#09: MR 109 "The Grandma Factor".
Features Footage from (bold = new):
Kamen Rider Black RX, episodes 2, 4, 8, 10, 11, 12, 13, 15, 16, 18, 21, 24, 29, 30, 32, 36, 37, 40, & 41.
The complete program, from opening to end of end credits, lasts roughly 21:14;15.
Today On is about 0:30; by itself.
Opening is about 1:00; by itself.
Ending is about 0:30; by itself.
Source | Description | Edit Note |
KRBRX #02. |
Spiderbase flies toward us in front of huge swath of disturbed storm clouds. |
Recycled. |
KRBRX #24. |
Count Dregon addresses his four generals as the camera finishes rising up. |
Trimmed to end. |
KRBRX #29. |
Close on Gork, talking calmly for a change. |
KRBRX #40. |
Close on Doubleface turning slightly and speaking quickly. |
KRBRX #41. |
Close on Cyclopter, talking and clenching his fist. |
Trimmed. |
KRBRX #12. |
Fact talks and jerks arms right in front of a pillar. |
Recycled; mirror-flipped. |
KRBRX #36. |
Close on Cyclopter, speaking while pointing. |
Cuts before he talks more (which'll be used later). |
KRBRX #37. |
Slight zoom in on Doubleface, clenching his hand into a fist. |
Plays in reverse; trimmed to end (or start, rather). |
KRBRX #18. |
Close on Gork, talking, as he raises his left fist, then spreads arms while wiggling fingers. |
Recycled. |
KRBRX #08. |
Spiderbase flies to our upper left through a cloudy sky. |
Recycled. |
KRBRX #32. |
Slight zoom in on Doubleface as he talks and motions his right arm. |
Trims start. |
KRBRX #32. |
Slight zoom in on Doubleface as he talks and motions his right arm. |
Recycled; trimmed to end. |
KRBRX #41. |
Close on Cyclopter, talking and clenching his fist. |
Recycled. |
KRBRX #21. |
Fact floats in, jerking arms while talking. |
Recycled. |
KRBRX #36. |
Close on Cyclopter, lifting up his head as he speaks. |
Trimmed from earlier; still cuts before he raises hand again. |
KRBRX #30. |
Doubleface speaks while jerking his arm past us briefly. |
KRBRX #18. |
Medium shot of Doubleface talking. |
Recycled. |
MMPR 301. |
Masked Rider's Ectophase sequence. |
Recycled. |
KRBRX #16. |
Masked Rider flips over and lands atop a quarry hill, turning to face Termasect. |
There's a guy with a helmet in front of Termasect in shot 2, barely visible. |
KRBRX #16. |
Termasect reacts, as Masked Rider poses and flashes with power. |
Trims start to remove guy with helmet; cuts follow-up of Termasect with guy in helmet. |
KRBRX #16. |
Masked Rider poses again, talking, then posing some more. |
KRBRX #16. |
Termasect approaches Masked Rider. |
Cuts follow-ups of MR using a pair of Sai to stab Termasect. |
KRBRX #16. |
Masked Rider slaps the ground, then leaps up and over Termasect, landing behind him and giving him a kick, who blocks it, then he throws a punch, Termasect blocks it, grabs his arm, and flings him straight up into the air, where he flips over and lands on his back. Masked Rider recovers, then leaps forth again, getting flipped over, rolling away from Termasect, where he poses defensively. Termasect stands ready, as Masked Rider leaps straight up, Termasect fires upon him, bursting him down. Termasect approaches, Masked Rider watches, then stands up straight, talking as he clenches his gleaming fists, sharp push in as he stands there, beginning to transform. |
Trims start; energy effects added to final three shots; final shot transitions into the transformation sequence. |
KRBRX #16. |
Masked Rider transforms into Super Gold mode. |
Recycled, per source. |
KRBRX #16. |
Termasect reacts, as Masked Rider stands in flashing Super Gold mode. Termasect talks and points, Super Gold poses a bit, then walks forth, Termasect begins to back up, the pair facing off across the quarry, until Termasect fires eyebeams forth, dirt bursting around Super Gold, who presses on through the dust undeterred. Termasect reacts, as Super Gold pauses, and poses. Termasect suddenly bolts, so Super Gold raises his left wrist and speaks into the device on it. |
Cuts additional posing shot between shots 3 & 4. |
KRBRX #04. |
Close on Combat Chopper, talking via eyeflashes. |
Recycled; mirror-flipped. |
KRBRX #16. |
Combat Chopper rides into the quarry, Termasect reacts, as he rolls up to Masked Rider Super Gold, who approaches, touches his handlebar, his wrist device glows, flooding Combat Chopper with golden energy that transforms him into Super Chopper. |
Final shot is recycled, replacing a side angle of Super Chopper that is unsuable due to Japanese onscreen text. |
KRBRX #16. |
Super Gold mounts Super Chopper, grips the handlebar, then revs him up, speeding forth at Termasect, who tries to reach out and grab him, only to get his arm torn off! Super Gold pulls Super Chopper to a stop, glances back, presses a button, and fires blasts from the bike's exhaust ports, bursting Termasect. Super Gold stands beside his cycle, Termasect smokes, Super Gold creates a glowing mass in his right hand, then lowers it beside his right thigh, causing his Ecto Ray to materialize, which he aims forth at Termasect, who reacts. Super Gold fires his Ecto Ray at Termasect, bursting and crackling him. Super Gold turns robotically and poses, as Termasect glows, collapses, and explodes massively behind Masked Rider. |
KRBRX #16. |
Super Gold turns and lowers his Ecto Ray as shot zooms up at him. |
Altered to fit Spiderbase viewscreen. |
KRBRX #04. |
Close on Combat Chopper, talking via eyeflashes. |
Recycled, but unaltered for once. |
KRBRX #04. |
Close on Combat Chopper, talking via eyeflashes. |
Recycled again. |
MMPR 301. |
Masked Rider's Ectophase sequence. |
Recycled again. |
KRBRX #10. |
Slimeasect whips arms about as glowy things lie around him. |
Trims start to remove people turning into energy blobs; split. |
KRBRX #10. |
The glowing energy blobs dissipate around Slimeasect. Masked Rider poses up close. |
Shot 1 is split from before. |
KRBRX #10. |
Slimeasect whips arms about. Masked Rider poses up close. |
Recycled; trims start. |
KRBRX #10. |
Slimeasect whips arms about. |
Recycled; trimmed to end. |
KRBRX #10. |
Masked Rider does some posing. |
KRBRX #10. |
Slimeasect whips arms about. |
Recycled again; still trimmed to end. |
KRBRX #10. |
Masked Rider stands posed and speaking. Slimeasect opens his big mouth as shot zooms in. |
Cuts follow-ups of MR posing some more, then Slimeasect spewing mist. |
KRBRX #10. |
Masked Rider flips over, landing behind Slimeasect and grabbing him, struggling, then gets flung away, rolling into a stack of boxes that collapse on him. Slimeasect scurries forth, so Masked Rider tries to roll out of his way, only to get his leg chomped on by his big mouth. Masked Rider is agonized, struggling with Slimeasect. |
KRBRX #15. |
Spiderbase flies to our upper right above a mountain range. |
Recycled. |
KRBRX #05. |
Fact floats in from the back of the room, Gork seeing her and scurrying off. |
Recycled; cuts before Gork scurries off. |
KRBRX #21. |
Fact floats in, jerking arms while talking. |
Recycled; trimmed. |
KRBRX #10. |
Masked Rider tries to roll out of Slimeasect's way, only to get his leg chomped on by his big mouth. Masked Rider is agonized. |
Recycled; altered to fit Spiderbase viewscreen. |
KRBRX #10. |
Masked Rider beats on Slimeasect, then looks forth and summons. |
KRBRX #10. |
Magno smashes through the rocky ground as an explosion erupts behind her, then races along the side of a dusty hill. |
Recycled, per source. |
KRBRX #10. |
Slimeasect turns sharply, as Magno races his way, driving down the alley and just when she passes by Slimeasect, he turns into a floating, glowing blob that hovers about, and takes off into a building. Masked Rider stands up and runs in after him. |
KRBRX #10. |
Slimeasect spews mist from his big mouth at Masked Rider, who dodges it. |
Trims start so you don't see the kids; cuts shot 2 before Masked Rider passes pillar. |
KRBRX #10. |
Masked Rider poses as he passes a pillar. |
Pushed back from source position; plays in reverse, trimmed to start. |
KRBRX #10. |
Masked Rider pulls his glowing Electro Saber from his Ecto Accelerator buckle. |
Recycled, per source; mirror-flipped. |
KRBRX #10. |
Masked Rider readies his Electro Saber. |
Mirror-flipped. |
KRBRX #10. |
Masked Rider stands there imposingly, scaring off Slimeasect, who is back in energy form, floating out of the building, where he rematerializes on the ground. Masked Rider leaps up and readies his glowing Saber. |
Trims start to remove visibility of kids, though they're still present in final shot; cuts follow-ups of MR stabbing Slimeasect with his Saber. |
KRBRX #10. |
Slimeasect whips arms on the ground. |
Recycled; trimmed. |
KRBRX #10. |
Masked Rider's Electro Saber charges up and fires off a burst of energy. |
Background is recycled and frozen from source; foreground is recycled US footage. |
KRBRX #10. |
Slimesect whips arms while getting shot with a bolt of energy, causing him to crackle with orange energy. |
Recycled backplate, added energy effects. |
KRBRX #10. |
Slimesect finishes exploding, as Masked Rider remains standing there, posed with his glowing Saber. |
Trims start to remove lengthy bursting sequence. |
KRBRX #11. |
Close, slightly upward angle, as Spiderbase flies over us through space, mouth open. |
Recycled; transitions in. |
KRBRX #15. |
Fact bobs up and down while facing Count Dregon and his goons, who all look up at her. |
Recycled; shortened. |
KRBRX #15. |
Fact floats more in the shadows. |
Recycled; trimmed. |
KRBRX #16. |
Doubleface unbows. |
Plays in reverse. |
KRBRX #41. |
Close on Cyclopter, talking. |
Recycled; shortened. |
KRBRX #13. |
Fact turns and floats off to our right. |
Partially recycled, but mostly unused before; still cuts before Doubleface steps into frame. |