#36: MR 209 "Cat-Atomic".
Features Footage from (bold = new):
Kamen Rider Black RX, episodes 1, 4, 5, 10, 12, 13, 15, 16, 18, 22, 24, 27, 30, 40, 41, & 44; Kamen Rider ZO; and B-Fighter, episodes 3 & 10.
The complete program, from opening to end of end credits, lasts roughly 21:36;17.
Today On is about 0:30; by itself.
Opening is about 1:00; by itself.
Ending is about 0:30; by itself.
Source | Description | Edit Note |
KRBRX #04. |
Spiderbase flies from our upper right to lower left over the city. |
Recycled; transitions in. |
KRBRX #05. |
Cyclopter turns his head while looking upward. |
Recycled, but first time unaltered; mirror-flipped. |
KRBRX #24. |
Close on Cyclopter, talking as he points with his left hand. |
Recycled; slowed. |
KRBRX #27. |
Doubleface talks in a medium shot as it very slowly zooms in on him. |
Recycled. |
KRBRX #16. |
Doubleface bows. |
Recycled. |
KRBRX #18. |
Close on Gork, talking, as he lowers left fist, then spreads arms while wiggling fingers. |
Recycled; shortened. |
KRBRX #04. |
Cyclopter, holding his right arm forth, steps to the side while talking. |
Recycled. |
??. |
Circling into the yellow eye of a dinosaur or a calzone or something (clearly not a bat as they say). |
Altered to fit Spiderbase viewscreen and effected into a montage with the next shot. |
The unnamed bat (called "Parasect" in the toyline) lowers his hand eyes and spreads his head wings. |
Altered to fit Spiderbase viewscreen and effected into a montage with the prior shot. |
KRBRX #18. |
Gork points and nod-talks, then walks forth. |
Recycled; mirror-flipped. |
KRBRX #05. |
Pan down as Spiderbase dives down toward the Earth. |
Recycled; trimmed to remove pan down from moon; transitions in. |
KRBRX #30. |
Close on Doubleface, talking to our slight left. |
Recycled; shortened; mirror-flipped. |
KRBRX #10. |
Close on Cyclopter, slow zoom as he talks and points. |
Recycled; shortened; mirror-flipped. |
KRBRX #30. |
Doubleface talks, slowly clenching his left fist, as he does. |
Recycled; mirror-flipped. |
KRBRX #44. |
Spiderbase drops its jaws while firing a green energy beam downward. |
Recycled with green beam from MR 101. |
KRBRX #01. |
A green energy bolt beams down upon the planet Earth. |
Recycled with green beam from MR 101. |
KRBRX #01. |
A green energy bolt falls from the sky. |
Recycled with green beam from MR 101. |
KRBRX #13. |
Spiderbase flies from our upper left to lower right over the top of a mountain range. |
Recycled; transitions in. |
KRBRX #12. |
Fact talks and jerks arms right in front of a pillar. |
Recycled. |
KRBRX #18. |
Gork talks as he points, spreads arms, then points again, holds his palm out. |
Recycled; shortened; mirror-flipped. |
KRBRX #40. |
Catatron talks while motioning arms menacingly. |
Transitions in; effects added. |
MMPR 301. |
Masked Rider's Ectophase sequence. |
Recycled. |
KRBRX #40. |
Catatron summons up a large curved blade on his shoulder, Masked Rider reacts, then Catatron tosses it at him, and he ducks under it, where it explosively hits a tree. Catatron whips up another one, tossing it at Masked Rider, spark bursting him down. Catatron leaps in, Masked Rider rolls to the side, footsweeps, it's avoided and Catatron then sparkily claws him down. Catatron poses, Masked Rider leaps up, Catatron does too, both meet in midair, with the villain getting the upperhand in flipping Masked Rider onto his back, where he grabs him by his upper chest, talking as he hoists Masked Rider up to his feet. |
Cuts final shot before he fully pulls MR up by his neck; cuts follow-ups of Catatron sparkily clawing MR, and later gnawing his shoulder. |
KRBRX #40. |
Catatron has a hold on Masked Rider, who finally breaks free, then throws a kick at him, knocking Catatron down. |
Cuts follow-up of MR falling down. |
KRBRX #40. |
Masked Rider gestures during zoom in. |
Cuts follow-ups of some viewscreen shots of him turning into Super Gold and firing on Catatron. |
KRBRX #15. |
Masked Rider transforms into Super Gold mode. |
Recycled. |
KRBRX #40. |
Catatron, hand smoking, turns and summons up another curved blade, Super Gold aims his Ecto Ray, and fires at the curved blade in midair, then fires on Catatron burstingly, dazing him. |
KRBRX #40. |
Super Gold marches at Catatron, suddenly turning into energy liquid when reaching the monster, swooping around him and knocking him off his feet. |
Altered to fit Spiderbase viewscreen, to cover unrelated viewscreen in source; cuts before display scanning of energy liquid appears. |
KRBRX #40. |
Super Blue rematerializes, poses, and turns to face Catatron, who pulls out curved blades for each hand and rushes forth. Super Blue, armed with his Blue Saber, dodges, blocks, then uses his saber to disarm Catatron of both weapons. Catatron lunges at Super Blue, who, with his saber charged up, slashes upward, causing Catatron to burst, crackle, and writhe. |
Cuts follow-ups of Super Blue posing as Catatron explodes behind him. |
BF #03. |
Close on a fireball burst explosion. |
Comes from a post Magnavore Jet Fighter explosion. |
BF #10. |
Close on another fireball burst explosion. |
Trims start to remove untransformed Beetleborg counterparts. |
KRBRX #40. |
Super Blue lowers his saber triumphantly, and in a flash, reverts to regular Masked Rider. |
Mirror-flipped. |
KRBRX #05. |
Close, slightly upward angle, as Spiderbase flies over us through space. |
Recycled. |
KRBRX #41. |
Close on Cyclopter, arm crossed over his chest, slowly lowers his arm and talks. |
Recycled; mirror-flipped; plays in reverse. |
KRBRX #22. |
Count Dregon faces his generals as they pace away from him. |
Recycled; shortened. |