
Power Rangers Zeo

#183: PRZ 407: "A Small Problem".

Features Footage from (bold = new footage):
Ohranger, episodes 1, 12, 13, 28, & 29.

The complete program, from opening to end of Saban logo, lasts roughly 20:36;13.

Opening is about 0:30; by itself.

Ending is about 0:30; by itself.

Opening Credits (version 3 debuts)

Source Description Edit Note


Zordon in his Power Chamber plasma tube. There's a few slight variations of his looking left or right more, but who cares?

Number of uses: 3.

Source Description Edit Note
MMPR 127.

Side close shot of entry door to Youth Center, guy bouncing basketball, then running jock, each leaving.

Recycled; fades in from black.

MMPR 104.

Static image of Youth Center sign.

Recycled; fades in from black.

OH #01.

Close-up on Zeonizer, the golden disc thing already popped up, releasing a shimmering green light.


PRZ 345 & OH #13.

Kat calls for Zeo Ranger 1, Pink, as said color energy flashes about, a green grid overlaying on her body. Briefly, we cut to an outstretched arm morphing into a gloved Zeo Ranger hand. Cut back to Kat, as the rising energy covers her completely, becoming the Pink Zeo Ranger, visor and costume circuits shimmering with power.


PRZ 345 & OH #01.

Tommy calls for Zeo Ranger 5, Red, as said color energy flashes about, a green grid overlaying on his body. The rising energy covers him completely, becoming the Red Zeo Ranger, visor and costume circuits shimmering with power.


MMPR 104.

Static image of Youth Center sign.


OH #01.

Close-up on Zeonizer, the golden disc thing pops up, releasing a shimmering green light.


OH #29.

Close on Prince Sprocket, beside clockwork wall, talking with hand gesturing galore.

Recycled; plays in reverse.

OH #12.

Beside the viewscreen, King Mondo talks, motioning hand and staff. Then slow zoom in on King Mondo's face, still talking, rising up and down and motioning arm and staff out of frame while doing so.

Recycled; trimmed a bit.

OH #29.

Close on Klank, holding Orbus, talking with a presenting gesture of his right hand to our right, pan over to Tarantabot.

Recycled, trims start but runs fully at end for first time.

OH #29.

Close-up on Tarantabot's left claw arm, then close pan over to his right one, flipping over.

OH #29.

Close on Tarantabot gesturing his main two arms while his other four just dangle about.

OH #29.

Close on Prince Sprocket, beside clockwork wall, talking with hand gesturing galore.

Recycled, but first in context; transitions out.

PRZ 346.

The Power Chamber's four-light alarm turns on and spins around, clockwise.


OH #13.

As a team, all five Rangers flip over, high in the air, in perfect formation and timing.


OH #13.

Repeat, side angle, as the five Rangers flip over to our left, into the sun.


OH #29.

Red flips over Tarantabot, Green & Yellow try to follow, but get struck in the chest by the monster.

Cuts follow-up shot of monster.

OH #29.

Close-up side angle on Tarantabot, spewing forth an arachnoid facehugger.

OH #29.

Blue gets an arachnoid facehugger attached to his helmet with electricity crackling.

OH #29.

Pink gets an arachnoid facehugger attached to her helmet with electricity crackling.

Cuts follow-up shot of monster dancing.

OH #29.

Blue & Pink struggle with their facehuggers, prompting Tarantabot to come over and knock both down.

Trims start to reduce struggling.

OH #29.

Blue & Pink roll over to the feet of their three teammates.

Cuts before Yellow uses nunchucks; cuts follow-up Yellow fight sequence.

OH #29.

Tarantabot approaches, jerking all of his arms about.

Cuts before we see Japanese boy approaching.

OH #29.

Gold Ranger leaps up into the air.

OH #29.

Gold flips over Tarantabot and lands facing him.

OH #29.

Gold sparkily strikes Tarantabot with Golden Power Staff.

OH #29.

The arachnoid facehuggers fall off of Blue & Pink's helmeted faces.

OH #29.

Close on the pair of arachnoid facehuggers, falling and disintegrating in energy flames.

Energy flames added.

OH #29.

Gold turns and runs over to the Zeo Rangers, nod-talking to Red with an arm raising.

OH #29.

Tarantabot spreads out arms and unleashes reddish energy from all of them at once.

OH #29.

Reddish energy crashes down around the six Rangers, spark bursting them off their feet.

Energy effects added.

OH #29.

Close on Red standing up, nod-talking as smoke clears around him.

OH #29.

Against a black backdrop, the five Rangers reach up, as the Zeo Cannon materializes between their grasp, which they lower.


OH #29.

Against a black backdrop, the other four Rangers hold the Zeo Cannon, as Red pulls open its back. He then loads in his power cell. The loaded power cells gleam, the team does some arm motioning as Ranger-colored energy streaks about,.


OH #29.

Tarantabot approaches, then stops.

OH #29.

Red pulls the huge trigger, firing combined power blast forth from Zeo Cannon.


OH #29.

Tarantabot is struck by the intense power blast, exploding him with a bright, superimposed burst.

OH #29.

Zoom in on Klank as he makes the scene, then nod-talks to Orbus in his arms.

OH #29.

Close-up on Orbus ducking head into body.

OH #29.

Zoom out as Klank whips Orbus around, and around, and throws him away.

OH #29.

Orbus lands upon the unconscious body of Tarantabot.

OH #29.

Close on Orbus, extending his neck then his robo-proboscis, spewing greenish energy upon Tarantabot.

OH #29.

Zoom out as Gold rushes over to the five Zeo Rangers in a panic.

OH #29.

Zoom out, as Orbus hovers above Tarantabot, and releases a bluish energy beam from his chest plate, causing the monster to stand up, glowing blue.

OH #29.

In a flash, an expanding series of blue-energy shapes cause Tarantabot to grow gigantically above us.

OH #29.

As Gold hangs behind them, the five Rangers motion arms to sky, releasing summoning energies.

Energy effects added.

OH #29.

Far, side angle follow-along, of the whole fleet of five Zeozords making their way to our left along a desolate, dusty terrain.


OH #29.

The five Rangers, against a cloudy background, leap up together, teleporting into streaks of their respective color.


OH #29.

The full fleet of five Zeozords charge along the desolate terrain together, when five streaks of Ranger-colored energy beam in, one onto each Zord.


OH #29.

Inside the Zeozord Five cockpit, Red Zeo Ranger materializes into his seat.


OH #29.

Zeozord Five hovers above, while Zeozord Three shifts into Megazord torso mode, sliding back sides out into shoulders, before dropping its arms down.


OH #29.

Track around left, as Zeozord Four slides its rear end into its front, legs together, forming the Megazord hips and thighs formation, just before Zeozord Five soars past above.


OH #29.

The combined Zeozords Three & Four lower down from above onto the Zeozords One & Two legs, reddish electricity connecting them, while Zeozord Five approaches in the sky behind them.


OH #29.

Close-up on Zeo Megazord's head as the Zeozord Five Battle Helmet slides down over it, flashing happening just off-frame.


OH #29.

Close on Red Zeo Ranger nod-talking, zoom out to reveal he's in the front seat of the crowded Zeo Megazord cockpit, his four teammates behind him all motioning their right hands up into the air at once.


OH #29.

Zoom out as the Zeo Megazord stands, completed, and posed.


OH #29.

Tarantabot backs up and motions arms to face, releasing a web-net from his mouth, which ensnares Zeo Megazord electrically.

Prior sequence of monster fighting Megazord is cut.

OH #29.

In Megazord cockpit, the Rangers writhe as flashing happens off-frame, zoom in on Red as he talks into his left wrist.

OH #29.

Red Battlezord is in a speeding twirl through the sky.


OH #29.

Red Battlezord, spins through the sky, as a red streak beams in upon it.


OH #29.

Red Ranger materializes into Red Battlezord's cockpit, gripping controls.


OH #29.

Red Battlezord is in a speeding twirl through the sky, closer shot.


OH #29.

Close on Tarantabot, spewing a web-net at us.

OH #29.

Red Battlezord gets caught in the web-net while still in mid-air, and plummets.

OH #29.

Red Battlezord, trapped in the web-net, hits the ground, prompting Tarantabot to come over and kick him into a roll, away.

OH #29.

Red Battlezord rolls over to Zeo Megazord's side, both struggling futilely with their web-nets.

OH #29.

Close on Tarantabot, unleashing blue electricity from its eight eyes.

OH #29.

Spark bursts brightly erupt around the web-netted Red Battlezord & Zeo Megazord.

OH #29.

Gold motions left arm, then raises Golden Power Staff, it glows as he raises it to the sky.

Effects added.

OH #29.

Close-up, side angle, on ground level base of Pyramidas, shaking as it begins to roll to our left.


OH #29.

Pyramidas drives to our slight left, passing us with dust disturbing by its side.


OH #29.

Gold Ranger leaps up, dematerializing into a golden streak.

Recycled, trimmed, per source.

OH #29.

Golden energy streaks up into Pyramidas.


OH #29.

Gold Ranger materializes from golden streak into Pyramidas cockpit.


OH #29.

Close-up on Gold inserting Zeonizer Crystal into slot, releasing golden light.


OH #29.

While driving to our slight left, Pyramidas fires a beam of gold from its tip just ahead of it.

OH #29.

The golden beam disintegrates the web-nets off of Red Battlezord & Zeo Megazord.

OH #29.

Zoom out as Tarantabot reacts.

Plays in reverse of source.

OH #29.

Zoom out as Red Battlezord rises up, joined by Zeo Megazord, both posing battle ready.

OH #28.

In Pyramidas cockpit, Gold gives a thumbs up, then presses down with fingertips on console.

OH #28.

On video monitor, are schematics of Pyramidas alongside Zeo Megazord & Red Battlezord.

OH #28.

On video monitor, pan right over schematics of Pyramidas in Carrier Mode with Zeozords and Red Battlezord on it.

OH #28.

On video monitor, pan up over schematics of Pyramidas in Ultrazord Mode, with Zeozords in it and Red Battlezord on it.

OH #28.

On video monitor, are schematics of Pyramidas in Ultrazord Mode.

OH #28.

In Pyramidas cockpit, Gold raises both fists, then gives double thumbs up, before touching table controls with hands.

OH #28.

Somewhere, a large, clear with white material in it, pyramid prism thing shimmers with golden light up its side, gleaming the light out of its tip.

OH #29.

In Red Battlezord cockpit, Red crosses arms, then spreads them out and forth, before grabbing controls.

Cuts follow-up shot involving Gold's visor symbol over Zords.

OH #29.

Pyramidas transforms into standing mode, then Zeo Megazord converts to Zeozord components, and Red Battlezord hops on the back, forming into the Zeo Ultrazord!

OH #29.

Zeo Ultrazord towers over Tarantabot, more than twice his already giant size.

Cuts follow-up RBZ cockpit shot.

OH #29.

Six split shot of all six Rangers in their respective cockpits, motioning arms forth, then grabbing controls.

OH #29.

Zeo Ultrazord raises its arms and throbs with power while firing energy blasts from all parts of its form.

OH #29.

Struck by the multitude of golden energy beams, Tarantabot is thrown off his feet, and explodes massively.

OH #29.

Push in, upward angle, on Zeo Ultrazord, as it lowers its arms in triumph.

Fades to black.

PRZ 407.

30 second important deleted scene from the episode.

Altered to fit in end credits.