#45: VRT 145 "Who's King of the Mountain?".
Features Footage from (bold = new):
Metalder, episodes 1, 2, 6, 7, 15, 23, 26, 30, & 32; Spielban, episodes 1, 2, 3, 21, 23, 24, 26, & 42; Zyuranger, episode 3; and Dairanger, episodes 20 & 48.
The complete program, from opening to end of end credits, lasts roughly 21:12;04.
Opening is about 1:00; by itself.
Ending is about 0:30; by itself.
Source | Description | Edit Note |
Zoom in on Ziktor Tower (no smog). |
Recycled; transitions in; fades out. |
VRT 101. |
Karl Ziktor morphs into Grimlord. |
Recycled. |
The four main Generals in front, the mutants of the virtual dungeon step forth, pumping fists in the air. |
Recycled. |
As shot slowly zooms in, Grimlord talks as he slowly looks from side to side. |
Recycled. |
Decimator stands facing our left, then a side angle close on Grimlord as Decimator talks in the background. |
Recycled, start still trimmed. |
Grimlord, right hand raised, then points forth, shooting a beam of energy at us. |
Recycled; trimmed. |
Grimlord's energy summons an energy screen above the mutants in the Dungeon, forming an image of a zoom in on a drawing of a volcano with a large device attached to its top. |
Recycled backplate, new insert; slowed. |
Grimlord's energy screen shows an image of General Ivar, motioning his right hand as he talks close. |
Recycled; trimmed. |
METALDER #01 / #30. |
Grimlord's energy screen shows an image of a pan across a mountain range. |
Recycled backplate, new insert which is shortened to remove eyecatch bumper. |
Grimlord's energy screen briefly shows an image of jackhammers drilling into rocks. |
Recycled backplate, new insert, with shot 1 transitioning into full screen; cuts follow-up additional shot of more of the same. |
Grimlord's energy screen briefly shows an image of a sharp zoom in on General Ivar standing atop a cliff. |
Recycled backplate, new insert, which transitions from full screen to the smaller energy screen. |
Grimlord's energy screen shows an image of a zoom in on Rollbot standing atop a cliff. |
Recycled backplate, new insert; trimmed to remove zoom in past couple. |
Grimlord's energy screen briefly shows an image of a Rollbot standing up between two trees. |
Recycled backplate, new insert, with shot 1 transitioning into full screen. |
Grimlord talks for a moment, then raises his left fist. |
Recycled; trimmed to end; fades to black. |
ZYU #03. |
Volcano erupts! Then a different angle on volcano spewing upward magma and smoke. |
Recycled; altered to fit computer monitor. |
DAI #48. |
A volcanic eruption spews magma and lava into the air. |
Never used fully on its own in MMPR; Altered to fit computer monitor. |
DAI #20. |
Underground, plates shift as red and violet lit smoke rises up between the quaking rifts. |
Recycled (technically used months before MMPR used it); Altered to fit computer monitor. |
Grimlord, right hand raised, then points forth, shooting a beam of energy at us. |
Recycled; trimmed; fades in. |
Grimlord's energy screen appears above the mutants in the Dungeon, forming an image of Colonel Icebot as he talks close with a fist raised. |
Recycled, both sets of footage; cuts before he lowers fist at all. |
Grimlord talks in a nearly close-up shot. |
Recycled. |
Grimlord's energy screen shows an image of Colonel Icebot as he talks close with a fist raised that he slowly lowers. |
Recycled, both sets of footage; trimmed; crossfades into next shot. |
Grimlord's energy screen shows an image of a pan across a drawing of a tidal wave near a volcano. The image then changes to a zoom out of a drawing of a volcano with a large device attached to its top. |
Recycled backplate, new insert; fades in from prior shot. |
Slow zoom in on Grimlord talking straight on. |
Recycled; transitions out. |
VRT 101. |
J.B.'s VR transformation sequence. |
Recycled. |
Pan left across the misty forest. |
Altered to fit VR Visor vision. |
A human body falls through a concealed hole in the ground into darkness. |
Altered to fit VR Visor vision. |
Rollbot peers into the hole in the ground, watching us down here. |
Altered to fit VR Visor vision. |
VR JB runs forth in a cave with a spotlight being shown on him. |
Shortened; Altered to fit VR Visor vision. |
Rollbot gestures, then leaps down from above. |
Altered to fit VR Visor vision; trims start to remove onscreen Japanese text. |
A human body falls through a concealed hole in the ground into darkness. |
Recycled; Altered to fit VR Visor vision. |
Rollbot's eyes and forehead flash in the dark . |
Altered to fit VR Visor vision. |
Rollbot forehead shines a spotlight forth through the darkness. |
Altered to fit VR Visor vision. |
Rollbot fires a chest spike forth. |
Altered to fit VR Visor vision. |
A human body rolls on the ground, lit only by a spotlight. Rollbot fires another pair of chest spikes forth. |
Altered to fit VR Visor vision. |
Sparks burst, and as they clear, VR JB, glowing initially, runs forth in a cave with a spotlight being shown on him, then readies his Laser Pistol, firing it at Rollbot, bursting him. |
Shot 1 is partially recycled, but runs more fully (trimming start so you can't see his counterpart); Altered to fit VR Visor vision. |
VR JB stands up, then rushes forth. |
Altered to fit VR Visor vision. |
VR JB follows Rollbot as he exits the cave, only to stop, turn around, and gawk. |
Altered to fit VR Visor vision. |
General Ivar turns and gestures to a Skug, who salutes, then presses a button on a wall device. |
Altered to fit VR Visor vision. |
VR JB gawks. |
Recycled; Altered to fit VR Visor vision. |
Close on General Ivar nod-talking in the cave. |
Shortened; Altered to fit VR Visor vision. |
VR JB gawks. |
Recycled; reverses itself and loops back; Altered to fit VR Visor vision; fades to black. |
VR JB gawks. |
Recycled again; loops again; Altered to fit VR Visor vision; fades in from black. |
VR JB gawks. |
Recycled again; loops again; Altered to fit VR Lab monitor. |
General Ivar turns and gestures. |
Recycled; Altered to fit VR Lab monitor. |
A red indicator light blinks. |
Recycled; Altered to fit VR Lab monitor. |
Explosions erupt on a mountainside. |
Recycled; Altered to fit VR Lab monitor. |
A massive explosion erupts. |
Recycled, still trimmed to remove turret; Altered to fit VR Lab monitor. |
Close on Rollbot looking downward. |
Recycled but unaltered. |
Slight zoom in on Rollbot standing atop a cliff. |
Recycled but unaltered; trimmed. |
Rocks, pushed by Rollbot, begin to roll down from the top of a cliff. |
Recycled, per source (sort of; shot was used in VRT prior via its reuse in Metalder #17, which included visibility of Rollbot!). |
Rocks fall over the side of a cliff. |
Recycled, per source. |
Closer on the rocks falling over the side of a cliff. |
Recycled, per source. |
Rocks finish rolling down a hillside road. |
A massive rockslide rolls down the side of a mountain. |
Sharp zoom in on Rollbot atop a cliff. |
Rollbot gestures then begins to leap. |
Recycled but unaltered; still cuts text stuff prior, of course. |
VRT 101. |
The three Trooper teens hold their glowing Virtualizers. |
Recycled. |
VRT 101. |
Ryan's VR transformation sequence. |
Recycled. |
VRT 101. |
Kaitlin's VR transformation sequence. |
Recycled. |
VRT 101. |
J.B.'s VR transformation sequence. |
Recycled. |
Sharp zoom in on Slice atop a hill. |
VR Ryan leaps up and lands atop the hill before Slice. |
Cuts follow-ups of Slice unsheathing blade and talking to VR Ryan. |
Slice slashes at VR Ryan, who dodges then blocks. |
Trims start to remove VR Ryan looking our way at first. |
Rollbot lowers arms and fires blasts downward. |
VR JB nod-talks to VR Kaitlin, who responds, before he departs, leaving her to motion to the sky and summon. |
The VR Battlecruiser lands on and rides across rough terrain. |
Recycled, per source. |
VR Kaitlin flips over the camera. |
Recycled. |
VR Battlecruiser turns sharply to our slight left. |
Recycled. |
VR Kaitlin lands in the Battlecruiser cockpit, nod-talks, then brings her hands together briefly, before touching console. |
Recycled, but first in context. |
Downward angle on the VR Battlecruiser as it drives through the quarry. |
Recycled, but first in context. |
VR Kaitlin looks down in her cockpit. |
Recycled, but first in context. |
A Skug goes over to General Ivar and nod-talks to him, until he looks forth. |
Cuts before he talks more; trims start to remove pan over across Proto-Vixens. |
VR Kaitlin nod-talks in her Battlecruiser cockpit. |
Recycled; shortened to remove landing and gesturing. |
Zoom in on General Ivar standing atop a cliff with some Skugs, then a close-up of him. |
Cuts before he talks more and gestures; altered to fit VR Skybase monitor. |
The VR Battlecruiser rounds a corner while firing. |
An explosion erupts in a quarry corner near a cliff. |
VR Kaitlin, arm raised, reaches for pressing button in cockpit. |
Recycled, but first time in context; trimmed. |
VR Battlecruiser extends its cannon and fires. |
Recycled, per source. |
An explosion erupts in a field. |
Recycled. |
Smoke clears in the forest. |
Close on General Ivar speaking outside. |
Trimmed to end (previously unseen section). |
Skugs and General Ivar rush over to the smokey forest section. |
Transitions out. |
VR Ryan flips over Slice's slash, kicking him against a tree on the way over him. Slice quickly recovers, then tosses his sword at VR Ryan, who chops it down. |
Transitions in; cuts follow-ups of Slice pulling out a dagger, lunging at VR Ryan, then recovering his sword. |
Rollbot rushes through the quarry. |
Cuts follow-ups of Rollbot & a saber-wielding VR JB fighting. |
VR JB, chest smoking, stands up and whips out his Laser Pistol, firing upon Rollbot, bursting behind him. Rollbot fires back, VR JB dodges, they exchange fire repeatedly until they shoot each other at the same time, bursting one another. |
Downward angle on the VR Battlecruiser as it drives through the quarry. |
Recycled again. |
VR Kaitlin looks down in her cockpit. |
Recycled again. |
Computer schematic of the volcano with its new topper. |
Altered to fit Skybase monitor; US volcano schematic, but this is like a nesting doll of footage (US footage inside of Spielban footage inside of different Spielban footage). |
VR Kaitlin quickly crosses her right arm over her chest, then raises it, before pressing button in cockpit. |
Recycled again, but runs fully. |
VR Battlecruiser extends its cannon and fires. |
Recycled again. |
A dirt burst erupts on a cliff's edge, as another smaller burst erupts within. |
Trimmed to remove visibility of woman on edge. |
An explosion brightly expands outward until it turns into a bursting of dirt and debris. |
Recycled. |
Slice slices at VR Ryan, who leaps out of the way into a tree. He quickly jumps back down. |
Cuts follow-ups of VR Ryan taking Slice's dagger and stabbing him in the crotch. |
A Mutant Drone swings its scythe weapon's chain forth. |
Mutant Drone pulls its chain taut. |
Mutant Drone is yanked by its own chain into the air, flying across and spontaneously exploding upon hitting the ground. |
VR Ryan reacts, but quickly dodges Slice slashing at him. He then leaps up and lands on Slice, knocking him down momentarily. When both recover, VR Ryan kicks him in the neck, which dazes him for a second. Slice charges forth with his sword ready, but VR Ryan blocks, deflects, and flings him into the air. VR Ryan leaps up, a quick shot of a landmind in the ground, as VR Ryan lands beside Kaitlin's car and Slice lands on the landmind. |
Cuts follow-up dirt bursting. |
An explosion erupts in a quarry. |
Recycled. |
VR Battlecruiser turns sharply to our slight left. |
Recycled again. |
VR Kaitlin stands up to exit the cockpit in a zoom-in. |
Recycled; plays in reverse. |
VR Kaitlin flips over the camera. |
Recycled again. |
Chest smoking and holding both his weapons, VR JB stands as VR Kaitlin joins his side and both pose. |
Recycled, but first time in context, though trimmed to remove his rolling in. |
Rollbot gestures, firing his chest spikes forth. |
Yellow energy bolts rain down and burst around VR JB & VR Kaitlin. |
Recycled, but first in context; shot 2 runs fully for once. |
Rollbot curls up and turns into a ball, which bounces forth, crashing through VR Kaitlin & VR JB, knocking them down. Rollbot ball rolls back and slams into VR JB. |
Cuts three follow-ups of VR Kaitlin getting slammed by the passing ball. |
Rollbot ball lands on VR Kaitlin, pinning her down. VR JB rushes over and tosses it off of her, then helps her up. Rollbot ball rolls at them again, so both jumpkick him away. |
VR JB lands beside VR Kaitlin, turning to her and talking, she replies with a thumbs up, then looks forth. |
Recycled, but first time in context; final shot runs fully. |
VR Kaitlin & VR JB pull out their Laser Pistols and fire upon Rollbot ball, until he explodes tremendously. But as the flames clear, he rematerializes, unharmed. VR JB reacts with his saber held ready, as Rollbot, no longer a ball, approaches. |
Shot 4 is given added energy effects for rematerialization. |
VR JB whips saber around, extends the hilt into a second blade that fades from laser to solid, then both blades become laser charged, as he poses with it. |
Recycled, per source (Sparkily colors from transformation sequence is overlayed into footage). |
Rollbot races forth, spreading arms. |
VR JB stabs one Laser Lance glowing saber end forth. |
Recycled, per source. |
Upon being stabbed, Rollbot bursts, VR JB rushes forth, pulls his Laser Lance out, and twirls it. |
VR JB twirls his Laser Lance about, slicing upward diagonal, then downward diagonal. |
Recycled, per source; trims start. |
Energy slashed, Rollbot crackles, then as VR JB poses facing us, Rollbot collapses and explodes massively. |
Transitions out. |
Sharp zoom in, close on Grimlord, talking as his eyes glow red, then his right fist clenches and glows red as well. |
Recycled; fades in; fades to black. |