#181: PRZ 405: "Game of Honor".
Features Footage from (bold = new footage):
Ohranger, episodes 1, 3, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 12, 13, 16, 23, 24, 29, & 31.
The complete program, from opening to end of Saban logo, lasts roughly 20:37;21.
Opening is about 0:30; by itself.
Ending is about 0:30; by itself.
Source | Description | Edit Note |
Zordon in his Power Chamber plasma tube. There's a few slight variations of his looking left or right more, but who cares? |
Number of uses: 5. |
Source | Description | Edit Note |
OH #01. |
As a Gearship rises up in front of the screen, push forth and pan up along the orangey surface of the moon, stopping on a far exterior of the Machine Empire Skybase against the profile of the Earth. Quadrafighters walking to our right, others flying to our left in the distance, Gearships hovering about, and a group of Cogs walking on some scaffolding. |
Recycled. |
OH #29. |
Clutching the right side of his head for a moment, Klank points to our right, off into space, then turns to face us, Orbus in his arms. |
Recycled. |
OH #08. |
Close on Orbus, in Klank's arms, shaking about while talking. |
Recycled. |
OH #29. |
Klank looks down at Orbus in his arms, who is talking to our slight right, then looks forth. |
Recycled, but runs a little longer. |
OH #03. |
King Mondo turns around, heads to the center of the room, talking while some motioning of his hand and staff. During this, Queen Machina turns away from her husband, fretting. Prince Sprocket covers his eyes and keeps away. Klank squats down and keeps low, covering his head, while Orbus remains attached to him. |
Recycled, start runs fully for first time but end is trimmed. |
OH #08. |
Prince Sprocket waddles over to our slight left, in front of view screen, talking as he motions arms, King Mondo stepping into frame slightly, before him. |
Recycled. |
OH #23. |
Pan up slightly, close on Queen Machina, clenching both fists and talking angrily as shot zooms in close on her face. |
Recycled, but runs longer on both ends. |
OH #09. |
Slow zoom in over the rotating gearworks of the Machine Skybase onto King Mondo, who paces back and forth, talking, motioning his staff about, while Klank, Orbus, Prince Sprocket, and Queen Machina hang around to our left. |
Recycled. |
OH #16. |
Looking upward our left, Prince Sprocket speaks a word, nods and does a right hand to chest salute. |
Recycled; fades to black. |
MMAR 342. |
Upward angle on the Command Center exterior, the mountain beneath it dominating the shot. |
Recycled; fades in from black. |
PRZ 346. |
The Power Chamber's four-light alarm turns on and spins around, clockwise. |
Recycled. |
PRZ 346. |
The Power Chamber's four-light alarm turns on and spins around, clockwise. |
Recycled again. |
OH #01. |
Close-up on Zeonizer, the golden disc thing already popped up, releasing a shimmering green light. |
Recycled. |
PRZ 345 & OH #13. |
Kat calls for Zeo Ranger 1, Pink, as said color energy flashes about, a green grid overlaying on her body. Briefly, we cut to an outstretched arm morphing into a gloved Zeo Ranger hand. Cut back to Kat, as the rising energy covers her completely, becoming the Pink Zeo Ranger, visor and costume circuits shimmering with power. |
Recycled. |
PRZ 345 & OH #06. |
Tanya calls for Zeo Ranger 2, Yellow, as said color energy flashes about, a green grid overlaying on her body. The rising energy covers her completely, becoming the Yellow Zeo Ranger, visor and costume circuits shimmering with power. |
Recycled. |
PRZ 345 & OH #05. |
Rocky calls for Zeo Ranger 3, Blue, as said color energy flashes about, a green grid overlaying on his body. The rising energy covers him completely, becoming the Blue Zeo Ranger, visor and costume circuits shimmering with power. |
Recycled. |
PRZ 345 & OH #06. |
Adam calls for Zeo Ranger 4, Green, as said color energy flashes about, a green grid overlaying on his body. The rising energy covers him completely, becoming the Green Zeo Ranger, visor and costume circuits shimmering with power. |
Recycled. |
PRZ 345 & OH #01. |
Tommy calls for Zeo Ranger 5, Red, as said color energy flashes about, a green grid overlaying on his body. The rising energy covers him completely, becoming the Red Zeo Ranger, visor and costume circuits shimmering with power. |
Recycled. |
PRZ 348. |
Really distant upward shot of Command Center exterior, atop the cragged expanse of mountain, firing a red beam to our upper left from its top porthole. |
Recycled; beam added. |
MMPR 241. |
Slow push in on photo of the Moon as red beams fires upon the lunar surface. |
Recycled; beam added. |
OH #09. |
Far exterior of the Machine Empire Skybase against the profile of the Earth. Quadrafighters walking to our right, others flying to our left in the distance, Gearships hovering about, and a group of Cogs walking on some scaffolding. Beam from Earth strikes top of Skybase, crackling it with electricity and shimmering light. |
Recycled; beam added. |
OH #08. |
Close on Prince Sprocket, talking excitedly while motioning arms, looking to our left, then turning forward while continuing for a moment. |
Recycled. |
OH #05. |
Standing beside Earth cut-out, King Mondo waves his staff around a bit while talking toward us. |
Recycled. |
OH #24. |
Track left as the Zeo Rangers fight Cogs in a clearing in the woods, near some wooden gates. |
OH #24. |
Red fights Cogs. |
OH #24. |
Blue jump kicks into Cog, knocking it down. |
OH #24. |
Green repeatedly punches Cog. |
Cuts before head-blows. |
OH #24. |
Yellow kicks repeatedly into Cog. |
Split from last shot, trims end. |
OH #24. |
Pink grabs a bucket of water and pours it over Cog, causing it to become electrocuted. She puts bucket over its head and pushes it into trough, finishing it off. |
Electricity effects added. |
OH #24. |
Admiral Abominator charges in, slashing saber about, as the five Rangers use their own sabers in defense. A lot of swordplay goes on as the monster takes on all five, knocking them down with ease, finally targeting Pink. |
OH #24. |
Admiral Abominator releases chain from his left arm gauntlet, ensnaring Pink and pulling her into his grasp. |
OH #24. |
The other four Rangers react. |
OH #24. |
Still holding Pink, Admiral Abominator pulls open his chestplate, and fires energy beams to our right. |
OH #24. |
Spark bursts erupt before and around the four Rangers, knocking them down. |
OH #24. |
Admiral Abominator tries to force his spiked chestplate closed while pushing Pink inside like an iron maiden as she struggles. |
OH #24. |
Close on Red, getting up and jumping up, now wielding his Power Sword. |
OH #24. |
Close-up on Admiral Abominator, looking upward our slight right. |
OH #24. |
Arms spread out, Red leaps up and at us, slashing his golden-gleaming sword forth, visor flashing during zoom in. |
Effects added. Cuts follow-up chain cutting. |
OH #24. |
Zoom out as Admiral Abominator staggers and falls back, a golden crack briefly forming in his chest. |
Effect added. |
OH #24. |
Against a black backdrop, Pink's Zord symbol appears in pink outline, she raises her Zeo Power Shield about as it glows, pink energy swirling into her the shield, charging it up. |
Recycled. |
OH #24. |
Back on his feet, Admiral Abominator staggers forth. |
OH #24. |
Against a black backdrop, Pink's Zord symbol remains in pink outline, as she spins horizontally through the air, her Power Shield held forth, she spins, releasing pink energy as she shoots toward the screen. |
Recycled. |
OH #24. |
Close on Admiral Abominator as a superimposed explosion erupts over him. |
OH #24. |
Zoom out as Pink lands, her teammates regroup around her, and Red steps ahead as she slinks to the back. |
Cuts before they summon, cuts follow-up Defender Wheel sequence. |
OH #24. |
Zoom in on Klank, holding Orbus, reaching out in protest then facepalming, before talking to Orbus. |
OH #24. |
Close-up of Orbus, nod-talking, then ducking head into body. |
OH #24. |
Zoom out as Klank whips Orbus around, and around, and throws him away. |
OH #24. |
Orbus lands on the unconscious body of Admiral Abominator. |
OH #24. |
Close on Orbus, extending his neck then his robo-proboscis, spewing greenish energy upon Admiral Abominator. |
OH #24. |
The Rangers react. |
OH #24. |
In a flash, an expanding series of blue-energy shapes cause Admiral Abominator to grow gigantically above us. |
OH #24. |
The five Rangers summon arms to our upper right, releasing energies. |
Stuff trimmed from earlier; effects added. |
OH #24. |
Far, side angle follow-along, of the whole fleet of five Zeozords making their way to our left along a desolate, dusty terrain. |
Recycled. |
OH #24. |
The five Rangers, against a cloudy background, leap up together, teleporting into streaks of their respective color. |
Recycled. |
OH #24. |
The full fleet of five Zeozords charge along the desolate terrain together, when five streaks of Ranger-colored energy beam in, one onto each Zord. |
Recycled. |
OH #24. |
Inside the Zeozord Five cockpit, Red Zeo Ranger materializes into his seat. |
Recycled. |
OH #24. |
Track around to the left, as Zeozord Five passes over Zeozords One & Two, causing their Battle Helmets to slide forth off of their now-stationary forms. |
Recycled. |
OH #24. |
Downward close shot on Zeozord Five, flying to our left as it shifts wings in its sides. |
Recycled. |
OH #24. |
Close on Zeozords Three & Four, finishing their connection in the middle of the sky, releasing steam upon linking up. |
Recycled. |
OH #24. |
The combined Zeozords Three & Four lower down from above onto the Zeozords One & Two legs, reddish electricity connecting them, while Zeozord Five approaches in the sky behind them. |
Recycled. |
OH #07. |
Zeozord Five POV, an aerial approaching shot through the front window of the cockpit, electronic target sightings glowing red when they lock on to the slot in the back of Zeozord Three in the formation below. |
Recycled. |
OH #07. |
Zoom in on Red Zeo Ranger in his cockpit, lowering head slightly, nod-talking, then raising it back up. |
Recycled. |
OH #24. |
Track left around the front of Zeozord Three, as Zeozord Five shifts around behind it, revealing the Megazord head, connecting with steam releasing. |
Recycled. |
OH #24. |
Close-up on Zeo Megazord's head as the Zeozord Five Battle Helmet slides down over it, flashing happening just off-frame. |
Recycled. |
OH #24. |
Zoom out as the Zeo Megazord stands, completed, and posed. |
Recycled. |
OH #24. |
Red Battlezord is launched from cannon at Zord hangar, into a speeding twirl through the sky. |
Recycled, per source. |
OH #24. |
Red Battlezord, spins through the sky, as a red streak beams in upon it. |
Recycled. |
OH #24. |
Red Ranger materializes into Red Battlezord's cockpit, gripping controls. |
Recycled; Cuts follow-up flip-forward, per usual. |
OH #24. |
Red Battlezord, in standing position, drops down through the air while facing our left. |
Recycled. |
OH #24. |
Pan up as Red Battlezord lands, spreads arms, then punches right fist skyward in triumph. |
Recycled. |
OH #24. |
Close on Admiral Abominator, whipping lance about as he sallies forth. |
OH #24. |
Track right as Admiral Abominator sparkily slashes into Zeo Megazord & Red Battlezord, before the Zord pair fight back, punching him in turn. |
OH #24. |
After blocking his lance, Red Battlezord repeatedly punches into Admiral Abominator. |
Fist pistoning shot recycled. |
OH #24. |
Close-up on Zeo Megazord's head as the Zeo One Battle Helmet slides down over it, flashing happening just off-frame. |
Recycled. |
OH #24. |
Zoom in on Megazord cockpit, Pink raising a thumb, then reaching down. |
OH #24. |
Zeo Megazord motions arms about, as it fires off several bolts of energy from its cannon-topped helmet. |
Recycled. |
OH #24. |
Admiral Abominator spark bursts. |
OH #24. |
In Red Battlezord cockpit, Red grips controls with both hands, nod-talking as he does. |
Recycled. |
OH #24. |
Zeo Megazord & Red Battlezord come together, with golden flashing, to form the Zeo MegaBattlezord. |
Recycled. |
OH #24. |
In the Zeo MegaBattlezord cockpit, Red sits back, prompting his four teammates behind him to all motion their right hands up into the air at once. |
Recycled, trimmed, per source. |
OH #24. |
Getting up, still smoking, Admiral Abominator reacts in a panic. |
OH #24. |
In Zeo MegaBattlezord cockpit, Red raises fists, gestures them forth, crosses them, then zoom in as he grabs controls. |
Recycled. |
OH #24. |
Against black backdrop, Zeo MegaBattlezord's shoulder fist-cannons piston in and out, firing energy blasts forth. |
Recycled, trimmed, per source. |
OH #24. |
Golden energy blasts slam into Admiral Abominator, crackling him with electricity. |
Split. |
OH #24. |
Zeo MegaBattlezord's shoulder fist-cannons piston in and out, firing energy blasts forth. |
Recycled. |
OH #24. |
Continued from two shots ago, Admiral Abominator crackles with golden electricity and writhes about. |
Split; cuts before particle disintegration. |
OH #31. |
Massive explosion erupts in the middle of the city. |
Trims start to remove Leaky Faucet. |
OH #24. |
Pull out from Zeo MegaBattlezord, standing victorious and unmoving under the cloudy sky. |
Recycled. |
OH #08. |
Zoom out to really far exterior of the Machine Empire Skybase against the profile of the Earth, nothing going on in the area. |
Recycled. |
OH #16. |
Zoom out from King Mondo, talking beside viewscreen, to Prince Sprocket, facing him to our right. |
OH #16. |
Looking upward our left, Prince Sprocket speaks a word, nods and does a right hand to chest salute. |
Recycled. |
OH #12. |
Beside the viewscreen, King Mondo talks, motioning hand and staff. Then slow zoom in on King Mondo's face, still talking, rising up and down and motioning arm and staff out of frame while doing so. |
Recycled; fades to black. |
PRZ 405. |
30 second montage of bloopers from the episode. |
Altered to fit in end credits. |