#199: PRZ 423: "A Brief Mystery of Time"
Features Footage from (bold = new footage):
Ohranger, episodes 1, 5, 6, 13, 14, 27, 34, 35, 36, 41, 43, & 44.
The complete program, from opening to end of Saban logo, lasts roughly 19:57;11.
Opening is about 0:30; by itself.
Ending is about 0:30; by itself.
Source | Description | Edit Note |
Zordon in his Power Chamber plasma tube. There's a few slight variations of his looking left or right more, but who cares? |
Number of uses: 5. |
Source | Description | Edit Note |
Original stock. |
Distant exterior front entry gateway path of Angel Grove High School, students moving about in all directions, traffic flows at bottom of screen. |
From same sequence as 402; fades in from black. |
MMPR 326. |
Exterior of Youth Center, teens walking in all directions, two by two. |
Recycled; fades in. |
OH #01. |
As a Gearship rises up in front of the screen, push forth and pan up along the orangey surface of the moon, stopping on a far exterior of the Machine Empire Skybase against the profile of the Earth. Quadrafighters walking to our right, others flying to our left in the distance, Gearships hovering about, and a group of Cogs walking on some scaffolding. |
Recycled. |
OH #14. |
On Machine Empire viewscreen, the six Rangers teens laugh. |
Recycled with US insert. |
OH #41. |
Prince Gasket talks while facing our slight left, as Archerina, next to him, responds with an excited brief squat. |
OH #41. |
Close on Archerina, talking all daintily. |
Recycled; mirror-flipped. |
OH #44. |
Close on Prince Gasket, starting talking with left hand gestures in front of Earth cut-out. |
Recycled; split. |
OH #14. |
On Machine Empire viewscreen, Chronosapios sits in the park. |
Recycled with US insert. |
OH #14 & 01. |
On Machine Empire viewscreen, Gearship lowers down and hovers over city, releasing Quadrafighters by the zillions. |
Recycled with recycled insert. |
OH #44. |
Close on Prince Gasket, finishing talking with left hand gestures in front of Earth cut-out. |
Recycled; split. |
OH #41. |
Close on Archerina, talking all daintily. |
Recycled. |
OH #41. |
Prince Gasket talks to our slight left, as Archerina stands by his side, but just behind. |
PRZ 423. |
Distant exterior front entry gateway path of Angel Grove High School, students moving about in all directions, traffic flows at bottom of screen. |
Recycled already. |
MMPR 107. |
Aerial circling view of Angel Grove Park. |
Recycled; transitions in. |
OH #01. |
Close-up on Zeonizer, the golden disc thing already popped up, releasing a shimmering green light. |
Recycled. |
PRZ 345 & OH #13. |
Kat calls for Zeo Ranger 1, Pink, as said color energy flashes about, a green grid overlaying on her body. Briefly, we cut to an outstretched arm morphing into a gloved Zeo Ranger hand. Cut back to Kat, as the rising energy covers her completely, becoming the Pink Zeo Ranger, visor and costume circuits shimmering with power. |
Recycled. |
PRZ 345 & OH #05. |
Rocky calls for Zeo Ranger 3, Blue, as said color energy flashes about, a green grid overlaying on his body. The rising energy covers him completely, becoming the Blue Zeo Ranger, visor and costume circuits shimmering with power. |
Recycled. |
PRZ 345 & OH #01. |
Tommy calls for Zeo Ranger 5, Red, as said color energy flashes about, a green grid overlaying on his body. The rising energy covers him completely, becoming the Red Zeo Ranger, visor and costume circuits shimmering with power. |
Recycled. |
OH #27. |
Golden Power Staff opens up and golden energies converge upon red gem top, causing the lights inside to flash. |
Recycled. |
PRZ 413. |
Jason shouts for Gold Ranger Power, uncrosses arms, as said color energy flashes about, a green grid overlaying on his body. The rising energy covers him completely, becoming the Gold Ranger, visor and costume circuits shimmering with power. |
Recycled. |
OH #01. |
As a Gearship rises up in front of the screen, push forth and pan up along the orangey surface of the moon, stopping on a far exterior of the Machine Empire Skybase against the profile of the Earth. Quadrafighters walking to our right, others flying to our left in the distance, Gearships hovering about, and a group of Cogs walking on some scaffolding. |
Recycled. |
OH #44. |
Close on Prince Gasket, talking with left hand gestures in front of Earth cut-out. |
Recycled. |
OH #41. |
Close on Archerina, talking all daintily. |
Recycled. |
OH #43. |
Prince Gasket walks forth and turns around to face Archerina, talking to her as she listens. |
Recycled. |
MMPR 106. |
Exterior of Youth Center, guy on skateboard gets off it and walks. Van passes by. Several people head inside, one is coming out. |
Recycled; transitions in. |
PRZ 423. |
Distant exterior front entry gateway path of Angel Grove High School, students moving about in all directions, traffic flows at bottom of screen. |
Recycled again. |
MMPR 116. |
Aerial circling view of Angel Grove Park, picnic table visible. |
Recycled but unaltered; transitions in. |
MMAR 342. |
Upward angle on the Command Center exterior, showing much of the mountain below it. |
Recycled. |
MMPR 107. |
Aerial circling view of Angel Grove Park. |
Recycled; Altered to fit in Viewing Screen. |
OH #01. |
Gearship lowers down and hovers over city, releasing Quadrafighters by the zillions. |
Recycled; altered to fit in Viewing Screen. |
OH #01. |
Close on a few Quadrafighters floating toward the screen, the Cogs pilots punching a fist in the air, as a huge Gearship spins in the distance. |
Recycled; altered to fit in Viewing Screen. |
OH #01. |
Downward angle on four Quadrafighters flying over the city, with a Gearship lagging behind them. |
Recycled; altered to fit in Viewing Screen. |
OH #01. |
Close-up on Zeonizer, the golden disc thing already popped up, releasing a shimmering green light. |
Recycled. |
PRZ 345 & OH #13. |
Kat calls for Zeo Ranger 1, Pink, as said color energy flashes about, a green grid overlaying on her body. Briefly, we cut to an outstretched arm morphing into a gloved Zeo Ranger hand. Cut back to Kat, as the rising energy covers her completely, becoming the Pink Zeo Ranger, visor and costume circuits shimmering with power. |
Recycled. |
PRZ 345 & OH #06. |
Tanya calls for Zeo Ranger 2, Yellow, as said color energy flashes about, a green grid overlaying on her body. The rising energy covers her completely, becoming the Yellow Zeo Ranger, visor and costume circuits shimmering with power. |
Recycled. |
PRZ 345 & OH #05. |
Rocky calls for Zeo Ranger 3, Blue, as said color energy flashes about, a green grid overlaying on his body. The rising energy covers him completely, becoming the Blue Zeo Ranger, visor and costume circuits shimmering with power. |
Recycled. |
PRZ 345 & OH #06. |
Adam calls for Zeo Ranger 4, Green, as said color energy flashes about, a green grid overlaying on his body. The rising energy covers him completely, becoming the Green Zeo Ranger, visor and costume circuits shimmering with power. |
Recycled. |
PRZ 345 & OH #01. |
Tommy calls for Zeo Ranger 5, Red, as said color energy flashes about, a green grid overlaying on his body. The rising energy covers him completely, becoming the Red Zeo Ranger, visor and costume circuits shimmering with power. |
Recycled. |
OH #27. |
Golden Power Staff opens up and golden energies converge upon red gem top, causing the lights inside to flash. |
Recycled. |
PRZ 413. |
Jason shouts for Gold Ranger Power, uncrosses arms, as said color energy flashes about, a green grid overlaying on his body. The rising energy covers him completely, becoming the Gold Ranger, visor and costume circuits shimmering with power. |
Recycled. |
OH #01. |
Far exterior of the Machine Empire Skybase against the profile of the Earth. Quadrafighters walking to our right, others flying to our left in the distance, Gearships hovering about, and a group of Cogs walking on some scaffolding. |
Recycled. |
OH #44. |
Close on Prince Gasket, talking with left hand gestures in front of Earth cut-out. |
Recycled; plays in reverse. |
OH #01. |
Far exterior of the Machine Empire Skybase against the profile of the Earth. In the distance, Gearships hovering about, exhaust pipes spewing balls of fire into the atmosphere. |
Recycled. |
OH #41. |
Close on Archerina, talking all daintily. |
Recycled. |
OH #43. |
Prince Gasket walks forth and turns around to face Archerina, talking to her as she listens. |
Recycled. |
OH #43. |
Side angle on Prince Gasket, raising his left hand and clenching it slowly into a fist. Archerina then hops in and excitedly grabs his hand. |
Recycled, trimmed slightly. |
OH #43. |
Orbus lands on the unconscious body of Protectron. |
Prior fight sequence cut, for no particular reason I can tell. |
OH #43. |
Close on Orbus, extending his neck then his robo-proboscis, spewing greenish energy upon Protectron. |
OH #43. |
In a flash, an expanding series of blue-energy shapes cause Protectron to grow gigantically above us. |
OH #43. |
The five Super Zeozords are fired skyward from the hangar cannon. |
Recycled. |
OH #34. |
The five Super Zeozords fly to our left, coming side by side, colored energy streaking into each head. |
Recycled; energy effects added. |
OH #43. |
Visible through the visor, Red motions about in cockpit, zoom out as the five Super Zeozords transform into component parts while falling through the air, all five in alignment as they stack up together on the ground: One as feet, Four as legs, Three as hips, Five as chest, Two as shoulders, head, and arms, landing with steam release as the Super Zeo Megazord. |
Recycled. |
OH #43. |
Close on the helmet visor, the five Rangers inside visible gesturing fists, zoom out as Super Zeo Megazord poses with clenched fists. |
Recycled; trimmed, per source. |
OH #43. |
Protectron gestures hands for face and fires energy spheres from forehead gem. |
OH #43. |
Energy spheres crash, spark-splosively, into Super Zeo Megazord. |
Energy effects added. |
OH #43. |
Super Zeo Megazord cockpit sparks and smokes, slow zoom in on Red as he nod-talks and points to our slight left, before nod-talking forth. |
OH #43. |
Super Zeo Megazord pulls out and crosses twin blades, sending a golden beam from them forth, the beam spark bursting upon impact with Protectron's forehead gem. |
Beam added to second shot. |
OH #43. |
Super Zeo Megazord slashes both twin blades forth, spark bursting Protectron. |
OH #35. |
Zoom in on Red in Super Zeo Megazord cockpit, nod-talking gently. |
OH #43. |
Energy spheres uncrash, de-spark-splosively, out from Super Zeo Megazord. |
Recycled, plays in reverse, energy effects included. |
OH #43. |
Energy spheres fired from forehead gem return to Protectron as he gestures hands to face. Then things play forward again. |
Recycled; plays in reverse, then plays forward. |
OH #43. |
Energy spheres crash, spark-splosively, into Super Zeo Megazord. |
Recycled, energy effects included. |
OH #43. |
Zoom in on Red in Super Zeo Megazord cockpit, nod-talking into left wrist. |
OH #43. |
Fired by the hangar cannon, Warrior Wheel rolls forth in front of snowy mountain peaks. |
Recycled. |
OH #43. |
Warrior Wheel in wheel form leaps upward. |
Recycled. |
OH #43. |
Super Zeo Megazord gently catches Warrior Wheel in its right hand, balancing it with its left hand. |
Recycled. |
OH #43. |
In Super Zeo Megazord cockpit, all five Rangers raise right fists, left hands across against right elbows, then motion right hands forth. |
Recycled. |
OH #43. |
Against a cloudy backdrop, Super Zeo Megazord bowls Warrior Wheel forth, it rolls for a bit before springing upward into warrior form. |
Recycled. |
OH #43. |
As red energy flames swirl about, Warrior Wheel falls through the air, slowly glowing brightly red. |
Recycled. |
OH #43. |
Red beams streak into Protectron, causing a bright flaring, before exploding massively, Warrior Wheel materializes in the foreground, posing. |
OH #36. |
Warrior Wheel makes excited gesture, as he Super Zeo Megazord turn to each other, and fist bump. |
Recycled, but runs fully for first time. |
OH #36. |
As Warrior Wheel breaks fist bump, zoom in on the face of the Super Zeo Megazord. |
Recycled. |
MMPR 326. |
Close, exterior of Youth Center, as girl in pink sweater walks between cars and girl with purse joins her from other direction. |
Recycled; fades in from black. |
PRZ 423. |
30 second montage of bloopers from the episode. |
Altered to fit in end credits. |