
Power Rangers Zeo

#189: PRZ 412: "A Golden Homecoming".

Features Footage from (bold = new footage):
Zyuranger, episodes 1, 20, & 34;
and Ohranger, episodes 1, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8, 11, 12, 13, 23, 29, & 33.

The complete program, from opening to end of Saban logo, lasts roughly 20:47;10.

Opening is about 0:30; by itself.

Ending is about 0:30; by itself.

Opening Credits

Source Description Edit Note


Zordon in his Power Chamber plasma tube. There's a few slight variations of his looking left or right more, but who cares?

Number of uses: 4.

Source Description Edit Note
OH #01.

As a Gearship rises up in front of the screen, push forth and pan up along the orangey surface of the moon, stopping on a far exterior of the Machine Empire Skybase against the profile of the Earth. Quadrafighters walking to our right, others flying to our left in the distance, Gearships hovering about, and a group of Cogs walking on some scaffolding.


OH #23.

King Mondo & Queen Machina watch Jason & Tommy on video screen.

Recycled with US insert.

OH #23.

Queen Machina & King Mondo fidget about, beside each other, the latter talking.

Recycled; cuts before zoom in.

OH #03.

Trio of Quadrafighters streak left through a cloudy flight path.


OH #01.

Trio of Quadrafighters soar toward us from the distance, soon unleashing a barrage of energy-ring beams.


OH #12.

A trio of Quadrafighters soar in tight formation, turning to our right while firing their beams of energy rings.

Recycled; Might be sourced from the Movie.

OH #03.

Trio of Quadrafighters pass from our slight right to our far left, through the clouds.

OH #01.

Far exterior of the Machine Empire Skybase against the profile of the Earth. In the distance, Gearships hovering about, exhaust pipes spewing balls of fire into the atmosphere.


OH #08.

King Mondo talks to our left while Queen Machina fans herself behind him. He soon turns away from our left, as Queen Machina, begins to talk to him, folding up her fan.


OH #04.

Slow zoom out from King Mondo, as he talks down toward Prince Sprocket, before pointing at Klank & Orbus, while Queen Machina looks on.


OH #06.

With Orbus on his left shoulder, Klank unbows, and nods.


OH #12.

Closer on King Mondo talking, very slowly zooming in, as he keeps facing our slight left, moving about in place a lot.


ZYU #01.

Goldar leaps up and slashes sword at the screen.

Flashback smudged; fades in.

ZYU #01.

Goldar sparkily slashes Red Ranger twice.

Trimmed; Flashback smudged.

ZYU #01.

Downward angle on Goldar and Red Ranger sparkily slashing each other, Blade Blaster against sword.

Trimmed; Flashback smudged.

ZYU #34.

Goldar rises up while growing amid fading smoke.

Recycled, trimmed; Flashback smudged.

ZYU #20.

Other three Rangers join Blue & Red as they all look upward our right and react at what they see.

Recycled; Flashback smudged.

ZYU #20.

Giant Goldar in the city puts left hand to eyes and releases bolts of fire energy into streets, causing sparking flash.

Recycled, trimmed, fades out; Flashback smudged.

OH #33.

Shadows of monsters pass by against the wall, as King Mondo stands in the distance, facing us.

Trimmed; fades in from black.

OH #33.

Close on King Mondo, standing there, silently.

OH #33.

Assembly line of resurrected monsters passes by us to our right, Hose Head (?!), Silo, and Mechanizer.

Trims start to reduce Hose Head's visibility, cuts before we see Hydro-Contaminator.

OH #33.

Prince Sprocket excitedly talks up to King Mondo, who turns to him, as Queen Machina stands behind.

OH #33.

Zoom out as King Mondo strolls over to control console, Queen Machina talking to him, while Prince Sprocket is off in the background.

Trims start to reduce dialogue.

OH #33.

Close-up of control console as King Mondo flips a switch.

OH #33.

Neo-Plutonium is automatically mined from deep beneath the surface of the moon, into a mist spray in chamber.

OH #33.

King Mondo steps into view, talking and motioning arm and wand.

OH #33.

Drillmaster, at the head of the line of resurrected monsters, walks ahead, leaving the others motioning arms.

OH #33.

Drillmaster stands in Neo-Plutonium chamber, as mist sprays upon him, and he flashes and crackles with reddish electricity.

OH #33.

Queen Machina & Prince Sprocket act excited, zoom in on King Mondo, talking with wand gesturing.

OH #33.

Drillmaster stands in Neo-Plutonium chamber, as mist sprays upon him, and he flashes and crackles with reddish electricity.


OH #33.

Close on Queen Machina, talking, and turning to our left.

OH #33.

As Prince Sprocket & Queen Machina listen in foreground, King Mondo talks, then turns to our left.

OH #33.

Line of resurrected monsters walks to our upper right, Drillmaster, Hose Head, Silo, Mechanizer.

Cuts before we see Hydro-Contaminator; transitions out.

OH #01.

Close-up on Zeonizer, the golden disc thing pops up, releasing a shimmering green light.


PRZ 345 & OH #13.

Kat calls for Zeo Ranger 1, Pink, as said color energy flashes about, a green grid overlaying on her body. Briefly, we cut to an outstretched arm morphing into a gloved Zeo Ranger hand. Cut back to Kat, as the rising energy covers her completely, becoming the Pink Zeo Ranger, visor and costume circuits shimmering with power.


PRZ 345 & OH #06.

Tanya calls for Zeo Ranger 2, Yellow, as said color energy flashes about, a green grid overlaying on her body. The rising energy covers her completely, becoming the Yellow Zeo Ranger, visor and costume circuits shimmering with power.


PRZ 345 & OH #05.

Rocky calls for Zeo Ranger 3, Blue, as said color energy flashes about, a green grid overlaying on his body. The rising energy covers him completely, becoming the Blue Zeo Ranger, visor and costume circuits shimmering with power.


PRZ 345 & OH #06.

Adam calls for Zeo Ranger 4, Green, as said color energy flashes about, a green grid overlaying on his body. The rising energy covers him completely, becoming the Green Zeo Ranger, visor and costume circuits shimmering with power.


PRZ 345 & OH #01.

Tommy calls for Zeo Ranger 5, Red, as said color energy flashes about, a green grid overlaying on his body. The rising energy covers him completely, becoming the Red Zeo Ranger, visor and costume circuits shimmering with power.


OH #29.

Against a black backdrop, the five Rangers reach up, as the Zeo Cannon materializes between their grasp, which they lower.


OH #29.

Against a black backdrop, the other four Rangers hold the Zeo Cannon, as Red pulls open its back. He then loads in his power cell. The team does some arm motioning as Ranger-colored energy streaks about,.


OH #29.

Red pulls the huge trigger, firing combined power blast forth from Zeo Cannon.


OH #08.

Close-up on Orbus' upper half, his head retracting into his body.


OH #08.

Zoom in as Orbus is flung to our left through the air. Repeats twice for effect.


OH #08.

Close-up on Orbus, raising his head and extending his neck, zoom in as he opens his mouth and sticks his robo-proboscis out.


OH #08.

Close on Orbus inserting his golden metal mouth tube into Silo's dataport hole.


OH #08.

Close, side shot, as Orbus remains connecting to Silo's hole, greenish energy rising up his extended neck pipe, causing his head to glow and for the mouth tube to inject this power into the monster.


OH #33.

Pan right as, side by side, the five Super Zeozords step forth and stand ready.

Prior Zords vs monsters sequence is cut.

OH #11 & #33.

King Mondo & Queen Machina watch Super Zeozords posing on the viewscreen, the Queen appearing agitated.

Recycled with recycled insert.

OH #11.

Queen Machina talks, heavily agitated, slapping her folded fan repeatedly, and gesturing it about, Prince Sprocket, Klank with Orbus, and King Mondo watching from the right.


OH #11.

Close on King Mondo, by Earth cut-out's edge, talking at us, motioning left arm about as he speaks.


OH #11.

Klank, Orbus on his shoulder, rushes around Prince Sprocket, nodding, clapping hands, and pointing to our slight right.

OH #11.

Close-up on Orbus, on Klank's shoulder, shake-talking.

OH #33.

Pull back away from the five Super Zeozords, standing still and posed, as Ranger colored energy streaks into each one.

Energy effects added.

OH #33.

Push in on Mechanizer, Silo, Hose Head, and Drillmaster, scrambling forth and spreading out.

Prior scene of Zords shooting monsters is cut.

OH #33.

Super Zeozords rush up, stop, Five turns to Three & Two, they head to our left, then turns to One & Four, they head to our right, leaving Five posing there.

OH #33.

Close on Silo, in the air, turning and taking off with his back jet boosters.

OH #33.

Super Zeozord One stands watching as Silo takes flight off in the sky.

OH #33.

Silo speeds off through the sky thanks to his boosters.

OH #33.

In his Super Zeozord cockpit, Red nod-talks, zoom in as he flips a control.

OH #33.

Super Zeozord Five rockets skyward via its booster boots.

OH #33.

Silo turns the other cheek, flying higher, but Super Zeozord Five follows, catching up quickly beneath him.

OH #33.

Things tint red as the action reaches the very upper atmosphere, Super Zeozord Five catches up to Silo, and begins to sparkily punch over at him.

OH #33.

Pan right as Super Zeozords One & Two slowly beat on Mechanizer.

OH #33.

In her Super Zeozord cockpit, Yellow looks to our left, nod-talks and raises a fist.

OH #33.

In her Super Zeozord cockpit, Pink looks to our right, nod-talks and gives a thumbs up.

OH #33.

Super Zeozords One & Two give Mechanizer a sparkily punch at the same time.

OH #33.

Super Zeozords One & Two gesture arms and unleash energy beams from their chest symbols.

OH #33.

Mechanizer, on his back, explodes massively, zoom out as Super Zeozords One & Two turn away from him and pose before the explosion, fist bumping.

OH #33.

High above the city, Hose Head has Super Zeozord Three in its tentacled grip.

OH #33.

In his Super Zeozord cockpit, Blue leans forth, then begins to quickly work controls.

OH #33.

Super Zeozord Three struggles profusely in Hose Head's grip, but is unable to get free.

OH #33.

In his Super Zeozord cockpit, zoom in as Blue flicks a switch.

OH #33.

Super Zeozord Three punches, then turns, back thrusters coming to life, apparently aiding in getting a little farther away from Hose Head's close grasp.

OH #33.

Super Zeozord Three pulls out its Super Zeo Laser Pistol, fires repeatedly into Hose Head, who explodes, finally releasing tentacles.

OH #33.

In his Super Zeozord cockpit, Blue motions arm in success, zoom out as he nod-talks.

OH #33.

Super Zeozord Four swims forth, deep underwater, just above the bottom.

OH #33.

In his Super Zeozord cockpit, Green glances from side to side, nod-talking.

OH #33.

Close zoom in on Super Zeozord Four, passing to our left underwater.

OH #33.

Drillmaster stirs to life, and sparkily strikes Super Zeozord Four's chest with his drill.

OH #33.

In his Super Zeozord cockpit, Green does his Kermit panic arm throw gesture as the place shakes, before gripping controls again.

OH #33.

Spark bursts randomly erupt as Drillmaster and Super Zeozord Four slowly fight at the bottom of the ocean.

OH #33.

In his Super Zeozord cockpit, Green punches fist to palm, zoom in as he grips controls with both hands.

OH #33.

Super Zeozord Four punches Drillmaster's drill off, sending the monster flying away, landing and exploding massively in foreground.

OH #33.

Super Zeozord Five chases Silo into space.

OH #33.

Silo turns and faces Super Zeozord Five across the inky void.

OH #33.

Silo fires missiles. Over and over for a total of ten.

OH #33.

Super Zeozord Five whips out its Super Power Sword, and slashes the approaching missiles to shreds.

OH #33.

Silo looks nervous as Super Zeozord Five approaches quickly, stabbing red-gleaming sword forth.

Cuts follow-up close-up on sword impaling Silo.

OH #33.

Impaled on the red glowing blade, Silo crackle with red electricity, then explodes massively before Super Zeozord Five.

OH #33.

Super Zeozord Five soars away from the brief explosion, and reenters the Earth's atmosphere.

OH #33.

Super Zeozords Three & Four, then One & Two, look up to the sky, and leap up.

OH #33.

Visible through the visor, Red sits in cockpit, nod-talking from side to side. Zoom out as Super Zeozord Five is joined in flight by the other four.

OH #33.

The five Super Zeozords soar through the sky, side by side formation, leaving contrails of Ranger colors.

Fades to black.

PRZ 412.

30 second montage of bloopers from the episode.

Altered to fit in end credits.