
Masked Rider

#11: MR 111 "Water Water Everywhere".

Features Footage from (bold = new):
Kamen Rider Black RX, episodes 4, 5, 6, 8, 9, 15, 16, 18, 21, 27, 30, 36, 37, & 41.

The complete program, from opening to end of end credits, lasts roughly 20:33;20.

Today On is about 0:30; by itself.

Opening is about 1:00; by itself.

Ending is about 0:30; by itself.

Opening Credits

Source Description Edit Note
KRBRX #08.

Spiderbase flies to our upper left through a cloudy sky.


KRBRX #37.

Fact floats talking as camera slowly zooms in.


KRBRX #05.

Slow push in on Doubleface, as he stands there, talking.

Recycled; shortened.

KRBRX #05.

Slow push in on Doubleface, as he stands there, talking.

Recycled; shortened; mirror-flipped.

KRBRX #30.

Close on Doubleface, talking to our slight left.

Mirror-flipped; shortened.

KRBRX #37.

Fact floats talking as camera slowly zooms in.

Recycled again.

KRBRX #30.

Close on Doubleface, talking to our slight left.

Recycled, but runs longer, though still shortened; mirror-flipped; plays in reverse.

KRBRX #41.

Close on Cyclopter, talking.

Partially recycled, but cuts before he raises his fist.

KRBRX #30.

Close on Doubleface, talking as he lowers his clenched fists.

Recycled, but runs longer; shortened again; mirror-flipped; plays in reverse.

KRBRX #36.

Gork lowers his left arm while chuckling and facing our right.


KRBRX #30.

Doubleface speaks while jerking his arm past us briefly.

Recycled, but runs longer, but cuts short.

KRBRX #18.

Gork talks as he points, then spreads arms.

Recycled; cuts before he gestures more; mirror-flipped.

KRBRX #30.

The Spiderbase materializes hovering just above a factory dome, immediately firing a green beam down upon it. Inside, Doubleface paces about, as Nefaria, Count Dregon, and the unnamed Quiet Colonel teleport in via the beam.

Transitions in; cuts before the minions salute; US replaces follow-up.

KRBRX #30.

Doubleface turns and gestures to the large tubes in the back of the room, talking about them to Count Dregon and company.

Cuts before Doubleface turns back to Dregon.

KRBRX #30.

Pan across the workstation near the tubes, as Commandoids operate the controls.

KRBRX #36.

Close on Cyclopter, speaking while pointing briefly.

Recycled; shortened.

KRBRX #30.

A Black-suit Commandoid salutes, then turns the valve of one of the tubes.

KRBRX #30.

Doubleface turns around and talks to Cyclopter.

Shortened; pushed back from source (cuts follow-up of Cyclopter talking).

KRBRX #30.

A button is pressed, and the tubes fill up with green mist.

In shots 2 & 3, tubes are given green mist to replace water spray within.

KRBRX #30.

A quick shot of a pair of towers outside the factory as seen through the Spiderbase viewscreen, then the towers begin to spew green mist into the sky.

In shots 2 & 3, towers are given green mist to replace water spray.

KRBRX #30.

The green mist rises from the towers as the Spiderbase remains hovering before them.

Green-mist effects superimposed into recycled freeze-framed shot; transitions out.

KRBRX #30.

The green mist rises from the towers as the Spiderbase remains hovering before them.

Recycled, green mist addition included.

KRBRX #30.

Green mist continues flowing through the tubes in the lab.

Recycled, green mist added throughout this time.

KRBRX #30.

Doubleface turns and speaks while jerking his arm past us briefly.

Recycled, but runs longer at start; cuts before he talks more.

KRBRX #30.

Doubleface speaks continually.

Recycled; shortened.

KRBRX #30.

Doubleface speaks continually.

Recycled again; shortened even more.

KRBRX #30.

Doubleface turns to our left.

Recycled; trimmed heavily.

KRBRX #30.

A switch is flipped, and Doubleface and all the other baddies turn to look, as a door slides open, revealing Firebug in the next room.

Cuts follow-up due to Japanese text, then a shot of Cyclopter talking to Dregon.

KRBRX #30.

Flames rise up below Firebug, who gestures arms.

KRBRX #30.

Firebug crosses arms before the flames. Zoom out from Cyclopter as he talks to Count Dregon and company. Then zoom in on Firebug posing behind the fire.

Shot 2 is trimmed.

KRBRX #30.

The towers begin to spew green mist into the sky.

Recycled, green mist still added.

KRBRX #30.

The towers spew green mist into the sky.

Recycled again, green mist still added.

MMPR 301.

Masked Rider's Ectophase sequence.


KRBRX #27.

Combat Chopper rides through a dirt lot.

Recycled; mirror-flipped.

KRBRX #27.

Combat Chopper talks in motion.

Recycled; mirror-flipped.

KRBRX #09.

Magno drives off down a dusty road into the forest.

Transitions out.

KRBRX #09.

Magno peels out and speeds off.


KRBRX #09.

Masked Rider drives, nod-talks, then looks to our slight right.

Recycled; shortened.

KRBRX #09 / 30.

An image of the Spiderbase hovering above the lab factory appears on Magno's viewscreen.

Recycled still-frame inside recycled backplate.

KRBRX #09.

Zoom out as Masked Rider drives, nod-talks, then looks to our slight right.

Recycled again; cuts before he talks a little more.

KRBRX #09 / 30.

The towers spew green mist into the air, appearing on Magno's viewscreen.

Recycled green-mist-added footage inside recycled backplate.

KRBRX #09.

Zoom out as Masked Rider drives, nod-talks, then looks to our slight right.

Recycled yet again; shortened slightly.

KRBRX #09 / 30.

The towers spew green mist into the air, appearing on Magno's viewscreen.


KRBRX #05.

Magno drives through a quarry at top speed.

KRBRX #04.

Magno takes a sharp curve.


KRBRX #04.

Masked Rider opens Magno's door and climbs out.

Recycled; plays in reverse.

KRBRX #30.

The towers spew green mist into the sky.

Recycled once more (per source), green mist still added.

KRBRX #30.

Masked Rider talks in the woods, then rushes forth, leaps up, and flips over a tall fence. He lands, looks forth at the factory building, spots the entrance, and rushes into it. He slowly paces through a dark but flashy corridor, finally finding a door which he opens and enters the room through, closing it behind him. Masked Rider then spots the pair of tubes pumping green mist within. He reacts, as they continue to operate. Suddenly, Masked Rider spots Firebug, who enters through the side room and talks. They exchange dialogue for a bit, until Masked Rider stands battle ready.

Cuts prior sequence of Masked Rider vs minions in quarry; Shots 9 & 11 are given green mist additions.

KRBRX #30.

Firebug talks and lowers his arm.

Recycled; plays in reverse.

KRBRX #30.

Masked Rider unposes battle ready and talks.

Recycled; shortened; plays in reverse.

KRBRX #30.

Firebug and Masked Rider fight for a bit, until the monster gets the upperhand, knocking him into the next room and sealing it off. Firebug approaches slowly and they resume fighting, Masked Rider soon kneeing him in the noggin. Firebug staggers back, then talks as he stands there, motioning arms as Masked Rider listens.

KRBRX #30.

Firebug talks as he stands there, motioning arms as Masked Rider listens.

Recycled; shortened.

KRBRX #30.

Suddenly, a fire breaks out in the room, distracting Masked Rider as Firebug proceeds to beat on him a bit, even grabbing him and holding him to the flames. Meanwhile, Count Dregon and his minions watch the fight on the Spiderbase viewscreen. Eventually, Masked Rider breaks free and throws a few kicks, and once Firebug backs off for a moment, he crosses his arms and summons his power-up.

KRBRX #30.

Masked Rider transforms into Super Gold mode.

Recycled, per source.

KRBRX #30.

Super Gold poses mightily against the flames.

KRBRX #30.

Firebug attacks Super Gold, who blocks his hits and returns blows.

KRBRX #30.

Super Gold grabs Firebug by the shoulder, turns him around, charges up his right fist, then punches him so hard he crackles and flies through a wall into the next room. He falls but recovers quickly, Super Gold walks through the flames unharmed, and once in the room, he stands before Firebug.

KRBRX #15.

Super Gold materializes his Ecto Ray from his thigh.


KRBRX #30.

Super Gold fires his Ecto Ray at Firebug, who dodges, leading to the blast bursting a series of pipes on the wall, spraying water from them. Super Gold turns.

KRBRX #30.

Firebug charges forth.

Used ahead of source.

KRBRX #30.

Super Gold fires his Ecto Ray.

Recycled; cuts before zoom out.

KRBRX #30.

Firebug bursts upon being hit by the energy beam.

Cuts before Super Gold fires upon console in the background; cuts follow-ups of Super Gold returning into Masked Rider, then fighting Firebug and stabbing him with his Electro Saber.

KRBRX #21.

An explosion erupts in a complex of some kind.

Recycled; trimmed to remove visibility of silo.

KRBRX #30.

Super Gold reholsters his Ecto Ray.

KRBRX #30.

The lab explodes, Count Dregon watching from the Spiderbase viewscreen.

Japanese Footage inserted into US footage.

KRBRX #06.

Close on Doubleface, blinking as he shifts about, attention drawn to something behind us.


KRBRX #16.

Doubleface bows.

Recycled, but runs in proper order.

KRBRX #18.

Close on Gork, talking, as he raises his left fist, then spreads arms while wiggling fingers, before gesturing right hand up in front of his face.

Recycled; shortened.