
Power Rangers Zeo

#176: PRZ 363: "Found and Lost".

Features Footage from (bold = new footage):
Ohranger, episodes 1, 3, 5, 6, 8, 9, 13, 20, 21, 22, 23, & 30.

The complete program, from opening to end of Saban logo, lasts roughly 20:38;21.

Opening is about 1:00;00 by itself.

Ending is about 0:30; by itself.

Opening Credits

Source Description Edit Note


Zordon in his Power Chamber plasma tube. There's a few slight variations of his looking left or right more, but who cares?

Number of uses: 3.

Source Description Edit Note
OH #13.

Far exterior of the Machine Empire Skybase against the profile of the Earth. Quadrafighters walking to our right, others flying to our left in the distance, Gearships hovering about, and a group of Cogs walking on some scaffolding.

Recycled; Transitions in.

OH #08.

Zoom out as Prince Sprocket waddles over to our slight left, in front of view screen, talking as he motions arms, King Mondo just stepping into frame before him.

Recycled, split.

OH #08.

As King Mondo stands beside her, zoom in on Queen Machina in front of Earth cut-out, talking to our right, then facing forward while some off-frame fan moving.


OH #08.

Continued from two shots ago, Prince Sprocket, in front of view screen, talks as he motions arms, King Mondo partially in frame before him.

Recycled, split.

OH #09.

Slow zoom in over the rotating gearworks of the Machine Skybase onto King Mondo, who paces back and forth, talking, motioning his staff about, while Klank, Orbus, Prince Sprocket, and Queen Machina hang around to our left.

Recycled, but runs fully.

OH #01.

Far exterior of the Machine Empire Skybase against the profile of the Earth. In the distance, Gearships hovering about, exhaust pipes spewing balls of fire into the atmosphere.


OH #30.

Reverse angle, King Mondo talking at us, while the Orbus-holding Klank in the background takes off a headset, nodding and pointing in response, until the King turns around.


OH #30.

Close on King Mondo talking at us, pointing with his left hand.


MMPR 332.

Diagonally downward right pan from the sky, to the Command Center exterior, close, ground level angle.


OH #01.

Push forth and pan up along the orangey surface of the moon, stopping on a far exterior of the Machine Empire Skybase against the profile of the Earth. Quadrafighters walking to our right, others flying to our left in the distance, Gearships hovering about, and a group of Cogs walking on some scaffolding.

Recycled, trims gearship rising.

OH #06.

Zoom out from King Mondo as he turns toward us, talking with some staff motioning.Queen Machina is to his left, Prince Sprocket is just a little in front of her. Klank & Orbus are to our right, and soon turn around to face the King.


OH #06.

With Orbus on his left shoulder, Klank talks at us, nodding, raising both hands, lowering them, then raising right hand before mouth with index finger up, then holding out right palm.


OH #23.

Close on Queen Machina, clenching both fists and talking angrily.


OH #06.

While Orbus hovers behind him, Klank talks at us, briefly covering face, looking apprehensive.


OH #08.

Close on King Mondo, Earth cut-out behind him, as he talks at us, gesturing left hand about, patting gut briefly.


OH #06.

Queen Machina walks right around King Mondo, talking and closing her fan. When she reaches the viewing pendulum, she quickly turns around to face our left.


OH #03.

Close on King Mondo, facing our slight right, stepping forward a little, talking the whole time with a lot of left-hand movements.


OH #21.

Close-up on Queen Machina, facing us, talking and fully opening her fan partially out of frame.

Recycled. This and the last 8 shot sequence taken from 359.

OH #22.

A close group of identical apartment buildings erupt and explode brightly.

Altered to fit in Viewing Screen.

OH #22.

Brief, downward shot of civilians amid falling rubble.

Altered to fit in Viewing Screen.

OH #22.

Radio antenna atop a building explodes completely, taking building with it.

Altered to fit in Viewing Screen.

OH #22.

Giant Mace Face in ball mode rolls down the city streets, spark bursting all around him.

Altered to fit in Viewing Screen.

OH #22.

Side angle, on giant Mace Face in ball mode rolling down the city streets, spark bursting all around him.

Altered to fit in Viewing Screen.

OH #01.

Close-up on Zeonizer, the golden disc thing already popped up, releasing a shimmering green light.


PRZ 345 & OH #13.

Kat calls for Zeo Ranger 1, Pink, as said color energy flashes about, a green grid overlaying on her body. Briefly, we cut to an outstretched arm morphing into a gloved Zeo Ranger hand. Cut back to Kat, as the rising energy covers her completely, becoming the Pink Zeo Ranger, visor and costume circuits shimmering with power.


PRZ 345 & OH #06.

Tanya calls for Zeo Ranger 2, Yellow, as said color energy flashes about, a green grid overlaying on her body. The rising energy covers her completely, becoming the Yellow Zeo Ranger, visor and costume circuits shimmering with power.


PRZ 345 & OH #05.

Rocky calls for Zeo Ranger 3, Blue, as said color energy flashes about, a green grid overlaying on his body. The rising energy covers him completely, becoming the Blue Zeo Ranger, visor and costume circuits shimmering with power.


PRZ 345 & OH #06.

Adam calls for Zeo Ranger 4, Green, as said color energy flashes about, a green grid overlaying on his body. The rising energy covers him completely, becoming the Green Zeo Ranger, visor and costume circuits shimmering with power.


PRZ 345 & OH #01.

Tommy calls for Zeo Ranger 5, Red, as said color energy flashes about, a green grid overlaying on his body. The rising energy covers him completely, becoming the Red Zeo Ranger, visor and costume circuits shimmering with power.


OH #22.

Red Battlezord is launched from cannon at Zord hangar, into a speeding twirl through the sky.

Recycled, per source, last two shots flipped.

OH #22.

Red Battlezord does repeated forward-flipping, dropping down in midair as it does.

OH #22.

Red Battlezord, in standing position, drops down through the air while facing our left.

OH #22.

Ground-level of Red Battlezord's feet landing before us.

Recycled per source.

OH #22.

Close on Red Battlezord, arms in battle ready position, looking especially defensive.

OH #22.

Mace Face in ball mode rolls forth, spark bursting ground as it passes over it.

OH #22.

Side angle as Red Battlezord is standing, posed, when Mace Face in ball mode slams sparkily into its chest.

OH #22.

In Red Battlezord cockpit, spark and smoke bursts as the place shakes around Red.

OH #22.

Smoking Red Battlezord partially in foreground, Mace Face in ball mode turns, pan left as Zeo Megazord entering the scene.

OH #22.

In Zeo Megazord cockpit, Green sits in pilot seat, nod-talking and leaning forth for a moment, then zoom in as he sits back and grips controls.

OH #22.

Close-up on Zeo Megazord's head as the Zeo Four Battle Helmet slides down over it, flashing happening just off-frame.

Recycled per source.

OH #22.

In Zeo Megazord cockpit, Green in pilot seat, nod-talking as he lifts his right thumb, then reaches downward.

OH #22.

Zeo Megazord motions arms about, as it fires green electricity from its golden-horned helmet.

Recycled per source.

OH #22.

Mace Face in ball mode spark bursts, then lifts up and hovers away.

OH #22.

Mace Face in ball mode swings from side to side, spark bursting into Zeo Megazord or Red Battlezord each time.

OH #22.

Zoom in on King Mondo, observing the scene as he walks in, Klank with Orbus and Cogs at his side.

OH #22.

King Mondo watches in foreground, as Mace Face ball swings sparkily into both of the Zords.

OH #22.

Close on King Mondo, talking with wand and arm raising, as Klank with Orbus nods.

Trims start heavily to reduce dialogue.

OH #22.

Reverse angle in Red Battlezord cockpit, as Red watches Mace Face ball sparkily rolling toward him.

OH #22.

In Red Battlezord cockpit, Red grips controls, nod-talks, then looks directly up.

OH #22.

Red Battlezord shoots directly up into the air thanks to a downward whip pan.

OH #22.

Mace Face in ball mode rolls to a stop, then warps into his humanoid mode, uncurling and standing up, before leaping forth.

Effects added.

OH #22.

Mace Face leaps toward Red Battlezord, sparkily slashing it with his elongated fingernails.

OH #22.

Red Battlezord falls to the ground roughly, spark bursting.

OH #22.

Mace Face flips into the air again and warps back into ball mode.

Effects added.

OH #22.

Mace Face ball slams sparkily into Red Battlezord once more.

OH #22.

Staggering back, smoking, Red Battlezord is held steady by Zeo Megazord, which then looks forth.

OH #22.

Mace Face warps out of ball mode, stands up, and unleashes electricity from his eyes.

Warp effect added.

OH #22.

Zeo Megazord & Red Battlezord spark burst brightly.

OH #22.

Red Battlezord cockpit spark bursts, smokes, and shakes.

OH #22.

Green-piloted Zeo Megazord cockpit spark bursts, smokes, and shakes.

OH #20.

In Red Battlezord cockpit, Red sits up, nod-talking to our slight right.

OH #22.

Zoom in on Mace Face, gesturing arms up and down in a frenzy.

Cuts before Japanese text appears.

OH #22.

Zeo Megazord & Red Battlezord, still smoking, notice their enemy and pose battle ready together.

OH #22.

Close-up, pan down, Mace Face's right spiked shoulder, to his left hand, flexing claws.

OH #22.

Close-up side angle of Mace Face's maced face, as he pinches his claws about.

OH #22.

Mace Face whips arms up and down and about. then spreads them out.

OH #22.

Zoom in on Zeo Megazord & Red Battlezord, looking at one another.

OH #22.

In Red Battlezord cockpit, Red looks forward but down, nod-talking and sitting up a little.

Fades to black.

OH #22.

Schematics of Zeo Megazord & Red Battlezord on computer screen come together to form intended new formation.

As you can see, they blocked out Ohranger name for it.

OH #20.

Red Ranger materializes into Red Battlezord's cockpit, gripping controls.


OH #22.

Zeo Megazord & Red Battlezord exchange glances, side by side.


OH #22.

In Zeo Megazord cockpit, Green nod-talks, raises a fist, then grips controls. Zoom in on Blue in back corner, nod-talking and raising a fist of his own.

OH #22.

Continued from two shots ago, Zeo Megazord & Red Battlezord raise an arm high and against the other, while their other arms are spread out.


OH #20.

In Red Battlezord cockpit, Red sits up, nod-talking to our slight right.


OH #22.

Continued from two shots ago, Zeo Megazord & Red Battlezord keep their raised arms together, and go back to back against one another, causing a crackling of golden electricity frying the RBZ.

OH #22.

In Zeo Megazord cockpit, Pink nod-talks while looking downward, Green in pilot seat also nodding while looking downward our slight right.

Cuts before pan over.

OH #22.

Continued from two shots ago, Zeo Megazord & Red Battlezord finally break off, the electricity ceasing, zoom in as Zeo turns around and looks back at its fried partner.

OH #22.

In Red Battlezord cockpit, Red looks about, then to our slight right, nod-talking with a hand near the dashboard.

OH #22.

In Zeo Megazord cockpit, Pink nod-talks while looking downward, Green in pilot seat also nodding while looking downward our slight right. Pan over to other side, Blue nod-talking, then pointing forth.

Recycled partially, but runs fully.

OH #22.

Zeo Megazord & Red Battlezord exchange glances, side by side, raise an arm high and against the other, while their other arms are spread out, they then go back to back against one another, causing a crackling of golden electricity frying the RBZ. They quickly break off, the electricity ceasing, zoom in as Zeo turns around and looks back at its fried partner.

Recycled, but runs uncut.

OH #22.

Zeo Megazord & Red Battlezord exchange concerned looks, then look forth, King Mondo and company in foreground.


OH #22.

In Red Battlezord cockpit, Red grips controls with both hands, nod-talking as he does.

Trims start.

OH #22.

In Zeo Megazord cockpit, Green and the other three raise determined fists briefly.

OH #22.

Continued from three shots ago, Red Battlezord flees to our right, Zeo Megazord following, as King Mondo and company watch in foreground.

OH #22.

Klank, with Orbus, points to our upper left, nod-talking to King Mondo, who responds with a hand gesture.

MMAR 342.

Pan down from the blue sky onto an upward angle on the Command Center exterior, the mountain beneath it dominating the shot.


OH #22.

Zeo Megazord holds tightly onto Mace Face in ball mode, then flings him away.

Prior shot of Megazord grabbing him unusable due to Red with Japanese boy.

OH #22.

Mace Face falls, rolls, and warps back into humanoid form, gets up and readies claws.

Effect added.

OH #22.

Mace Face unleashes electricity from his eyes.

Trimmed, recycled, both per source.

OH #22.

Struck by the electricity bolts, Zeo Megazord spark bursts.

Electricity added.

OH #22.

A trio of Quadrafighters soar in tight formation, turning to our left while firing their beams of energy rings.


OH #22.

Struck by the energy rings, Zeo Megazord spark bursts and staggers back.

Energy rings added.

OH #22.

Close on Yellow in her side seat in Megazord cockpit, nod-talking and turning head to our right, Blue stirring about behind her.

Recycled, but first in context.

OH #22.

Close on Quadrafighter, flying to our left, two middle bent-legs glowing and then releasing energy-ring beam.

OH #22.

A trio of Quadrafighters soar in tight formation, turning to our right while firing their beams of energy rings.


OH #22.

Flying to our right, Quadrafighter folds its legs down as it prepares to enter crawler mode.

Recycled, but first unaltered.

OH #22.

Zoom in on Quadrafighter's red signal light flashing.

OH #22.

Close on one of a Quadrafighter's floodlights opening up. Oh, thrilling.

OH #22.

Close on Quadrafighter's rotary cannon gun extending out.

OH #22.

A trio of Quadrafighters soar in tight formation, turning to our right while firing their beams of energy rings.


OH #22.

In dramatic slow-motion, struck by the energy rings, Zeo Megazord spark bursts and staggers back.

Energy rings added.

OH #22.

In Zeo Megazord cockpit, Green nod-talks, raises a fist, then grips controls.

Recycled, cuts zoom in on Blue.

OH #22.

Struck by energy rings, Zeo Megazord spark bursts brightly, as does the area around it.

Energy rings added. Fades to black.

PRZ 363.

30 second important deleted scene from the episode.

Altered to fit in end credits.