
Power Rangers Lost Galaxy

#316: PRLG 908: "Memories of Mirinoi".

Features Footage from (bold = new footage):
Dairanger, episode 19;
and Gingaman, episodes 30, 31, 33, 34, & 35.

The complete program, from opening to end of Saban logo, lasts roughly 21:19;20.

Previously On is about 0:30; by itself.

Opening is about 1:00; by itself.

Next Time On is about 0:30; by itself.

Ending is about 0:30; by itself.

Opening Credits

Source Description Edit Note
DAI #19.

Sunset in the middle of the city.

PRLG 802.

Just the end of Maya's morphing sequence.


GINGA #33.

The Orion Armor gleams golden as it appears upon Red's body and Quasar Saber.

Recycled, per source. All prior footage US replaced to change focus from Pink to Yellow.

GINGA #33.

Red's left arm gem gleams.

Recycled, per source. US replaces follow-up shots to change focus from Pink to Yellow.

GINGA #33.

Magna Defender leaps up, doing three midair somersaults before landing his sword sparkily into Rykon.

US replaces follow-up to change focus from Pink to Yellow.

GINGA #33.

Bright ball of energy rips through Rykon, explosively.

US replaces follow-up to change focus from Pink to Yellow.

GINGA #33.

As the six heroes pose around her, Rykon spark bursts brightly, dropping her scepter, which breaks.

Energy effects added to last shot.

GINGA #33.

Smoking on the ground, Rykon says something while the Rangers watch.

Trims zoom out from Pink at start, cuts follow-up of monster drinking.

GINGA #33.

Rykon rotates while growing gigantic.

Cuts before she poses.

GINGA #33.

Magna Defender joins the other Rangers' sides in looking upward, as Rykon sparkily slashes as buildings with her sword.

Cuts follow-up building destruction; then cuts Pink reacting and MD leaving; US replaces Pink summoning, with Yellow. Then cuts all Zord formation stuff.

GINGA #33.

Galaxy Megazord shines golden, gaining Orion Armor.

Recycled, per source.

GINGA #33.

Rykon readies her sword and charges forth, Galaxy Megazord doing the same.

Cuts follow-up of swords clashing.

GINGA #33.

Rykon sparkily slashes Galaxy Megazord twice.

Trims start; Cuts two additional follow-up slashings.

GINGA #33.

Rykon sparkily thrusts sword against Galaxy Megazord's side, then guides it around and kicks its feet out from under it, causing it to fall over.

GINGA #31.

Yellow tries to hold on as her right-tilted cockpit shakes violently.

Split; Replaces GINGA #33's Pink cockpit shot.

GINGA #33.

Rykon sparkily slashes sword down against the downed Galaxy Megazord.

Cuts before one more sparkily slash.

GINGA #33.

Galaxy Megazord gets sparkily slashed again.

Cuts before one last sparkily slash.

GINGA #31.

Her right-tilted cockpit ceases shaking, as Yellow nod-talks.

Split; Replaces GINGA #33's Pink cockpit shot.

GINGA #31.

Zenith Carrierzord flies out from within a waterfall, into the sky.

Replaces GINGA #33's Stratoforce formation sequence.

GINGA #33.

Rykon suddenly looks upward.

GINGA #34.

Centaurus Megazord skates forth.

GINGA #33.

Stratoforce does a jump kick into Rykon, staggering her back.

GINGA #35.

Centaurus punches forth, twice.

GINGA #33.

Rykon falls onto her back.

Used way ahead of source position.

GINGA #33.

Stratoforce races forth, then runs circles swiftly around Rykon, poking her in the eyes, then kicking her in the gut.

Cuts follow-up of two punches to Rykon's face, then another race around.

GINGA #33.

Stratoforce continues running circles around Rykon, kicking each of her legs, then stopping and sparkily punching her into the air.

GINGA #33.

Rykon falls onto her back.

Recycled, but first in context.

GINGA #33.

Galaxy Megazord gets back up.

GINGA #30.

Zoom in on Yellow, nod-talking in her cockpit.

Partially recycled; Replaces GINGA #33's Pink cockpit shot.

GINGA #33.

Galaxy Megazord readies Saber then rushes forth at Rykon, who gets up.

GINGA #33.

Galaxy Megazord's Orion Armored Saber begins to glow as it holds it forth.

Recycled, per source.

GINGA #33.

In his cockpit, Red motions arms about, then points hand like a gun forth as shot zooms in.

Recycled, per source.

GINGA #33.

The Orion Armored Galaxy Megazord raises its charged Saber up and back, then slices an energy slash forth.

Recycled, per source.

GINGA #33.

The energy slash cuts into Rykon, causing her to spark burst brightly.

GINGA #33.

Energy slash cuts through the darkness.

Recycled, per source; split.

GINGA #34.

Massive explosion erupts before the Megazords.

Trims start so you can't see it's Hexuba blowing up; cuts second shot before GM is visible posing.

GINGA #33.

Continued, the monster shatters to pieces.

Recycled, per source; split.

GINGA #33.

Chunks of meaty debris rain down before Galaxy & Stratoforce Megazords, Galaxy then raises its Saber.

Cuts follow-ups of Stratoforce posing, then both posing side by side.

GINGA #31.

Track around as Stratoforce, Galaxy, and Centaurus Megazords lower their weapons victoriously.

Fades out.

Ending Credits