#215: PRT 439: "Weight and See".
Features Footage from (bold = new footage):
Carranger, episode 11.
The complete program, from opening to end of Saban logo, lasts roughly 20:15;25.
Opening is about 0:30; by itself.
Ending is about 0:30; by itself.
Source | Description | Edit Note |
Here are all the shots of Dimitria in this episode. |
Number of uses: 5. |
Here are all the establishing shots of the Subcraft in this episode. |
Number of uses: . |
Source | Description | Edit Note |
PRZ 346. |
Exterior of Youth Center, as woman in pink and girl in blue head inside, guy from red car heads that way, glancing over at two girls approaching from our right. |
Recycled; fades in from black. |
MMAR 342. |
Upward angle on the Command Center exterior, the mountain beneath it dominating the shot.. |
Recycled; fades in from black. |
PRZ 346. |
The Power Chamber's four-light alarm turns on and spins around, clockwise. |
Recycled. |
Justin morphs into Blue Turbo Ranger, and grows, via the power of Mountain Blaster. |
Recycled. |
Adam morphs into Green Turbo Ranger via the power of Desert Thunder. |
Recycled. |
Tanya morphs into Yellow Turbo Ranger via the power of Dune Star. |
Recycled. |
Tommy morphs into Red Turbo Ranger via the power of Red Lightning. |
Recycled. |
CAR #11. |
The four Rangers stop on the beach and turn around to face Numbor, who gets up off the ground and faces them wobbly. |
A lot of prior usable fight stuff is cut. |
CAR #11. |
Zoom in on Blue, as he gestures fist, squats down for a moment, and nod-talks, then pan over to Green, who pats fist to palm and points forth. |
CAR #11. |
Zoom in past Blue & Green, onto Numbor, pointing at them and talking. |
CAR #11. |
Close on Red, reacting. |
Cuts before pan around to other three reacting. |
CAR #11. |
Zoom out from Numbor as he whips out a 4 and pitches it forth, causing explosions around the four Rangers, sending them flying and falling roughly. |
4 added to initial explosion shot. |
CAR #11. |
Pan across the four downed Rangers, lying writhing on the rocky ground. |
CAR #11. |
Zoom in over the four downed Rangers, onto Numbor, talking and motioning hand. |
Cuts follow-up close on his staff. |
Kat morphs into Pink Turbo Ranger via the power of Wind Chaser. |
Recycled. |
CAR #11. |
Zoom in over the four downed Rangers, onto Numbor, holding a big 9 that he lifts over his head and prepares to throw, when he turns and notices something. |
Prior explosions on Rangers replaced by US footage, cuts follow-up reaction due to unmorphed Pink. |
CAR #11. |
Sharp zoom in on Yellow, talking to our slight left. |
Cuts surrounding shots due to unmorphed Pink. |
CAR #11. |
Close on Numbor, holding 9 down and nod-talking to our slight right. |
Cuts surrounding shots due to unmorphed Pink. |
CAR #11. |
Briefly glowing, Pink Ranger ceases her morph-gesture as she races forth in slow motion. |
Cuts start to remove unmorphed Pink. |
CAR #11. |
Pink leaps up and jump kicks into Numbor, knocking his 9 away where it explodes. |
CAR #11. |
Numbor falls as Pink lands and turns. The monster reaches out in protest, whole Pink motions hands about and nods with a fist. |
CAR #11. |
This would be Pink Turbo Ranger's roll-call sequence. |
CAR #11. |
The other four Rangers get up and watch closely. |
CAR #11. |
Numbor & Pink race into battle with one another, meeting half-way, where Pink ducks his staff, then grabs his arm, knees away his staff, then flips him over. |
CAR #11. |
Pink kicks into Numbor, again and again, until he falls down. |
CAR #11. |
Pink races forth, Numbor pitches another 9, it dust bursts but she's undeterred, to his chagrin, as she leaps up and jumpkicks both feet into him. |
CAR #11. |
Pink dives forth, chopping both hands into Numbor's neck, knocking him down. |
CAR #11. |
Pink grabs the downed Numbor's legs and spins him around and around like a helicopter before flinging him away, where he lands roughly, getting up in a daze. |
CAR #11. |
Numbor's dizzy POV of Pink flexing both arms, is followed by the monster rubbing his eyes while stabilizing his vision. |
Replaces follow-up wind-up punch section with US. |
CAR #11. |
Close on Numbor falling back and up. |
Cuts Pink's punch into his chin and nose, which was replaced with US punch to gut. Also cuts follow-up shot. |
CAR #11. |
Numbor is flung into the air and crashes into a puddle of water. |
CAR #11. |
As Numbor lies in the puddle, zoom in onto Pink, posing with her fist. |
CAR #11. |
The other four Rangers make proud gestures, before rushing off. |
CAR #11. |
The Rangers regroup around Pink, giving her shoulder pats, as they then face the monster together. |
Altered to fit in Periscope vision. |
PRT 441. |
Close-up of Rygog pressing down on torpedo launch button. |
Recycled. |
PRT 434. |
Pair of torpedoes tear through the water. |
Recycled. |
PRT 441. |
Pair of torpedoes rise up from the lake. |
Recycled. |
CAR #11. |
Numbor rises up above us, gigantically. |
Prior shots of monster eating food and steaming are cut. |
CAR #11. |
Zoom in on the five Rangers reacting, while Pink gets to do the Zord summoning. |
CAR #11. |
The five Turbozords suddenly speed off of their spots in the hangar garage. |
CAR #11. |
The giant Turbozords drive up the ramp and into the city. |
Recycled. |
CAR #11. |
Zoom out as the five Turbozords spread out across dusty terrain. |
Recycled. |
CAR #11. |
Zoom out from Red in cockpit of Red Lightning. |
Recycled. Cuts gear shifting and other Rangers' cockpit shots. |
CAR #11. |
Wind Chaser shifts its doors out. |
Recycled. |
CAR #11. |
The two halves of Wind Chaser attach to Mountain Blaster. |
Recycled. |
CAR #11. |
Desert Thunder & Dune Star, connected, turn around, driving backwards together. |
Recycled. |
CAR #11. |
Desert Thunder/Dune Star docks with Mountain Blaster/Wind Chaser. |
Recycled. |
CAR #11. |
Red Lightning drives off the side of the cliff, flying through the air and landing perfectly within the other four Turbozords. |
Recycled. |
CAR #11. |
In the Megazord cockpit, all five Rangers lift their Turbo Keys, then raise them, before inserting them on the console, and turning. |
Recycled. |
CAR #11. |
The wheels lock up, and sending the combined five Turbozords up into a sudden standing position, the Rangers watching. |
Recycled. |
CAR #11. |
The head shifts out onto the top, the chest grill lights and head's lights coming on, as it finishes standing straight up. |
Recycled. |
CAR #11. |
Zoom out as Turbo Megazord stands completed amid crashing lightning. |
Recycled. |
CAR #11. |
Numbor motions index finger about, then holds up a 1. |
CAR #11. |
Zoom in on Dragonzord's favorite snack treat, the candy-cane striped smokestack. |
CAR #11. |
Now holding a smokestack, Numbor fires it forth, spark bursting Turbo Megazord. |
CAR #11. |
Numbor motions a peace sign, or rather, two fingers, before holding up a 2. |
CAR #11. |
Special guest stars, Howard and Donald. |
CAR #11. |
Numbor whips out a huge toy duck, that fires yellow duck beams forth into Turbo Megazord, warping it sonically. |
CAR #11. |
In the Megazord cockpit, the Rangers grip their helmets, zoom in on Blue as he makes an L with his thumb and index finger, then hits a button. |
CAR #11. |
Turbo Megazord motions arms and fires beams from its chest headlights, spark bursting Numbor's duck away. |
CAR #11. |
Numbor holds up a 3, and nod-talks about it. |
Cuts follow-up of Japanese baby's ear. |
CAR #11. |
Numbor holds up a small ear, then looks at it and slams it into the ground. |
CAR #11. |
Zoom in on Turbo Megazord. |
Cuts follow-up of Pink turning wheel and Megazord face-punching monster. |
CAR #11. |
In Megazord cockpit, zoom in on Pink as Red nod-talks to her, she crosses arms, then raises a thumb. |
CAR #11. |
The Turbo Megazord Saber forms in a shimmer of energy and a flash of fire behind it, before holding it forth and ready. |
Recycled. |
CAR #11. |
Side close angle on Turbo Megazord, pressing forth. |
Recycled. |
CAR #11. |
Turbo Megazord glides along to our left on one foot, the Rangers remaining silent and unmoving. |
Recycled. |
CAR #11. |
Zoom in on Numbor, acting nervous. |
CAR #11. |
Quick repeating of it gliding to our left, zoom in on Turbo Megazord speeding through the darkness. |
Recycled. |
CAR #11. |
Track left in Megazord cockpit, Red seemingly saying something as he grips controls. |
Recycled. |
CAR #11. |
Turbo Megazord spins out, twirling its gleaming sword in its tornado-like twist. |
Recycled. |
CAR #11. |
This same shot of the Megazord cockpit quickly tracks left repeatedly to imply motion a few times. |
Recycled. |
CAR #11. |
Close on Numbor, covering mouth and pointing in horror. |
CAR #11. |
Turbo Megazord, within its energy twister, engulfs Numbor within it, slashing through him with a shimmering of the blade. |
Partially recycled. |
CAR #11. |
Turbo Megazord suddenly ceases spinning, facing our left with saber held forth. |
Recycled. |
CAR #11. |
As Turbo Megazord remains with its back to the monster while partially in frame, Numbor violently spark bursts behind it. |
CAR #11. |
Turbo Megazord remains posed with saber held outward, as a massive explosion erupts behind it. |
Recycled. |
CAR #11. |
Close on Pink in Megazord, slapping hands together and raising arms in triumph. |
CAR #11. |
Close on Turbo Megazord's chest headlights, flashing to life. |
CAR #11. |
Upward track around and push in on Turbo Megazord, lowering sword triumphantly beneath the blue sky. |
Recycled. |
PRT 439. |
30 second deleted scene from the episode. |
Altered to fit in end credits. |