
Power Rangers Turbo

#240: PRT 519: "Spirit of the Woods".

Features Footage from (bold = new footage):
Zyuranger, episodes 30, 45, & 48;
Ohranger, episode 15;
and Carranger, episodes 31, 35, 43, 44, & 45.

The complete program, from opening to end of Saban logo, lasts roughly 21:17;23.

Opening is about 0:30; by itself.

Commercial bumpers are about 0:05; each, times six for 0:30 worth total.

Ending is about 0:30; by itself.

Opening Credits

Source Description Edit Note


Here are the shots of Dimitria in this episode.

Number of uses: 2.


Or "eyecatches", if you prefer.

First one used 4 times; second one used twice.

Source Description Edit Note
MMPR 112.

Close on Youth Center sign.

Recycled; fades in from black.

PRT 504.

TJ morphs into the Red Turbo Ranger.


PRT 513.

Piranahtron patrol the balcony of the Space Base, the hatch is closed.


Original stock.

Angel Grove High School front entryway, students walking about, one standing, car traffic visible.

Still making use of stuff shot in season 1.

MMPR 217.

Darkened Command Center exterior, close, ground level angle.


ZYU #45.

Sun setting at dusk... or rather, rising at dawn, over a mountain.

Recycled, but unaltered; fades in from black; fades out.

PRT 504.

TJ morphs into the Red Turbo Ranger.


ZYU #30.

Storm clouds race at us on the horizon, blue lighting erupting amid.


ZYU #48.

Rolling horizon of dark clouds with blue lightning and flashes of energy crackling across intermittently.


OH #15.

Lightning crashes down against storm cloud background, one bolt to our lower right, the other to our lower left.


CAR #35.

Turbine Laser flies in, Red gestures, it lowers its wings into a stand, extends its cannon, lowers to the Rangers, who grip it.


CAR #35.

Turbine Laser's turbine spins with energy. The Rangers spread arms out as the Turbine Laser fires a spinning ball of flaming red energy forth.


PRT 441.

Close-up of Rygog pressing down on torpedo launch button.


PRT 514.

Pair of torpedos launch from the Space Base.


CAR #35.

Track left onto the closed Zord hangar.


CAR #35.

The Zord hangar opens up, revealing the garage where Artillatron and the other Zords are held when not in use. Upon being released, Artillatron slowly begins to roll out.


CAR #35.

Artillatron drives out of the Tokyo... err, Angel Grove Dome.


CAR #35.

Track left as Artillatron slowly drives forth on a huge, empty, city street.


CAR #31.

Artillatron pulls to a park.


CAR #31.

Each of the Rangers land in the cockpit of their Rescuezord.

Recycled; Red cut.

CAR #31.

Diagonally track leftish as the Artillatron segments open to reveal Rescuezords in each compartment.

Recycled; cuts before we see Red's Zord.

CAR #31.

Pink & Green shout out their Rescuezord names, then proceed to exit their Artillatron segment in Wind Rescue & Thunder Loader.


CAR #31.

Blue & Yellow shout out their Rescuezord names, then proceed to exit their Artillatron segment in Siren Blaster & Star Racer.


CAR #31.

Brief POV of the expansive road before them.


CAR #31.

Each of the Rescuezords transform back to High Stance from Rescue Megazord component modes against a green circuit board.

Recycled; each plays in reverse.

CAR #45.

The four HS Rescuezords dive in and stand before Lord Litter.

Cuts prior bit of Kittyzord vs monster.

CAR #43.

In her Rescuezord, Pink nods while leaning a little bit.

CAR #44.

Close on Yellow in Rescue Megazord cockpit (shh!), clenching her fist.


CAR #43.

In his Rescuezord, Green nods while reaching down and gripping gear.


CAR #45.

Artillatron beams its cannons onto the four Rescuezords' shoulders, the fire one onto Siren Blaster & Star Racer, the gatling one onto Wind Rescue & Thunder Loader.

Cuts prior Blue cockpit shot.

CAR #45.

Lord Litter reacts to the sight of the cannons.

CAR #45.

The Rangers in their cockpits intercut over their HS Rescuezords, punching forth.

CAR #45.

The four High Stance Rescuezords fires the Artillery Cannons. A whole lot.

Recycled, save for last shot.

CAR #45.

Struck by the artillery power, Lord Litter is overwhelmed by a superimposed explosion & bluish electricity, falling, glowing, and exploding massively.

Cuts follow-up posing of four HS RZs and Kittyzord.

PRT 519.

30 second montage of bloopers from the episode.

Altered to fit in end credits.