
Power Rangers Turbo

#234: PRT 513: "Clash of the Megazords".

Features Footage from (bold = new footage):
Carranger, episodes 1, 20, 30, 31, 32, & 35.

The complete program, from opening to end of Saban logo, lasts roughly 21:14;16.

Last Time On is about 0:30; by itself.

Opening is about 0:30; by itself.

Commercial bumpers are about 0:05; each, times six for 0:30 worth total.

Ending is about 0:30; by itself.

Opening Credits (version 2.3 debuts)

Source Description Edit Note


Here are the shots of Dimitria in this episode.

Number of uses: 3.


Two new designed ones debut, altered to remove "Carranger" and unmorphed Cars' faces.

Regular Red used 3 times.

Source Description Edit Note

MMAR 342.

Upward angle on the Command Center exterior, the mountain beneath it dominating the shot.

Recycled; fades in from black.

CAR #01.

The Space Base twirls in space.


CAR #30.

Zoom out as Porto supervises some lab-coat-wearing Chromites, inspecting the Turbo Megazord cockpit.


PRT 504.

Four square shot of Justin & Carlos, and Ashley & Cassie morphing into Turbo Rangers.


PRT 504.

TJ morphs into the Red Turbo Ranger.


CAR #32.

Rygog grabs an old-style telephone and talks into it.

Cuts prior Rygog shot, and cuts away before pan over to TV screen.

CAR #32.

As TV screen shows Turbo Megazord, pan over to Rygog talking into an old-style telephone, which he then hangs up.

Recycled already, but runs fully, in reverse.

CAR #32.

A pack of giant batteries are lowered onto Turbo Megazord, as Elgar & Porto watch. Once attached, the yellow eyes of the MZ turn red with evil, prompting Porto to turn to Elgar, talking.

Cuts before Elgar responds and turns around.

CAR #20.

Zoom out as Red pilots Lightning Cruiser, talking with hand gesturing.

Fades in from black.

CAR #20.

Close on Lightning Cruiser's left headlight as it blinks to imply recognition.


CAR #20.

Close, side angle, on Red in Lightning Cruiser, nod-talking as he touches his ear.

CAR #20.

Close on Lightning Cruiser tilting from its left to its right as Red Ranger pilots.


CAR #32.

Evil Turbo Megazord raises its head and lifts off from the hangar, Elgar & Porto surprised.

Cuts a prior shot of Rygog talking, and the MZ lifting its arms.

CAR #32.

A TV screen shows Turbo Megazord departing Space Base, then flying to Earth, pan over to Rygog, talking a lot with a riding crop in hand.

Fades to black.

CAR #32.

Turbo Megazord drops into the city, quaking the place, the Rangers watching in shock as it poses.

CAR #32.

Crosspatch sits in the main seat of the Turbo Megazord cockpit, with Chromites at the other stations. He talks, they respond, then he talks some more, before gripping the gearshift, causing the battery pack to charge up, he presses a pedal, the eyes of the MZ flash evilly .

CAR #32.

Turbo Megazord marches left into the city, as the Rangers watch, talking concernedly amongst themselves.

CAR #32.

Close on Red, touching his ear and summoning.

CAR #35.

The Zord hangar opens up, revealing the garage where Artillatron and the other Zords (shh! Ignore the Turbozords!) are held when not in use. Upon being released, Artillatron slowly begins to roll out.

Prior shot of hangar cut. Last shot is recycled but runs fully.

CAR #35.

Artillatron drives out of the Tokyo... err, Angel Grove Dome.


CAR #35.

Track left as Artillatron slowly drives forth on a huge, empty, city street.


CAR #32.

Each of the Rangers land in the cockpit of their Rescuezord.

CAR #31.

Diagonally track leftish as the Artillatron segments open to reveal Rescuezords in each compartment.


CAR #35.

Red gives a victory sign, grabs gear, shifting, pressing pedal, and driving his Lightning Fire Tamer out of its Artillatron segment.

Recycled, except for first shot.

CAR #35.

Pink & Green shout out their Rescuezord names, then proceed to exit their Artillatron segment in Wind Rescue & Thunder Loader.


CAR #35.

Blue & Yellow shout out their Rescuezord names, then proceed to exit their Artillatron segment in Siren Blaster & Star Racer.


CAR #31.

Brief POV of the expansive road before them, the five Rescuezords racing along, side by side, as Artillatron stacks up behind them.


CAR #32.

The Rescuezords continue driving forth, lots of beauty shots of the detailed model work.


CAR #32.

The Rescuezords continue driving forth, running up to the camera.

CAR #35.

Pull out across the line of Rescuezords, Red visible in his cockpit window.


CAR #31.

Each of the HS Rescuezords transform into the various components and against a green circuit board, combine into the Rescue Megazord, which stands completed in the city with the Rangers briefly visible through the window.


CAR #31.

In the Rescue Megazord cockpit, the five Rangers glance about and react, followed by a semi-circle upward view of the finished Megazord.


CAR #32.

Turbo Megazord turns around and marches over to face Rescue Megazord.

CAR #32.

Slow zoom in on RMZ cockpit, Red nod-talking, punching fist to palm, then raising fist, before Rescue Megazord poses battle ready.

CAR #32.

Turbo Megazord points its fist forth, as inside, Crosspatch talks. Zoom out and pan down to focus on the battery pack, the sight of which makes Rescue Megazord react.

CAR #32.

In their cockpit, the Rangers react to the sight of the battery pack.

CAR #32.

Turbo Megazord whips out two batteries, then pitches them at Rescue Megazord, spark bursting it.

CAR #32.

Their cockpit sparks, zoom in on Green who nod-talks, then pan up to Yellow, who also speaks.

CAR #32.

Imaginary sequence of what would happen if the battery pack exploded, destroying the Turbo Megazord.

CAR #32.

In their cockpit, zoom out from Pink in a panic, to Blue nod-talking. Then zoom in on Red, really close to his visor.

CAR #32.

Turbo Megazord poses battle ready.

Cuts follow-up shots of RMZ, then a widescreen shot of the pair.

CAR #32.

Turbo Megazord faces Rescue Megazord, both posed, across the city,, neither making the first move.

CAR #32.

Birds fly out of the trees, as the sun begins to set on the scene, Turbo Megazord & Rescue Megazord remaining frozen, until Turbo lowers arms.

Note: Most of the dusk scenes are color-corrected in US to be less orange.

CAR #32.

Pull out from RMZ cockpit, as the Rangers wait patiently.

Recycled already, plays in reverse.

CAR #32.

In TMZ cockpit, Crosspatch nod-talks and gestures, pan over to blue Chromite, giving the L-finger salute, before pressing button, firing Turbo Megazord's chest headlights, the beam of which narrow misses Rescue Megazord, destroying a cardboard building.

CAR #32.

Turbo Megazord drops out of the sky with its glowing Yellow leg kicking forth, right into Rescue Megazord's chest, sparkily, knocking it back.

Glowing leg shot recycled, but dusk-tinted, per source.

CAR #32.

Turbo Megazord lands, whips out its Saber, then sparkily slashes Rescue Megazord a few times. RMZ tries to block, being defensive without any offense, and doesn't do too well, getting knocked back.

CAR #32.

In their cockpit, Red gets frustrated, slips out of his straps and stands up. Green responds, as does Yellow. Pink talks, then Blue. Red addresses them passionately, then begins to leave, stopping to talk to Yellow, finally heading out the back door, leaving Green & Blue talking about it, before Pink points forth.

Cuts prior cockpit shot.

CAR #32.

Turbo Megazord sparkily slashes Rescue Megazord a few more times.

CAR #32.

In the Turbo cockpit, Crosspatch talks, crossing arms, then motioning forth.

CAR #32.

Turbo Megazord spins out, twirling its gleaming sword in its tornado-like twist.

Recycled, but dusk-tinted, per source.

CAR #32.

This same shot of the Megazord cockpit quickly tracks left repeatedly to imply motion a few times.

CAR #32.

Turbo Megazord, within its energy twister, spins some more.


CAR #32.

Turbo Megazord sparkily slashes Rescue Megazord until it falls into a cardboard building, destroying it explosively.

CAR #32.

As a severed office building erupts into a series of explosions upon an overpass, the burned-out shell of an automobile is visibly flung about in the debris.

Recycled, dusk-tinted, per source.

CAR #32.

Tilted, smoking Rescue Megazord cockpit shakes.

CAR #32.

Driving Lightning Cruiser in ground mode across the city, Red steps on the accelerator, heading for the two Megazords on the horizon.

CAR #32.

Turbo approaches with Saber drawn, to the downed Rescue Megazord, which lies in the rubble.

CAR #32.

In the tilted Rescue Megazord cockpit, the four Rangers react in a panic.

CAR #32.

Turbo points its Saber at the downed Rescue Megazord, Crosspatch talks, then lifts up the steering column.

CAR #32.

As Turbo Megazord slowly raises its Saber overhead, the Rangers prepare for their impending doom.

CAR #32.

Lightning Cruiser swoops in, Red leaps off, and lands on Turbo Megazord, distracting Crosspatch enough to freeze before dropping the Saber.

CAR #32.

Red rushes into Turbo's cockpit, and engages in battle with Crosspatch, leaving the Megazord frozen in place.

Heavily trimmed to remove all of Red's attacks on Chromites.

CAR #32.

In Rescue cockpit, the Rangers talk to each other, and soon get the Megazord back on its feet.

CAR #32.

Zoom in on Turbo's solar plexus region, as inside, Red heads down some steps with Turbo Blade in hand.

Heavily trimmed to remove Red fighting Chromites & Crosspatch.

CAR #32.

Exiting a hatch onto the Blue stomach section of Turbo, Red glances about and goes over to the edge of the battery pack and bends down.

Follow-up shot shot of ruby is US, of course.

CAR #32.

Red is about to use his Blade, when Crosspatch comes out and the two duel, sword to sword, while the Rangers watch across the way in their cockpit.

CAR #32.

Red & Crosspatch continue to duel, until the Ranger ends up pinned down on the edge of the battery pack. He loses his Blade over the side, which worries his teammates.

CAR #32.

Still pinned down, Red grabs his holstered Auto Blaster, firing it upon Crosspatch, freeing himself enough to get up and kick the monster off the side of the Megazord, where he falls to the ground roughly.

Follow-up Ruby bit is US, of course.

CAR #32.

Red whips out Auto Blaster, charges it up, then blasts the battery pack off of the Megazord, sending it falling right onto Crosspatch, exploding on impact.

CAR #32.

Turbo Megazord lowers its arms, then its eyes turn back to yellow, prompting Red to give a thumbs up pose before rushing off.

CAR #32.

Rescue Megazord give a triumphant pose, as the Rangers within breathe a collective sigh of relief. Red then returns, nod-talking, before all resume their stations and talk a little bit.

Cuts follow-up Red shots.

PRT 441.

Close-up of Rygog pressing down on torpedo launch button.


CAR #32.

Crosspatch steams and turns red, growing gigantic directly before the Rescue Megazord, the Rangers reacting.

Cuts prior shot of monster eating food.

CAR #32.

Slow zoom in on the cockpit as Red nod-talks from left to right, addressing his team.

Cuts follow-up Ranger responses.

CAR #32.

Rescue Megazord punches Crosspatch sparkily, they then fight briefly, before Rescue kicks his feet out, flipping him over.

CAR #32.

Rescue Megazord turns and lowers arms, as inside, Red nod-talks, the Rangers all press button simultaneously.

CAR #32.

Zoom out from Artillatron, revealing its Artillery Cannons now loaded.

Recycled, darkened, per source.

CAR #32.

Artillatron beams its Artillery Cannons onto Rescue Megazord's arms.

Recycled, darkened, per source.

CAR #32.

Crosspatch points and talks as Rescue Megazord faces him with cannons armed.

CAR #32.

Zoom in slowly on Rescue cockpit, as the Rangers cross arms, then punch both fists forth.

CAR #32.

Rescue Megazord fires its Artillery Cannons forth. A whole lot. One cannon firing laser bullets, the other balls of flames.

Recycled, but darkened, per source.

CAR #32.

Struck by the artillery power, Crosspatch is overwhelmed by a superimposed explosion and bluish electricity.

CAR #32.

Crosspatch finishes exploding, zoom in through the smoke & flames onto Rescue Megazord.

CAR #32.

In Rescue cockpit, the male Rangers give gestures of excitement over the win.

CAR #32.

Upward semi-circle around Rescue Megazord lowering its Artillery-armed arms in triumph.

Fades to black. Cuts follow-ups of Rangers watching sunrise from cockpit, including shot of RMZ & TMZ together.

PRT 513.

30 second montage of bloopers from the episode.

Altered to fit in end credits.