#47: VRT 147 "Fiddler on the Loose".
Features Footage from (bold = new):
Metalder, Opening, episodes 1, 2, 6, 7, 10, 15, 19, 23, & 27; and Spielban, episodes 3, 9, & 16.
The complete program, from opening to end of end credits, lasts roughly 21:15;03.
Opening is about 1:00; by itself.
Ending is about 0:30; by itself.
Source | Description | Edit Note |
Zoom in on Ziktor Tower (no smog). |
Recycled; fades in; transitions out. |
VRT 101. |
Karl Ziktor morphs into Grimlord. |
Recycled. |
The virtual Mutants march forth in perfect formation. |
Used from Metalder #03 onward. |
Grimlord sits on his throne talking very subtlely. |
Recycled. |
Grimlord talks in a nearly close-up shot. |
Recycled. |
Distant shot of the room full of virtual mutants watching Grimlord as Decimator finishes bowing. |
Recycled; trimmed; fades to black. |
Pull out from a robot husk on a table in front of Grimlord in the empty dungeon. Grimlord raises his right hand forth, palm outward. A device lowers from the ceiling down above the robot husk, then turns around, before Grimlord points. |
Transitions in. |
A part is inserted into the upper chest of the robot husk. |
Used ahead of source. |
The device lowers a welding tool that sparkles brightly against the robot husk. Grimlord raises his right hand forth, causing the console next to him to display an image of VR Ryan, which soon is projected onto the screen, showing VR Ryan kicking Cannonbot's head off, then kicking Hammerbot in the head. |
Cuts follow-up full-screen shot of VR Ryan's kick impacting on Hammerbot's head. |
Grimlord talks, then turns to our left. |
Push in onto a robot husk on a table in front of Grimlord in the empty dungeon. |
Recycled; shortened; plays in reverse; transitions out. |
Zoom in past the robot husk onto a talking Grimlord. |
Plays in reverse; used ahead of source. |
Zoom out from Grimlord. |
Recycled, but plays in proper direction; cuts before we see the robot husk. |
Close on Grimlord, talking quite a bit. |
Grimlord turns to our left. |
Recycled; trimmed to end. |
Close on Grimlord, talking, before pointing forth and firing a beam from his finger. |
Energy effects added. |
Close on Grimlord, talking. |
Recycled; shortened heavily. |
Grimlord fires a beam outward over the robot husk, materializing a round metal device at the end of the beam. A black gloved hand takes the round device, inserts it in the robot husk's chest, then the welding tool sparks against it. Grimlord watches silently. |
Cuts follow-ups of more VR Ryan vs Cannonbot footage. |
A beam fires from the console beside Grimlord at the device hanging over the robot, causing it to crackle, then spray a spectrum of colored energy over the husk, making its body parts glow, while Grimlord watches quietly. The rain of colors ends as Fiddlebot lies there, his body fully completed. It appears Grimlord cracks a smile. |
Fiddlebot picks up his fiddle, and begins to play it. |
Shortened heavily; cuts surrounding stuff in the dungeon with fellow mutants; transitions out. |
VRT 101. |
Ryan's VR transformation sequence. |
Recycled. |
VR Ryan jumpkicks forth. |
Zoom out from VR Ryan, standing there. |
Fiddlebot, wearing a costume, slides forth then strikes at the screen. |
Fiddlebot whips off his cloak, then spreads his arms. |
Close on VR Ryan as his eyes glow to life. |
Recycled. |
Fiddlebot's costume bits dematerialize, replaced by his evil robotic bits. |
Zoom out from VR Ryan as he faces Fiddlebot. |
Fiddlebot leaps up, flipping over and slashing his bow. |
Trims star to remove him disrobing. |
Fiddlebot slashes at us. |
Fiddlebot aims his bow our way. |
Zoom in on VR Ryan as he faces Fiddlebot. |
Recycled; plays in reverse. |
Fiddlebot raises his fiddle to his chin then begins to play it. Zoom in on VR Ryan watching nervously, fidgeting as he listens to Fiddlebot play for a moment. Fiddlebot ceases playing, then talks. VR Ryan rushes forth and strikes at Fiddlebot, but his blow is deflected, knocking him away and down. Fiddlebot taunts him, so VR Ryan leaps up, prompting Fiddlebot to do the same. VR Ryan jumpkicks into Fiddlebot, the blow bouncing off his chest, flinging him back. Fiddlebot then lands and fires music note waves at VR Ryan that burst around him. Fiddlebot slides forth while playing, and once close enough to VR Ryan, he sparkily strikes him. Fiddlebot slashes at VR Ryan, who ducks under, then throws a kick, which misses, Fiddlebot slashes a few times and misses. VR Ryan punches at Fiddlebot, but it's blocked by his fiddle. VR Ryan ducks under one more slash, rolling to the ground, where Fiddlebot steps on him. |
Energy effects added to impacts on shots 6, 14, & 20. |
VR Ryan remains pinned underfoot as Fiddlebot plays his fiddle. |
Second half of shot is altered to fit VR Ryan vision. |
Still struggling against Fiddlebot's foot, VR Ryan looks up and summons. |
A three tiered complex shifts and the bottom chamber opens up, inside the VR Turbo Cycle comes to life and drives itself down the ramp, rides off a cliff, then swoops down into a canyon, flies away from us, then comes in for a landing. |
Recycled, per source. |
VR Turbo Cycle drives forth without a driver, Fiddlebot turns to see as it approaches. |
Cuts follow-up additional zoom in on Cycle. |
VR Turbo Cycle drives right at Fiddlebot, cutting him off from VR Ryan, who recovers, then leaps up, flips over, and lands on the Cycle. Fiddlebot reacts as VR Ryan rides off on his Cycle. |
An additional shot of the Cycle riding forth is cut between shots 1 & 2; "Metalder" censored on the sidecar in shot 6; cuts follow-up of Air Striker & Fighterbot in the air. |
Air Striker flies to our left. |
Recycled, per source. |
Air Striker hovers just behind VR Ryan riding his VR Turbo Cycle on the wrong side of the road. Air Striker watches closely, as VR Ryan rounds a bend, then heads right into a tunnel. |
Air Striker barrel rolls, what else would he do? |
Recycled, per source. |
Air Striker flies while looking downward. |
Recycled, but first time in context; transitions out; cuts follow-ups of mutants firing on VR Ryan in quarry. |
Slow zoom in on Grimlord talking straight on. |
Recycled; transitions in; fades to black. |
VRT 101. |
The three Trooper teens hold their glowing Virtualizers. |
Recycled. |
VRT 101. |
Ryan's VR transformation sequence. |
Recycled. |
VRT 101. |
Kaitlin's VR transformation sequence. |
Recycled. |
VRT 101. |
J.B.'s VR transformation sequence. |
Recycled. |
VR Ryan jumpkicks forth. |
Recycled. |
Zoom out from VR Ryan, standing there. |
Recycled, but first time in context. |
Fiddlebot readies his bow and rushes past VR Ryan, striking him briefly, then turning around and firing musical notes at him, bursting the ground around him as he dodges. |
Energy effect added to impact in shot 2; transitions out. |
A pair of Skugs race forth at us. |
VR JB rushes and dives forth, flinging his whole body between some Skugs twice. |
VR JB leaps in and begins to fight the Skugs. |
Recycled, but still cuts before they fight more. |
VR Kaitlin flips over the side of a hill with Laser Pistol in hand. |
Recycled. |
VR Kaitlin landing in the quarry, kicking, chopping. |
Recycled. |
VR Kaitlin blocks a Skug's axe attack then chops him away, before whipping out her VR Laser Pistol and firing down on a pair of rifle-holding Skugs in the quarry below. VR Kaitlin quickly turns as another Skug attacks her from the side, smoking her chest on impact, so she smacks him aside. |
Recycled, transitions out. |
Fiddlebot slides forth and slashes, but VR Ryan leaps up, prompting Fiddlebot to look up, then rush forth. |
Transitions in. |
VR Ryan backflips. |
Recycled, but first time in context. |
VR Ryan lands in park, as Fiddlebot approaches, speaks, then starts playing his fiddle. |
Cuts follow-ups of VR Ryan reacting and fidgeting. |
VR Ryan leaps up, jumpkicking at Fiddlebot, who holds his fiddle forth, an energy shield blocking his foot. Once VR Ryan lands, Fiddlebot slashes at him, but he dodges and rolls away, only for Fiddlebot to start tossing energized roses his way. VR Ryan dodges them, but finds himself surrounded by the roses, before Fiddlebot tweaks his fiddle and fires a beam at the roses, igniting them into exploding around VR Ryan, who finds himself overwhelmed by their potent mist. Zoom in on Fiddlebot, now atop a hill, VR Ryan reacts, as Fiddlebot fires musical notes down at him, bursting around him as he dodges. VR Ryan stands ready, as Fiddlebot leaps down, trying to strike but missing when he dodges. Fiddlebot slashes at him, but VR Ryan flips over him, but upon landing, he has to backflip away when Fiddlebot strikes once more. Fiddlebot lashes out again, and again VR Ryan dodges, so Fiddlebot begins to play another tune, which VR Ryan stands listening to anxiously. |
Energy effects added to shots 3, 7-12; cuts follow-up side angle wide shot of the pair. |
Fiddlebot slides forth then slashes at VR Ryan sparkily, leaving him with a steaming cut on his left bicep. Fiddlebot plays some more, while VR Ryan stands there, nervously twitching. |
Transitions out. |
Against a black backdrop, Skugs motion their arms to the side, which then ignite as sparklers, with the sparkler-hand Skugs rushing at VR JB, sparkily striking him until he falls down, recovering to a crouch. |
Cuts prior stuff of Skugs tossing axes at VR JB. |
Against a black backdrop, Skugs charge at VR JB, who grips his chest. |
Recycled, but first time in context. |
VR Kaitlin blocks a Skug's axe attack then chops him away, before whipping out her VR Laser Pistol and firing down on a pair of rifle-holding Skugs in the quarry below. VR Kaitlin quickly turns. |
Recycled, cuts before more happens; mirror-flipped. |
VR JB whips saber around, extends the hilt into a second blade that fades from laser to solid, then both blades become laser charged, as he poses with it. |
Recycled, per source (Sparkily colors from transformation sequence is overlayed into footage). |
A group of Skugs race forth with axes ready. |
Recycled, but first time in context. |
VR JB stands there with his Laser Lance, letting the surrounding Skugs rush at him and strike their axes at him, only for him to leap up and away from them, them turns and slashes. |
The energy slashed Skugs crackle, VR JB slashes another one, then turns around and poses with his Laser Lance as the group of writhing Skugs crackle, collapse, and explode into colorful dust. |
Recycled, but first time in context. |
Fiddlebot slashes at VR Ryan, sparkily bashing his left forearm, sending him rolling away to a crouch, clutching his arm. |
Cuts prior stuff of more fighting between the pair; cuts follow-ups of VR Ryan watching Fiddlebot. |
Fiddlebot plays his fiddle. |
Recycled; still altered to fit VR Ryan vision. |
VR Ryan nods, then his scalp crackles with energy, . |
Trims start to remove zoom in. |
VR Ryan's inner circuit lights to life, pistols pump and crackle, and gyro spins . |
Recycled, per source. |
VR Ryan stands up, stands there, then charges up his right hand with electricity, Fiddlebot reacts, as he rushes at him, jumps up, and energy chops into him, causing him to crackle briefly. VR Ryan then punches forth, snatching his internal round capsule from inside his chest, pulling it out with sparkle results, looking at it smoking then tossing it aside. Fiddlebot spark bursts a bit. |
Cuts before he collapses to a knee; cuts follow-ups of VR Ryan being stopped from hitting him again by him lifting his fiddle, then the two talk a lot, Fiddlebot plays, then Ballistix fires on them. |
Fiddlebot bursts and explodes, while continuing to play his fiddle, until dirt erupts before him. |
Cuts follow-up of VR Ryan watching Ballistix leave. |
VR Ryan approaches the lifeless body of Fiddlebot. |
Cuts follow-up of him picking up fiddle. |
The virtual mutants all stand before Grimlord, not a single arm raised. |
Recycled; fades in. |
Slow zoom in as Grimlord talks, briefly motioning right hand from chest. |
Recycled; heavily shortened. |
Decimator stands facing our left, then a side angle close on Grimlord as Decimator talks in the background. |
Recycled, but start runs longer. |
Extreme close-up of Grimlord speaking angrily. |
Recycled. |
Close on Grimlord's left hand, clenching the arm of his throne. |
Recycled. |
Sharp zoom in, close on Grimlord, talking as his eyes glow red, then his right fist clenches and glows red as well. |
Recycled; fades to black. |