#01: VRT 101 "The Battle Begins" Part One.
Features Footage from (bold = new):
Metalder, episodes 1, 2, 3, 5, 6, 7, 8, 15, 16, 19, 20, 36, 37, & 38; and Spielban, episodes 1, 2, 8, & 16.
The complete program, from opening to end of end credits, lasts roughly 21:24;00.
Opening is about 1:00; by itself.
Ending is about 0:30; by itself.
Opening Credits (Version 1 debuts)
Source | Description | Edit Note |
?? |
Setting sun passing by with moving clouds. |
Title fades in and out; fades out to next shot; I checked all of Metalder & Spielban, this shot originates from neither. Could be unoriginal, non-Japanese stock footage. |
Zoom in on Ziktor Tower. |
Fades in from prior shot. |
Ziktor morphs into an old looking man. |
Part of Grimlord's Metalder transformation sequence for eps 1 & 2, but with effects added to it. |
Close on old man morphing into a talking Grimlord. |
Effects are added to it; trimmed heavily. |
Grimlord materializes onto his throne. |
Effects are added to it and plays in reverse of source. |
Downward angle on the empty Virtual Dungeon as beams of colorful light shoot about the misty ceiling. |
Seems less misty than source. |
Grimlord silently looks about the room. |
Came prior to last shot in source. |
Decimator steps out of his virtual chamber. |
Zelton steps out of his virtual chamber. |
Toxoid steps out of his virtual chamber. |
Blue Boar steps out of his virtual chamber. |
The virtual dungeon chambers cease being charged with colored energy and open to allow the mutants within to come on out. |
Colored energy added to cells in each shot. |
The Virtual Dungeon fills up with dozens of mutants. |
Trims start heavily. |
Close on Grimlord looking silently to our left. |
Cuts before he looks forward a little. |
The mutants cease fist pumping into the air, and stand silently as camera pans left across the room of them. |
Grimlord raises his right hand, palm outward, then points forth, shooting a beam of energy at us. |
Fades in from prior shot. |
Grimlord's energy summons an energy screen above the mutants in the Dungeon, forming an image of General Ivar, motioning his right hand as he talks close. |
Ivar footage superimposed over Metalder shot. |
Slight zoom in, close on Grimlord talking. |
Trimmed a bit and cropped somewhat. |
General Ivar talks as the virtual mutants watch from behind the energy screen. |
Background is Metalder on a loop, with Ivar superimposed in and frozen with added effects. |
The virtual mutants all raise their right arms into the air to hail Grimlord. |
Cuts before they lower arms and shot lingers. |
The four main Generals in front, the mutants of the virtual dungeon step forth, pumping fists in the air. |
Transitions out. |
Air Striker's back propeller begins to spin, as he spreads arms and flies into the sky . |
Fades in from prior shot. |
Fighterbot flies above the clouds. |
Mirror-flipped from source. |
Camera passes over forested terrain. |
As Fighterbot dives down, Air Striker flies past behind him. |
Air Striker flies to our left, a quick close-up, then he fires a wrist missile. |
Cuts third shot before he fires second missile. |
An explosion beside a rock. |
Fighterbot swoops upward and around the clouds. |
Close on Air Striker flying, then a downward angle shot of Kaitlin's car driving on the road (on the left! shh!) as Air Striker hovers just above and Fighterbot swoops past. |
Close on Fighterbot flying along as he lowers his nosecone head tip. |
POV of monoeye scanning and locking onto Kaitlin's car driving below. |
Fighterbot fires lasers from wings downward, smoke bursting around Kaitlin's car as it drives along a stone-bricked roadside. |
Air Striker swoops down and to our left, then fires both wrist missiles. |
An explosion beside a rock. |
Recycled. |
Dirt bursts erupt on the road as Kaitlin's car continues driving forth, getting dirty in the process. |
Cuts before car gets closer to camera. |
Fighterbot dives down firing lasers from wings at Kaitlin's car, dirt bursting all along the road beside it. |
Trims start of shot 2 to remove additional burstings. |
Air Striker does a barrel roll in the clouds above. |
Kaitlin's car swerves off the road just as a dirt burst erupts in the road. |
Trims start to remove additional burstings. |
Driver's POV of Kaitlin's car driving roughly down a dirt road. |
Air Striker flies to our left, a quick close-up, then he fires a wrist missile. |
Recycled. |
An explosion beside a rock. |
Recycled. |
Air Striker flies over the forest. |
Air Striker does a barrel roll through thick clouds. |
Air Striker does a barrel roll in the clouds above. |
Recycled. |
Grimlord and his mutants watch the energy screen. |
Recycled, looped background plate with US footage inserted. |
Close on Grimlord talking. |
Trimmed heavily. |
Close on Fighterbot flying along as he lowers his nosecone head tip. |
Recycled. |
Fighterbot fires lasers from wings downward. |
Recycled. |
Fighterbot fires lasers from wings downward. |
Recycled again. |
Grimlord talks in medium shot. |
Altered to fit VR visor vision; Trimmed heavily. |
The VR mutants stand in Grimlord's Dungeon, Dark Heart in the center. |
Altered to fit VR visor vision. |
Close on Decimator. |
Altered to fit VR visor vision. |
Close on Zelton and Metalbot. |
Altered to fit VR visor vision. |
Dark Heart slaps his gun against his left hand. |
Altered to fit VR visor vision; shortened a little. |
Close on Toxoid. |
Altered to fit VR visor vision; trimmed heavily. |
Grimlord talks and puts his right hand to his chest. |
Fades in from prior shot; Cuts before he lowers hand. |
The four main Generals in front, the mutants of the virtual dungeon step forth, pumping fists in the air. |
Recycled. |
Head turned slight to our right, Grimlord speaks a little. |
Unused stuff from same shot as two shots ago, trimmed heavily. |
Blue Boar raises his sword, Ballistix spreads arms, Cannon Nose points forth, Tankotron bears down, scans the area with his monoeye vision. |
Tankotron fires his forehead guns. |
Explosions erupt on a rural terrain. |
Cuts before additional explosions erupt. |
Red light flashes in the lab. |
On monitor, brief static fades to show Fighterbot swooping down firing lasers, causing explosions on a rocky terrain. |
On monitor, Ballistix fires missiles, they fly across, and cause explosions on a mountainside. |
Cuts final shot before additional explosion erupts. |
On monitor, explosions erupt on a mountainside. |
Recycled, but runs fully this time. |
METALDER #01 et al. |
Ryan's VR transformation sequence. |
Only final shot comes from source sequence. |
SPIELBAN #01 et al. |
Kaitlin's VR transformation sequence. |
Only final shot comes from source sequence. |
SPIELBAN #01 et al. |
J.B.'s VR transformation sequence. |
Only final shot comes from source sequence. |
Teleporting in, VR JB lands on a wooden roof. |
Trims start to reduce visibility of counterpart, but you can kinda see him for a few frames. |
VR Kaitlin leaps forth with her elbow out. |
Kongbot's giant fist flies into VR Kaitlin, bursting her down, then returning to Kongbot's arm as he motions both arms and VR Kaitlin readies to fight. |
Cuts final shot before she rushes forth and kicks. |
Close side angle on VR Ryan, then a close-up of him. |
Zoom in on Decimator on the side of a cliff. |
Close on VR Ryan. |
Recycled. |
Tankotron, Ballistix, Cannon Nose, and a Gunbot and a Tankbot all fire off the side of the a cliff. |
Trims start to remove pan over from other mutants. |
VR Ryan leaps up and a does a midair battle pose. |
Ballistix fires missiles. |
VR Ryan dives to our left in slow motion as a fireball explosion erupts before him. |
Tankotron, Ballistix, Cannon Nose, and a Gunbot and a Tankbot all fire while facing our right. |
Trims start to remove pan over from other mutants. |
As a fireball explosion erupts on a cliffside, VR Ryan runs past it. |
Close on a Gunbot and a Tankbot firing cannons forth. |
VR Ryan dives to our right as a small spark burst erupts beside him. |
Cuts before he jumps up. |
VR JB poses, then leaps off the wooden roof with a punch forward. |
Cuts follow-up of VR JB vs Kongbot. |
VR Kaitlin leaps forth with her elbow out. |
Recycled. |
VR JB is snagged by Kongbot's fist in midair, then slammed down, where he quickly rolls out of the way before Kongbot can punch down at him. |
Kongbot pounds his chest and spreads arms to sides. |
Shortened heavily. |
VR Kaitlin rushes at Kongbot with a kick, but instead gets punched in the face. He then goes to punch her again, she blocks by grabbing his fist, he shoves her off. |
Trims start (which is actually split from earlier); cuts end before she kicks him. |
Decimator leaps in with his sword drawn. |
VR Ryan turns around as Decimator charges at him, he then dodges, and ducks and rolls as Decimator slashes back around. |
VR Ryan gets up, leaps up, and does a flip and jumpkick forth. |
VR Ryan misses Decimator with the jumpkick, but gets behind him and forearm blocks his attempt to slash back his way, holding it there for a moment. |
Close-up of VR Ryan nod-talking quickly. |
Trimmed heavily. |
Decimator leaps up and backs onto a cliff. |
Altered to fit VR Ryan's POV, which is based upon (though not footage from) the vision of any given villain from Spielban. |
Close on VR Kaitlin nod-talking. |
Shortened heavily. |
Kongbot jerks arms from side to side while talking. |
Altered to fit VR Kaitlin's POV, which I have not found as being based on anything; cuts before he beats on chest. |
VR JB holds his saber in a defensive position, then a quick shot of his helmet up super close as his eyes light up. |
Cuts second shot before pan to the side. |
Kongbot jerks arms from side to side while talking, then begins to beat on his chest again. |
Shot 1 is altered to fit VR JB's POV (which is based on, but not footage of, Spielban's vision) and is recycled; shot 2 continues footage unaltered and is previously unused. |
VR JB jumpkicks in and kicks Kongbot right in the head, knocking him over, before VR JB leaps in with his saber and gets punched in the chest when passing over Kongbot, causing him to flip over onto his side. He gets up quickly, and goes to strike, but Kongbot blocks. |
Cuts before Kongbot punches him. |
Kongbot sparkily punches VR JB in the back, so VR JB turns around and jumpkicks into him, causin Kongbot to stagger back and slam his fists together. |
Cuts before he punches back, then cuts follow-ups of Kongbot biting on the saber and getting ridden around by VR JB on his shoulders. |
VR JB steps back and readies saber, as Kongbot, exhaust pipes smoking, charges forth in slow motion. |
VR JB holds his saber in a defensive position, then a quick shot of his helmet up super close as his eyes light up. |
Recycled, but in context and second shot runs a little longer. |
VR JB whips saber around, extends the hilt into a second blade that fades from laser to solid, then both blades become laser charged, as he poses with it. |
Sparkily colors from transformation sequence is overlayed into footage. |
Kongbot charges with his fist swinging in slow motion. VR JB stabs one saber end forth, sending the laser blade extending into Kongbot explosively. He then rushes forth at him, retracting the laser blade and twirling it about, slicing upward diagonal, then downward diagonal into Kongbot, who crackles. VR JB turns around in slow motion as Kongbot crackles, collapses, and explodes massively behind him. |
Trims shot 4 to remove VR JB nod-talking quickly. |
Decimator slashes at VR Ryan, who dives over the blade, then rolls onto his back, where he kicks up at Decimator when he tries to slash again. |
VR Ryan gets up in slow motion. |
Recycled, but cuts before he leaps up; slowed down. |
Decimator charges at VR Ryan with his sword held forth, slashing him as he passes, the background going all red, as he slashes him sparkily. |
Cuts follow-up circuitry shots. |
Left should sparking, VR Ryan spins around. |
Cuts follow-ups of Decimator standing still and VR Ryan flipping over. |
VR Ryan falls over the side of a cliff. |
Left should sparking, VR Ryan spins around. |
Recycled. |
A quick POV of the ground spinning, as VR Ryan plummets over the side of a cliff. |
Fades to black; cuts follow-ups of Decimator resheathing sword and leaving. |
Pan left as Grimlord talks and raises his arms. |
Cuts before he talks more and shot finishes panning left. |
Shot of the Dungeon mutants, Slashbot & Polarbot in the front, all clamouring. |
Cuts before they clamour more. |
Sharp zoom in on Grimlord, talking as his eyes glow red, then his right fist clenches and glows red as well. |
Fades to next shot. |