#225: PRT 504: "Stitch Witchery".
Features Footage from (bold = new footage):
Carranger, episodes 12, 14, 17, & 29.
The complete program, from opening to end of Saban logo, lasts roughly 21:15;28.
Opening is about 0:30; by itself.
Commercial bumpers are about 0:05; each, times six for 0:30 worth total.
Ending is about 0:30; by itself.
Opening Credits (version 2 debuts)
Source | Description | Edit Note |
Cut from international, Netflix, and DVD releases, these bumpers were originally used starting with this episode. They were taken from various eps of Carranger, with the "Carranger" writing removed. |
Yellow was used twice. |
Source | Description | Edit Note |
MMPR 141. |
Distant exterior front entry gateway path of Angel Grove High School, a pack of students seemingly leaving. |
Recycled; Fades in from black. |
Original stock. |
Ashley morphs into the Yellow Turbo Ranger. |
Original stock. |
Four square shot of Justin & Carlos, and Ashley & Cassie morphing into Turbo Rangers. |
Ashley's is recycled already. |
Original stock. |
TJ morphs into the Red Turbo Ranger. |
CAR #17. |
The jacketed Blue Senturion finds himself surrounded by Rangers. |
Cuts prior shot of him walking into courtyard. |
CAR #17. |
Red Turbo Ranger poses in the sunlight. |
Cuts all follow-up other Ranger poses. |
CAR #17. |
The Rangers leap off the buildings, then stand together, fists raised. |
Cuts follow-up group posing sequence. |
CAR #17. |
Blue Senturion lowers his Synergizer, and puts his whistle to his mouth, zoom in as he blows on it. |
Cuts prior shots of monster with General Havoc; trims start to remove flashing. |
CAR #17. |
Robo Racer speeds down the street, flanked on its sides by Matchbox Police Cars. |
Recycled. |
CAR #17. |
The Rangers react. |
CAR #17. |
Robo Racer continues driving forth. |
Recycled. |
CAR #17. |
Jacketed Blue Senturion lands in his cockpit, and begins steering. |
CAR #17. |
Robo Racer's roof lights flash. |
Recycled; cuts follow-up blasting of Rangers. |
CAR #17. |
In cockpit, jacketed Blue Senturion raises his right hand briefly. |
CAR #17. |
Robo Racer drives into a tunnel. |
Recycled. |
CAR #17. |
Inside the tunnel, Robo Racer continues driving. jacketed Blue Senturion talks and shifts gear, causing his Zord to shift around, transforming out of patrol car mode. Upon exiting the tunnel, Robo Racer lifts off the road, and finishes transforming into robotic Zord mode in a flash of blue energy, saluting before his giant badge symbol. |
Recycled; cuts one additional shot near start. |
CAR #17. |
Zoom in on Red as he puts his right hand to his ear and summons. |
Trims start to remove other Rangers' wacky mannerisms. |
CAR #17. |
The giant Turbozords drive up the ramp and into the city. |
Recycled. |
CAR #17. |
Zoom out as the five Turbozords spread out across dusty terrain. |
Recycled; cuts follow-up Red in cart docking shots. |
CAR #17. |
Zoom out from Red in cockpit of Red Lightning. |
Recycled; cuts follow-up pedal press & other Rangers' cockpits. |
CAR #17. |
The two halves of Wind Chaser attach to Mountain Blaster as it speeds between them. |
Recycled. |
CAR #17. |
Desert Thunder & Dune Star, connected, turn around, driving backwards together. |
Recycled. |
CAR #17. |
Red Lightning drives off the side of the cliff, flying through the air and landing perfectly within the other four Turbozords. |
Recycled. |
CAR #17. |
In the Megazord cockpit, all five Rangers lift their Turbo Keys, then raise them, before Red inserts his on the console, and turning. |
Recycled. |
CAR #17. |
Red releases key, then grabs steering wheel, which shifts away its grey parts. |
Recycled. |
CAR #17. |
Red steps on brake, causing the wheels to lock up, and sending the combined five Turbozords up into a sudden standing position, the Rangers watching. |
Recycled. |
CAR #17. |
The head shifts out onto the top, the chest grill lights and head's lights coming on, as it finishes standing straight up. |
Recycled. |
CAR #17. |
Zoom out as Turbo Megazord stands completed amid crashing lightning. |
Recycled. |
CAR #17. |
Robo Racer and Turbo Megazord march into the city and exchange blows, almost equally. |
Cuts follow-up of monster sewing giant coat with Havoc; also cut are two usable RR vs TM blows. |
CAR #17. |
Turbo Megazord hits Robo Racer once more, with sparks. |
Cuts follow-up rocket liftoff shot. |
CAR #17. |
Rocket flies through the city with a huge green coat attached, hitting Robo Racer, causing it to suddenly be wearing the coat. |
CAR #17. |
Slow zoom in on cockpit, as the Rangers watch, Pink talking to Red. |
Cuts follow-ups of Havoc using remote on Robo Racer. |
CAR #17. |
Jacketed Robo Racer whips out its wrist gauntlet blades, and sparkily slashes Turbo Megazord repeatedly. |
CAR #17. |
The Turbo Megazord cockpit spark and smoke bursts. |
Cuts before zoom in on Green. |
CAR #17. |
Close on Yellow in cockpit, talking. |
Cuts follow-up group cockpit shot. |
CAR #17. |
Turbo Megazord grabs and holds the jacketed Robo Racer tightly in place. |
CAR #17. |
Zoom in the cockpit onto Red, as he gives a thumbs up, slides off his safety harness and exits. |
CAR #17. |
Red leaps off Turbo Megazord, onto the jacketed Robo Racer. |
Cuts multiple follow-up cockpit and Zord fight shots. |
CAR #17. |
Zoom out from jacketed Blue Senturion in cockpit, as Red tries to take off the coat, only to get gut punched away. |
CAR #17. |
Red glances about, and spots Delisha Ennivel on the ground below. |
Cuts wide shot between due to Havoc; cuts multiple follow-up cockpit and Zord fight shots. |
CAR #17. |
Blue Senturion suddenly unconscious, Red strips him of his jacket, causing him to wake up, talk to him, and soon give a thumbs up. |
Cuts follow-up Chromite fight, cuts Delisha vs Turbo Megazord shot, and more Red & BS cockpit stuff. |
CAR #17. |
As Blue Senturion talks facing forth, Red exits the cockpit. |
Trims start to remove his turning his head. |
CAR #17. |
Red leaps off of jacketed Robo Racer with a Turbo Blade in hand (shh). |
CAR #17. |
In his cockpit, Blue Senturion raises his left fist in front of his face in a rage. |
CAR #17. |
Robo Racer rips off its jacket's sleeves, then the rest, and stomps on it. |
Cuts follow-up remaining Chromite & Elgar fight. |
PRT 441. |
Close-up of Rygog pressing down on torpedo launch button. |
Recycled. |
PRT 434. |
Pair of torpedoes tear through the water. |
Recycled. |
PRT 441. |
Pair of torpedoes rise up from the lake and shoot off into the sky. |
Recycled. |
CAR #17. |
Delisha Ennivel rises up above us, gigantically. |
Cuts prior steaming shot; pushed back from source position; cuts before prayer gesturing. |
CAR #17. |
Delisha Ennivel fires a patchwork beam at Turbo Megazord, spark bursting it. |
CAR #29. |
As the cockpit spark bursts from above and the side, the Rangers react in agony. |
Replaces Pink & Yellow only cockpit shot from 17. |
CAR #17. |
Turbo Megazord spark bursts some more. |
CAR #17. |
Delisha shoots off some cloth tentacles from her arms, wrapping Turbo Megazord up, then sending a jolt of electricity through them into the Megazord, spark bursting it. |
CAR #12. |
The cockpit shakes, as the Rangers hold on, Blue nod-talking. |
Recycled; replaces another Pink & Yellow only shot. |
CAR #17. |
Robo Racer slashes the cloth tentacles apart, before sparkily slashing Delisha. |
CAR #17. |
Delisha fires off some more cloth tentacles (blue, green, yellow, and red(, ensnaring Robo Racer which she then electrocutes. |
CAR #14. |
The cockpit shakes and flashes, the Rangers holding on tightly. |
Recycled; replaces Red & others reentering cockpit shot. |
CAR #17. |
In cockpit, Red punches fist to palm, looks to our left, pan over to Blue, giving a thumbs up, then makes an L-shape with his fingers, before pressing down. |
Trims start to remove Red getting strapped in. |
CAR #17. |
A button is pressed, the Turbo Megazord chest headlights come on, a quick motioning of the arms and the headlights fire a reddish beam with blue electricity forth |
Recycled. |
CAR #17. |
Delisha spark bursts, releasing her cloth wrap hold on Robo Racer. |
CAR #17. |
In Robo Racer cockpit, Blue Senturion motions and gestures left hand, zoom in as he reaches down and shifts gear, causing chest headlights to light up. Robo Racer pulls out a wrist blaster on its right arm, which it points forth and fires repeated bursts of energy. |
Recycled; cuts close-up blasting shots. |
CAR #17. |
Delisha rapidly spark bursts, before finally exploding massively. |
CAR #17. |
In Megazord cockpit, zoom in on Red as he crosses arms, raises a thumb, then pulls down gearshift. |
Recycled. |
CAR #17. |
Turbo Megazord's Saber forms from electricity, with a shimmer of energy and a flash of fire behind it. |
Recycled. |
CAR #17. |
Side close angle on Turbo Megazord, pressing forth. |
Recycled. |
CAR #17. |
On one foot, leaning forth, Turbo Megazord speeds directly at us down a vast, endless dirt road. |
Recycled. |
CAR #17. |
Zoom in on Delisha, reacting in horror. |
CAR #17. |
Quick repeating of it gliding to our left, zoom in on Turbo Megazord speeding through the darkness. |
Recycled. |
CAR #17. |
Turbo Megazord spins out, twirling its gleaming sword in its tornado-like twist. |
Recycled. |
CAR #12. |
This same shot of the Megazord cockpit quickly tracks left repeatedly to imply motion a few times. |
Recycled. |
CAR #17. |
Close on Delisha, putting her hands to her cheeks in fear. |
CAR #17. |
Turbo Megazord, within its energy twister, engulfs Delisha within it, slashing through her with a shimmering of the blade. |
First shot is recycled. |
CAR #17. |
Turbo Megazord suddenly ceases spinning, facing our left with saber held forth. |
Recycled. |
CAR #17. |
As Turbo Megazord remains with its back to the monster while partially in frame, Delisha violently spark bursts behind it. |
CAR #17. |
Turbo Megazord remains posed with saber held outward, as a massive explosion erupts behind it. |
Recycled; cuts follow-up Havoc escape. |
CAR #17. |
Pull away, upward angle, as Turbo Megazord & Robo Racer lower their weapons triumphantly. |
PRT 504. |
30 second montage of bloopers from the episode. |
Altered to fit in end credits. |