
VR Troopers

#06: VRT 106 "The Dojo Plot".

Features Footage from (bold = new):
Metalder, Opening Credits, episodes 1, 1's preview of 2, 2, 3, 4, 6, 7, 8, 9, 27, 29, & 34; and Spielban, episodes 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 9, 11, 13, 17, 21, 42, & 43.

The complete program, from opening to end of end credits, lasts roughly 21:17;00.

Opening is about 1:00; by itself.

Ending is about 0:30; by itself.

Opening Credits

Source Description Edit Note
VRT 101.

Karl Ziktor morphs into Grimlord and materializes onto his throne.



The virtual mutants all stand before Grimlord, not a single arm raised.

Mostly recycled, cuts shot down to the just the lingering stuff usually cut out.


Grimlord raises his right hand, palm outward, then points forth, shooting a beam of energy at us.



Grimlord's energy summons an energy screen above the mutants in the Dungeon, forming an image of Colonel Icebot as he talks close with a fist raised that he slowly lowers.

Recycled, though Icebot stuff is new.


In an underwater cave, Metaborg in tank mode drives along.

Cuts follow-up shot of Metaborg poking head up due to onscreen text.


Zoom in on a pulsing silver dome.

Plays in reverse


Pan across his laboratory as Colonel Icebot stands looking into a machine.

Cuts before door opens.


Close on buttons on a machine blinking.


Colonel Icebot turns around from the device and looks our way.

Mirror-flipped; cuts before he talks.


Colonel Icebot walks across his lab until he reaches a turned-off viewscreen.


Close on buttons on a machine blinking.



Col. Icebot presses a button on a machine.


Slow zoom in close on Grimlord talking, he shakes his head briefly at start and motions his left hand at the end.

Mostly new stuff, but a little recycled at start, with the mostly used stuff at the start trimmed off.


Col. Icebot talks in close-up, glancing to our right briefly, but mostly talking to our slight left.


Slow zoom in close on Grimlord talking.

Recycled, trimmed heavily.


A red indicator light blinks, as a timer on a charging bomb counts up from 116 to 150.


Colonel Icebot nod-talks and shakes his head, before rushing forth over to a console, where he flips some switches.

Second shot is split.


A timer on a charging bomb counts up from 116 to 150.



Continued, Colonel Icebot ceases flipping switches, and reaches down to turn some knobs.


Colonel Icebot talks at us near a console, angrily jerking arm briefly as he speaks, then turns back to the console.

Second section uses recycled, initially looped, and reverse-playing Metalder background footage.


Grimlord has his right hand held outward as shot zooms out to a very far angle.

Plays in reverse of source; cuts before he teleports in... er, out.


Close on Grimlord talking and looking from side to side.

Recycled and trimmed.


The virtual Mutants march forth in the mostly empty dungeon, crowd looking a little sparse and unusually bright, pumping fists in the air.

First frame is last frame from next shot, as they're flipped from source.


Close-up of Grimlord silent against a black background as a red flashing light fades to a bluish one.

Fades to black.


Grimlord sits on his throne talking very subtlely.


Zoom in on Decimator stepping forth in the dungeon (as Air Striker is being led away in the background).

Trimmed heavily and split.


Grimlord talks and soon points forth, then lowers hand as he continues talking closer.

Recycled; Sequence shortened a little.


Continued, Decimator bows.

Split from earlier; cuts before he raises arm.


Grimlord speaks in a medium close-up shot.

Cuts before he raises hand and fires beam forth.


Distant shot of the room full of virtual mutants watching Grimlord as Decimator briefly bows.


Zoom out from Grimlord talking on his throne.

Trims start; cuts before it finishes zoom out.


Grimlord talks up close.

Recycled and trimmed heavily.

METALDER #01's Preview of #02.

Cannonbot bows before Grimlord.

Literally deleted footage from Metalder #02, found only in the preview from the prior ep.


With his posse behind him, Zelton reaches out with his right hand as he speaks.

Trimmed heavily.


Grimlord slowly nods his head.

Recycled; transitions out.


Zoom in on Ziktor Tower.

Recycled; Transitions in from prior shot.


Grimlord's energy summons an energy screen above the mutants in the Dungeon, forming an image of the Trooper teen trio.

Recycled with new US footage inserted.


Grimlord talks a bit, then gestures his right hand up.

Recycled; trimmed heavily.


A computer scan picks up a life form, which is apparently near the water, scans identifying him as Cannonbot.

Each shot shortened somewhat.


Standing in a snowy field, Cannonbot steps slightly as he talks.

Fades to black.


Grimlord raises his right hand, palm outward, then points forth, shooting a beam of energy at us.



Grimlord's energy summons an energy screen above the mutants in the Dungeon, forming an image of Cannonbot in a snowy field.

Recycled, both footages.


Grimlord has his right hand held outward as shot zooms out to a very far angle as he teleports away.

Recycled; still plays in reverse of source but runs longer (though not fully or we'd pull out past mutants) with added teleportational effects.


On Prof. Hart's monitor, slight zoom in on the Epcot of Evil, then a shot of Skugs working on consoles inside of it.

Altered to fit monitor; shots are flipped in order and shot 2 freeze frames at end.

VRT 101.

The three Trooper teens raise their glowing Virtualizers.


VRT 101.

Ryan's VR transformation sequence.


VRT 101.

Kaitlin's VR transformation sequence.

Recycled; cuts before final shot finishes.

VRT 101.

J.B.'s VR transformation sequence.

Recycled; cuts before final shot finishes.


Zoom out from Cannonbot getting up as he faces VR Ryan.

Split for later use.


Standing in a snowy field, Cannonbot steps slightly as he talks.



VR Ryan turns his body slightly as he stands in a grassy field.

Used way ahead of source position.


Continued, Cannonbot rushes forth, prompting VR Ryan to meet him in the middle, locking hands in hands, both struggle in place for a few moments, until Cannonbot gets the upper hand, pinning VR Ryan's arms down and talking, before flinging him across the field, where he falls on his back.

First shot split from earlier; cuts follow-up of ocean waves.


VR Ryan slowly sits up, looking dazed.

Trims start and used way ahead of source position.


VR Ryan's POV of Cannonbot talking as VR JB appears in insert display.

Altered to fit VR Ryan vision; cuts Cannonbot shot before he raises fists.


VR JB turns to VR Kaitlin as she turns to him.



VR JB's POV of the Epcot of Evil as VR Ryan talks in insert display.

Altered to fit VR JB's vision; VR Ryan insert is recycled.


Continued, VR JB talks to VR Kaitlin, who responds with a thumbs up before she rushes off and he faces front battle ready.

Split from before; cuts before he leaps up.


A Skug axe flies through the air.

Cuts surrounding shots of VR JB due to him being on his Fighterbike.


VR JB flies through the air and falls to the ground near a paved road. A pair of Skugs leaps in, he grabs their axe-wielding hands and flips them over as others surround him.


VR JB fights with some Skugs as a white car pulls up to the scene in the background.


VR Kaitlin finishes transforming as she rolls into the fray and kicks down a Skug, before turning and chopping another one down.

Trims start so you can't see Kaitlin's counterpart (though for a frame or two you can still see her, in an upskirt shot at that! Yeesh).


Zoom out from the water as VR Ryan and Cannonbot race at one another, with Cannonbot flipping VR Ryan over, then going over and putting him in a chokehold, lifting him up to his feet, then back down onto one knee as he struggles to no avail.

Cuts final shot before Cannonbot sharply jerks VR Ryan's neck; cuts follow-ups of circuitry lighting up and Cannonbot twisting his head some more.


VR Ryan's internal computer parts light up and charge to life, as his internal gyros spin to life as well.

Recycled, per source, though the final shot is new, I think.


Cannonbot grips VR Ryan's head even tighter as he releases his hold on the villain's arm and clenches one hand into a fist.

Cuts follow-up sunset shot.


Close-up of internal gyro spinning super fast.

Recycled, zoomed in and looped; transitions out.


VRs JB & Kaitlin meet up and nod quickly, before breaking off and resume fighting Skugs until VR JB falls and rolls.

Transitions in; cuts before Eliminator appears.


VR Kaitlin leaps in, elbow first, and dives over a pair of Skugs, lands atop a quarry hill and proceeds to make her way down, taking down three Skugs. The third falls on his back, but gets back up and axe attacks. She blocks then chops him away.

Recycled, per source (yes, Spielban reused this in #16).


VR JB reacts, readying weapons in hands.

Cuts follow-up of POV of Eliminator firing energy bullet.


VR JB dodges the pink glowing energy bullet, as it flies up into the air, and circles back around, VR JB watching as it does.

Briefly altered to fit VR JB vision with added US Jeb footage; cuts follow-up POV of bullet approaching dead on.


An explosion erupts behind VR JB, sending him flying into the air.


Grimlord talks in a close upward angle.


A Quantum Cruiser exits the Air Castle.


A fleet of five Quantum Cruisers fly through the sky.


General Ivar raises a fist in his cockpit while talking.


Three Air Fighters and Ivar's Ravage Tank in flight mode swoop around and fire pink electricity.

Recycled; mirror-flipped.


Dirt bursts erupt behind VRs Kaitlin & JB as they leap off the side of a cliff.


VR Kaitlin falls and rolls in a quarry.

Cuts before she gets up slightly and talks; splits the rest.


VR JB falls and rolls in a quarry, but rolls back into a crouching position.

Mirror-flipped; cuts before he stands up.


VR Kaitlin suddenly turns and look to our right as shot whip pans that way.

Split from very end of two shots ago.


A trio of dirt bursts erupt in the quarry around VR Kaitlin.



A single Air Fighter spins as it dives and fires bolts downward.


An explosion erupts cliffside, as VR Ryan races by.

Recycled; Hey! How'd he get away from Cannonbot?!


A trio of Air Fighters fires while turning.



Five explosions erupt in the quarry around VR JB as he runs, flips, and dives away from them.


Close on Grimlord talking and raising his right hand.

Recycled, trimmed heavily


A trio of Air Fighters flies forth from the clouds, while another trio swoops in from the side.



An explosion erupts right in front and beside VR JB.


A Quantum Cruiser flies down through the clouds firing pink electricity.


Shaky cam zoom in on VR JB being bombarded and engulfed by dirt bursts.


VR JB rolls down a quarry hill, right back onto his feet.

Cuts before pan over to VR Kaitlin up on cliff.


VR JB turns to VR Kaitlin and nod-talks, she then replies and whips out her Laser Pistol, holding her's up beside his.


Zoom in on VR Ryan, still being held in a chokehold by Cannonbot.

Pushed back from source position; VR Ryan's red color pulsing effect added.


Cannonbot grips VR Ryan's head even tighter as he releases his hold on the villain's arm and clenches one hand into a fist.

Recycled; VR Ryan's red color pulsing effect added.


Close up of VR Ryan as his eyes pulse yellow, his internal gyro spins, his coils surge to life, and his mechanical skeletal fist to clench.


VR Ryan reaches up and grabs Cannonbot by the head, squeezing it.

Pushed back from source position; VR Ryan's red color pulsing effect added.


VR Ryan squeezes Cannonbot's noggin so hard, cartoonish fractures appear in it. Released so Cannonbot can clutch his own head in agony, VR Ryan gets up and punches him into flipping over.

First frame is a single frame artifact of the mechanical skeleton from before; cuts final shot before VR Ryan can break off Cannonbot's shoulder armor, then cuts follow-ups of him breaking both of Cannonbot's arms and finally twisting his head around.


Some mechanical thing turns, and VR Ryan releases Cannonbot, his head on backwards, as he falls to the ground, VR Ryan then reacting.


Cannonbot lies down, then sits back up, like he's doing sit-ups or something.

Plays in reverse at start, then plays forward; cuts follow-ups of VR Ryan running over and kicking Cannonbot's head off.


VR Ryan turns his body slightly as he stands in a grassy field.

Recycled, but first time in context.


Showing us how he got his name, a cannon rises out of Cannonbot's head-hole, and VR Ryan reacts as he fires it forth, exploding all around him repeatedly.


Fighterbot dives down firing lasers from his wings.

Recycled, per source; First frame is a quick artifact of Air Striker firing his arm missile.


An explosion erupts cliffside, as VR Ryan races by.



VR Ryan hides behind a boulder, only for Cannonbot to blow it up as he dives out of the way. He recovers and readies his fist, a quick eye flash, crack of lightning, and VR Ryan charges up his right forearm with energy from a lightning strike. VR Ryan races at Cannonbot and avoids his blasts, until he jumps up and chops into him, causing Cannonbot to crackle, collapse, and his cannon head to explode.

Shot 15 cuts before shot freezes and text appears onscreen; cuts follow-ups of gyros shutting down and VR Ryan collapsing, Cannonbot waking up, regaining his head, then passing out again.


VR Ryan stares into space.

Cuts follow-up of him wandering away from Cannonbot and to the shoreline.


VR Ryan's POV of the lake.

Altered to fit VR Ryan vision; cuts before we see superimposed image of old man.


Zoom out from VR Ryan staring out over the lake.

Cuts before Japanese text appears onscreen.


Zoom in on the Epcot of Evil.

Recycled, but unaltered for once.


VR JB nod-talks while looking upward our left, VR Kaitlin turning to him and also talking.


VRs JB & Kaitlin make their way through a mirror-walled hallway.


Zoom out as four Skugs work in a laboratory... hey, what's Doctor Who's Tardis console doing there?!


VRs JB & Kaitlin rush down a narrow, silver-walled hallway, then pass a matte painting of a circuitry wall, VR Kaitlin firing first upon the lab of Skugs, she and VR JB then begin to open fire on the Skugs, blasting them down all over the room. Finally, the pair head down another hallway.

Shot 2 adds laser beam to make VR Kaitlin fire first; cuts shot of Skug's head exploding between shots 3 & 4; shots 4 & 6 are one continuous shot in source, but split here to fill gap of cutting head explosion cut away; transitions out from final shot before woman steps out from behind corner.


Slow zoom in past the shadowy backs of the virtual mutants as Grimlord talks to them, a table in front of the mutants.

Trims start, which was recycled, this part being mostly new, though still cuts before Grimlord raises hand and shot zooms in more on him.


Sharp zoom in on Grimlord, talking as his eyes glow red, then his right fist clenches and glows red as well.

Recycled; fades to black.

Ending Credits