
Power Rangers Zeo

#186: PRZ 409: "Rock-a-Bye Power Rangers".

Features Footage from (bold = new footage):
Ohranger, episodes 1, 4, 5, 6, 8, 13, 14, 15, 29, 30, 31, & the Movie.

The complete program, from opening to end of Saban logo, lasts roughly 20:36;16.

Opening is about 0:30; by itself.

Ending is about 0:30; by itself.

Opening Credits

Source Description Edit Note


Zordon in his Power Chamber plasma tube. There's a few slight variations of his looking left or right more, but who cares?

Number of uses: 5.

Source Description Edit Note
OH #30.

Close-up on Golden Power Staff, Gold Ranger hits button, causing it to open up and golden energies converge upon red gem top, causing the lights inside to flash.


OH #30.

Against black backdrop, Gold raises his Golden Power Staff into the air, golden power swirling into it briefly, before holding it forth and unleashing three golden orbs of light.


OH #30.

Far exterior of the Machine Empire Skybase against the profile of the Earth. Quadrafighters walking to our right, others flying to our left in the distance, Gearships hovering about, and a group of Cogs walking on some scaffolding.

Recycled; transitions in.

OH #30.

In Machine Empire Skybase video screen, the weary Rangers wander off.

Recycled with US insert.

OH #08.

Facing our right, King Mondo talks a lot, motioning his arms, as Queen Machina fans herself.

Recycled; mirror-flipped.

OH #14.

Zoom out from Queen Machina, talking to our slight right, folding up her fan and motioning arms, Prince Sprocket by her side.

Recycled, but runs fully for first time.

OH #30.

Close on King Mondo talks with left hand gesturing, Queen Machina barely visible to his side.

Trimmed heavily to remove zoom in past Machina & Sprocket; fades to black.

OH #30.

Queen Machina sleeps next to Prince Sprocket, also snoozing. Klank, with Orbus, comes over, checks on them, a pair of Cogs following along. Klank then goes over to King Mondo, unconscious, shaking him to wake him up. Mondo responds, Klank talks apprehensively, and soon, Mondo rises up, roused, knocking Klank & the Cogs over from the shock.

Transitions in; trims start.

OH #30.

Klank, with Orbus, fall before Queen Machina & Prince Sprocket, awakening them.

OH #30.

Close on King Mondo, motioning staff and left hand up, as he talks.

Recycled, but first in context. Cuts follow-up Sprocket talking shot, and Somnibot shot with Japanese text.

OH #30.

Klank, with Orbus, crouched on one knee, touching chin and nodding, as Cogs remain dazed.

Trims start to remove Cogs passing out.

OH #30.

Close-up on Orbus in Klank's arm, talking.

OH #30.

Somnibot leans against balcony railing, drifting in and out of consciousness.

OH #30.

As Somnibot remains half-awake in foreground, King Mondo talks, motioning staff about, prompting Klank to stand up and bow.

Trims start to remove Mondo poking monster, cuts before zoom in on Machina.

OH #30.

Close on King Mondo talking, then turning to our left, pan over to Somnibot, leaning against railing.

OH #30.

Close-up of Somnibot, eyes drooping alternately.

OH #30.

Close on Queen Machina, talking to our very slight left with fan open, then closing it and pointing it, in front of clockwork wall.

Recycled, but first in context.

OH #01.

A sole Quadrafighter streaks across the sky toward us, turning to our left.

Recycled. Replaces less dynamic shot from OH #30.

OH #30.

Somnibot awakens in back seat of Quadrafighter in flight, yawning as he gets up.

Plays in reverse.

OH #30.

Cog pilot of Quadrafighter begins to nod off, pan up as Somnibot bangs on hull, waking it up.

Cuts follow-up of Cog getting blasted by jet.

OH #30.

Quadrafighter dives downward through the sky.

OH #01.

Close-up on Zeonizer, the golden disc thing already popped up, releasing a shimmering green light.


PRZ 345 & OH #13.

Kat calls for Zeo Ranger 1, Pink, as said color energy flashes about, a green grid overlaying on her body. Briefly, we cut to an outstretched arm morphing into a gloved Zeo Ranger hand. Cut back to Kat, as the rising energy covers her completely, becoming the Pink Zeo Ranger, visor and costume circuits shimmering with power.


PRZ 345 & OH #06.

Tanya calls for Zeo Ranger 2, Yellow, as said color energy flashes about, a green grid overlaying on her body. The rising energy covers her completely, becoming the Yellow Zeo Ranger, visor and costume circuits shimmering with power.


PRZ 345 & OH #05.

Rocky calls for Zeo Ranger 3, Blue, as said color energy flashes about, a green grid overlaying on his body. The rising energy covers him completely, becoming the Blue Zeo Ranger, visor and costume circuits shimmering with power.


PRZ 345 & OH #06.

Adam calls for Zeo Ranger 4, Green, as said color energy flashes about, a green grid overlaying on his body. The rising energy covers him completely, becoming the Green Zeo Ranger, visor and costume circuits shimmering with power.


PRZ 345 & OH #01.

Tommy calls for Zeo Ranger 5, Red, as said color energy flashes about, a green grid overlaying on his body. The rising energy covers him completely, becoming the Red Zeo Ranger, visor and costume circuits shimmering with power.


OH #30.

Zoom in as the five Rangers rush in and pose on edge of river bed.

OH #30.

Klank, with Orbus, gestures forth, causing Cogs to race into battle.

OH #30.

The Rangers fight the Cogs, quickly taking the battle over into the shallow river waters.

OH #30.

Yellow is fighting Cogs on edge of rocks, then both she and Blue grab a Cog and jump off into river with them.

Trims start to remove Red hitting Cog.

OH #30.

On edge of rocks, Pink and Green fight Cogs.

OH #30.

Klank touches side of head, then gestures to Somnibot, pan over to monster and zoom in as he begins to unleash the violet glow of his lullaby spell.

Effects added.

OH #30.

The Rangers and Cogs cease fighting, as they all pulse with a violet glow as they grow tired.

Effects added.

OH #30.

Zoom in and out on Somnibot, eyes gleaming violet, motioning arms while conducting spell.

Effects added.

OH #30.

Pan left across the five Rangers, each pulsing with bright energy as they struggle to remain awake.

Effects added; fades to black; Cuts follow-up of Cog lying down for nap.

OH #30.

Zoom in and out on Somnibot, eyes gleaming violet, motioning arms while conducting spell.

Recycled with same effects; fades in from black.

OH #30.

Zoom in on Rangers as they pulse with energy, each collapsing to their knees.

Effects added; altered to fit in Viewing Screen.

OH #30.

Zoom in on Rangers as they pulse with energy, each collapsing to their knees.

Recycled with same effects, but unaltered otherwise.

OH #30.

Zoom in and out on Somnibot, eyes still gleaming violet, continuing to motion arms while conducting spell.

Effects added; Cuts follow-up sequence of Klank firing gun.

OH #30.

Zoom in on Gold Ranger, on ledge, posing with Golden Power Staff.

OH #30.

Klank looks upward our left, reacting.

Cuts before he raises gun.

OH #30.

Zoom in as Gold leaps off rocks and jumpkicks at the screen.

OH #30.

Zoom out as Klank is knocked back, nearly dropping Orbus and his gun (shh!).

OH #30.

Somnibot turns attention to our right, and starts to conduct spell that way.

OH #30.

Gold turns away from Klank, zoom in as he shrugs shoulders, then points forth.

OH #30.

Close on Somnibot ceasing conducting, instead unleashing spheres of pink energy.

OH #30.

Gold leaps out of the way of first explosion, the pink spheres land just behind him and create a near-miss with another huge fire blast.

Pink spheres added.

OH #30.

Close-up on Golden Power Staff, Gold Ranger hits button, causing it to open up and golden energies converge upon red gem top, causing the lights inside to flash.


OH #30.

Against black backdrop, Gold raises his Golden Power Staff into the air, golden power swirling into it briefly, before holding it forth and unleashing three golden orbs of light.


OH #30.

Struck by the final golden orb, Somnibot rapidly flares then erupts in a bright screen of particles.

OH #30.

Pan left across smoking spread of debris that was once Somnibot.

OH #08.

Zoom out to really far exterior of the Machine Empire Skybase against the profile of the Earth, nothing going on in the area.


OH #30.

Queen Machina talks angrily, then fans herself and heads to our left in a huff, leaving King Mondo to turn to face the Earth cut-out.

Recycled, but runs fully for first time.

OH #30.

Reverse angle, King Mondo talking at us, while the Orbus-holding Klank in the background takes off a headset, nodding and pointing in response, until the King turns around.


OH #30.

Close on King Mondo turning around from Earth cut-out, talking at us, pointing with his left hand.


OH #30.

Close-up on Orbus, nodding with headset on, then pan up to Klank, putting hand to chin contemplatively, before pointing to our slight left and nodding.

Recycled, but runs fully for first time.

OH #30.

In Machine Empire Skybase video screen, the headset wearing Klank & Orbus talk at us.


OH #30.

In Machine Empire Skybase video screen, Somnibot, in second mode, walks about.

Recycled with US insert.

OH #30.

Zoom in over rotating gearworks, onto King Mondo, talking and pointing, as Queen Machina & Prince Sprocket listen by his side.

PRZ 346.

The Power Chamber's four-light alarm turns on and spins around, clockwise.


OH #30.

Storage truck drives to our left.

Altered to fit in Viewing Screen.


Beauty shots of the five Rangers driving their Zeo Jet Cycles down a wide, empty airstrip.

Zoomed in to avoid letterbox bars; trims shots with Japanese text over it.

OH #30.

The five Zeo Jet Cycle riding Rangers speed around a curve, single file, in the middle of an empty road in the mountains.


OH #30.

Ground level shot, as the five Rangers on their Zeo Jet Cycles speed past the camera.


OH #04.

The front tires of the five Zeo Jet Cycles pull to a park side by side at once.


OH #30.

The Rangers run over to the parked storage truck, Blue & Green opening it up, setting off a smoke burst, which knocks them all down.

OH #30.

Somnibot, in second mode, hops out of the smoking back of the storage truck.

OH #30.

The Rangers get up and react.

OH #30.

Upward close on Somnibot flexing arms, then follow along wire from his back, into truck, where Klank stands, talking. He then sits at console, near Orbus,and begins flipping switches. Lights come on and other devices register an influx of power.

OH #30.

Close on Somnibot's eyes glowing violet.

Effects added.

OH #30.

The Rangers shimmer brightly with a whitish-violet energy, writhing as they stand there before the monster, overwhelmed.

Effects added.

OH #30.

At console in back of truck, Klank laughs and flicks switches.

OH #30.

The Rangers throb with bright violet energy, zoom in and out on Somnibot's glowing eyes, then our heroes finally collapse to their knees, still pulsing with the spell.

OH #30.

Golden boot kicks into Somnibot, knocking him over, prompting Klank to get up in reaction.

That's unmorphed Gold.

OH #30.

As golden electricity crackles about, Gold Ranger folds arms in front of chest.

Recycled, cuts prior morphing sequence.

OH #30.

Gold Ranger does his usual posing gestures.

OH #30.

Klank points, talks, motions hands, then presses buttons on console, pan over to Somnibot, eyes gleaming violet again.

Effects added.

OH #30.

Slow push in on Gold, as he struggles and glows with violet energy.

Effects added.

OH #30.

Gold finally falls to his knees, lying on the ground near the other Rangers, all writhing and gleaming.

Effects added.

OH #30.

The console and equipment in the back of the truck explodes, bursting around Klank and Orbus.

OH #30.

Pan up from wire as Somnibot finds himself being electrocuted.

Trims start to remove lizard thing biting on wire.

OH #30.

The gleaming ceases, allowing the Rangers to begin to recover.

Effect briefly added.

OH #30.

The consoles burst some more around Klank and Orbus.

OH #30.

Crackling with electricity, Somnibot falls to the pavement.

OH #30.

The six Rangers get back up, Gold pointing their attention to our right, where they all then rush.

OH #30.

Somnibot gets up and turns his attention to our right, also.

Cuts before zoom in.

OH #30.

Klank, holding Orbus, stumbles out of the smoking truck, gesturing hand forth.


OH #30.

The six Rangers cease posing and rush forth.

OH #30.

Cogs rush forth into battle, leaving Klank/Orbus and Somnibot behind.

OH #30.

The Rangers fight the Cogs in a distant shot.

OH #30.

Closer on Red fighting Cogs.

Trimmed heavily; cuts numerous follow-up Ranger vs Cogs stuff.

OH #30.

Gold uses his Golden Power Staff on Cogs.

Trimmed, cuts follow-up of him knocking one into fountain.

OH #30.

Track right as Pink uses Power Shield on Cogs, and Green uses hatchets.

Trims off Blue vs Cogs in fountain at start, and cuts Yellow using nunchucks and other follow-ups.

OH #30.

Somnibot unleashes pinkish spheres, causing spark bursting around the six Rangers.

Cuts follow-up Zeo Cannon sequence.

OH #30.

Zoom in on Klank, patting Orbus on the head, and both watching.

OH #30.

Against black backdrop, Gold raises his Golden Power Staff into the air, golden power swirling into it briefly, before holding it forth and unleashing three golden orbs of light.


OH #30.

Somnibot is struck by the intense power blast, exploding him with a bright, superimposed burst.

OH #15.

Close on explosion erupting into a screen-engulfing fireball blast.


OH #30.

Close-up on Orbus, talking to Klank, then ducking head into body.

OH #30.

Zoom out as Klank whips Orbus around, and around, and throws him away.

OH #30.

Orbus lands upon the unconscious body of Somnibot.

OH #30.

Close on Orbus, extending his neck then his robo-proboscis, spewing greenish energy upon Somnibot.

OH #30.

Gold rejoins the others as the Rangers react.

OH #30.

Zoom out, as Orbus hovers above Somnibot, and releases a bluish energy beam from his chest plate, causing the monster to stand up, glowing blue.

OH #30.

In a flash, an expanding series of blue-energy shapes cause Somnibot to grow gigantically above us.

Cuts follow-ups of Klank catching Orbus, and upward shot of monster.

OH #30.

Giant Somnibot towers over the six Rangers.

OH #30.

The five Rangers look upward, then motion arms to the sky, releasing summoning energies.

Energy effects added.

OH #30.

Far, side angle follow-along, of the whole fleet of five Zeozords making their way to our left along a desolate, dusty terrain.


OH #30.

Close on Red lowering arm, then talking into left wrist.

OH #30.

Red Battlezord is launched from cannon at Zord hangar, into a speeding twirl through the sky.


OH #30.

Close on Zeozords Three & Four, finishing their connection in the middle of the sky, releasing steam upon linking up.


OH #30.

The combined Zeozords Three & Four lower down from above onto the Zeozords One & Two legs, reddish electricity connecting them, while Zeozord Five approaches in the sky behind them.


OH #30.

Track left around the front of Zeozord Three, as Zeozord Five shifts around behind it, revealing the Megazord head, connecting with steam releasing.


OH #30.

Close-up on Zeo Megazord's head as the Zeozord Five Battle Helmet slides down over it, flashing happening just off-frame.


OH #30.

Zoom out as the Zeo Megazord stands, completed, and posed.


OH #30.

Red Ranger materializes into Red Battlezord's cockpit, gripping controls.

Recycled; Cuts follow-up landing shots.

OH #30.

Zoom out as Zeo Megazord sparkily slashes Somnibot with its sword twice, before Red Battlezord joins its side.

OH #30.

Zoom in on Red Battlezord cockpit, nod-talking intently while gripping controls off-frame.


OH #30.

Against black backdrop, reddish energy flashes behind it, Red Battlezord aims fists forth, and fires rapid bursts of golden light from golden gauntlets.


OH #30.

Close, side angle, on Red Battlezord's fists pistoning in and out while unleashing golden laser bolts from its gauntlets.


OH #30.

Close-up on Red Battlezord's right fist, still pistoning in and out while unleashing golden laser bolts from its gauntlet.


OH #30.

Close on Red Battlezord, firing a barrage of golden bolts from both of its fist gauntlets.


OH #30.

Somnibot spark bursts.

OH #30.

Close on Gold, lifting up Golden Power Staff, then raising it skyward.

OH #30.

Pyramidas drives to our slight left, passing us with dust disturbing by its side.


OH #30.

Gold Ranger materializes from golden streak into Pyramidas cockpit.


OH #30.

In Red Battlezord cockpit, Red crosses arms, then spreads them out and forth, before grabbing controls.


OH #30.

Pyramidas transforms into standing mode, then Zeo Megazord converts to Zeozord components, and Red Battlezord hops on the back, forming into the Zeo Ultrazord!


OH #30.

Somnibot leans back and inspects the Zeo Ultrazord, towering enormously above the giant monster, causing him to react nervously.

OH #30.

Six split shot of all six Rangers in their respective cockpits, motioning arms forth, then grabbing controls.


OH #30.

Zeo Ultrazord raises its arms and throbs with power while firing energy blasts from all parts of its form.


OH #30.

Struck by the multitude of golden energy beams, Somnibot is thrown off his feet, and explodes massively.

Explosion is recycled, but in original context for first time.

OH #31.

Massive explosion erupts in the middle of the city.

Recycled; cuts Leaky Faucet again.

OH #29.

Push in, upward angle, on Zeo Ultrazord, as it lowers its arms in triumph.


OH #30.

Queen Machina hurries over to King Mondo, frantically yakking at him as he slumbers in the middle of the Skybase balcony.

OH #30.

Close on King Mondo, napping.

Fades to black; cuts follow-up where Machina knocks him over.

PRZ 409.

30 second montage of bloopers from the episode.

Altered to fit in end credits.