
Big Bad BeetleBorgs

#03: BBBB 103 "TNT for Two".

Features Footage from (bold = new):
B-Fighter, episodes 1, 3, 4, 5, 9, 11, & 13.

The complete program, from opening to end of end credits, lasts roughly 20:20;22.

Opening is about 0:30; by itself.

Ending is about 0:30; by itself.

Opening Credits

Source Description Edit Note

Three Magnavore Jet Fighters swoop down in formation from our slight right.



Three Magnavore Jet Fighters swoop down in formation from our slight left.

Recycled already, but unaltered.


Four Magnavore Jet Fighters blast lasers down from above us.



Close on an explosion as the fireball wafts up.

Cuts off prior footage of MJFs.


Three Magnavore Jet Fighters swoop down in formation from our slight right.

Recycled; mirror-flipped.


Zoom out from the Hillhurst orchards as the Beetle Battle Base opens its hangar doors and rises up.

Rebuilt segment incorporating US footage with Japanese.


Close upward on the Beetle Battle Base as it rises up.


Beetle Battle Base rotates.

Cuts before Japanese text appears onscreen.


Beetle Battle Base rotates.

Recycled already.


Track left past the three Beetle AVs.

Altered to fit comic panel.

B-FIGHTER #03 & 03.

Blue & Green rush to their respective Beetle AVs, as Red does to her's as well.

Altered to fit comic panels, both play concurrently.

B-FIGHTER #04 & 05 / 03.

Green & Blue sit down in their cockpit seats, then lock their forearms into the controls.

Altered to fit comic panels, both play concurrently.

B-FIGHTER #04 & 03.

Red sits down in her cockpit seat, then works on the controls while glancing about the monitors.

Altered to fit comic panels, two sequences playing concurrently.


Blue nod-talks, then grips the controls and pulls them out, causing the door before his Blue Stinger AV to open, then roll out from it. Green nod-talks, then grips the controls and pulls them out, causing the platform to lower and the Green Hunter AV to unsnap then roll out from the base. Red nod-talks, then grips the controls and pulls them out, causing the roof to open so the Red Striker AV flies straight up.

Initially comic panel altered, but it changes to unaltered quickly on the first shot. An additional shot of the Red Striker AV between shots 12 & 13 is cut.


Close on Red nod-talking slightly in cockpit.

Transitions in.


Green talks in his cockpit in a medium shot, then nods.


Close on Blue in his cockpit, nod-talking to our slight left.


Zoom in on Red in her cockpit, nod-talking.

Cuts before she reaches forth.


Three Magnavore Jet Fighters swoop down and fire lasers to our left while strafing just above the surface of the desolate landscape.


The three Beetle AVs ride to our left as exposions erupt around them.

Trimmed; "POW!!" superimposed over screen.


Green nod-talks in his cockpit in a medium shot, skyscraper on monitor in back.


Hunter AV snags a Magnavore Jet Fighter in its pinchers sparkily.


Green pushes in the controls in his cockpit.

Pushed back from source by one shot.


Hunter AV spins around with the Magnavore Jet trapped in its pinchers.

Cuts short; cuts follow-ups of Scab pilot pulling trigger.


The Magnavore Jet fires lasers randomly in the air as the Hunter AV continues to spin it around, followed by a quick shot of the Jet bursting.

Final shot repeats two more times in source.

B-FIGHTER #04 / 05.

Red nod-talks, then looks to our slight left, watching Blue sitting forth and nod-talking in his cockpit on one of her monitors, to which she nods then looks forth again.

Shot 2 has footage inserted into monitor from another episode, despite being effectively the same damn thing.


Side angle close on the three Beetle AVs as they race to our left.

Given binocular gobos.


Three Magnavore Jet Fighters swoop down and fire lasers to our right while strafing just above the surface of the desolate landscape.

Recycled; mirror-flipped.


The three Beetle AVs ride to our left as exposions erupt around them.

Recycled, still trimmed, but unaltered.


Zoom in on Red in her cockpit as she nod-talks.


Three Magnavore Jet Fighters fire lasers while swooping down to our left.



Stinger AV rolls across the landscape as explosions erupt around it.


Close on Green in his cockpit as he nods.


Hunter AV rolls along firing green bolts from its rooftop guns.

Green bolts added.


Four Magnavore Jet Fighters explode in midair, an additional fireball bursting right after.


Close side angle on Red reacting in her cockpit. Medium shot of Blue in his cockpit nod-talking and shifting forth in his seat.

Both shots shortened.


Stinger AV side skids to a stop in the dirt.


Stinger AV raises its antenna up and fires energy beams from it, causing a trio of Magnavore Jet Fighters to explode in midair.

Mirror-flipped; "Blammo!" superimposed over second shot after explosion.


Striker AV fires reddish lasers forth while tilting slightly, causing a trio of Magnavore Jet Fighters to blow up in the sky. Side angle of Red in her cockpit, nod-talking.


Close on Green, slightly side angle, nod-talking in cockpit as monitor behind him says "machine condition".

Mirror-flipped; pushed up a shot from source sequence.


Blue nod-talks in his cockpit in a medium shot, slightly sitting up.

Recycled, but unaltered.


Slightly side angle, Red nod-talks to our slight left in her cockpit.


Side angle close on the three Beetle AVs as they race to our left.

Recycled, but unaltered; fades out.

BBBB 103.

The House Monsters take turns holding onto a bundle of lit dynamite, with Wolfie making his unofficial debut.