
Power Rangers Turbo

#245: PRT 524: "Carlos and the Count".

Features Footage from (bold = new footage):
Dairanger, episode 45;
and Carranger, episodes 38 & 40.

The complete program, from opening to end of Saban logo, lasts roughly 21:17;09.

Opening is about 0:30; by itself.

Commercial bumpers are about 0:05; each, times six for 0:30 worth total.

Ending is about 0:30; by itself.

Opening Credits

Source Description Edit Note


Here's the only shot of Dimitria in the episode. Remember her?!

Uses: Duhh, 1.


Or "eyecatches", if you prefer.

Used 6 times.

Source Description Edit Note
DAI #45.

The sun rises over the city.

Fades in; fades out.

MMPR 159.

Really distant exterior front entry gateway path of Angel Grove High School. Couple walks out, guy bouncing basketball also.

Recycled; Fades in.

Original stock.

Front entry gateway path of Angel Grove High School. Students are leaving, including couple, skateboarder, and basketball bouncer.

Related to shots in PRT 440.

MMPR 107.

Exterior of the Youth Center, two females walk together to door, as skateboarder passes across parking lot, and football-bouncing guy exits.


PRT 504.

Carlos morphs into the Green Turbo Ranger.


PRT 504.

Ashley morphs into the Yellow Turbo Ranger.


PRT 504.

TJ morphs into the Red Turbo Ranger.


PRT 514.

Pair of torpedoes launch from the Space Base.


PRT 513.

Pair of torpedoes fly toward the Earth.


CAR #40.

Count Nocturne smokes and grows gigantically in the city.

CAR #38.

The five Rescuezords racing along, side by side, as Artillatron stacks up behind them.


CAR #38.

Pull out across the line of Rescuezords, Red visible in his cockpit window.


CAR #38.

Each of the HS Rescuezords transform into the various components and against a green circuit board, combine into the Rescue Megazord, which stands completed in the city with the Rangers briefly visible through the window.

Recycled; middle trimmed per source.

CAR #40.

Rescue Megazord marches through the city, glancing downward.

CAR #40.

Bright explosion erupts underground. Trust me, that's what this is from.

Cuts prior detonation of explosives, trims shot heavily. Replaces this stuff mainly with US monster stuff.

CAR #40.

The ground below Rescue Megazord erupts explosively at each side.

Cuts materialization of rack and RMZ backing onto it.

CAR #40.

Rescue Megazord's arms get chained to backing rack.

Cuts chaining of waist and legs.

CAR #40.

The Rangers react in a panic, as Rescue Megazord finds itself chained to a rack!

Cuts sequence between shots of Elgar & CN on ground, and lots of shots of RMZ chained and cockpit bits.

CAR #40.

Count Nocturne approaches the chained Rescue Megazord and sparkily strikes it, zoom in on the smoking cockpit as Green talks to the others.

CAR #40.

Count Nocturne strikes again, shaking the cockpit as Green grips his helmet with both hands.

Cuts additional Green cockpit shot.

CAR #40.

Count Nocturne whips out a staff and bashes Rescue Megazord with its hammer end, shaking the cockpit.

Cuts shot of monster laughing, then close-ups of damage to RMZ.

CAR #40.

The giant Turbozords drive up the ramp and into the city.


CAR #40.

Zoom in on the chained Rescue Megazord, inside, Red nod-talks to his teammates, they then all get up, and begin to depart.

CAR #40.

Each of the Rangers free falls from the sky.

CAR #40.

Zoom out from Red in cockpit of Red Lightning.


CAR #40.

Zoom out as the five Turbozords spread out across dusty terrain.


CAR #40.

The two halves of Wind Chaser attach to Mountain Blaster as it speeds between them.


CAR #40.

Desert Thunder/Dune Star docks with Mountain Blaster/Wind Chaser.


CAR #40.

Red Lightning drives off the side of the cliff, landing perfectly within the other four Turbozords.


CAR #40.

The wheels to lock up, and sending the combined five Turbozords up into a sudden standing position.


CAR #40.

The head shifts out onto the top.


CAR #40.

Zoom out as Turbo Megazord stands completed amid crashing lightning.


CAR #40.

Count Nocturne turns his attention from Rescue to Turbo Megazord, which poses battle ready, while in the cockpit, Red nod-talks and gestures arm.

CAR #40.

Count Nocturne staff bops Turbo Megazord sparkily, then grabs hold of it by the shoulder, and begins to shove it backwards, pushing it completely out of the city into the countryside, as the Rangers try in vain to halt the progression by braking, finally getting Turbo Megazord to stop the movement, only to have the monster headbutt it away.

CAR #40.

Zoom in on the cockpit, as Green gestures about, before the Turbo Megazord lifts-off.

CAR #40.

Turbo Megazord kicks its Green foot forth, twice.

Recycled; repeats per source.

CAR #40.

Count Nocturne catches its kicking leg, then swings the Turbo Megazord around before releasing it into a group of mountains.

CAR #40.

Count Nocturne approaches the downed Turbo Megazord, and proceeds to sparkily bash each of its legs.

Cuts close-up of damage to Zords.

CAR #40.

Zoom in on Count Nocturne as he talks, then switches to the staff's spinning drill end, which it shoves at Turbo Megazord, but Red is able to get its body to move in time to avoid getting a huge hole drilled through it, but the mountain isn't so lucky.

Cuts follow-up Pink reaction.

CAR #40.

Count Nocturne prepares to jab the drill into Turbo Megazord again, but this time, Pink manages to grab it with both of its arms, which it holds onto for a bit, until it finally gives away, both hands drop smoking and shredded, leaving Turbo open for a sparkily chest drilling.

Cuts some Ranger reactions between shots near end.

CAR #40.

Inside the sparky cockpit, Green talks passionately a lot, slamming down his fist, then standing up.

CAR #40.

Count Nocturne keeps on a'drillin'.

Cuts follow-up where his eyes turn yellow, he stops, Elgar yells at him until he reverts back and continues.

CAR #40.

Count Nocturne continues drilling Turbo Megazord, until it fires its chest-headlights beam at him, knocking him down.

Between shots, cuts more of Green talking in cockpit, cuts monster jabbing drill forth, and cuts Blue getting into singular cockpit.

CAR #40.

Zoom in on Turbo Megazord's stomach as Red lands in his singular cockpit, flips a switch, then causes the head to shift down from the top.

Head shots recycled, play in reverse.

CAR #40.

Red Lightning drives the headless body of the Turbo Megazord away.

Second shot is recycled.

CAR #40.

Rescue Megazord remains chained, but Green, Yellow & Pink hop in their cockpits, energize their Rescuezords, breaking the chains, then driving away from the still-chained Red & Blue section.

Cuts quite a few follow-ups of Rangers driving their Zords.

CAR #40.

In his cockpit, Green nod-talks and raises a fist, before shots of the others in their cockpits cut into his shot, all raises fists and nodding.

First shot is trimmed heavily, and partially recycled.

CAR #40.

Mountain Blaster drives forth then leaps off a hill ramp.

Second shot recycled.

CAR #40.

Red Lightning drives forth then leaps off a cliff.

Second shot recycled.

CAR #40.

Red Lightning lands perfectly within Mountain Blaster, the Megazord head then flipping out.


CAR #40.

Turbo Megazord's head,chest, and upper legs connect with Wind Rescue's arms, Thunder Loader & Star Racer's legs, forming the Rescue Turbo Megazord.

Cuts before Japanese writing fully forms, digitally paints out some of it.

CAR #40.

Rescue Turbo Megazord lands and poses battle ready, Count Nocturne reacting by pointing and talking.

Cuts Elgar's reaction.

CAR #40.

Inside the RTMZ cockpit, zoom in slowly onto Green in the main seat, gesturing and raising a fist.

CAR #40.

Rescue Turbo Megazord whips out its Turbo Saber, then when Count Nocturne attacks, cuts his staff in half.

CAR #40.

Green raises a fist and nod-talks, before the Artillery Cannons beam onto Rescue Turbo Megazord's shoulders.

CAR #40.

Count Nocturne reacts to the sight of the cannons by breathing fire, which spark bursts around RTMZ, but fails to harm it any.

CAR #40.

Zoom in real close on Green's visor.

Cuts before we see his very non-Carlos eyes.

CAR #40.

Rescue Turbo Megazord fires both cannons and its chest headlights, all at once into Count Nocturne, blasting him with three types of energy projectiles, a superimposed explosion causing him to turn and fall, exploding massively, zoom in onto RTMZ through the smoke, lowering its cannons.

Cuts final Green reaction; transitions out.

PRT 524.

30 second montage of bloopers from the episode.

Altered to fit in end credits.