
VR Troopers

#12: VRT 112 "Grimlord's Challenge".

Features Footage from (bold = new):
Metalder, episodes 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 9, 12, 25, 34, & 35; and Spielban, episodes 1, 2, 3, & 21.

The complete program, from opening to end of end credits, lasts roughly 21:17;21.

Opening is about 1:00; by itself.

Ending is about 0:30; by itself.

Opening Credits

Source Description Edit Note
VRT 101.

Karl Ziktor morphs into Grimlord and materializes onto his throne.

Recycled, but cuts usual final shot.


Grimlord materializes onto his throne, zoom in from across the room to him raising his right hand outward.

Recycled, but plays in proper direction this time (still trims start to remove push in past mutants in dungeon); teleport effects added.


The assembled mutants of the Virtual Dungeon finish stepping forth and stand there in faction rows, the lense kinda smudgy.

Semi-recycled, but unaltered and runs fully for first time.


Grimlord points forth, shooting a beam of energy at us.

Recycled, trimmed.


Grimlord's energy summons an energy screen above the mutants in the Dungeon, forming an image of Colonel Icebot as he talks close with a fist raised that he slowly lowers.



Grimlord silently looks about the room.



Grimlord's energy screen above the mutants in the Dungeon shows an image of General Ivar, motioning his right hand as he talks close.

Recycled, both shots, but different composite which slows Ivar's footage.


Decimator slowly raises a fist and talks as Zelton listens.

Recycled, but tinted red for some unknown reason; still cuts before Zelton speaks.


Grimlord talks in a medium shot, then a slight quick zoom in closer on him.

Recycled, cuts before he talks more.


As the Virtual Mutants stand in the dungeon, on the right, Toxoid talks, the lense all smudgy.

Cuts before Zelton turns to listen.


Close on Grimlord talking and raising his right hand.

Recycled, trimmed heavily (split off from two shots ago, technically).


The four main Generals in front, the mutants of the virtual dungeon step forth, pumping fists in the air.

Recycled; fades to black.


As seen from the back of the room, Grimlord addresses the silent, still, and darkened crowd of Mutants.

Recycled, but stilled trimmed down to cut lingering.


Close on Decimator.

Shortened somewhat.


Brief zoom out and then slow semi-circle left around Grimlord as he speaks.

Partially recycled, but runs more fully at start; still cuts before arm raising.


The assembled crowd of Mutants in the Virtual Dungeon raise hands in excited cheer.



Grimlord talks in a mid-level shot.

Cuts follow-ups of Zelton talking.


Decimator steps forth, tapping Zelton on the chest as he faces our left, then turns to face Zelton.

Cuts before text appears; cuts follow-ups of Decimator gesturing and Hammerbot beginning to emerge.


Hammerbot steps out of the virtual chamber.

Cuts follow-up of Hammerbot in dungeon due to text onscreen.


Zelton gestures arm and speaks.

Cuts before he raises other arm; cuts a bunch of follow-ups of Invincible Blade beginning to face off with Hammerbot in the dungeon.


The Invincible Blade slowly gets into a defensive position, when Hammerbot swings his hammer his way, causing him to leap up and over Hammerbot, landing and dodging as Hammerbot swings his way, missing and hitting the ground, leaving a hole. Invincible Blade leaps up again, this time Hammerbot bops him down, causing him to flip over and fall on his back. He quickly recovers, avoiding another hammering by leaping out of the way, then changing his arms into weapon forms. Invincible Blade charges in and locks weapon arms with Hammerbot's hammer, each pacing to the side as they remain locked in combat, Blade then stabbing his blade arm at Hammerbot's head as he dodges, until he finally grabs his arm and holds him off.

Inexplicably cuts follow-up of Blade leaping up atop a chamber.


Hammerbot slams his hammer into the side of a chamber, causing Invincible Blade to fall off from atop it. He then gets up and charges forth, so in dramatic slow motion, Hammerbot hammers Blade's head, causing it to explode.

Final shot fades out; Cuts follow-ups of Blade's head falling to the ground and his body collapsing, then reaction shots of their generals and Grimlord.


Hammerbot turns around from Invincible Blade's decapitated body in the middle of the Virtual Dungeon.

Fades in from prior shot.


Medium shot of Grimlord talking a lot.

Recycled, cuts before hand raising; fades to black.


Colonel Icebot nod-talks up close.

Recycled; altered to fit Hart's staticky monitor.


General Ivar talks and motions arms.

Recycled, but cuts before he raises fist; altered to fit Hart's staticky monitor.


Close-ups of Spiderbot.

Cuts an additional one between the two; Altered to fit Hart's staticky monitor.


Zoom in on Grimlord raising his right hand and talking.

Recycled, trimmed to end; Altered to fit Hart's extra-staticky monitor.

VRT 101.

The three Trooper teens raise their glowing Virtualizers.


VRT 101.

Ryan's VR transformation sequence.


VRT 101.

Kaitlin's VR transformation sequence.

Recycled; cuts before final shot finishes.

VRT 101.

J.B.'s VR transformation sequence.

Recycled; cuts before final shot finishes.


VR Kaitlin flies up into the VR Skybase.

Shot 1 is recycled.


POV of passing through the Skybase entry tunnel.



Zoom in on Hammerbot (holding a bunny?!). VR Ryan leaps up and begins to flip over.

Night darkened; cuts third shot before he fully flips over.


VR Ryan leaps up and flips over.

Recycled for no reason, but shot 2 runs fully this time; night darkened.


VR Ryan jumpkicks into Hammerbot, causing him to stumble back into a tree, dropping the bunny.

Night darkened; cuts final shot before pan down; cuts follow-ups of bunny running away and VR Ryan watching.


Hammerbot flings a scythe at VR Ryan, who chops it aside, before the villain tosses another.

Night darkened; altered to fit Professor Hart's monitor.


VR Ryan dodges the next scythe, rolling over into a clearing, where he speaks, then blinks his scalp lights and scans Hammerbot, finding the shape of a dude within him. VR Ryan talks, then gets up and leaps up past Hammerbot, who tosses another scythe, that VR Ryan chops away in midair, but causes him to fall to the ground beside a tree. Hammerbot slams his hammer down at him, missing and hitting the trunk of tree, prompting stock footage of a tree falling to play.

Night darkened; shot 4 is recycled, per source; cuts follow-up of Hammerbot gawking at stump.


The VR Skybase flies over the camera.



Spiderbot stands in the snow, really far away.

Freeze-framed; Altered to fit Skybase monitor, which is recycled backplate footage.


Spiderbot lands in the snow, standing there moving little. VR JB, stepping up on a cliff edge above him, readies saber, extends it out and poses, as Spiderbot lurks in the smoky snowscape.

Shots 2 & 4 are recycled but unaltered; cuts follow-ups of VR JB talking to Spiderbot, then the villain readies his cannons.


Spiderbot flies straight up and fires on VR JB, bursting around him, before VR JB then leaps forth and swoops at Spiderbot, who kicks him down to the ground, then swings down and lands on VR JB, who struggles underfoot and speaks. Spiderbot reaches down and grabs VR JB by his helmet, then flings him away, where he lands in the quarry, and poses.


The VR Skybase passes to our slight left.


SPIELBAN #01 et al / METALDER #03.

VR Ryan, clutching his left leg, talks, then turns sharply to our right .

Night darkened; initially altered to fit Skybase monitor; cuts follow-up shot of the sun.


Hammerbot charges in and slams his hammer down at VR Ryan, who leaps to safety, as the hammering of the ground causes a quake.

Night darkened; used ahead of source position.


VR Ryan leaps up and lands high in a tree, so Hammerbot repeated beats his hammer on the ground until the forest quakes, the camera spins, and VR Ryan falls out of his perch. He falls onto the ground, Hammerbot charges at him and swings away, only for VR Ryan to leap up and begin to bound from tree to tree. Hammerbot gives chase, and whenever VR Ryan lands, he swings for him but misses, so VR Ryan leaps up and stays off the ground, remaining airborne.

Night darkened.


The VR Skybase flies over the camera.

Recycled again.


VR JB poses in quarry.

Recycled, trimmed to end, altered to fit Skybase monitor.


VR JB pulls out his Laser Pistol, Spiderbot opens his faceplate and fires pinkish electricity from it forth, bursting VR JB as he flies straight up, but able to fire back, blowing off both of Spiderbot's arms! VR JB falls back to the ground, a little woozy. Spiderbot's arm stumps sparkle, before he flings his back ring forth, it glows pink and ensnares VR JB.


VR JB POV of Spiderbot approaching, as VR Ryan appears in the smaller display screen.

Recycled, both shots, altered to fit VR JB vision.


VR Ryan lands on a ramp at a quarry factory, Hammerbot smashes down pillars as he climbs the ramp after him, swatting his hammer repeatedly as VR Ryan slides his way down the ramp and past the mutant. VR Ryan soon falls off and lands in the quarry, where Hammerbot finds him, the pair facing off in the middle of a road. They pace to their sides, before Hammerbot strikes, VR Ryan dodges, only to get struck in the left leg with the next blow.

Night darkened.


VR Ryan POV of Hammerbot looming there, as VR JB appears in insert display.

Night darkened; altered to fit VR Ryan vision; used ahead of source; VR JB shot recycled.


Hammerbot swings at VR Ryan, who dodges, then snags a shovel, which he uses to block the next blow, which breaks the shovel in half as he falls on his back. Hammerbot looms there for a moment, VR Ryan ditching the broken shovel, before dodging Hammerbot's next swing, causing another ground shattering. VR Ryan unsteadily recovers.

Night darkened.


The VR Skybase flies over the camera.

Recycled again.


Radar on monitor shows a mass of tanks approaching from almost every angle.

Recycled, cuts before more appear.


A trio of Air Fighters swoops down past the camera.


Quantum Cruiser fires to our upper right.

Recycled, per source.


VR Skybase is struck repeatedly by pink electricity.

Recycled, per source; split.


Continued, VR Skybase is struck repeatedly by pink electricity, but it flies on undeterred.

Recycled, per source; split from before.


Quantum Cruiser begins to turn and fly away from us.

Recycled, per source; split.


Continued, Quantum Cruiser flies away from us into the clouds.

Recycled, per source; split from before; altered to fit Skybase monitor.


VR JB struggles ensnared by Spiderbot's back ring.



VR JB POV of Spiderbot approaching.

Altered to fit VR JB vision.


VR JB struggles in his binds as shot pushes in on him.


VR JB's eyes glow.

Recycled, per source; cuts follow-up helmet beauty shot close-up.


VR JB snags his saber underneath the ring and sparkily cuts it in half.


VR JB whips saber around, extends the hilt into a second blade that fades from laser to solid, then both blades become laser charged, as he poses with it.

Recycled, per source (Sparkily colors from transformation sequence is overlayed into footage).


Spiderbot continues marching forth, armless and ringless.


VR JB stabs one Laser Lance glowing saber end forth.

Recycled, per source.


VR JB stabs Spiderbot with his extended glowing Laser Lance burstingly, then rushes forth and retracts it, before twirling it.


VR JB nod-talks quickly, then twirls his Laser Lance about, slicing upward diagonal, then downward diagonal.

Recycled, per source.


Spiderbot is energy sliced and crackles, until VR JB turns around and stands poised as Spiderbot falls and explodes massively.


VR JB continues remaining posed as the explosion behind him subsides.

Altered to fit Skybase monitor.


The VR Skybase passes below us uncomfortably close.


Two sets of Air Fighters, three by three, fly upward from the grassy ground below.



A trio of Air Fighters flank beneath the VR Skybase, followed by another trio from another direction.



A trio of Air Fighters do a barrel roll.



Air Fighters fire pink electricity, then as they pass over the Skybase, explosions erupt upon the ship.



Three Air Fighters and Ivar's Ravage Tank in flight mode swoop around and fire pink electricity, bursting the Skybase, as more Air Fighters also fire upon it with same results.



A trio of Air Fighters flies forth from the clouds, while another trio swoops in from the side.



Monitor readout says "danger!!!" a lot and the words "speed" & "alitude"(sp).



VR JB fires the button his Skybase control stick.

Recycled; mirror-flipped; supposed to be VR Kaitlin doing this here, despite her hands being in the background and VR JB not being there.


Skybase fires forth.



A couple of missiles gets close to a trio of Air Fighters, exploding them massively in midair.



VR JB fires the button his Skybase control stick.

Recycled again; mirror-flipped again; supposed to be VR Kaitlin again.


The VR Skybase fires both cannons to our right.

Recycled; mirror-flipped.


A pair of missiles fly into a cloud, causing a Quantum Cruiser to spontaneously explode massively.

Mirror-flipped; I think the very end explosion is recycled, but first time in context.


Here's the story, of a lovely hologram, who was living with two very lovely Troopers...

VR Ryan shot is the only Japanese footage here, and it's slowed, night darkened, and recycled.


Hammerbot charges in and slams his hammer down at VR Ryan, who leaps to safety, as the hammering of the ground causes a quake.

Recycled, but first time in context; Night darkened; cuts whole prior sequence of Hammerbot smashing rocks and causing an avalanche, him hitting VR Ryan, wind knocking him back, VR Ryan noticing the sun, and more facing off.


VR Ryan leaps straight up as Hammerbot watches, VR Ryan then turning as he kicks off the side of a cliff, flips down and flies back down at Hammerbot, the sun shining right into his face as VR Ryan jumpkicks into Hammerbot's head, shattering his skull, beginning to expose the blackened Japanese dude within.

Night darkened (except for the sun shining on Hammerbot shot); cuts final shot before we see blackened Japanese face fully.


Hammerbot rolls on the ground. VR Ryan picks up his hammer, then goes over to him, where he lies there, clutching at his blackened Japanese maskless face. VR Ryan slowly raises the hammer over his head, as shot zooms into his face.

Night darkened; trims start to remove Hammerbot falling down with face exposed; final shot freeze-frames as US footage plays over it, then plays in reverse when it finishes; cuts follow-ups of circuitry blinking.


VR Ryan lowers the hammer, no longer preparing to smash his defeated foe.

Night darkened; cuts follow-up of Hammerbot clutching his maskless head.


VR Ryan talks.

Night darkened; cuts before he turns his head; cuts follow-ups of VR Ryan & Hammerbot watching bunny.


VR Ryan tosses the hammer aside.

Night darkened; trims start to remove VR Ryan turning from looking to our left; cuts follow-ups of pair talking in close-ups.


VR Ryan looks down at Hammerbot, still lying on his back.

Night darkened; cuts follow-ups of VR Ryan staggering away.


VR JB readies saber.



The four main generals of the VR mutant army face Grimlord's empty throne.

Trims start.


Grimlord materializes onto his throne, zoom in from across the room to him raising his right hand outward.

Recycled; teleport effects still added.


Close on Grimlord speaking.

Shortened heavily; turns to static; Altered to fit Professor Hart's monitor.


Zoom in close on Grimlord, talking as his eyes glow red.

Recycled; Altered to fit Professor Hart's monitor.


Close on Grimlord, talking as his eyes glow red, then his right fist clenches and glows red as well.

Recycled, trims start; fades to black.

Ending Credits