#322: PRLG 914: "The Chameliac Warrior".
Features Footage from (bold = new footage):
Gingaman, episodes 2, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 11, 14, 16, 17, 18, 33, 36, 37, & 38.
The complete program, from opening to end of Saban logo, lasts roughly 21:21;20.
Previously On is about 0:30; by itself.
Opening is about 1:00; by itself.
Next Time On is about 0:30; by itself.
Ending is about 0:30; by itself.
Source | Description | Edit Note |
GINGA #37. |
The end of Mike's morphing sequence. |
Recycled, per source. |
GINGA #37. |
Magna Defender cocks his Blaster then poses with it, as Chameliac watches closely. |
Cuts follow-up POV due to Swabbies. |
GINGA #18. |
Magna Defender jumps up, changes his blade to Magna Blaster mode, cocks it, then fires green blasts in the air. |
Recycled. |
GINGA #18. |
Magna Defender cocks his Magna Blaster again, and fires once more a barrage of fire. |
Recycled. |
GINGA #18. |
Magna Defender leaps through the air. |
Recycled. |
GINGA #37. |
Chameliac's indicator changes to black. |
US replaces follow-ups due to Swabbies. |
GINGA #37. |
Magna Defender spark bursts. |
GINGA #37. |
Magna Defender lies on his back, chest smoking as he talks forth. |
Trims off his fall down. Cuts follow-up due to Swabbies. |
GINGA #37. |
Chameliac replies, then leaps up, changes his Blaster to Sword, aims toward the downed Magna Defender, and does three quick somersaults in midair, the final one with his charged sword slashing forth, sparkily slashing MD until a superimposed explosion erupts, knocking him back. |
Final shot is split. |
GINGA #37. |
Chameliac points his Magna Blaster forth. |
Used ahead of source, |
GINGA #37. |
Magna Defender, sparkily shot by green blasts, begins to double over. |
Split; blasts and sparks added. |
GINGA #37. |
Magna Defender clutches his chest and talks, then the five Rangers make the scene, just as he doubles over again. |
Cuts before the Rangers regroup around him. US replaces the rest of the scene, some of which involves Swabbies. |
GINGA #07. |
Each of the Rangers poses in front of their element background. |
All five play at once, after having been freeze framed. Altered to fit holoscreens. |
GINGA #37. |
Chameliac's indicator changes to brown... err, red. |
Colored timed incorrectly. |
GINGA #07. |
Yellow & Pink pose in front of a water fountain. |
Both play at once, altered to fit holoscreens. |
GINGA #07. |
Red uses his Fire Power attack on unnamed blue beetle monster (Sledge). |
Altered to fit holoscreen. |
GINGA #02. |
Red charges up his Quasar Saber and sparkily slashes Radster. |
Recycled; Altered to fit holoscreen. |
GINGA #37. |
Chameliac's indicator changes from red to green. |
GINGA #06 & #14. |
On the left, Blue poses in the city; on the right, Pink scratches the ground, posing then leaps up. |
Both play at once, Pink's is recycled, altered to fit holoscreens. |
GINGA #08. |
Green leaps up and does a corkscrew kick into Ruptor. |
Altered to fit holoscreen. |
GINGA #08. |
Green flips over, bounces off a tree, and fires Transblaster. |
Altered to fit holoscreen. |
GINGA #36. |
Green leaps over the other Rangers and converts into a glowing green ball. |
Recycled; Altered to fit holoscreen. |
GINGA #05. |
Green fires his Transblaster in midair. |
Recycled; Altered to fit holoscreen. |
GINGA #16. |
Green leaps up, grabs both his Quasar Saber & Magna Talon at once, flips over, and energy slashes both forth. |
Altered to fit holoscreen. |
GINGA #05. |
Green rolls on the ground, firing his Transblaster. |
Recycled; Altered to fit holoscreen. |
GINGA #37. |
Chameliac's indicator changes from green to yellow. |
GINGA #07 & #11. |
On the left, Red poses in front of a water fountain; on the right, Blue leaps through the air with Saber forth. |
Both play at once, Blue's is recycled, altered to fit holoscreens. |
GINGA #04. |
Yellow leaps up and grabs the unnamed monster (let's called "Trencher"), pulling him off the building and slamming his body onto the ground. |
Altered to fit holoscreen. |
GINGA #08. |
Yellow uses Delta Daggers on Ruptor. Yes, I'm being lazy in describing it. |
Altered to fit holoscreen. |
GINGA #37. |
Chameliac's indicator changes from yellow to pink. |
GINGA #07. |
On the left, Green poses in front of a water fountain; on the right, Red leaps up in front of same fountain. |
Both play at once, altered to fit holoscreens. |
GINGA #14. |
Pink leaps up, bounces off a tree, and makes a fierce pose in midair. |
Recycled; Altered to fit holoscreen. |
GINGA #14. |
Pink drops from a tree with her Magna Talon held forth. |
Recycled; Altered to fit holoscreen. |
GINGA #33. |
Pink uses Transblaster, Cosma Claw, and Magna Talon on Rykon. |
Altered to fit holoscreen. |
GINGA #33. |
Pink scratches the ground then sparkily leaps past Rykon a few times. |
Altered to fit holoscreen. |
GINGA #37. |
Chameliac's indicator changes from pink to blue. |
GINGA #08 & #17. |
On the left, Yellow points forth with Delta Daggers in hand; on the right, Green rides atop his Condor. |
Both play at once, altered to fit holoscreens. |
GINGA #11. |
Blue uses his Cosma Claw on Quakemaker, sparkily taking him down. |
Recycled; Altered to fit holoscreen. |
GINGA #11. |
Blue finishes a running morph then leaps up and dives through the air. |
Altered to fit holoscreen. |
GINGA #11. |
Blue leaps in, tackles Quakemaker, then slams him up a tree then drops him. |
Recycled; Altered to fit holoscreen. |
PRLG 802. |
All five Galaxy Rangers morph. |
Recycled; all five play at once. |
GINGA #37. |
Red charges at Chameliac. |
Cuts prior bit due to Swabbies, also stuff with MD, Torozord, & Kegler. |
GINGA #37. |
Chameliac's indicator changes to red. |
Recycled, but first in context and colored right. |
GINGA #37. |
Chameliac pulls out his own Quasar Saber and charges identically toward Red, they then lock blades for a moment, before breaking off. |
GINGA #37. |
Red Galaxy Ranger charges up his Quasar Saber with red energy, flames surrounding him, before he slashes it forth. |
Recycled, per source. |
GINGA #37. |
Chameliac blocks Red's blade with his own Saber, then breaks off the hold. |
US replaces follow-up of Red getting hit in head. |
GINGA #37. |
Red falls and rolls back up, wearily. |
GINGA #37. |
Chameliac charges up his Quasar Saber with red energy, flames surrounding him, before he slashes it forth, sparkily slashing Red down. |
GINGA #37. |
Green dives in. |
GINGA #37. |
Chameliac's indicator changes from red to green. |
Recycled, but first in context. |
GINGA #37. |
Chameliac leaps up and dives in, sparkily slashing Green in midair. |
GINGA #37. |
Green lands, readies his Transblaster, but so does Chameliac. They fire on each other, with the monster eventually sparkily hitting his target. |
GINGA #37. |
Chameliac turns and sees Yellow hopping into the air and processing closer in midair. |
GINGA #37. |
Chameliac's indicator changes from green to yellow. |
Recycled, but first in context. |
GINGA #37. |
Yellow attacks Chameliac up close, but he blocks and dodges perfectly, before kicking her feet out from under her, knocking her down, then dragging her body on the ground for a while, before releasing her. |
US replaces follow-up of her hitting rocks head-first. |
GINGA #37. |
Pink scratches the ground rapidly as Chameliac watches. |
GINGA #37. |
Chameliac's indicator changes from yellow to pink. |
Recycled, but first in context. |
GINGA #37. |
Pink leaps forth, hand held in a claw position, when her arm gets grabbed by Chameliac. |
US replaces follow-ups of her neck being grabbed and her face being sparkily scratched. |
GINGA #37. |
Pink falls to the ground. Blue rushes in with his Quasar Launcher in hand, and Chameliac turns. |
GINGA #37. |
Chameliac's indicator changes from pink to blue. |
Recycled, but first in context. |
GINGA #37. |
Chameliac places his own Quasar Launcher on his shoulder and fires a blue blast, exploding massively behind Blue. |
GINGA #37. |
Blue falls, his teammates regroup around him as he recovers, all facing Chameliac, as he talks and points at them. |
Cuts follow-up shot of monster talking. |
GINGA #37. |
Chameliac talks some more, gesturing arms. |
Cuts follow-ups of Red reacting, then monster laughing. |
GINGA #37. |
Green nod-talks to Red, who replies, and leads the team in Lights of Orion activation gesturing. |
GINGA #37. |
The Orion Armor gleams golden as it appears upon Red's body and Quasar Saber. |
Recycled, per source. |
GINGA #37. |
The Orion Armored Rangers face Chameliac, who does his own Lights of Orion activation gesturing, causing his indicator to change to a golden color, as he poses with his own Orion Armored Quasar Saber. |
GINGA #37. |
The Rangers charge forth, convert into a ball of golden energy, which Chameliac kicks away, breaking it back into the five Rangers, Pink then reacting. |
GINGA #37. |
Chameliac rushes forth, converts into a ball of golden energy, and rips through the Rangers sparkily, coming out the other side, landing and posing, as they collapse and explode massively. |
GINGA #37. |
Chameliac then stands up proudly, and leaves. |
Cuts follow-up bit of MD & Kegler. |
PRLG 802. |
All five Galaxy Rangers morph. |
Recycled again; all five play at once again. |
GINGA #37. |
Chameliac turns and looks as Red leaps at him, dodging, the Ranger then landing and recovering posed. |
Prior Swabbie battle US replaced with Stingwingers. |
GINGA #37. |
Chameliac's indicator changes to red. |
Recycled, per source. |
GINGA #37. |
Chameliac poses identically to Red with his own Quasar Saber, prompting Red to resheathe his Saber, then pose like Green Ranger. |
GINGA #37. |
Chameliac reacts, then charges forth, so Red leaps up and does several midair kicks into his chest, knocking him back. |
GINGA #37. |
Chameliac falls, rolls, recovers, then looks over as Yellow makes the scene. |
GINGA #37. |
Chameliac's indicator changes from red to yellow. |
GINGA #37. |
Chameliac poses identically to Yellow, when she pulls out Blue's Cosma Claw, sparkily slashing him, then flipping him over, and doing some gorilla-esque poses and taunting him. |
GINGA #37. |
Chameliac recovers, wobbly, as Green appears next. |
GINGA #37. |
Chameliac's indicator changes from yellow to green. |
GINGA #37. |
Chameliac poses like Green, who instead poses like Pink, confusing the monster, as he scratches the ground then jumps onto him. |
US replaces follow-up of him sparkily scratching his face. |
GINGA #37. |
Green flips off of Chameliac, then does a cat-like grooming gesture pose. |
GINGA #37. |
Chameliac, smoking, looks disoriented, then notices Blue process hopping forth. |
GINGA #37. |
Chameliac's indicator changes from green to blue. |
GINGA #37. |
Blue tackles Chameliac down, then drags his body on the ground for a bit, before releasing and posing like Yellow. |
US replaces follow-up of Chameliac hitting rock with head. |
GINGA #37. |
Pink, with Quasar Saber in one hand and Magna Talon in the other, charges at the woozy Chameliac. |
GINGA #37. |
Chameliac's indicator changes through several colors, back to neutral. |
GINGA #37. |
Chameliac clutches his head confusedly, as Pink charges up her Quasar Saber & Magna Talon, with red energy, double slashing the monster, bursting him down for a roll, where he talks, lying on the ground smoking. |
US replaces follow-ups of team summoning Orion Armor then forming Capsular Cycle. |
GINGA #37. |
Chameliac staggers forth, as the Red Capsular Cycle drives toward him. |
GINGA #37. |
Red nod-talks in the Red Capsular Cycle, which races down a green energy tunnel, closing up around the Ranger and becoming engulfed with flames as it drives straight at us. |
Recycled, per source. |
GINGA #37. |
The red energy streak rips through Chameliac, exploding massively, which flings the monster away and over. |
GINGA #37. |
Red Capsular Cycle pulls to a park, Red then jumps off. |
Cuts before he lands and Cycle reverts to Orion Armor. US replaces it, in fact. Cuts follow-up of monster drinking. |
GINGA #37. |
Chameliac rotates as he grows gigantic. |
US replaces follow-up summoning. |
GINGA #37. |
Lion Galactabeast rises from within the heat of a volcano. |
Recycled, per source. Cuts follow-up of Red landing atop Lion. |
GINGA #37. |
The five Galactabeasts begin to race to our left. |
Recycled, per source. Cuts before they turn to Zords. |
GINGA #37. |
The five Galactabeasts begin to race to our left. |
Recycled again. |
GINGA #37. |
The five Galactabeasts begin to race to our left. |
Recycled yet again, but this time plays in monitor. |
GINGA #37. |
Red reaches forth at his Transdagger. |
Recycled, per source, but trims teleport in. |
GINGA #37. |
The head and horns pop out of the Lion section as it floats up, Wild Cat & Lion becoming arms, as all five Zords come together to form the Galaxy Megazord, with its saber forming in a crackle of electricity. |
Recycled, per source. |
GINGA #37. |
Galaxy Megazord lands before Chameliac. |
Follow-up is US. |
GINGA #38. |
In his cockpit, Red nod-talks, reaching out, then holding his left arm forth. |
GINGA #37. |
Galaxy Megazord charges at Chameliac, who changes his indicator to white, and pulls out his own Megazord Saber. They clash blades, but he gets several sparkily slashes in on GM. |
GINGA #37. |
Cockpit shaking initially, Red then nod-talks to the sky. |
GINGA #37. |
Zenith Carrierzord's indicator light flashes blue. |
First shot is recycled, per source. |
GINGA #37. |
The Stratoforce Zords fly forth from Zenith Carrierzord's open mouth, swooping about, then getting into formation, Phoenix Galactabeast briefly visible, as they begin to get into component mode. |
Recycled, per source. |
GINGA #37. |
The Stratoforce legs connect to the pelvic region. |
GINGA #37. |
The head connects to the Stratoforce body, Phoenix Galactabeast briefly visible. |
Recycled, per source. |
GINGA #37. |
The Stratoforce top half connects to the bottom half horizontally in midair. |
GINGA #37. |
Stratoforce Megazord flies forth through the sky, its Phoenix Galactabeast form briefly visible. |
Recycled, per source. |
GINGA #37. |
Chameliac suddenly turns and looks upward. |
GINGA #37. |
Stratoforce does a jump kick. |
Recycled, per source. |
GINGA #37. |
Kicked down, Chameliac recovers and poses, as Stratoforce lands and poses. |
GINGA #37. |
Chameliac's indicator changes to dark blue, as he pulls out a Stratoforce boomerang. But Stratoforce pulls out Centaurus's cannon instead, which the monster reacts to. |
GINGA #37. |
Chameliac's indicator changes through every color quickly. |
GINGA #37. |
Stratoforce fires Centaurus's cannon forth, spark bursting Chameliac, then posing. |
GINGA #37. |
Red spreads his arms down, then raises his left arm forth, causing the armband gem to gleam green. |
Recycled, per source. |
GINGA #37. |
Galaxy Megazord shines golden, gaining Orion Armor. |
Recycled, per source. |
GINGA #37. |
Galaxy Megazord's Orion Armored Saber begins to glow as it holds it forth. |
Recycled, per source. |
GINGA #37. |
Sharp zoom in on Chameliac, flailing and smoking. |
GINGA #37. |
In his cockpit, Red motions arms about, then points hand like a gun forth as shot zooms in. |
Recycled, per source. |
GINGA #37. |
The Orion Armored Galaxy Megazord raises its charged Saber up and back, then slices an energy slash forth. |
Recycled, per source. |
GINGA #37. |
The energy slash cuts into Chameliac, causing him to spark burst brightly. |
GINGA #37. |
The monster shatters to pieces. |
Recycled, per source. |
GINGA #37. |
Meaty chunks of debris fall down before Galaxy & Stratoforce Megazords. |
GINGA #37. |
Galaxy & Stratoforce Megazords pose victoriously, side by side, as smoke blows upon them. |
Fades to black. |