#40: VRT 140 "Friends in Need".
Features Footage from (bold = new):
Metalder, episodes 1, 2, 3, 5, 6, 10, 14, 15, 16, 18, 19, 20, 29, 35, & 37; and Spielban, episodes 1, 2, 3, 6, 12, 16, 20, 21, 23, 27, 41, 42, & 43.
The complete program, from opening to end of end credits, lasts roughly 21:17;22.
Opening is about 1:00; by itself.
Ending is about 0:30; by itself.
Source | Description | Edit Note |
Slow zoom in on Ziktor Tower (smog-free). |
Recycled. |
VRT 101. |
Karl Ziktor morphs into Grimlord. |
Recycled; cuts final shot. |
Grimlord materializes onto his throne, zoom in from across the room to him raising his right hand outward. |
Recycled; teleport effects added (per reuse from VRT 112). |
The virtual dungeon chambers are open to allow the mutants within to come on out. |
Recycled. |
More mutants exit their virtual chambers. |
Recycled. |
Grimlord has his hand raised, palm outward, then points forth, shooting a beam of energy at us. |
Recycled, trimmed. |
Grimlord's energy summons an energy screen above the mutants in the Dungeon, forming an image of General Ivar, motioning his right hand as he talks close. |
Recycled, both sets of footage; cuts short. |
Grimlord talks in medium shot, pointing with his right hand toward the end. |
Recycled. |
General Ivar talks and motions his right hand, as the virtual mutants watch from behind the energy screen. |
Recycled, both sets of footage. |
Grimlord's energy screen shows an image of Terminoid in the woods. |
Background plate recycled, new insert. |
Slow zoom in as we semi-circle right around Grimlord as he talks. |
Recycled, shortened; fades to black. |
Grimlord talks, then charges up his right hand. |
Recycled. |
Terminoid extends his tongue tentacle forth. |
Altered to fit VR Lab monitor. |
Grimlord raises his right hand, palm outward, then points forth, shooting a beam of energy at us. |
Recycled. |
Grimlord's energy summons an energy screen above the mutants in the Dungeon, forming an image of General Ivar, motioning his right hand as he talks close. |
Recycled, both sets of footage; cuts short. |
Close on Grimlord talking. |
Recycled, but trimmed to end. |
Grimlord's energy shows an image of General Ivar, motioning his right hand as he talks close. |
Recycled, both sets of footage; shortened. |
On Grimlord's energy screen, an image plays of Skugs & Terminoid terrorize a couple trapped in a cage. |
Recycled background plate, new insert. |
General Ivar talks and motions his right hand, as the virtual mutants watch from behind the energy screen. |
Recycled, both sets of footage. |
Colonel Icebot talks close with a fist raised that he slowly lowers. |
Recycled. |
METALDER #01 / #14. |
Grimlord's energy screen shows an image of Horrorbot talking and pointing his harpoon. |
Recycled background plate, new insert. |
General Ivar talks as the virtual mutants watch from behind the energy screen. |
Recycled frozen eye-flash-talking shot from VRT 101. |
Grimlord talks in medium shot, clenching his right hand into a fist. |
Recycled; shortened. |
Skugs & Terminoid terrorize a couple trapped in a cage. |
Recycled, but runs more fully and unaltered (still cuts before end). |
Terminoid raises his arms and assaults the screen. |
Recycled, but unaltered; fades to black. |
An explosion begins to erupt against a black screen. |
Shortened to remove visibility of Rabid Spore; Altered to fit VR Lab computer. |
An explosion erupts in midair. |
Recycled (trimmed to remove Quantum Cruiser); Altered to fit VR Lab computer. |
Horrorbot talks and points his harpoon. |
Recycled; Altered to fit VR Lab computer. |
VRT 101. |
The three Trooper teens hold their glowing Virtualizers. |
Recycled. |
VRT 101. |
Ryan's VR transformation sequence. |
Recycled. |
VRT 101. |
Kaitlin's VR transformation sequence. |
Recycled; cuts short. |
VRT 101. |
J.B.'s VR transformation sequence. |
Recycled; cuts short. |
VRs JB & Kaitlin fly up toward the VR Skybase and enter it. |
Recycled. |
VR Kaitlin & VR JB land in their cockpit seats. |
Recycled. |
VR Kaitlin & VR JB sit in their cockpit, barely moving. |
Recycled; shortened heavily. |
VR Skybase flies to our left over a body of water. |
Recycled, per source. |
Zoom in on VR JB raising his right arm and talking. |
Recycled. |
Quick close-up of VR Kaitlin in cockpit. |
Recycled. |
POV of exiting the Skybase entry port tunnel. |
Recycled. |
VR JB flips over the camera. |
Recycled. |
Skugs & Terminoid begin to terrorize a couple trapped in a cage. |
Recycled; beginning is altered to fit Skybase monitor; splits end. |
VR JB leaps in with his saber. |
Terminoid turns around from the cage suddenly, seeing VR JB racing down the hill, kicking and striking Skugs. |
Shot 1 is split from before. |
Terminoid raises his arms and assaults the screen. |
Recycled. |
Terminoid flies into the air. |
Terminoid drops down from the trees above. |
Pinned down by Terminoid, VR JB glows, then kicks him off, gets up, goes to fight him, then Skugs rush in and he gets caught up combatting them. He grabs one's axe-wielding arm, holds it in a lock, and talks to the side. |
Trims start so you can't see JB's untransformed counterpart (but he's still visible for a frame or three). |
VR JB twists around while struggling to keep the Skug his captive. |
VR JB kicks and strikes Skugs. |
Recycled; trimmed. |
VR JB finishes stabbing a Skug, nod-talking, then releasing the Skug, before looking upward. |
A trio of Air Fighters fires while turning. |
Recycled, per source. |
An explosion bursts before VR JB, causing him to flip down a hill. |
Cuts before additional burst. |
A single Air Fighter spins as it dives and fires bolts downward. |
Recycled, per source. |
Another burst erupts near VR JB. |
Fades out; cuts follow-up of him recovering. |
Horrorbot talks and points his harpoon. |
Recycled, but unaltered; transitions in; shortened. |
Zoom in on VR Ryan standing in a sand dune. |
Close on Horrorbot, talking as he holds a trigger in his hand. |
Slowed. |
VR Skybase flies to our right over a body of water. |
Recycled, per source; mirror-flipped. |
VR Kaitlin sits in the VR Skybase cockpit by herself in a wide shot. |
Mirror-flipped so she's in the wrong seat. |
VR JB summons skyward. |
The VR Fighter Bike flies in, in Skycycle mode reverting to cycle mode. |
Recycled, per source. |
VR JB leaps up. |
VR JB flies skyward. |
Recycled, per source. |
VR JB does a flip, and lands on the Fighterbike, poses, then flies forth. |
Recycled, per source. |
VR Kaitlin nod-talks in the Skybase cockpit. |
Recycled, per source. |
A Quantum Cruiser flies away from us into the clouds. |
Recycled; altered to fit Skybase monitor. |
A fleet of five Quantum Cruisers fly through the sky. |
Recycled, per source. |
A trio of Air Fighters flies to our left out of some clouds. |
Recycled. |
Two sets of Air Fighters, three by three, fly upward from the grassy ground below. |
Recycled. |
A trio of Air Fighters flank beneath the VR Skybase, followed by another trio from another direction. |
Recycled. |
A trio of Air Fighters do a barrel roll. |
Recycled. |
VR Kaitlin sits in the VR Skybase cockpit by herself in a wide shot. |
Recycled, but unaltered. |
Quantum Cruiser fires to our upper right. |
Recycled, per source. |
VR Skybase is struck repeatedly by pink electricity, but it flies on undeterred. |
Recycled, per source. |
A trio of Air Fighters fires while turning. |
Recycled again. |
A single Air Fighter spins as it dives and fires bolts downward. |
Recycled again. |
Air Fighters burst the Skybase, before soon more Air Fighters also fire upon it with same results. |
Recycled, per source. |
VR Kaitlin raises his right arm and nod-talks, before zoom in on her reaching to her controls. |
VR JB presses the button on his controls. |
Recycled; supposed to be VR Kaitlin, whose hands are visible in the back! |
Skybase fires forth. |
Recycled, per source. |
A couple of missiles gets close to a trio of Air Fighters, exploding them massively in midair. |
Recycled, per source. |
The VR Skybase flies out of a cloud to our slight left. |
Recycled. |
Fighterbot flies above the clouds. |
Recycled. |
The VR Skybase flies out of a cloud to our slight left. |
Recycled again; cuts seriously short. |
Fighterbot fires lasers from wings downward. |
Recycled. |
As Fighterbot dives down, Air Striker flies past behind him. |
Recycled; altered to fit Skybase monitor. |
The VR Skybase flies downward over the city. |
Air Striker flies to our left, then fires both wrist missiles. |
Recycled. |
VR Skybase flies to our left as explosions begin to erupt in the sky around it. |
Recycled. |
The Skybase's control console sparks. |
Recycled. |
The VR Skybase, tilted to its right side, turns to our right. |
Recycled. |
Air Striker and Fighterbot swoop up into the clouds. |
Recycled; altered to fit Skybase monitor. |
VR Kaitlin nod-talks in the Skybase cockpit. |
Recycled, per source. |
Air Striker swooping about above before exploding massively. |
Recycled. |
VR JB presses the button on his controls. |
Recycled again; supposed to be VR Kaitlin, whose hands are visible in the back! |
Skybase fires forth. |
Recycled again. |
Fighterbot swoops about above, soon exploding massively in midair. |
Recycled. |
Skybase fires forth. |
Recycled once more. |
A trio of Air Fighters fly forth, viewed from a slightly downward angle. |
Recycled, but first time unaltered. |
A massive explosion in midair. |
Recycled; trims off usual Air Fighters. |
A trio of Air Fighters flies to our left out of some clouds. |
Recycled again. |
An explosion in midair. |
Recycled; trims off usual Air Fighters. |
VR JB shifts both of the Skybase controls and presses the button. |
Recycled; supposed to be VR Kaitlin, whose hands are visible in the background. |
The VR Skybase fires both cannons to our left. |
Recycled. |
A pair of missiles fly into a cloud, causing a Quantum Cruiser to spontaneously explode massively. |
Recycled. |
The VR Skybase passes to our slight left. |
Recycled. |
VR JB rides his VR Fighterbike to our left. |
Altered to fit Skybase monitor. |
VR JB POV of the truck ahead of him while he's on his bike. |
Altered to fit VR JB vision. |
The truck drives along, a pair of Skugs in the cab. |
The truck passes by us. |
VR JB rides his VR Fighterbike to our left. |
Recycled, but unaltered. |
The truck passes by us. |
Recycled; transitions out. |
Horrorbot stands there, nod-talking, pointing, then gesturing. |
Transitions in. |
Horrorbot swings his harpoon around overhead, whipping up a sandstorm that engulfs VR Ryan, until he rolls down a hill. Once at the bottom, he looks up at Horrorbot, who talks, before VR Ryan notices his legs are buried in the sand, struggling as he's trapped waist deep in the dirt. Spikes suddenly shoot in from all angles, creating a prison of metal bars above him. Horrorbot then fires yellow energy from his harpoon at VR Ryan, frying him and the bars. |
Transitions out. |
The truck turns to our right. |
Transitions in; mirror-flipped. |
The truck turns into a construction yard. |
VR JB on his Fighterbike follows behind. |
Trimmed; mirror-flipped. |
With Terminoid flapping behind him, General Ivar talks to the caged couple. |
General Ivar steps aside as Terminoid extends his tongue tentacle forth. |
Shot 2 is recycled, but unaltered. |
General Ivar steps back in front of Terminoid, and talks to the caged couple, spreading his arms. |
Cuts before he raises his right arm. |
VR JB rides his VR Fighterbike to our left. |
Recycled again, but finally in context. |
The truck begins firing sparks from its bumper, bursts erupting around VR JB on his Fighterbike, as he drives on, avoiding them all, and firing back, bursting the truck, causing it to swerve and crash. |
Terminoid, General Ivar, and a Skug are jolted. |
Terminoid flaps while General Ivar talks and gestures in front of the cage. |
A Skug rushes in and talks to General Ivar, who responds with a raised fist. |
VR JB parks his Fighterbike, then leaps off it and smashes through the side of the truck, rolling into it and immediately fighting Skugs, General Ivar, and Terminoid. |
Splits final shot. |
While they're dazed, VR JB rushes over to the cage, breaks off the door, shoves it at some Skugs, then enters next to the couple. |
First shot is split from before; Splits final shot. |
Continued, VR JB kicks open the back of the cage. |
Split from before; cuts before he helps them up and they escape (US replaces it). |
VR JB leaps out of the truck. |
Trims start to remove couple. |
The VR Skybase flies downward over the city. |
Recycled. |
VR Kaitlin leaps out of the cockpit, through the tunnel, then drops out of the Skypase port. |
Recycled, plays in reverse. |
As VR JB fights Skugs and General Ivar, the couple cowers, in leaps VR Kaitlin, joining in the fight. |
Trims start to reduce visibility of couple's faces; cuts follow-up for same reason. |
VR Kaitlin nods with a raised fist. |
VR JB slashes at Skugs and General Ivar. |
Trims start to remove couple. |
Terminoid drops down and lands in front of the couple. |
Cuts before we see couple's faces. |
Terminoid approaches menacingly, the couple running away, until VR Kaitlin jumpkicks him from behind. She beats on him, but he gets the upperhand and grabs her from behind. VR Kaitlin struggles, VR JB notices, breaking free from General Ivar then leaping over, doing a flip that lands a blow on Terminoid, freeing her. He urges her to see to the couple, which VR Kaitlin does. |
Cuts final shot before she leads them off. |
Horrorbot stands there, nod-talking, pointing. |
Recycled, cuts before gesturing; Transitions in. |
VR Ryan grips the bars trapping him in the sandtrap. |
VR Ryan's robotic scalp gets a shot, then his internal computer parts light up and charge to life. |
Recycled, per source. |
VR Ryan breaks the bars and shoots out from the sandtrap, bouncing off the bars, then flying straight up, flipping over Horrorbot, who reacts. VR Ryan turns around and tosses a spear at Horrorbot, who dodges, but in doing so, loses his footing and begins to fall into the sandtrap. He reaches out for help, VR Ryan rushes over, goes to reach down to assist him, when Horrorbot harpoon jabs at him, causing him to spin away. Horrorbot gets up and lashes at him, VR Ryan kicks him, then charges up his hand, then leaps up and energy chops into him. Horrorbot crackles, VR Ryan poses, then Horrorbot splits in half. VR Ryan remains standing there, talking to himself. |
Cuts before he turns around. |
VR JB turns around in a quarry, slashing Skugs left and right. |
Initially altered to fit VR Ryan vision; cuts follow-up of Skug's head exploding. |
Quick shot of VR JB slashing a Skug. |
Trimmed heavily and pushed back from source position; splits end. |
VR JB dodges a Skug's attack then slashes in return. |
Cuts follow-up Skug head explosion. |
Quick shot of VR JB slashing another Skug. |
Split from two shots ago. |
VR JB faces General Ivar, blocking blades, then Ivar sparkily slashes him, but he dodges the second strike, rolls, and jumpkicks into the General. |
General Ivar ugestures at himself, and speaks. VR JB faces him from across the quarry. VR JB gestures, pulls out his saber hilt, and extends the blade. VR JB faces General Ivar with his saber ready, so Ivar charges in, the pair meeting in the middle, where Ivar slashes him down. He slashes again, VR JB rolls under, then blocks his blade with his own, holding him off until Ivar sparkily slices down his back. VR JB gets up and turns to face Ivar, they exchange blade blows, with the General getting the upperhand and eventually knocking him on his back. VR JB blocks his sword with his saber, then gets up and continues to spar with Ivar. General Ivar and VR JB break off their blade lock, VR JB ducks under Ivar's slash, blocks his next one, then gets bopped in the back and sent falling over the edge of the cliff. |
Recycled. |
VR JB falls onto the quarry ground. |
General Ivar leaps off a hill at VR JB, who lies on the ground and rolls out of the way, then locks blades with Ivar. |
Recycled; cuts follow-ups of more fighting. |
Ivar's sword goes flying into the air. |
Recycled. |
VR JB leaps in at Terminoid, who grabs him and pins him onto the ground, before lifting him back to his feet. VR JB struggles, Generlal Ivar rushes in and slashes at him but misses, so Terminoid flips VR JB over. Terminoid extends his tongue tentacle, spark bursts VR JB, who is dazed to the point General Ivar is able to sparkily slash him. Terminoid wraps his tongue around VR JB's right arm, allowing Ivar to come in and sparkily slash his back. VR JB tries to dodge his next blow, ending up flipped over by the monster, and when he's back on his feet, Terminoid flings VR JB free into the air, where Ivar sparkily slashes him again. He falls to the bottom of the quarry, General Ivar looking down on him. |
General Ivar aims his wrist gauntlet forth, firing bolts down upon VR JB, bursting him and around him. VR JB then rolls to the side, pulls out his Laser Pistol, and fires back, bursting Ivar, before Terminoid pops up and bites VR JB's arm until he drops his pistol. VR JB gets flipped over, landing in the quarry field, with General Ivar on one side and Terminoid on the other. VR JB looks at each opponent with his POV vision. |
Surprisingly, the VR JB vision shots are not spruced up from source for a change. |
VR JB whips saber around, extends the hilt into a second blade that fades from laser to solid, then both blades become laser charged, as he poses with it. |
Recycled, per source (Sparkily colors from transformation sequence is overlayed into footage). |
General Ivar and Terminoid race forth. VR JB uses his laser lance to slash Ivar's blade, knocking him back, then turning and using his glowing weapon to trip Terminoid. When the monster recovers, VR JB stabs him sparkily, only to turn to General Ivar and when he pulls the lance out of Terminoid, he sparkily slashes Ivar until he staggers off. |
VR JB twirls his Laser Lance about, slicing upward diagonal, then downward diagonal. |
Recycled, per source; trimmed. |
Terminoid is energy slashed, crackling, then collapsing and exploding massively as VR JB poses with his laser lance in front of it. General Ivar staggers by in front of him, but VR JB readies his laser lance for any more action. |
General Ivar is flung into the air. |
Recycled. |
General Ivar mischievously covers his mouth region with both hands, then races off. |
Recycled. |
Pan left as Grimlord talks, shaking head at end. |
Recycled, still trimmed. |
General Ivar talks as the virtual mutants watch from behind the energy screen. |
Recycled frozen eye-flash-talking shot from VRT 101 again. |
Sharp zoom in, close on Grimlord, talking as his eyes glow red, then his right fist clenches and glows red as well. |
Recycled; fades to black. |