
Masked Rider

#39: MR 212 "The Eye of Edenoi".

Features Footage from (bold = new):
Kamen Rider Black RX, Opening Credits, episodes 5, 7, 9, 10, 17, 24, 27, 36, & 41.

The complete program, from opening to end of end credits, lasts roughly 21:17;07.

Today On is about 0:30; by itself.

Opening is about 1:00; by itself.

Ending is about 0:30; by itself.

Opening Credits

Source Description Edit Note
KRBRX #41.

Glowing eye-shaped... uhh shapes, shimmer in a forest.

Darkened and altered to fit Dex's telepathy vision.

KRBRX #41.

Glowing eye-shaped... uhh shapes, cease shimmering.

Darkened and altered to fit Dex's telepathy vision.

KRBRX #41.

Ocusect turns around in a field, then laughs up close

Altered to fit Dex's telepathy vision; shot 2 heavily trimmed.

KRBRX #41.

Close-up of Ocusect gesturing beside her face.

Altered to fit Dex's telepathy vision; trimmed.

KRBRX #05.

Close, slightly upward angle, as Spiderbase flies over us through space.

Recycled; transitions in.

KRBRX #24.

As Count Dregon and his minions stare at the viewscreen, Gork gestures and talks.

Trimmed; US footage inserted into viewscreen.

KRBRX #36.

Close on Cyclopter, speaking while pointing briefly.

Recycled; mirror-flipped.

KRBRX #10.

Close on Cyclopter, slow zoom as he talks and points.

Recycled; mirror-flipped.

KRBRX #07.

Spiderbase flies from our upper right to lower left over the city.

Recycled; transitions in.

KRBRX #24.

Close on Cyclopter, talking as he points with his right hand.

Recycled; mirror-flipped.

KRBRX #05.

Close, slightly upward angle, as Spiderbase flies over us through space.

Recycled again; transitions in.

KRBRX #41.

Close on Cyclopter, arm crossed over his chest, slowly lowers his arm and talks.

Recycled; mirror-flipped; plays in reverse.

KRBRX #41.

Ocusect leans down from a tree branch.

Cuts before freeze-frame.

KRBRX #41.

Upside down Ocusect talks while gesturing arms.


KRBRX #41.

Upside down Ocusect finishing talking, then flips over and lands on the ground rightside up, turning around and talking.

Shot 1 split from prior shot.

KRBRX #41.

Zoom out as Ocusect hop-a-ports down the dirt road.

KRBRX #41.

Ocusect peeks around the bushes menacingly.

Trimmed to cut civilian at start.

KRBRX #41.

Ocusect talks and gestures.

Mirror-flipped; cuts before Japanese text appears onscreen.

KRBRX #41.

Close on Ocusect talking and pointing.

This portion is split off from the end of the next shot.

KRBRX #41.

Zoom in close on Ocusect talking and motioning arms.

Trims start to remove visibility of girl; cuts before bit just used prior; mirror-flipped.

KRBRX #41.

Ocusect approaches.

Mirror-flipped; cuts before we see arrow in tree.

KRBRX #41.

Extreme close-up of Ocusect, upside down, extending energy tendrils from her scalp eyes.

Used ahead of source.

MMPR 301.

Masked Rider's Ectophase sequence.


KRBRX #09.

Masked Rider flips over in the air, and lands on Combat Chopper, racing forth without stopping.


KRBRX #27.

Masked Rider side riding POV shot.

Recycled; "Suzuki" no longer matted out.


Close on Combat Chopper, engine likely roaring.

Recycled; mirror-flipped.

KRBRX #27.

Masked Rider nod-talks determinedly.

Recycled; shortened.

KRBRX #41.

Ocusect sits in a rickety hut, boiling some tea.

KRBRX #41.

Ocusect sits there, talking and waving hello.

KRBRX #41.

Zoom in on Ocusect, talking and gesturing.

Cuts before third eye opens.

KRBRX #41.

Ocusect talks and points.

Trimmed heavily.

KRBRX #41.

Ocusect talks some more, motioning arm while doing so, then sharp zoom in on her third eye.

KRBRX #41.

The room flashing, Ocusect turns upside down and hangs from the ceiling.

KRBRX #41.

Sharp zoom in on Ocusect's scalp eyes.

KRBRX #41.

Extreme close-up of Ocusect, upside down, extending energy tendrils from her scalp eyes.

Recycled, but first time in context.

KRBRX #41.

Ocusect in giant eyeball mode sucks in a human body.

Trimmed to remove Dex's counterpart's visibility.

KRBRX #41.

Ocusect lowers from the ceiling and stands right side up again, talking and laughing.

KRBRX #17.

Masked Rider's Ecto Accelerator transforms to Super Blue mode.


KRBRX #41.

Super Blue poses in a black void.

KRBRX #41.

Ocusect in giant eyeball mode expels a human body.

Recycled; plays in reverse, still cuts before you see Dex's counterpart.

KRBRX #41.

Ocusect seems upset, when suddenly her third eye glows, then from out of it springs Super Blue in liquid energy mode, swirling around her until she falls over the side of a cliff and rolls down the hillside. Super Blue then rematerializes in the quarry below. Ocusect recovers, as Super Blue poses before her. Ocusect reacts, as Super Blue poses some more.

Cuts prior shot of Ocusect walking then acting agonized; shots are swapped from source position; cuts final shot before zoom in on him posing; cuts follow-up additional shot of the pair.

KRBRX #41.

Ocusect trembles, Super Blue poses then rushes forth, attacking Ocusect, they fight, he kicks at her and punches at her and she uses her staff to block.

Splits final shot.

KRBRX #41.

Continued, Ocusect slashes at Super Blue, who dodges. She then talks while pointing her eye staff at him, he reacts, then she thrusts her staff forth, spewing a flame thrower from it at him. Super Blue dodges the flames as best he can, before finally just jumping over them, smacking the staff tip as he passes overhead. He lands opposite of her, she turns around and talks.

Shot 1 is split from before.

KRBRX #41.

Close on Ocusect's scalp eyes, then her arm and boob eyes. Eye, eye, eye, as Alpha 5 would say. Har har har!

Pushed up from source position.

KRBRX #41.

Close on Super Blue, reacting.

KRBRX #41.

Ocusect trembles.


KRBRX #41.

Super Blue rolls over, kicks at Ocusect, then she attacks with her staff, which he grabs the tip of, trying to crush it between his hands. This upsets her, so he releases and then kicks at her, but ends up staff struck away. Super Blue recovers and poses, as Ocusect caresses her staff. Super Blue transforms to Super Gold, posing. Ocusect reacts and points her staff forth. Super Gold pulls out his Ecto Ray and fires back when she fires first from her staff. They exchange fire, Super Gold rolling forth and firing more, hitting her directly, bursting her.

Splits final shot.

KRBRX #41.

Continued, Ocusect collapses, as Super Gold stands upright. Ocusect grasps her head as she begins to extend energy beams from her eyes.

Splits shot 1 from prior shot; cuts final shot before we see civilians appear from her eyes.

KRBRX #41.

Super Gold transforms back to regular Masked Rider form, poses, then slaps the ground and leaps up. Ocusect looks up, as Masked Rider performs a charged-up Rider Kick, striking her right in the bosom burstingly, then sends her flying through the air. She lands roughly while Masked Rider lands safely across from her.

Trims start to remove civilians.

KRBRX #41.

Ocusect recovers, talks, then grips her staff and uses it to transform herself into her giant floating eyeball form. Masked Rider reacts, before Ocusect fires beams off at him, bursting around him, as he dodges the blasts. Masked Rider rolls out of the way, then leaps up, and Ocusect creates a fireball explosion behind him as he flips over, then lands, still across the field from Ocusect. The giant eyeball floats forth, thrice, so Masked Rider gestures and summons.

KRBRX #41.

Masked Rider pulls his glowing Electro Saber from his Ecto Accelerator buckle.

Recycled, per source.

KRBRX #41.

Masked Rider whips his glowing Electro Saber around, then tosses it forth, impaling it in Ocusect's giant eyeball! Masked Rider poses, then leaps up and grabs the hilt of the saber as Ocusect crackles. Masked Rider talks, then continues to hold on to his saber as the eyeball hovers up and down, he even begins to strike at Ocusect.

Shot 1 is recycled, but first time in context and unaltered.

KRBRX #41.

Ocusect eye-zaps at Masked Rider, bursting him as he continues to hold on in midair.

KRBRX #41.

Masked Rider, smoking, finally gets Ocusect's giant eye form down closer to the ground, and once he touches down, he yanks the Electro Saber out of her, and turns around, posing as Ocusect explodes, sending energy sprinkles flying into the air.