#288: PRiS 722: "Mission to Secret City".
Features Footage from (bold = new footage):
Megaranger, episodes 3, 6, 21, 31, 43, & 47.
The complete program, from opening to end of Saban logo, lasts roughly 21:26;09.
Previously On is about 0:30; by itself.
Opening is about 0:45; by itself.
Next Time On is about 0:30; by itself.
Ending is about 0:30; by itself.
Source | Description | Edit Note |
MEGA #47. |
Under the moonlight, the ghosts of the five Psycho Rangers materialize on a street. |
Fades in from black; Cuts follow-up shot of Psycho Red. |
MEGA #47. |
Scanner picks up a disturbance, which blinks on a map. |
Plays on a Megaship monitor, real far away to disguise fact it's covered in Japanese text. |
MEGA #47. |
Red, Blue, & Pink rush onto the street, and glance about, when suddenly Psycho Pink's ghost passes through Pink's body, giving her the chills. The other Psycho Ghosts gather around, Psycho Red & Psycho Blue trying to hit their counterparts to no avail, which annoys Psycho Red. |
MEGA #47. |
The Rangers talk, unaware of the Psycho Ghosts, who dematerialize, just before the three Rangers begin to depart. |
Cuts before they step into the light, Red does a boxing gesture, Blue talks, then Pink takes their arms and they leave. |
MEGA #47. |
In energy streak form, the Psycho Ghosts swirl about. |
Split off from end of stuff cut from end of last shot. Fades to black. |
MEGA #06. |
Close-up of Astro Morpher being opened, then a female finger pressing 3-3-5-Enter. |
Recycled. |
MEGA #47. |
Exterior of Secret City, beneath its forcefield dome. |
Freeze framed. Fades in from black. |
MEGA #03. |
Astro Megaship slowly drifts forth above a planet. |
Recycled. |
MEGA #47. |
Exterior of Secret City, beneath its forcefield dome. |
Recycled; altered to fit viewscreen. |
MEGA #47. |
Exterior of Secret City, beneath its forcefield dome. |
Recycled again. |
MEGA #47. |
Glowy thing is launched into the sky, it falls back slowly on a small parachute. |
MEGA #47. |
Exterior of Secret City, as the forcefield dome comes down. |
Recycled, but runs fully for first time. |
MEGA #06. |
Close-up of Astro Morpher being opened, then a female finger pressing 3-3-5-Enter. |
Recycled. |
MEGA #06. |
Dark Fortress distorts into place in its warp dimension. |
Recycled. |
MEGA #21. |
Dark Fortress fires Satellasers at the planet beside it. |
Recycled. |
MEGA #47. |
In hyperspace, the five Mega V Zords glide to our left, V1 riding on top of V3. |
Recycled, per source. Prior Vacsacker battle cut possibly due to it being Yellow/Black focus (ironically, they use Battlizers during it). |
MEGA #47. |
In hyperspace, Mega V1 suddenly jumps up. |
Recycled, per source. |
MEGA #47. |
Mega V2, & V4 transform into component parts. |
Recycled, per source. Cuts others. |
MEGA #47. |
Mega V1 transforms into component parts, connecting with the others to become the completed Mega Voyager! |
Recycled, per source. Cuts follow-up posing. |
MEGA #47. |
Mega Voyager lands and poses battle ready before Vacsacker, who rushes into battle, but Mega Voyager blocks his strike, then sparkily kicks the monster, before readying a punch at him. |
Cuts follow-up face punches. |
MEGA #47. |
Mega Voyager sparkily hits Vacsacker, before double punching him into a fall. |
Final shot is split. |
MEGA #47. |
Continued, Vacsacker recovers from his fall. |
Split. Cuts before he whips a laser lash at MV which blocks it with its shield. |
MEGA #47. |
In the cockpit, Black nod-talks, wagging his finger briefly. |
Recycled, but first in context. |
MEGA #47. |
Close on Yellow, pointing forth. |
MEGA #47. |
Mega Voyager lowers its shield and fires its chest beams forth, spark bursting Vacsacker. |
Cuts follow-up missile summoning and posing, then zoom in on smoking monster. |
MEGA #47. |
Red points, nod-talks, raises a fist, then grabs a central control stick, jerking it in a Z pattern with energy effects. |
Second shot is recycled, per source. |
MEGA #47. |
Mega Voyager fires the V3 Missile forth. |
Recycled, per source. |
MEGA #47. |
Blue shimmering ball of energy slams into Vacsacker, causing him to crackle then explode massively. |
Fades to black. Cuts follow-up MV posing. |
MEGA #47. |
Establishing shot of the Secret City tower. |
Fades in from black; pushed far back from source position. |
MEGA #47. |
Mega Voyager turns its head. |
MEGA #47. |
In the cockpit, Red slaps hands and raises a fist before grabbing controls. |
Trimmed heavily, and pushed back. |
MEGA #47. |
Mega Voyager begins to walk to our right. |
MEGA #47. |
Mega Voyager is approaching the Secret City tower. |
Split; altered to fit Dark Fortress monitor. |
MEGA #47. |
Continued, Mega Voyager ceases its approach when the whole place quakes. |
Split; altered to fit Dark Fortress monitor. |
MEGA #47. |
The cockpit rocks about, the Mega Voyager shakes, as a warp wave makes Secret City vanish, leaving the Megazord staggering around baffled. |
MEGA #47. |
The Rangers in the cockpit sit up and look forth, glancing around. |
Pushed up from source position. |
MEGA #43. |
Close on Black, sitting up and looking forth. |
Recycled; Cuts before he nod-talks. |
MEGA #47. |
Mega Voyager turns around and continues looking about. |
Cuts follow-up additional glancing about. |
MEGA #31. |
Close on Black, facing our slight right, then turning away. |
Recycled. |
MEGA #47. |
The Psycho Ghosts in energy form lower down to the dark street, whip about, and their heads are visible as they pass over the screen. |
Freeze frames at end; cuts before Japanese text appears. EP credits appear; fades to black. |
PRiS 722. |
30 second montage of bloopers from this episode. |
Altered to fit in end credits. |