistols to our upper left. |
OH #19. |
Main Drain keeps spark bursting. |
Cuts follow-up of Red using sword to break into buried Red Battlezord. |
OH #19. |
King Mondo raises his wand high to our upper left, talking. |
OH #19. |
Main Drain's giant hands reach down into quarry and grab the four Rangers. |
OH #19. |
Main Drain now grasps two Rangers in each giant hand. |
OH #19. |
The four Rangers struggle to no avail in each of Main Drain's hands. |
Just ignore the two people in distance on road. |
OH #19. |
Main Drain throws the two male Rangers to our right. |
OH #19. |
Main Drain throws the two female Rangers to our left. |
OH #19. |
Upward angle on Main Drain releasing electricity from spiked tips down onto us. |
Recycled per source. |
OH #19. |
Electricity rains down on Blue & Green, spark bursting around them. |
Electricity added. |
OH #19. |
Upward angle on Main Drain releasing electricity from spiked tips down onto us. |
Recycled per source. |
OH #19. |
Electricity rains down on Pink & Yellow, spark bursting around them. |
Electricity added. |
OH #19. |
Main Drain, the four Rangers, and even King Mondo react as the whole area quakes violently. |
Some additional quaking shots between cut. |
OH #19. |
In left-tilted Red Battlezord cockpit, Red talking and looking at console, then pulling out Zeonizer Crystal and reaching forth with it. |
Trims start to remove his getting into cockpit. |
OH #19. |
Close-up of Zeo Ranger's gloved hand placing Zeonizer Crystal into round space on control console, releasing it and it begins to discharge golden beams of light straight up. |
Recycled. |
OH #19. |
In left-tilted Red Battlezord cockpit, as the crystal ceases releasing golden light, Red talks and grips controls, the lights all back on around him. |
Brief golden light added. |
OH #19. |
Golden light shimmers from pile of rocks, which soon disperses as the pile is knocked apart, Red Battlezord standing up where it had once been, its star-shaped visor gleaming with red power. |
OH #19. |
Close-up on Red Battlezord's right arm, lowering, causing the dirt pile upon it to fall to the ground. |
OH #19. |
Speaking of the ground, a look at the dirt as Red Battlezord's foot steps from the pile of rubble. |
OH #19. |
Upward angle on Red Battlezord, raising, then lowering, arms beneath the sun. |
OH #19. |
King Mondo looks none too happy, pointing and talking. |
Cuts follow-up close on RBZ due to Japanese text. |
OH #19. |
Close-up, side angle, as Red Battlezord holding fists forth into battle ready stance. |
OH #19. |
Complete 180 degree circle around Red Battlezord from back of head to front. |
OH #19. |
Side angle on Red Battlezord, remaining posed defensively. |
OH #19. |
Zoom out from Red Battlezord, as it poses battle ready. |
OH #19. |
Zoom in on quarry, as the four Rangers regroup, clutching chests and watching upward over us. |
OH #19. |
As Red Battlezord lowers arms, zoom in sharply on its visored face. |
OH #19. |
Zoom in on Red in Red Battlezord cockpit, gripping controls out of frame. |
OH #19. |
Upward close angle on Red Battlezord, throwing arms up, then marching forth, jerking arms about while walking. |
OH #19. |
Ground level angle on Red Battlezord's feet, stomping to our right, jerking about and sparking near end. |
OH #19. |
Close on Red Battlezord, lights flashing rapidly, causing it to go into a seizure, flailing arms about. |
OH #19. |
In Red Battlezord cockpit, lights flashing rapidly, Red looks from side to side as the whole place shakes about. |
OH #19. |
Close on Red Battlezord, lights flashing rapidly, continuing to go into a manic freakout. |
OH #19. |
The Rangers watch, some nod-talking, Blue certainly. |
OH #19. |
Close on Red Battlezord, lights flashing rapidly, going wild with the arm upper-body jerking. |
OH #19. |
Zoom in on Red Battlezord cockpit, lights flashing rapidly, Red appearing overwhelmed as he nod-talks and continues working controls. |
Recycled, but first in context. |
OH #19. |
As Red Battlezord flails about, now crackling with electricity, in lower foreground, the other four Rangers stagger in, watching above. |
OH #19. |
Close on Main Drain, suddenly firing off his tail cable. |
OH #19. |
Now with tail cable attached to its chest, Red Battlezord spark bursts. |
OH #19. |
Red Battlezord cockpit shakes as sparks and smoke erupt, poor Red Ranger having a wilder ride than Mr Billy. |
OH #19. |
Main Drain continues sending electricity through cable-tail into Red Battlezord, spark bursting it over and over. |
OH #19. |
Close, repeat, of Red Battlezord spark bursting from cable zapping. |
OH #19. |
Close on Red Battlezord cockpit spark & smoke bursting, Red looking very weary now. |
OH #19. |
Main Drain continues sending electricity through cable-tail into Red Battlezord, spark bursting it over and over. |
Recycled per source. |
OH #19. |
Red Battlezord cockpit flashing and shaking repeatedly, Red finally collapses over, reaching forth across console, clenching fist. |
OH #19. |
As the Rangers react, zoom in on Pink, nod-talking especially worried. |
OH #19. |
In Red Battlezord cockpit, a dreamy haze over the scene as Red nod-talks to our slight left. |
OH #19. |
Reverse angle in Red Battlezord cockpit, Red watching as a transmission of Sam Trueheart talks to him in his front window, before fading away. |
Cuts start to remove Japanese guy; footage looped. |
OH #19. |
In slightly tilted Red Battlezord cockpit, Red nod-talks, then raises his right hand, slowly clenching it into a defiant fist. |
OH #19. |
Close on Red gripping stick shift, pulling back on it all the way with right hand. |
Cuts follow-up of Zeo shape items powering up. |
OH #19. |
As the Rangers watch in foreground, Red Battlezord shines with a golden light, causing Main Drain to break off tail connect and fall over. |
OH #19. |
A golden light still flashing off-frame, Red Battlezord slowly rises up, spreading arms calmly. |
OH #19. |
Close-up on Red Battlezord, lowering head and looking forth, calmly. |
OH #19. |
In Red Battlezord cockpit, Red glances around as golden light flashes off-frame. |
OH #19. |
Close on Red Battlezord lowering arms at sides, calmly and securely. |
OH #19. |
Zoom in on Red Battlezord cockpit, as Red raises a fist and nods, then grips controls. |
OH #19. |
Zoom out from Red Battlezord as it pumps its right fist up and forth. |
OH #19. |
Close, side angle, on Red Battlezord repositioning arms in a defensive stance. |
OH #19. |
Ground angle on Red Battlezord's feet, marching forth. |
OH #19. |
Red Battlezord rushes right into us! |
OH #19. |
Close on Main Drain flexing arms, then rushing forth. |
OH #19. |
Main Drain and Red Battlezord meet in middle of battlefield, the Zord immediately throwing punches and kicks in rapid succession. |
OH #19. |
Close-up on one of Red Battlezord's fist pistons pumping in and out, releasing steam. |
OH #19. |
Red Battlezord beats fists into Main Drain. |
OH #19. |
Close-up on one of Red Battlezord's fist pistons pumping in and out, releasing steam. |
Recycled per source. |
OH #19. |
Red Battlezord readies right fist, then punches at the screen. |
OH #19. |
Main Drain is punched back, though shrugs it off after a moment. |
OH #19. |
Zoom out, close on Red Battlezord, lowering arms victoriously. |
OH #19. |
Upward angle on Main Drain releasing electricity from spiked tips down onto us. |
Recycled per source. |
OH #19. |
Red Battlezord is struck by electricity, and spark bursts brightly. After the smoke clears, it steps through, damaged superficially, but utterly and totally unfazed. |
Electricity added. |
OH #19. |
Zoom in on Red Battlezord cockpit, nod-talking intently while gripping controls off-frame. |
OH #19. |
Against black backdrop, reddish energy flashes behind it, Red Battlezord aims fists forth, and fires rapid bursts of golden light from golden gauntlets. |
OH #19. |
Close, side angle, on Red Battlezord's fists pistoning in and out while unleashing golden laser bolts from its gauntlets. |
OH #19. |
Close on Main Drain spark bursting. |
OH #19. |
Close-up on Red Battlezord's right fist, still pistoning in and out while unleashing golden laser bolts from its gauntlet. |
OH #19. |
Close on Red Battlezord, firing a barrage of golden bolts from both of its fist gauntlets. |
OH #19. |
The barrage of golden bolts slam into Main Drain, causing him to spark burst brightly, before falling flat on his back and exploding massively. |
Golden bolts added. |
OH #19. |
The four Rangers witness the destruction of the monster, then turn our upper right and express their excitement at their leader's success. |
OH #19. |
Zoom in on Red Battlezord, raises together, then lowering, arms victoriously. |
OH #19. |
In Red Battlezord cockpit, Red raises his right fist, triumphantly. |
OH #06. |
Far exterior of the Machine Empire Skybase against the profile of the Earth. Quadrafighters walking to our right, others flying to our left in the distance, Gearships hovering about, and a group of Cogs walking on some scaffolding. |
Recycled. |
OH #12. |
Closer on King Mondo talking, as he keeps facing our slight left, moving about in place a lot. |
Recycled; split. |
OH #06. |
Queen Machina walks right around King Mondo, talking and closing her fan. When she reaches the viewing pendulum, she quickly turns around to face our left. |
Recycled. |
OH #12. |
Continued from two shots ago, closer on King Mondo talking, very slowly zooming in, as he keeps facing our slight left, moving about in place a lot. |
Recycled; split. |
MMAR 342. |
Upward angle on the Command Center exterior, showing much of the mountain below it. |
Recycled. |
PRZ 361. |
30 second montage of bloopers from the episode. |
Altered to fit in end credits. |